First Steps:
    Determine what it is we want to save and where it fits.
    Is this a lesson, a unit of study, or a worksheet? Collections are just that - collected things. Logically a single sheet might be better saved as a document rather than a collection. If you know there's more than one of something coming ( sooner or later) then let's create a collection in which to house them.
    Is this a lesson or worksheet on whole number addition for 3rd graders?
    Go to MST
    Go to Primary
    Go to Grade 3
    Add file ( or collection if more than one is coming)
    Name it
    Describe it ( if you wish - this is extra work - looks nice, though , and helps the scanner find what they're looking for more easily)
    Click and you're done!
    NOTE BENE: This is NOT a whole ton of work. It does not require you to typ much at all ( a title maybe). It is not something totally foreign or additional to do. AND it will be there when you go looking for that assignment again next year.

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