1. Basic structure of RCS's K-12 Curriculum at a Glance

Basic structure of RCS's K-12 Curriculum at a Glance
Mike and Barb and I agreed in 1998 to start using our new tool, Docushare, as a vehicle for organizing a living, breathing curriculum document that would capture what we do at each grade level in each subject area. That is the premise behind this collection.
The collection is organized by the seven NYS standards areas, then by subject, grade level, and unit of study. One of our 1998 efforts produced a master list of all of the major units of study covered at each grade level at that time. We used this as the key to our organizational pattern. The skeleton looks like this:
NYS Standard ( MST)
 Subject Area ( Math)
   Grade Level Grouping ( Primary, Intermediate, Middle or Secondary)
     Specific Grade Level (PK-12) or Course Title
       Major Unit of Study
         Specific Lessons, Worksheets, Projects, Rubrics, etc.
Our organizational pattern has caught the attention of BOCES and other regional people, and we have presented what we are doing with DocuShare and K-12 Curriculum at a Galnce at the National American Association of School Administrators Conference, the NYS Rural Schools Conference and the NYS School Board's Convention! People think it's a pretty neat idea….
The question becomes, can we make it work? Can we sustain the initiative? Can we continue to forge ahead of the pack and break ground for others? We wouldn't be the small school with the BIG idea if we couldn't!

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