    Storyboard (10) – All 20 pages included in storyboard, with descriptions of images and wording ( 0 ) No storyboard is included      
    (10 ) – Directions followed as described in the instructional packet (5) Citations included but directions not followed exactly (0) No citations included    
    Story Content
    (15) – Content is written at a level appropriate to audience (10) Mostly appropriate to audience level but contains 1 to 2 higher level concepts (5) Most written at an inappropriate level ( 0)
    Appears to me just copy and paste
    Spelling and
    (10) – Up to 2 spelling errors or grammatical errors (5) – Between 3-5 spelling or grammatical errors ( 0) – 6 or more spelling or grammatical errors    
    Earth Science Content in Story (40) – Story contains Earth Science content through out (30) Earth Science content included but only in limited amounts (20) – Only a few mentions of any Earth Science Content ( 0 ) No Earth Science content at all  
    Story Length
    (10) Story is full length as described in instructional packet (5) Story is only 75% of required length (0) Story is less than 75% of required length    
    Cover (5) Included both front and back covers, along with a biography on the back (0) Missing any of these parts.      
    Overall Score

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