December 21, 2000
    Prior to the Public Session, the Board toured the Middle School. The regular meeting began with
    announcements from the Board. Gretchen Craft reported on the High School Holiday Concert and a
    meeting she attended at the Vocationa l Education Center. Amy BennettLepel reported on the meeting she
    attended with the clergy where the issue of underage drinking was the focus. Gretchen Craft and Deb
    Larson also attended. Amy also reported on the first meeting of the SAVE Committee and the plans for
    upcoming meetings. The group broke into three sub­groups that will deal with 1) Comprehensive Plan
    for School Safety, 2) Emergency Response Plan, 3) Code of Conduct. The groups will be working
    throughout the winter. Bucky Jordan reported from the Building & Grounds Committee regarding an
    elementary classroom where the heating system burst and caused damage. Deb Larson distributed a
    survey from NYSSBA and asked the Board members to complete and return it to her by the next Board
    Meeting. Bill
    Herbert commented on the last Town Board Meeting that he attended and his meeting with
    Norlyn Legler regarding her internship.
    The Consent Agenda was approved unanimously. Items included substitute teachers and support staff,
    the resignation of an eleme ntary monitor and the appointment of Alice Clark as Hearing­Impaired Student
    Interpreter for an elementary student.
    Under Reports to the Board, Dan Starr presented an update on the High School Vocational Program that
    was instituted this year on an in ­hous e basis. Highlighted was the program being taught by Dawne
    Wilkins that includes Child Psychology and student internships in the Elementary School and the ongoing
    and expanding School to Work Program, headed by Jeff VanDeusen. More than 30 students are
    participating in these two programs. CSE Case Summaries were approved after discussion in Executive
    Session. Monthly Building Principal reports were presented and commented upon. The Elementary
    Report focused upon AustraliaQuest, a 3
    grade initiative involving technology learning. Student
    comments were included. The Middle School Report highlighted Honor Roll students and progress of
    students enrolled in the AIS Program. The student fund raising effort to support the Wayne County
    Sheriff Canine Program was also recognized. The High School Report discussed the ongoing plans for
    the Academy of Professions, a partnership with FLCC to award students with college credit while
    completing their High School graduation requirements. The recent Career Day was also highlighted.
    Under Old Business the Board approved the 2
    reading of Policy 2110. The Board requested that a
    future agenda include a discussion on weighting AP/Gemini courses, credit for Lab courses in the High
    and School to Work credit.
    Under New Business the Board approved with regret the resignation of Cynthia Feder, School
    Psychologist. The Board further approved the appointment of Jan Premich as School Psychologist to
    replace the part­time opening. The Board approved Carmen­Marie LoMaglio as part­time Spanish
    teacher in the High School. In final action the Board approved unanimously the tenure appointment of
    Cathy Blakey, High School Science Teacher.
    After Public Participation the meeting was recessed to Executive Session at 8:42 p.m. to discuss teacher
    negotiations. The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 P.M. with no further action being taken.

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