Williamson Middle School Student Guidelines
    All accidents should be reported to the Health Office.
    Detentions assigned by the classroom teacher or support staff member will not be counted toward step. This
    And Class
    detention should be served with the assigning teacher or staff member. Detentions assigned by the principal will
    be called administrative detention and will count toward step. This detention will be served in the detention room.
    It is to the student's advantage for the student to serve the detention assigned by the teacher or staff member with
    that teacher or staff member. Our goal is to get the student to go the classroom teacher and learn the material: If
    a student fails to serve teacher detention, the teacher or staff member may recommend to the principal that
    administrative detention be assigned. They will be assigned two detentions for every detention not served. These
    administrative detentions will count toward step. Students who have a conflict serving detention should go to the
    teacher, staff member, or to the principal's secretaries and respectfully request that it be postponed to another
    date. We will judge each request to postpone a detention on its individual merit.
    If a student has been absent parents are expected to send a written note with the student the day the student
    returns. The student should present the note to the nurse in the health office and pick up his or her attendance
    card and return it to their homeroom teacher. Students who fail to bring the necessary note to school, after a
    period of one week, will have the absence remain as an illegal absence.
    Behavior And
    It is expected that students will conduct themselves in a responsible manner, respecting the rights, privileges and
    property of others. Students are expected to obey ANY teacher, supervisor or other staff member at
    is extremely important that students recognize the authority of teachers, study supervisors, bus drivers and other
    staff members. Willfully refusing to obey any staff member may result in the student being placed into the disci
    plinary Step System.
    Students are reminded that for safety reasons no glass containers or resealable containers are allowed in school.
    If students bring soda to school they must bring it in a non­resealable aluminum can.
    Bicycle racks are provided for students who wish to ride to and from the Middle School. It is strongly recom
    mended that students use these racks and lock their bicycles.
    For safety, it is extremely important that students riding bicycles conduct themselves courteously and follow traffic
    Students who violate safety rules when riding bicycles will be given a warning. On the second report of a violation
    the student's bicycle riding privilege will be suspended.
    Students should also be aware of, and follow, the Board of Education rule against snowmobiles, mini­bikes, dirt
    bikes, ATV'S, ATC'S, and motorcycles. These vehicles should not be ridden or brought to school.
    Just a reminder, it is New York State law that children wear bike helmets to reduce the risk of head injury. Student
    riders on school property are expected to wear their helmets.
    Bus Passes
    When students are planning to go anywhere after school that is not their regular routine, a note from the parent
    should be brought to the office for the protection of the student. "Note: Students who ride the late bus will not
    necessarily be dropped off at the door of the home they are going to. They may need to walk a short ways to their
    destination. This is due to the fact that the number of buses used on a late bus run are not the same as a regular
    bus run.
    Students are expected to: Stay in their area of the cafeteria. Use appropriate table manners. Cooperate with
    adults. Leave their area clean. Walk in the cafeteria.

    1. Be on time and be prepared. 2. When you hear or see
    the signal, listen. 3. Do not chew gum or eat snacks. 4. To
    answer, raise your hand. 5. Be considerate. 6. Stay in your
    seat until the passing bell rings.
    a. Disruptive classroom behavior
    b. Disorderly or inappropriate behavior in halls, lunchroom, gym
    c. Chronic lateness to class, homeroom, school*
    d. Failure to attend class*
    e. Disrespect to, or insubordination towards, staff members
    f. Misbehavior anywhere on all school grounds and buses
    g. Other incidents as determined by the principal and/or the assistant principal
    *behaviors will not lead to out of school suspension.
    Type II Incidents:
    These are very serious behaviors that will result in a three to five day out­of­school suspension plus movement along the
    Steps in accordance with Board of Education Policy #7470.
    a. Smoking
    b. Use of, or possession of, drugs or alcohol
    c. Violation against public health or safety
    d. Use of obscene language, or gestures, to staff members
    e. verbally or physically harassing or abusive behaviors
    f. Violation against property
    g. Fighting/assault
    h. Possession of a weapon
    i. Stealing or extortion
    j. Refusal to comply with administrative procedure
    k. Other incidents as determined by the principal and/or the assistant principal
    Students are expected to be aware of special rules in individual class­rooms. However, there are rules common to all
    1. Detention starts at 2:16 PM promptly and ends at 2:55 PM. 2. Detention is a consequence for inappropriate
    behavior. Talking and pass privileges are not allowed. 3. Students must bring enough work to do to last the entire
    detention period. If all work is completed you must bring a book to read. 4. If the student comes to detention
    unprepared, the detention monitor shall assign work. 5. Food, gum, candy, and beverages are not allowed. 6. Any
    material or objects not considered appropriate for school work shall be confiscated and turned into the principal. 7.
    Failure to follow the rules will result in further disciplinary action including movement along the step system.
    Type I Incidents:
    Examples of unacceptable behavior:

