Monday, September 25, 2000
Monday, September 25, 2000
This Week!
Since the beginning of the school year we have been trying to focus more and more not just on the recognition of the vocabulary that I have been introducing, but also on retaining the correct spellings. As you review the vocabulary at home encourage the children to also spelling the words to you. Keep in mind that the words that the children bring home on Monday, are the words that I will be introducing during the week.
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This week we will be reading the great story entitled The Storm. This story takes place during October, right in the middle of hurricane season. We will be talking about storms, what cause them, and the different types of storms. We will also be focusing on learning the specific names for different types of clouds. I can’t wait to see how many types of clouds they will be able to identify as we come back from the playground each day.
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School Pictures
School pictures are scheduled for this Thursday, September 28. You are more than invited to drop in before our 9:25 sitting to check your son’s/daughter’s hair and clothing. Retake day is scheduled for November 16th.
Open House
Open House is scheduled for Thursday, October 5th. Please mark your calendars. I am looking forward to talking with you, viewing the children’s work and giving you an overview of our programs.
Web Site
Web Site
Please drop me a note letting me know if you were able to access the website. The website is
(1) click on Elementary School, (2) Click on staff members & (3) Click on Mr. Verdine listed under Second Grade. The trial period will run for the month of September. With high interest I will continue to place the newsletter on the web.
I want to extend an invitation to all parents that would be interested in volunteering during “Writing Workshop†(8:30 – 9:15 M-Th), “Reading Workshop†(1:30 – 2:10 M-F) and “Computer Lab†(Friday, 8:55 – 9:30). Drop me a note if you are interested.
Fire Prevention Week
Fire Prevention Week will be observed during the week of October 10th. During that week the children will be completing many activities that deal with fire prevention.
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