1. Name__________________________________________ Date_________

Name__________________________________________ Date_________


  Volcanoes are part of the ever-changing force that we call Plate Tectonics. Volcanoes are evidence that is used in proving that there is movement under our feet in a world that we always think is solid and free of movement. In this exercise, you will be using the Internet to discover information about volcanoes and the volcanic setting across the world. Follow all procedures, read all the directions, and answer all questions.
1. Log into my Docushare account and open the Plate Tectonics folder.
2. In this folder there is a separate folder labeled Volcanoes. Open this folder and open the URL that is provided.
3. Follow through this activity and answer the questions.
4. Once you have opened this URL, open the picture that says Volcanoes and then in the new left hand column, click on The Legend. Go through and answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper and follow the steps placed in the questions to get to a different section of the activity.

1. What is the Volcano named after?
2. Whose is the Ancient Roman's God of Fire?
3. Tell the story of Vulcan in your own words.
4. Where did the Roman's believe the smoke and fire from a volcano came from?
5. Scroll back to the top and open Structure of a Volcano from the left column.
6. Draw a rough diagram of the structure of a volcano.
7. A volcano has four parts. State these parts and define each.
8. Scroll up and open Types of Volcanoes from the left column
9. What are the characteristics used when classifying volcanoes?
10. There are 5 types of Volcanoes. What are they?
11. How are composite volcanoes formed?
12. Composite volcanoes are usually explosive eruptions. Why?
13. What are some of the strato-volcanoes that have occurred in the past?
14. How are shield volcanoes built?
15. How are cinder cones built?
16. How is the shape of cinder cones modified?
17. Scroll up and open How a Volcano Erupts from the left column
18. Why do eruptions begin and what is conduit?
19. There are 4 eruption scenarios. Describe each and what are the causes of each.
20. Define and explain the 6 types of material that fall from the volcanic eruptions.
21. Scroll up and open Hot Spots from the left column.
22. What exactly are hot spots and what popular vacation spots were built from them?
23. What happens when a hot spot forms under a continental plate?
24. How big are the flood basalts in the Columbia Plateau and what do we compare this to in size?
25. Scroll up and open Types of Eruptions. Read the page.
26. Scroll up and open Volcanic Features from the left column.
27. Are calderas formed as a result of every volcanic eruption?
28. What is cauldron subsidence?
29. Scroll up and open Effect of Eruptions from the left-hand column.
30. Distinguish the difference between Pahoehoe and AA lava.
31. Scroll up and open Prediction of Danger from the left-hand column.
32. List and describe the three methods and instruments used in predicting volcanic eruptions.
33. Scroll up and open Advantages of Volcanoes from the left-hand column.
34. Are there any advantages of volcanoes? If so, what are some of them?
35. Scroll up and open Gold beneath the sea from the left-hand column.
36. What is theory about black smokers that is circulating through science today?
37. Attach the answers to your questions to the back of the paper and turn in.

  Volcano Boy says, "Visit your local volcanic friends. Just because they are as old as dirt doesn't mean they don't need to be loved too. "

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