    Nothing in this handbook is designed to interfere with the rights of students with disabilities under either Sec. 504
    of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Part 200 of the NYS Commissioner of Education's
    We are required by law to have a minimum number of various drills throughout the year. These drills are treated
    as a serious matter so that students and teachers will be ready in case of a real emergency. During these drills it
    is necessary for students to carefully follow the directions of adult supervisors.

    Fees For
    Books And
    Guided Study
    Study Hall
    Gum And
    Candy In
    For Parents And Students
    1. Students should have a place set aside at home to work on homework. 2. In the area where homework is being done: there
    should be a dictionary, there should be pen, pencil and paper; and you should consider the learning styles of your child when
    establishing a homework environment. 3. We strongly recommend that parents monitor the types of television programs
    students watch, the video games they play, the music they listen to, and the material they are exposed to over the internet.
    The ratings placed on most of these materials can help parents determine the appropriateness of them.
    4. Each teacher has their own homework policy. Students and parents should have a copy of this and the
    The Board of Education has adopted a policy which provides free textbooks for all students in the school system. Workbooks
    are provided to students through grade six. Workbooks and newspapers for students in grade seven and above must be paid
    for by the student. It is important to note that since textbooks are provided without charge, students must take good care of
    these materials. Students who lose or damage books or are negligent will be required to pay for the cost of a replacement or
    for rebinding. This is at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
    The purpose of school is teaching and learning, and study halls are an important part of that goal. Students will bring
    necessary materials to study hall to:
    a. work on homework assignments
    b. concentrate on subject areas needing remediation
    c. seek the help of the study hall teacher whose primary role is to guide the student in the learning process
    The following universal rules apply to study halls at the Williamson Middle School:
    1. Be on time and in assigned seats when the bell rings. 2. Sit quietly in the assigned seat. Talk only when you have
    permission of the study hall supervisor. 3. If you are late you must have a pass. 4. Be prepared to work. You are expected to
    bring sufficient work for the period. 5. No food, gum, candy or beverages are allowed. 6. Materials or objects considered not
    appropriate as school work will be confiscated and turned into the building principal. 7. Students will not be excused to
    another student without a presigned pass. 8. No more than one five minute pass per person will be approved in a study hall
    period. 9. These passes are for the purpose of using the lavatory or locker. 10. With the exception of a presigned pass to
    another teacher, you must return to your study hall before going to your next period. 11. No more than five library passes will
    be given by a study hall teacher. 12. Students having a pass presigned by a staff member to do necessary work in the library
    (research, term papers, etc.) will be given priority.
    Purpose: The purpose of study hall is to provide students with an opportunity to work on homework, do research, or read for
    their personal enjoyment. It is our philosophy that all students can benefit from this structured time if they use it wisely. Our
    feeling concerning study halls is that they are important enough to become a pass/fail course. Therefore, we have amended
    our policy accordingly. The specific criteria for passing study halls will be given to you by the study hall teacher.
    Sometimes rules begin to sound a little frivolous, we have found however, that there are always a few irresponsible students
    who spoil a privilege for everyone. Gum and candy are an example of this. Because we have had to remove gum and candy
    from the rugs and floors and other student's clothing, it has become necessary to revoke this privilege. Candy is permitted,
    but only as part of a student's lunch and should be consumed in the cafeteria.
    Home study is a necessary part of each pupil's educational program. Each student must be expected to spend some time in
    addition to scheduled class instruction to achieve satisfactory work. Some assignments are long range in nature and require
    planned study time for their completion. Planned study eliminates the necessity of spending too much time in completing
    an assignment the day before it is due.

