1. Internet Happenings
    1. Mrs. Liz Larzelere Spring Edition Romulus Central School
  2. Bess - The Internet Retriever
  3. Students and Teachers Using the Internet

Internet Happenings

Mrs. Liz Larzelere Spring Edition Romulus Central School

Mrs. Liz Larzelere Spring Edition Romulus Central School

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Bess - The Internet Retriever

C hildren born between 1978-1997 are members of the N Generation - that is the Internet generation. There has been negative and positive publicity about the Internet.

In preparing students for the real world it is important they learn how to use the Internet in a constructive way. Your child may have mentioned Bess when they spoke of using the Internet at school. Bess is an Internet filtering service for schools and families. It blocks inappropriate material from reaching the computers at school including certain web pages, chat ROOMS and numerous other offensive areas. Bess allows students to experience the Internet in a safe, convenient environment where they can simply point and click to facilitate exploration of the thousands of educationally valuable and entertaining sites on the Internet.

 If you have Internet access at home or the local library check out Bess and her user friendly home page at www.bess.com . You will see how simple it is to access educational information in a safe environment.

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Students and Teachers Using the Internet

 S tudents in grades 3-6 have used the Internet in many different ways. Some grades have used it to access information to do reports on space, different states and countries. Others have seen the space rover in action, art work from Australia and Japan, and ancient civilization ruins in Egypt. When students were reading books by certain authors, they went to the author’s web site and were enlightened as to the authors personal life and other books they had written.

 Most students accessed the Nagano Olympics Home page before and during the recent Olympics so that they knew the latest happenings at Nagano and read of many human interest stories of the Olympians from all over the world.

Teachers have found that the Internet has opened a whole new world full of innovative and creative lesson plans to use with their students. They have used it in their classrooms to display first hand what they are teaching in their academic areas.

 The Internet has opened the eyes of many to the global world around us!


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