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    Telephone Numbers:
    Elementary School
    Middle School
    High School
    Business Office
    Superintendent’s Office
    Bus Garage
    CSE Office
    SCHOOL for the 2000­2001 school year. Please
    read and post this Newsletter and make use of the
    Student Information Sheet
    Students will receive an Informa­
    tion Sheet which they will bring
    home the first day of school.
    Please complete this form and re­
    turn it to school as soon as possi­
    ble. In addition, there is a form
    asking for names of those people
    who will have permission to pick
    up your child from school.
    these individuals will be al­
    lowed by pick up your child
    from school.
    This list can be
    updated at any time throughout
    the school year.
    So very important
    – Student
    attendance in school is critical
    for maximum progress to result.
    We are requesting your assis­
    tance to help us reach our goal of
    increasing student attendance
    rates this year. Please encourage
    student attendance unless illness
    prevents. It is vitally important
    that students arrive on time (
    later than 8:55 a.m.)
    to start
    their day.
    Williamson Elementary School
    Change of Address, Telephone Number and/or Place of
    The school needs to have up­to­date information so we are able to
    communicate with you. If you have changes in residence, work, and/
    or telephone numbers please be sure to let us know.

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    Staff Changes
    Staff changes for the 2000­2001 school year in the Elemen­
    tary School will be as follows:
    Mr. Ian Thomas
    ­Special Education Teacher
    Mrs. Jodi Barnes
    ­K­1 Communications Class
    Mrs. Susan MacWhorter
    ­2­3­4 Communications Class
    Mrs. Paula Dobesh
    ­Speech & Language Therapist
    Miss Shannon Tipper
    ­Speech & Language Therapist
    Mrs. Carol Fox
    ­3rd Grade Teacher
    Miss Anna Carey
    ­Reading Teacher
    Mrs. Barb Tomeno
    ­1st Grade Teacher
    When Your Child is to be Picked
    Up During the School Day
    To insure the safety of each child and to
    minimize disruptions in our educa­
    tional program, we ask you to follow
    these steps when removing a child from
    school during the day.
    Complete and return to the
    Office the Pick­Up
    thorization Form (this is es­
    cially important if someone
    than parents pick up the
    Send in a note with your child
    that you plan to pick up your
    child early.
    Report to the Nurse’s Office and
    ask for the release slip.
    Go to the child’s classroom to
    pick up child.
    Give release slip to teacher.
    If you return the child to school
    that same day, please go to the
    Nurse’s office with your child for
    We welcome visitors to our school!
    We ask that you park in the Parking Areas and proceed to
    the Main Office. Please sign in and pick up a
    Visitor’s Pass
    for your time in the building. As you leave, please sign out
    and return your
    Visitor’s Pass
    If you are bringing items to school for students, please drop
    them off in the Main Office. We will see that they are deliv­
    ered. This will reduce interruption of instructional time in
    the classroom.
    School Lunch
    Lunch is served daily in the Elementary School. All students will be eating in the cafeteria.
    Hot Lunch
    $ .30
    All money for lunches brought to school by students should be labeled with student name, amount of
    money, and purpose (
    lunch money
    ) noted.
    Free and Reduced
    lunches are available for those chil­
    dren whose family meets the criteria. Forms and information are sent home the first day of school
    and are available in each building.
    Most of our classes have a mid­morning snack. We suggest nutritional snacks such as apples, pears,
    bananas, raisins, etc. Avoid sweets such as candy bars, cake, and cookies.