    assignment notebook or assignment sheets for the study area.
    Internet Use
    The internet is a powerful tool for learning and, used appropriately, can speed research and enable students to
    secure information they previously couldn't. However, it can also be used inappropriately. Consult the handbook
    mailed to your parents for the complete Board of Education policy that applies to students and staff.
    Leaving The
    We are concerned with the safety of all students. For this reason we need to be aware when students will be
    leaving the building during the day. We appreciate your continued cooperation in this area.
    School Hours
    1. All permission to leave the Middle School building must be authorized by the school nurse or principal.
    2. Students who leave the building must sign out in the health office. When they return to school they must
    sign back in at the health office.
    3. Medical appointments should be made, if possible, after school hours.
    The library is an important part of our program since there is a wealth of knowledge and many books, magazines,
    etc. to enjoy. To get permission to visit the library, merely ask your teacher for a pass, or sign out of study hall.
    Because many students need to use the library, there are some special rules which apply there.
    1. The library is not a study hall. It should be used by students when there is a need to do resear
    or when they wish to use the materials in the library.
    2. Students are expected to be quiet in the library so that others may do the work they need to do.
    3. Rules for borrowing books from the library:
    a. All students in the school are entitled to use the library and to borrow books.
    b. Reference books such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, are to be used only in the library.
    c. Reserved books may be borrowed for one period, or at the close of schoo
    l, and must be returned
    before the first class the following day.
    d. All other books may be retained for two weeks. Fines are assessed for overdue books.
    e. Damage to books beyond reasonable wear, and all losses must be paid for at the replacement
    value of the book.
    f. Books should not be taken from the library unless they have been checked out.
    Students in the Middle School will be assigned gym lockers and combination locks by their physical education
    teacher. Coat lockers and combinat
    ion locks for six, seventh and eighth grade students will be assigned by
    homeroom teachers during the first two weeks of school. Combination locks must be turned in at the end of the
    school year. Students will be required to pay for a replacement lock if
    it is not turned in.
    It is the student's responsibility to keep the locker neat and secure at all times. Students should not give their
    combinations to other students for any reason! The school is not responsible for items lost from student lockers.
    ems of value should not be brought to school and left in lockers. Students who wish to change locker combina
    tions will be charged a fee of $ 1.00 each time this is done!
    Lost And
    Items found in school should be brought to the RWR room. Each year we have a large quantity of clothing and
    personal items turned in that cannot be returned because the owner's name does not appear on the item. We
    strongly recommend that all personal items be clearly marked so they can be reclaimed when lost. The
    son Central School District is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. We will, however, make a
    sincere attempt to help students recover property.
    Pass System
    In order to allow students to go from one place to another without being accompanied by their teachers the pass
    system was developed. Students in good standing may sign out to various places and receive permission in the
    form of a written pass from their teacher. If students abuse school rules the privilege to use the pass system may
    be suspended by any teacher or supervisor. Any student in the halls at any time other than normal passing of
    classes must have a pass signed by their teacher.
    No individually owned radios, record players, cassette tape recorders or disc players are permitted during school
    hours. The school is not responsible for any of these items of personal property.

    The Restricted Work Room (RWR) is designed to provide a positive structure by which the student can correct
    Work Room
    behavior and improve learning. It is meant to be a place for the student who demonstrates an inability to properly
    remain in class and is an alternative for sending a student to the office. RWR provides a more effective way of
    having the student focus on misbehavior and ways of correcting it. This will require the student to deal with the
    problem, find a solution, and become a more responsible school citizen.
    Sequence of Procedures:
    1. The student continues to act inappropriately in class.
    2. The sending staff member tells the student to report to RWR.
    3. The staff member calls RWR and notifies the supervisor that the student is coming up for the remainder of
    the period.
    4. Upon arrival the supervisor hands the student the Student Disciplinary Form to complete.
    5. After the student completes the form and signs it, the supervisor will review it with the student.
    6. The supervisor places the form in the sending staff member's mailbox.
    7. At the end of the day (or at a time scheduled with that staff member) the student is to report back to the
    sending staff member where the incident will be discussed and the student will make up any
    missed work from that class. If no agreement is reached between the student and staff member
    regarding the RWR contract, the matter may be referred for administrative detention or step. If the
    student does not report back to the sending staff member or make appropriate arrangements with the
    staff member, the matter will be referred by the staff member for administrative detention.
    8. Another change in our RWR policy is that a copy of the student contract will be sent home to parents for
    their signature and returned to the school.
    School Dress
    We have no formal dress code and prefer not to. A student's appearance is a reflection of how he or she feels
    about themselves. Students are requested to dress neatly, be clean, and to show good taste in their appearance.
    State law provides that: "School authorities have the power to discipline a student who appears in clothing that
    creates a disruption in the orderly management and smooth operation of the school." Therefore, clothing articles
    that are sexually suggestive, promote drugs, tobacco, or alcohol use are prohibited. A student may not wear
    headgear in the classroom during instruction, except for students of the Jewish faith, who are permitted to wear
    the yarmulke in the classroom.
    All persons are prohibited from smoking on school grounds at all times. School policy provides an immediate
    suspension for students caught smoking in the building or on school owned property. The Middle School, as well
    as all other district facilities, is, by board policy, a smoke free zone. No staff member, student, parent, or guest
    may smoke in any district building, or on school grounds. Your cooperation is appreciated.
    Sports Study
    1. Sports study hall is for students staying after school for a sports program.
    Hall Policy
    2. Students may NOT go downtown instead of going to sports study hall.
    3. When students are released from sports study hall, they will go directly to the gym lockers to get ready for
    practice or their game.
    4 Once students are released from the sports study hall and report to the locker area, they come under the
    direct supervision of the coach involved in the sport.
    5. If there is to be a gap from sports study hall (ending at 2:55) until a game or practice, during which the
    coach is not available to supervise, students will be told, at least one day in advance, (the exception
    would be an emergency) to go home and then report back for the game or practice.
    6. Coaches will remain with their players until all players have left the building and the doors are locked.
    Step System
    The following rules apply to the Step System at the Williamson Middle School:
    1. The student will be placed on step, or moved up step, by the principal or assistant principal at their
    discretion when the student has: received administrative detentions, had bus reports, been recom
    mended by staff based on RWR incidents or classroom detention, or any type II disciplinary incident.
    2. Once a student is on step and the parents have been notified any single violation may move them up to the
    next step.
    3. Parents will be notified either in person, by phone or by mail each time the student moves up a step.
    4. At step 4, the PPS office will be alerted for consideration of the students placement on the agenda for a
    PPS meeting.
    5. Students who are on step and keep a clean record for thirty days will be moved down a step in the system

