1. First Quarter
    2. - All tiles must be ready for the fall exhibition on October 22nd.
    3. 2nd Quarter
    4. 3rd Quarter
    5. 4th Quarter
    6.  The power point must include:
    7.  *images of all work done this semester
    8.  *each piece should be labeled with title, media, and size.

Advanced Art
Fall 2009

 Here is the outline for your projects for the fall semester in Advanced Art. First quarter we will work on our sketchbooking and organize all our work for the semester. The only finished project we will do first quarter will be a tile project for our fall exhibition. The second quarter we will concentrate on studies of landscape and external spaces. Third quarter will focus on still life and internal spaces. Fourth quarter we will work on the human figure. Students will be expected to produce two works of art for exhibition each term, sketchbook work and written critiques weekly. For your final for the semester, each student must create a digital power point portfolio (details in 4th quarter section of this outline). During class critiques, AP students will be expected to share their Concentration statements with the class to help them assess their progress.
 All students will be assigned to keep a sketchbook/journal/notebook. You will need a place in this book for drawing or sketching, for keeping your assignment sheets, for keeping copies of images that you will be critiquing and for storing the written critiques. Journal making is about believing in yourself, celebrating your life, having adventures, and feeling a part of (not apart from) the universe.” (Danny Gregory) We can take digital images of this work for your AP portfolio. If you hope to do an AP portfolio or go on to a career in the arts, it is time that you started using sketchbooks as a tool for growth on a regular basis. And remember that collaging images of other artists’ works is an excellent way to jump-start your own artistic journey. You cannot progress as an artist if you are not looking at what has been done before and what is currently being done in the world of art. Everyone must have a sketchbook this year!!! We will be working in them during class so please make sure to carry one with you at all times. First term is all about organizing our ideas for the entire semester in your sketchbook so you need to have one immediately!


First Quarter

- Everyone will have a sketchbook and we will be working in them every day, using this assignment sheet as an outline for the work that is done. Each day we will work from journal prompts and from this outline, using all of our different sketchbooking techniques to lay out a map for the work that will be done all semester. By the end of the quarter, I expect to see ideas for every project that you will be doing for the semester. Your grade will be based on having visual concepts for each project.
- One of the projects we will be doing during second quarter is plein aire landscape. You will be asked to complete at least one image drawing from life outside. This drawing will be done on top of a monotype to give the piece some texture and color as a base. You will be expected to create several of these for future projects.
- Tile Making: For the fall exhibition, every artist will be making a tile. These tiles will eventually be installed in the courtyard outside the foyer. The requirements are as follows:      
 - The tiles may be any rectangular shape but not bigger than 12” X 12”
 - Tile techniques may include: carving or incising, building layers, creating a mold, slip trailing (similar to stained glass)
 - Subject matter should be one of the following: local history, flora, fauna, sports, crops, activities, landmarks, historical figures. The idea is to have our community reflected somehow in the tiles that decorate our courtyard. The imagery should be simple and design like.
 - All tiles are to be made for a walkway for a courtyard. All students will leave their tiles for permanent display in the courtyard.
 - Color and imagery will be done using high fire glazes or oxide washes with clear glaze - References: Moravia Pottery Tiles

- All tiles must be ready for the fall exhibition on October 22nd.
- All students will submit a finished tile for grading.
- All students must submit weekly critiques of various artists’ work. The writing should include analysis of the work using their art vocabulary.
- Sketchbooks will be collected and graded at the end of the term.

2nd Quarter

- For the first 15 minutes of every class, we will be drawing/photographing outside. This assignment will include some class instruction and individual instruction. Each student must submit a collection of images at the end of the term. Students will work in a variety of media and sizes. You must submit one finished piece completed on a base of a monotype.
- Students will be expected to complete the following projects that have specific requirements to encourage problem solving.
 * Look at Shimon Okshteyn’s Still Life with flowers and Curtain. Create a landscape that incorporates a window like frame; this window may be drawn, painted or collaged. It must include a piece of curtain. Use a personal photo reference for the landscape image. This does not have to be a country landscape. Feel free to use a city or townscape. Consider the entire presentation and think creatively.
 * Using ink and a brayer and what ever textural tools you would like, roll out a monotype background and then draw details in to make it a more realistic landscape. You can add details with colored pencil, oil pastels, pencil, charcoal or pastel. Use a reference for the image.
- All students must submit weekly critiques of various artists’ work. The writing should include analysis of the work using their art vocabulary.
- Sketchbooks will be collected and graded at the end of the term.

