1. To achieve that, what do we need to do?
      2. What do we need?
      3. Share results of above steps.
      4. Determine method of organization for resources.

April 26, 1999
The Art Program Network committee met and present were: Lou Lyman, facilitator, Mary Ann Martillotta, Mary Evelyn Hoffman, librarian, Jim Mason, Sue Lane, Dawn Schwind, Tammy Bueher, Camille Santangelo, Mary Martha Harvey
Karen Trickey was unable to come and did suggest any questions could be given to Roger Hyndman, who had done the Assessment Institute. His phone number is 518-474-5932, email RogHyndman@aol.com, according to Dawn Schwind. Karen said they are still in the preliminary stages of creating the test.
Roger is a state rep to the national assessment committee. Mary Martha feels that this is not likely to be a part of the NYS Regents, at least what she knows.
The task at hand was to prepare vocabulary terms. Discussion erupted of where to begin as there is no “test” or “syllabus.” Is this the way to go, or should there be a main listing of synopsis of what’s taught from district to district, grade to grade? Mary Martha pointed out the test is not supposed to be “content specific” but more general learning’s that are applicable to whichever content. The state will benchmark at 2 and 3 Studio Art. The teachers have been getting letters from the state way past the deadline of participating. Send them back with comments, MMH suggested.
One thing on the test will be an artist’s work, and students will have to do responses to that work.
With the Regents, schools can elect whether to do it or not. Supposedly this summer everyone will get samples of the questions. The whole point is to teach the concepts, not to a particular question.
In the ‘80s in Cdga. K-12 went over media, then vocabulary with consistent definition.
Districts here use discipline-based and conceptually-based education for art. However, there is an emphasis on concept based.
For this committee, Mary Martha steered the discussion toward the following:
State our purpose: Assist our students in achieving excellence in the standards. Jim thought this was the original idea

To achieve that, what do we need to do?

To achieve that, what do we need to do?
 identify key concepts, according to grade level clusters (elem K-6, interm 7-8, commencement      general 9-12, commencement sequence 9-12)
 identify a common vocabulary for key concepts (Design Basics, Lauer, Cdga. uses, but is looking    into another with more art appreciation), Mary Beth would be happy to share with      others
 identify key concepts related to culture
 share critiquing procedure and methods, reflection opportunities of students’ work
 identify benchmark assessments such as tests, portfolios, reflective process, grade level
 when this is done, maybe new materials and processes
(Lengthy discussion about the sequence for art courses, inclusion challenges.
Use “Use “I wonder why you.....?” questions for critiquing)

What do we need?

What do we need?
 copy of NYS standards for art
 syllabii (Mary Martha can help out with that...she will make copies for each level)
 BOCES art curriculum of many years ago
 a ClearVue Art History text
 assessment examples
Possible task for each member to bring to the next meeting...
 go through your curriculum and bring key concepts/learnings, including vocabulary

Share results of above steps.

Share results of above steps.

Determine method of organization for resources.

Determine method of organization for resources.
Mail addresses adjusted to   Jim Mason Jmason@wfmail.rcs.k12.ny.us
       Dawn Schwind dschwind2@wfmail.newark.k12.ny.us.edutech.org
Next meeting is scheduled for May 17th. The committee prefers that it be another1-4 PM for productivity. We’ll wait for confirmation from Lou.

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