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    A Summary of Current Compulsory Attendance Law
    Children who turn six (6) on or before December 1 of the school year must attend
    school from the start of classes in September of that school year. Children who turn
    six (6) after December 1 must begin school no later than the first day of session the fol­
    lowing year.
    Children who turn sixteen (16) during the school year must remain in school until the
    end of that school year.
    In districts that elect to raise the compulsory age to seventeen (17) pursuant to Section
    3205(3) of the Education Law, attendance is required until the end of the year in
    which the student turns seventeen (17).
    Ride a Bus to Open House on
    Thursday, October 5!!
    To reduce the confusion in the parking lots and to
    provide a more convenient way for you to get to our
    Open House, the Transportation Department will
    be providing busing again this year. The buses will
    run continuously from the high school parking lot
    and from the parking area behind IGA Supermarket
    5:00 until 8:00 p.m.
    , allowing you to arrive
    at the school door and return to your vehicle.
    The Elementary School Open House with visitation
    to the classrooms will be
    6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
    See you there!
    Open House
    Our “Get Acquainted” Open House for
    the Elementary School (Grades K – 4)
    is set for
    Thursday, October 5,
    from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
    This affords
    families the opportunity to meet teach­
    ers and visit various classrooms, in­
    cluding special classes and remedial
    K – 4 ABLE Team – 2000­2001 Goals
    The Elementary School along with the entire school district develops annual school improvement
    plans. This process helps coordinates the variety of excellent education practices currently exist­
    ing under a common plan. It involves cooperation and commitment on the part of administrators,
    teachers, support staff, and parents.
    The ABLE Team consists of:
    Cyndi Cappon
    Parent Representative
    Gloria Decker
    Support Staff
    Sandi Gardner
    Grade 2
    Sue Gregg
    Grade 4
    Judy Hoefen
    Grade K
    Becky Lisy
    Joan Miller
    Grade 3
    Karen Fitzgerald
    Parent Representative
    Dan Schoonerman
    WFA Rep
    Mary Thomas
    Grade 1
    Anne Ressler

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    Focusing on Respectful Behavior
    Over the past 5 years the staff of the Elementary School have researched, designed, and piloted
    various program ideas dealing with the issue of civil behavior.
    By civil behavior we mean the
    way one person treats another … the respect, regard, and concern for others ex­
    pressed in various social behaviors.
    There has been growing concern about the lack of civil­
    ity in the exchange between students. These concerns mirror the concern expressed throughout
    our society regarding the inconsiderate and disrespectful behavior increasingly experienced by
    our citizens. In response to this we have instituted a BE WISE Program that teaches and rein­
    forces civil behavior in school.
    BE WISE Program
    will be expanded to include specific focus on desired behaviors. Each
    week one specific behavior will be discussed during morning announcements and will be rein­
    forced by teachers throughout the day. Below you will find the list of specific
    we will focus on during the course of this school year.
    Weapon­Free Schools
    Recent state legislation reinforces an existing
    prohibition against the carrying of weapons on
    buses, school grounds, and/or into school
    buildings. The term weapon is defined as “any
    weapon (including a starter gun) which will or
    is designed to or may readily be converted to
    expel a projectile; the frame or receiver of such
    a weapon; any firearm muffler, or silencer; or
    any destructive device.” Very severe penalties
    have been written into the law including one
    year suspension from school.
    Please take any possible precaution to insure
    that your child does not have access to any
    weapons which would then be carried to
    No Smoking
    A recent state and local regula­
    tion prohibits smoking, by any
    person, on school grounds.
    School grounds includes school
    buildings, playing fields, drive­
    ways, and parking lots. Your
    cooperation in adhering to this
    regulation is appreciated.
    Five Be Wise Rules
    Respect Yourself, Adults,
    and Other Students
    Cooperate and Be Helpful
    Respect the Property of
    Be Friendly and Kind
    Respect the Space of Others

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    Who To Contact If . . .
    Your child is sick or has been hurt.
    K – 4 School Nurse – Mrs. Plyter, 589­9668, ext. 112
    Your child is having problems on the school bus.
    Transportation Supervisor – Mrs. Weber, 589­6901
    or K – 4 Principal – Miss Ressler, 589­9668, ext. 110
    Your child is struggling with assignments.
    Classroom Teacher, 589­9668
    Your child is having problems on the playground.
    Classroom Teacher, 589­9668 or
    K – 4 Principal, 589­9668, ext. 110
    Your child seems unhappy (over a period of time).
    Classroom Teacher, 589­9668
    or School Psychologist – Mrs. Seniuk, 589­9668, ext. 127
    or Home/School Counselor – Mrs. Decker, 589­9668, ext.
    Your child’s placement in Reading or Math seems wrong.
    Classroom Teacher, 589­9668
    or K – 4 Reading Teacher – Mrs. Kane, 589­9668, ext. 132
    Your child is experiencing speech or language­related problems.
    Speech Specialist – Mrs. Salitan or Miss Tipper, 589­9668,
    ext. 142
    Goldenrod Rule
    Over the past several years, the Elementary School has used the deep mustard yellow
    paper (Goldenrod) to indicate a
    need for you to read, sign, and return.
    when you see the mustard yellow in your child’s backpack, please take the time to
    read, sign, and return.
    Thank you.
    K – 4 Staff

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