3rd Quarter
Still Life

 During third term students must complete still life work. Images for their weekly critique assignments should focus on this genre. Students are expected to set up their own still lifes by using the items in the art room or by bringing in objects from home. They are also encouraged to complete at least one of the assignments at home. All work must be done from observation. The importance of controlling the light source will be demonstrated and discussed; track lighting, window light and portable lamps will assist the students in creating a definitive light source. Students will be instructed on specific drawing/photo and design techniques and the class will be looking at a wide variety of examples of successful still life pieces and analyzing them. The instructor will impress on the students the concept that it is not the object that makes the image, but the way it is presented. If the still life is not exciting, it is because the student has failed to present it as such.
- For the first 15 minutes of every class, students will be doing observational sketches in a variety of media using studio lighting. Look at the Cropping and Composition section in Sketchbook for the Artist by Sarah Simblet (pg 56,57). Choose a simple object like gourds or garlic or onions and do three drawings that experiment with composition.
- Students will create two pieces that have specific requirements and must involve still life. They will be encouraged to deal with the objects visually and conceptually.
 * In my Room: This still life assignment will incorporate two images. One image will be created this quarter and the other will be added in next quarter. Create an image from a photograph of your closet, or bureau or open drawers or even your open locker at school. Look at the Big Book of Illustrated Fashion to find a unique way to illustrate your image. Think ahead! You will be asked to introduce a figure drawing of yourself into this piece next quarter. Feel free to use collage, under printing, texture, type…to make this a good self portrait. And think about what still life objects you are using and what light you are using to photograph them. Does it reflect you?
 * On a bright colored background, create a still life drawing that makes use of photographically real rendering but also incorporates loose, scribbly representation. (pg 36 and 346, 347 Big Book of Illustrated Fashion). Use gouache for this project. You may also combine other media. You must have at least 3 objects. You must do this from observation, not a photograph.
- All students must submit weekly critiques of various artists’ work. The writing should include analysis of the work using their art vocabulary.
- Sketchbooks will be collected and graded at the end of the term.
- Students will participate in a class critique of all work at the end of the 10 week term.
- AP students will be expected to use the class critique to assess their progress by sharing their statement with the class for their Concentration, where applicable. The class will help the student ascertain if work they have created is consistent with their statement
- A digital file of the work should be posted on the student’s shares account.
- All work must be mounted for exhibition.

4th Quarter
The Figure

During fourth term, students will work on one of the most challenging subject matter for the artist, the human figure. Warm up drawing will focus on doing observational drawing and gesture drawing. Students will learn to do portraits, hands, feet and full figure pieces. Gesture drawing will be guided and students must work in a variety of media and sizes. Written weekly critiques should include artists from the Renaissance to working artists today. Students will be encouraged to use peer models for references, making every effort to make lighting an important aspect of the image. Students will be introduced to successful figure drawing/photography through visual presentations and books.
- Warm up drawings will include 30 second, 2 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute observational drawings in charcoal, conte crayon, pencil, pen, colored pencil, and marker. Students will work on different surfaces and widely varied sizes. Photographers will work with film and digital media.
- Students will create two pieces that involve the human figure. Students will be encouraged to deal with the human figure visually and conceptually. They must work to a set of specific requirements. Some examples of projects are:
- Complete the still life piece In my Room mentioned above by adding in a self portrait. You may decide the media and just how much of your figure you want to include. This may be drawn on top of the piece or completed on another surface and painted in. Gesso may be used to clear an area for your self portrait. You may also consider using modeling paste to create a textured surface on which to work.
- Do a figurative piece that involves someone sitting in a chair or on a couch. Be very thoughtful about the lighting and their outfit. Consider the entire image, which means don’t forget the background! I suggest that you flip through The Big Book of Illustrated Fashion for ideas for media and style. Remember, you want this to be unique! Also, look at the work of some photographers for ideas before you do your photo shoot.
 With all of the assignments, student will be reminded to think of the entire piece and to always include the background as an important and integral part of the composition, not an after thought.
- All students must submit weekly critiques of various artists’ work. The writing should include analysis of the work using their art vocabulary.
- Sketchbooks will be collected and graded at the end of the term.
- A digital file of the work should be posted on the student’s shares account.
- All work must be mounted for exhibition.
- Digital images will be taken of all finished AP work.
- Students will continue submitting critiques for grading on a weekly basis.
- All students will create a power point portfolio of their work for their final for the semester.

 The power point must include:

 *images of all work done this semester
 *a short biography of the student including name, contact information, art  classes they have taken

 *each piece should be labeled with title, media, and size.



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