    and parents will be notified in writing of this accomplishment.
    6. The middle school step system contains 10 steps.
    Step System
    The following ten steps are used at the middle school:
    Step 1: 1 detention Step 2: 2 detentions Step 3: 1 day of in
    ­school suspension Step 4: 2 days of in
    ­school suspension
    Step 5: 3 days of in
    ­school suspension Step 6: 1 day of out
    hool suspension Step 7: 2 days of out
    suspension Step 8: 3 days of out
    ­school suspension Step 9: 4 days of out
    ­school suspension Step 10: 5 days of
    ­school suspension Referral to the superintendent of schools for a disciplinary hearin
    g which may result in long
    term suspension from school.
    1. Students have the right to pursue an education in an atmosphere that is safe and conducive to learning, and to
    achieve all that they are capable of achieving.
    2. Students have the
    right to enroll in a particular course of study which best meets their needs.
    3. Students have the right to be respected on the merits of their attributes as individuals.
    4. Students have the right to procedural due process guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the
    New York State Education Law prior to disciplinary action taken against them.
    5. Students have the right to freedom of speech and expression which d
    o not interfere with the education
    process or infringe upon the rights of others.
    6. Students have the right to freedom from discrimination relative to participation in curriculum offerings, athletics
    and extra curricular activities.
    1. Students will conduct themselves with respect toward self, fellow students and teachers.
    2. Students will attempt to maintain as high a scholastic average as possible.
    3. Students will follow the directions of the staff and administration at all
    4. Students will fulfill all classroom obligations to teachers.
    5. Students will show respect for school property and for the property of others.
    6. Students will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times in all school activities.
    7. Students
    will dress in a clean, presentable manner.
    Study Habits
    Study habits developed now can have great value in the future as your studies become more comprehensive.
    Good study habits can mean the difference in passing a difficult course or not. For more infor
    mation on study
    skills consult the unabridged handbook that was sent to your parents.
    At school it is important to have this assignment notebook with you at all times. This eliminates the possibility of
    forgetting numerous assignments. Plan durin
    g which study period you will do which assignment, and do it. Ask
    for help from the teacher if you don't understand something. If your assignment requires research in the library or
    media center get the appropriate passes before you go to the study center. If you have free time, review the
    assignment and try to anticipate what the teacher will be covering next. Again when you finish, review the
    assignment. Make sure you did the right page.
    New York State Education Law # 3214 and Williamson School Board Policy #7470 authorize the principal of the
    From School
    school to suspend students out of school for a period up to five days. This punishment is used rarely and is done
    so for either serious offenses (Type II) or for repeated mov
    ement up the step discipline system. Suspension is
    necessary when a student's actions become either so disruptive to the learning process or dangerous to the other
    students' and teachers' safety that it is more desirable to have the offending student out
    of the school setting than
    it is to have him/her remain in it. During a suspension from school, the guidance office will assist parents by
    collecting work for the child to do while suspended. Parents may pick up this work at the guidance office. When a
    student has been suspended from school, the principal will conference with the student and parent before the child
    is allowed to return to school classes. If the parent does not opt to attend, the principal will conference with the
    student alone on his/
    her first day back from suspension. (On returning to school, after reporting to his/her
    homeroom teacher, the student will go directly to the principal's office. If the principal is unavailable, the principal's

