This Week!
Each week you will be receiving the story or stories that we will be covering during the week. They are sent home so that you can practice with your son/daughter. When you receive them, we may have however, only covered the first few pages of the first story. We will cover each story thoroughly by the end of the week. Flashcards are also provided, so that you can cut them apart and practice them at your leisure. These words will eventually be used as spelling words. Please complete the sheet provided, stating that you have read the stories together and reviewed the flashcards. We will be keeping a chart in the room. Children that complete all requirements will be treated to a special event during the Christmas Season. This week we will be covering two great stories. The first is entitled “One Hundred Is A Familyâ€. This story begins with a single unit family and end ups with a very large extended family. During the story we get the opportunity of witnessing many great activities that they participate in. Our second story is about a little girl who has to follow the “note clues†to find out where her birthday party is. Enjoy finding out where Katie’s party is.
School Pictures
School pictures are scheduled for Thursday, September 28. Please be sure that your order is received by Lifetouch, no later than Tuesday, September 19th , if you are planning on ordering. Retake day is scheduled for November 16th. We will try to schedule an early sitting so that your son’s/daughter’s hair and clothing still look great.
Order forms were sent home the first day of school. Please send in a note if you are in need of another form.
Open House
Open House is scheduled for Thursday, October 5th. Please mark your calendars. I am looking forward to meeting you and giving you an overview of our programs.
Book Order
Attached you will find a copy of our first book order. Owning a book of your own helps to spur interest and a love of reading in young children. Therefore, we will provide you with many opportunities to order books during the course of the year. The current book order will be due this Friday, September 22nd. If ordering, please submit payment at the time you return the order form. Payment can be made either by cash or a check made payable to Scholastic Book Club.
The newsletters will be sent home each Monday or the first day of the week. Please encourage your son/daughter to be careful in getting it home to you, so that you can keep informed about the academics of the week and upcoming events.
Web Site
Web Site
This year I am going to post the newsletter on the school’s website. It should be posted no later than Friday afternoon. Please write me a note if this is helpful to you. The website is
The trial period will run for the month of September.
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