December 7, 2000
    Wednesday night’s Board of Education Meeting began with a visit from BOCES District
    Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Marinelli and a discussion between Board Members and the District
    Superintendent. Dr. Marinelli has been visiting Boards of Education throughout the BOCES
    region to talk about the impact of the New York State Higher Standards, BOCES role within the
    region and how BOCES can develop better communications between local Boards and the
    BOCES Board. The sharing session lasted 40 minutes and the dialogue was brisk. After visiting
    all local Boards, Dr. Marinelli will compile the responses and share with all Boards.
    Following the discussion with the District Superintendent, the Board shared announcements and
    committee reports. Deb Larson reported on her visit to the Universal PreKindergarten Program
    which she completed with Bill Herbert. Both had positive things to say about the program.
    Bucky Jordan reported that the Park Committee was looking for a representative from the Bo ard
    to fill a spot on the Committee. Bucky was interested and the Board supported him. A High
    School student will also be appointed. Amy BennettLepel reported on preparations for the
    SAVE Committee and the first meeting, scheduled for December 14
    at 3:15 p.m. Bill Herbert
    reported on his recent trip and his visit to Special Education Schools.
    The Consent Agenda was approved. Substitute teachers and support staff were appointed. Three
    changes in appointments were approved for the Elementary School monitors. Sara Eden was
    approved to direct and choreograph the High School Musical. She brings a great deal of
    experience with her to the position.
    Under Reports to the Board, the Board approved all CSE Case Summaries presented with one
    exception. This one was remanded back to the Committee for further discussion and
    consideration. Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Maria Ehresman, presented data on the
    Math Program and new strategies that have been developed to improve student performance in
    alized standard areas. When looking at test scores of students in grades 2­8, there were
    three standard areas where improvement is necessary. Maria will be working with classroom
    teachers to focus upon these areas of weakness.
    Under Old Business the Board approved the 1
    reading of Policy 2110 and the 2
    readings of
    Policies 2300, 2310, 3100, 3140, 3210, 3230, 3241, 3242, 3260, 3280, 3300, 3310 and 3410.
    The Board also approved the Purchase Offer developed by the School Attorney to purchase a
    piece of
    property adjacent to the Middle School. The parcel, which is south of the Middle
    School, is 58 acres with some woods and much open land that would be good for further
    expansion or outdoor activities related to the curriculum. The purchase of the property would
    require voter approval. More details will follow as they become available.
    Under New Business the Board approved the AFS Exchange Trip to Georgetown, Mass. for
    February 8­11. Advisors Mr. & Mrs. DeBrine and Mr. & Mrs. Eaton were in attendance to
    discuss the trip. The Board accepted the resignation of Diane Genovese with regret and
    approved a maternity and child rearing leave for Vicki Abbott Robusto beginning in March.
    With no further action, the Board recessed to Executive Session at 9:37 and adjourned at 10:27

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