Romulus CSD


To:  Members, Board of Education

From:  C. B. Manaseri

CC:  Administrative Team

Date:  11/15/22

Re:  Board Backup


1.0 Capital Project is still in the box in Albany. Sorry to say no word on that despite our architect's best efforts to get the ball moving.
2.0 Local Projects are coming along, but more slowly than hoped. Carpet for the new secondary/guidance office that was supposed to be laid two weeks ago is being put down today. We went with a local supplier (district resident) and we have been disappointed in the service. Live and learn. Shell is up for the pole barn and we wait on steel delivery there. New windows in the west wall of the elementary wing look absolutely GREAT - be sure to drive by in daylight to see for yourselves. RAITN equipment has been delivered and should be installed next week. Room layout has been changed to that enclosed, with the screen on the north wall of the media center lecture room - this at the RAITN installer's suggestion. New carpeting, lighting, and air conditioning will need to await the capital project. Video surveillance cameras for doorways have been installed and are operational to the main monitor in Sandy Steele's office area. We are still working on the connection to the computer system. Ray Fox and Nancy Munn are going around to all computers in the building picking up the pieces from the BOCES install crew last week. They did their jobs, but there is a lot still to do to make sure teachers have a user-friendly machine awaiting them in their classrooms. Note your new memo format - the old form isn't available as an option on Office '97. New look for a new year.
3.0 State budget details are becoming clearer, and the picture is pretty much as expected. The attached summary from NYSCOSS details the rationale and the in-fighting which apparently are so much of the process involved in getting us our funds. Let's face it, we lack political clout and we are always going to pay a price for that fact.
4.0 Tom Riley has a story to tell us all (and pictures, too, I am told). It appears both he and Gloria Mincer have more stitches in their heads this week than either would care to have. Tom dove into the canal off the dock at the Crow's Nest last Wednesday night to try to save a child who had fallen in and he hit bottom face first. Both Tom and the child survived, though Tom apparently the worse for the wear. Gloria went off the road in her car avoiding a deer and suffered some severe facial injuries. She has been out of work all this week and hopes to return on Monday. (This will put us more behind in audit preparation, but what can you do?)
5.0 Shared Services Committee with South Seneca meets this coming Monday night, the 23rd, at 7:30 PM in the guidance office conference room in Ovid (near the front of the building on the first floor). Mike, Cornelia, Barb and Theresa will represent us there.
6.0 Foundation Committee meets at the Goosewatch Winery on Wednesday September 22, 1999 at 7:30 PM with its potential Trustees. Each of us on the design team has a homework assignment of contacting certain people and we will expect about 20 to join the Board and the design team that evening. See attached copy of memo to them and list of names of invitees.
7.0 Audit will begin next week. This year it will occur at the CBO where all the records are.
8.0 Community Task Force on the unnamed prison will meet on Thursday night next week for a bus tour of the worksite. Should be interesting to see what's going on down there first hand. Tom Riley is the community spokesperson for this group and I am a member.
9.0 Music Position - Attached is a hard copy of my email correspondence on this issue. No recommendations yet, except that Albany will be of no help. I understand Seneca Falls is looking for a band director this week…( and that they're dropping marching band for financial reasons). Rest unsaid.
10.0 MacDougall Schoolhouse Friends are hosting an open house this weekend. You may wish to stop by for a visit and some light refreshments. This was timed to coincide with the RV Rally at Sampson this weekend and to give some of these visitors to our area something else to do.
11.0 FYI- On a personal note, Holly and I have made a purchase offer on a home on Edgewood Drive, two blocks north of the district boundary, near the old Stage Coach restaurant site.
12.0 POLICY COMMITTEE - Please remember that we will be meeting at 7:00 to review the homework we gave ourselves last time. Goal would be to recommend policies for Board 30-day trial approval tonight.


1.0 Routine Items may not be so routine. With Gloria out all week, we are likely to have an abbreviated warrant at best. Minutes etc. should be fine.
2.0 I am proposing that we once again join the Genesee Valley School Boards Institute for a small $145 in order to benefit our paraprofessional staff development opportunities.
3.0 Bob Ike will attend to update you on the secondary summer school program that he so successfully shepherded these last six weeks. Mike will take the night off as it is Mary's birthday.
4.0 Barb will have a quick update on our preparations for opening.
5.0 The primary purpose for meeting tonight is to approve final staffing. We have several recommendations to make as per the agenda. I interview the last of four finalists for the Elementary Computer Lab Teacher's Assistant on Friday afternoon, so we will leave the name blank until Tuesday night, by when Barb will have had a chance to assure acceptance by the selected finalist. We will offer a $17,000 salary for the ten-month position to whichever candidate is selected.

Upon an anticipated early closure, I'll try to show you the camera monitor just for fun. How's THIS for a light packet? See you Tuesday night!



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