January 11, 2001
    Wednesday evening’s Board of Education meeting began with announcements and committee reports from the
    Board members. Amy BennettLepel reported on the most recent SAVE Committee meeting. The Committee
    is making good progress and hopes to be done by March 1
    . Amy also reported on the plans for the next
    “What’s Happening,” due out in February; and reported on the Curriculum Council meeting she attended earlier
    this afternoon. Bill Herbert reported on the Town Board meeting he attended. The Town is beginning to
    prepare for the bi­centennial in 2002.
    The Board approved the Consent Agenda. Items included substitute teachers and support staff approvals and
    the acceptance of the Single Audit Report and Extra Classroom Activity Fund as prepared by District Auditor,
    Raymond Wager, CPA. The Board also approved Chris Castellon as High School Marching Band Director and
    Deb Ameele as High School Drill Team Instructor. Marcy Osburn, Physical Therapist, also tendered her
    resignation effective February 23, 2001. The Board accepted this with regret and best wishes.
    Under Reports to the Board, Wanda Miller, CSE Chairperson, provided the Board with a written report outlining
    the progress toward her goals and the activities she’s been involved with since beginning her new role. Wanda
    summarized programs outside of the District that she has visited and provided a program description for a
    number of those programs. She also talked about upcoming modifications to student IEP’s and summarized
    how many disabled students are involved in Academic Intervention Services (AIS). The Board approved CSE
    Case Summaries with one exception. Case #42 was tabled until a future meeting.
    Maria Ehresman, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, provided the Board with a mid­year report on curriculum
    and instruction efforts. Highlighted in the report was the Academy of Professions, a High School program
    designed to provide interested students college credit for courses taken in our High School and the Nazareth
    Graduate Program, a program being designed to assist teachers in procuring their certification in Reading.
    Maria also provided a status report on the technology project planning and her work with architects and
    engineers on program design.
    Under Old Business, the Board entered into a discussion around High School course credit. Principal, Dan
    Starr, provided the Board with information and recommendations from the High School on the topic of credit for
    the remedial labs (English, Global History & U.S. History & Government), AP course credit and credit for the
    School­to­Work Program. The Board had a number of questions on course expectations, pupil selection and
    especially student performance. While there remains some questions because of the relatively new status of
    these programs, the Board supported the High School efforts to integrate these offerings into the overall
    program. The Board continues to want to provide the most opportunities we can for our students so they can
    be better prepared for their next level of endeavor, while being conscious of budgetary constraints.
    Under New Business, Bucky Jordan provided an update on the Superintendent search and that the first round
    of interviews had been completed by the Board President, Vice President and Superintendent. The Board will
    be discussing the candidates in Executive Session. It is expected that three (3) or four (4) top outside
    candidates will join the three (3) internal candidates and move into the next round of interviews in late January.
    The Interview Committee is being finalized at this time. Deb Larson suggested that the Board consider
    sending two (2) members to the Winter Academy sponsored by NYSSBA. The Board voted to support this
    After Public Participation, the meeting was recessed to Executive Session at 9:20 p.m.

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