Directions for using DocuShare
What is Docushare?
Docushare is a program based at the Wayne-Fingerlakes BOCES that allows people to share documents. Because it can be accessed from the Internet you can share documents with people anywhere in the world, including those people we call students. They can get these documents from any computer at school or at home. If you post your assignments, worksheets, vocabulary lists, etc. then students who lose theirs can go to the DocuShare website and get a new one.
What kind of documents can be posted?
Almost any kind of document can be put on DocuShare—word processing, spreadsheet, HyperStudio projects, PowerPoint presentations, etc. However, if you are using MacIntoish computers there are some things that you need to learn before posting anything. Please see the last section labeled Notes about Files.
How do I get a DocuShare account?
DocuShare accounts are created by BOCES. To get an account you should contact your Technology Coordinator and tell him/her that you would like an account.
How do I get to DocuShare?
There are several ways to get to DocuShare. The easiest is to go to the NR-W homepage (
) and click on:
Educational Resources, then
NR-W DocuShare
You could also go to the Edutech Home Page (
) and follow the links to DocuShare, school districts, North Rose-Wolcott.
How do I login?
Once on a DocuShare screen, click on the login button near the top.
Type in your username and password— both are case sensitive—then click Login.
If successful the following screen will appear:
Click on the word “here.” This should then take you back to the orginal screen. You will then notice that the word “Guest” has been replaced with your login name.
Open your Collection to the World
You will need to start by allowing “anyone” to view your folder. To accomplish this first find your collection by going to the appropriate building and grade level/subject area in which your collection was created. Once at that collection (folder)—look for your name at the top. Click on the triangle next to the label “Edit”. Scroll down to “Permissions.”
The following screen should appear:
Here you will see that you are a reader, writer, and manager of your collection. If you check the box under reader/next to
then “anyone” can read (see) your collection. Click Update Permissions. (Without a check here your collection is invisible to all who are not marked as readers.)
Start a collection within my collection (folder):
Find your collection by going to the appropriate building and grade level/subject area in which your account was created. Once at that collection (folder)—look for your name at the top. Click on the triangle next to the label “Add”. Scroll down to “Collection.”
This will bring up a screen called Add Collection. You will need to give your collection a name and a summary if you wish. The Title is required—other fields are optional. Click “Apply” and your collection will be created.
After that screen a screen called Collection Services will appear:
This is where you edit the permissions. Click on the triangle next to the word Edit. Scroll down to Permissions.
A screen similar to this one should appear:
Here is where you can give other people access to this collection. If you wish to add others to the list, under Edit you can scroll to Add to Access List. Once the list appears—and it will take a while—you may select someone else on the list to have access. You will then need to give them certain rights to read/view or write to your collection. Then click Update Permissions.
Note: Your students would be the “Note: Your students would be the “Anyone” referred to in the list. Do not remove “Anyone” from the list. If you wish to hide the collection from them simply made sure that “Anyone” is not a reader of the collection.
How do I post a file?
Find your collection (folder) in which you would like to post your file. Then click “Add.” Scroll down to File.
Click on Browse to find the file you wish to post. Highlight that file and click OPEN. This will place your file’s name and path in the first box. In the Title box place the title that you wish students to see when they view your collection. Scroll down to the “Apply” button and click it. Unless you are involved in a BOCES working group—ELA, Math, MST, etc.—many of the boxes in between will not be relevant to you. Leave Max versions at 4.
How do I delete something from DocuShare?
Next to each file and collection is an icon of a push pin.
If you click on this icon a screen for Collection Services will come up. Under Edit you will find Delete. Clicking on this will bring up a Confirm Delete screen. Make sure that you are deleting just a file and not the whole collection (unless of course you want to delete a whole collection.)
Notes about Files
Files are computer-generated documents (e-documents). They can be Word documents, Excel Spreadsheets, AppleWorks documents, PowerPoint presentations, HyperStudio projects, Web Addresses, calendars, etc. There are two things that you need to know.
All documents posted on DocuShare are required to have a three-letter extension on their file names. PC users do not need to worry about these because all Windows programs automatically add them to your file names. Apple users on the other hand need to add these extensions manually. All AppleWorks files need to have .cwk added to their names. All HyperStudio files need to have .stk added to their name. In addition, file names should not contain any periods (other than the period with the extension) nor any of these symbols: / \ , * . This syntax will confuse a PC. These extensions are necessary for the receiving computer to open the correct program for viewing.
Not all computers will have the necessary software to view the AppleWorks files that you post. Therefore, it might be wise to post all of your files in HTML format. This will guarantee that anyone could read them. To do this—when saving the file just above the place where you give your file a name, there is a box under where it says Save As—it probably says AppleWorks—click on the triangle and choose HTML from the list
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