    designee will conference with the student.)
    Students are to report to homeroom as soon as they arrive but not before 7:35 a.m. each school day. After the
    7:45 bell, students are tardy and will be required to get a tardy pass on their own time. Students tardy to class
    should bring a tardy pass from the teacher who detained them. Otherwise, report directly to class and get a tardy
    pass on their own time (lunch time or at the end of the day).
    Student use of the business telephone in the main office is strongly discouraged. Because this is a business
    telephone, the school district is charged for all out going calls, even local calls! A pay telephone is maintained in
    the lobby for student use. Students can make a collect telephone call using this pay telephone
    and instructions for
    doing this are posted by the telephone. If you do not have money available, please ask us to use the office phone
    in the case of an emergency.
    Use Of The
    Our school auditorium is generally scheduled with lessons or study centers throughout the school day. Commu
    nity members desiring to use the auditorium should complete a building use form available in the main office.
    Generally, however, the auditorium is not available for use by groups during the school day.
    School assemblies are scheduled periodically throughout the school year. Students are requested to be orderly
    and courteous at all times when in the auditorium. Whistling or shouting will not be permitted. The auditorium is
    not to be used by students
    unless a teacher is present.
    Parents are invited to visit the school at any time. During school hours, entry to the building is through the two
    front doors of the building or through handicapped entrances. This is to ensure the safety of our s
    taff and stu
    dents. Please stop in the Main Office for a visitors pass and directions. If students wish to bring a guest to school
    for a day, the following procedure is to be used:
    1. Make arrangements with the school principal at least two days in advance.
    2. Visitors must report to the office to pick up a visitors pass upon arrival.
    3. Generally no more than one visitor per grade level will be permitted. Visitors should be enro
    lled in the same
    grade level as they are visiting and school should not be in session in their home school when they
    request to visit.
    Information concerning working papers is available in the Pupil Personnel Office.
    Williamson Middle School Services
    Additional assistance for students is available for students through a wide array of programs including remediation
    with teachers after school, peer tutoring available through the guidance office, and teacher tutoring available
    throught the main office. It's been our experience that the two chief causes of failure are not completing home
    work and failing to get assistance when it's needed.
    Counseling and Guidance Services are provided by Mrs. Ann Dewhirst, who is responsible for grades 5
    ­6 and by
    and Guidance
    Ms. Kristen Smucz who is responsible for grades 7
    ­ 8. Mrs. Leigh Prescott is the school psychologist responsible
    for grades 5
    ­8. Mrs. Gowan is our guidance secretary. For more information please consult the unabridged
    handbook that was sent to your parents or stop by the guidance office.
    Health services are provided by Mrs. Mary Starr (school nurse) and by the school physician. These services
    include health screenings including physicals, growth, vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings, care and control
    of injury while at school, and distribution of medications while at school. For more information please cons
    ult the
    school nurse at 589
    ­9665 ext. 106 or the unabridged handbook that was sent to your parents.
    Media Center
    Media center services are provided by our school librarian, Mrs. Juanita Verstraete, with the assistance of Mrs.
    Gloria Pierce. In addition t
    o the reference materials, periodicals, and regular library collection, our library is able to
    access a wide variety of materials through inter
    ­library loan and through the internet.

    Transportation services are available for all students. The primary reason for bus rules is to ensure the safety of
    all riders and our bus drivers. For more information on specific rules consult the unabridged handbook that was
    sent to your parents or posted at the front of the bus. Remember transportation on the buses is a privilege and not
    a right. Please behave on the bus accordingly.
    School Lunch
    The school lunch program has enjoyed good participation at the middle school. Lunches cost one dollar. Addi
    tional items are also available. Last year we were able to schedule students for forty­minute lunches in grades 6­
    8. We will continue this practice for the1998­1999 school year.
    Special education services are provided through several models. Some students are in self­contained class
    rooms. Others are in a consultant, push in, or blended classrooms. Still others receive services through resource
    room. Some students receive other services like speech, occupational therapy, or physical therapy. Finally, some
    students receive services off site at other schools. For more information on your special education services
    contact the Director of Pupil Services, Mr. David Abeling at 589­8308.
    If there is any way that I can make your educational experience more productive or enjoyable, please let me know.
    Mr. Patrick Wright
    Williamson Middle School Principal, 589­9665 ext. 116

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