September 14, 2000
    Wednesday evening’s Board of Education Meeting began with Board announcements. Bucky
    Jordan reported on a recent Town meeting regarding the Town Library relocation, an upcoming
    Park Committee meeting and a scholarship update. Gretchen Craft commented on the 9
    orientation, opening day and the High School Open House, all of which she attended. Amy
    BennettLepel reported on opening day, the staff picnic, High School Open House and Perfect
    Attendance certificates that are ready for distribution. Deb Larson commented on the staff
    picnic, opening day and the letter to the Democrat & Chronicle written by John Connors. Bill
    Herbert reported on opening day, the picnic, work completed on the playground, his addressing
    the High School students on scholarships and correspondence received.
    The Board approved the Consent Agenda which included substitute teachers and support staff,
    some extra curricular appointments and two teacher aides.
    Under reports to the Board, the High School Planning Team presented their Action Plans that
    were developed over the summer. Principal, Dan Starr, introduced the first plan that focused
    upon developing a mentor program that would assist seniors that were at risk of failing any
    courses that would jeopardize graduation. Judy DiClemente presented the second plan that dealt
    with improving communications between home and school. Carl Comstock highlighted the third
    plan that dealt with monitoring Academic Intervention Services, which is an extra help program
    for students who are at risk of not passing State assessments and the increased graduation
    requirements. CSE Annual Reviews and new referrals were voted upon with two Board
    members voting positively, two members voting negatively and one abstaining. The cases were
    tabled until Executive Session after which all outstanding cases were approved unanimously.
    Under Old Business Board President, Bill Herbert, presented and reviewed the timeline that has
    been developed for filling the position of Superintendent of Schools. It is expected the new
    Superintendent will begin his/her duties next summer. President Herbert also briefed the Board
    on how Policy reviews will be conducted this year. The Board will be reviewing three sections
    of the Policy Manual, with the first section being done at the October 11
    Board Meeting.
    Under New Business the Board approved a biology textbook for the extended classes. Accepted
    was the resignation of Middle School Speech Teacher, Sarah Drahms. The summer census
    report was reviewed with Steve Parker. An external High School diploma was awarded to a
    Williamson resident who recently completed requirements through BOCES. The Board
    approved membership to the Genesee Valley School Boards Institute for the current school year.
    The Board approved Amy Bechtold as Speech Teacher in the Middle School and accepted the
    child rearing leave request from Kim Martin for the current school year. New teacher
    representatives to the CSE were approved. Assistant Superintendent for Business, Mike Stitt,
    informed the Board of rising energy costs and how this will impact our current budget. The
    Board supported efforts to conserve.
    Upcoming meetings were highlighted. The meeting was recessed to Executive Session at 9:10
    p.m. and adjourned at 10:52 p.m. with action on CSE items being taken.

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