1. January 9, 2009
    2. Board Letter
    3. 12. Upcoming Events:
    4. Athletic Events:
    5. 13. Attachments:
  1. Wayne Finger Lakes Superintendent Association
    1. “Students First ~ Excellence For All”
    2. 131 Drumlin Court
    3. Newark, NY 14513
    4. 315-332-7284
    5. DECEMBER 22, 2008
      4. YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2008
  3. 8 DECEMBER 2008

Letter to the Board



January 9, 2009
“Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.” Auguste Rodin, French Artist

Board Letter

1. Cancelled Board Meeting: We will not be rescheduling the cancelled board meeting. We will be incorporating the agenda items from the January 8 agenda into the January 22 board agenda and holding that meeting at the middle school, with a tour to start. We will be replacing the UPK presentation with the proposed capital portion of next year's budget. We will save the UPK presentation until later in the year.
2. Mid-Winter Superintendent State Meeting: This weekend I leave for Albany to attend the superintendent's mid-winter meeting. I will be gone until Tuesday night. Kim and Greg will be in charge while I am gone. Kim has my codes for a snow day in case of inclement weather. You can reach me through Lori or my cell phone (315) 576-0228. The major topic of discussion will be the State fiscal situation and aid to education. While I think Governor Paterson has it right, and we need to curb spending and mandates, the unions and my superintendent organization will fight him on it. The teachers' union (NYSUT) is very powerful. We should not be surprised if the legislature puts back some of the aid that the governor has proposed cutting. This would of course help the district financially though I am not sure it is what we need to be doing as a state (my republicanism in conflict with taking care of our district). We meet with Senator Nozzolio and Assemblyman Oaks on Tuesday to hear their views and to lobby for upstate schools.


3. Finger Lakes League Loss: This week the Monroe County League voted to allow Canandaigua to join their league. It took three votes to get them in. Last year we lost Victor to Monroe County. Both districts provided some great competition in many of our sports. I think our volleyball team was stronger because it competed against Canandaigua and Victor. On the other hand I am very happy we will no longer have to play football against Canandaigua. This leaves Wayne as the largest school in the Finger Lakes league. We have been asked why we haven't joined the Monroe County League. There are a number of positives and negatives associated with such a move. Certainly the travel distance would be substantially less and much of our community works in the Monroe County area. On the other hand we would be one of the smaller schools in the league and would face some stiff competition in certain sports.


4. Wayne Finger Lakes Superintendent Legislative Committee: I chair our Wayne Finger Lakes legislative committee. I have attached the letter we sent to our legislators about this year's budget. Our push with them is on mandate relief. They don't have much more money to give us so let us reduce spending by reducing mandates. A Special Education roll back to federal regulations would be an enormous help as would a retirement system more in line with today's realities. Even the freeze on additional regulations and mandates would be a huge help. The current proposal to have us pay 15% of preschool special education costs is a $104,000 ticket item. Every year there is something new from either SED or the legislature.


CSEA Contract: The CSEA vote on the contract extension is this coming Tuesday. Staff members are excited about it and it is expected to easily pass. The Board is scheduled to vote on it at the January 22nd meeting. I have heard only positive comments from the Board so it looks like the Board vote should go smoothly. If you do have any questions or concerns please let us know.


Snow Closings: As you know, we closed school on Tuesday due to the icy conditions. We also cancelled after school and evening activities on Thursday. We have utilized our automated call system on a few occasions this year and believe it is a very valuable communication tool for our staff and our residents. Many of you have students in school and are receiving the messages, but if you don’t and would like to receive these calls, please let Lori know and we will add you to the call list. On the weather topic…. There does not appear to be a break in sight to what has already been one of the snowiest Decembers on record.


Phone problems: On Thursday our phones went down (for incoming calls) at approximately noon and were down until 8:00 p.m. Fortunately, we were able to make outgoing calls, and were able to communicate regarding the weather conditions. It appears this was a problem between carriers, Verizon and Paetec.


Ginna Drill: Our office was set to run our surprise Ginna Drill this past week, however, the weather conditions and already losing one day of instruction forced me to determine that another time would need to be considered.


Auditors Update: The state auditors are still here. They continue to delve into the district’s financial activities, practices and employees. So far, they have been a pleasure to work with. They are thorough and efficient, but reasonable and practical. Tammy, the lead auditor, has developed a very nice rapport with our staff. She sat with us for our holiday luncheon and gift exchange (as a bystander), and was an even match for the entire group in our usual office banter. We are still anxiously waiting that apple pie if we pass with flying colors.


Facilities Update: The maintenance staff has been working on an energy savings checklist. They are checking the steam heating systems and replacing valves as needed. A concerted effort is being made in every building to make sure night settings are utilized. They have been tightening doorways and replacing or repairing weather stripping as needed. A double doorway has been replaced at Freewill as part of the facilities improvement plan. All these things are very important in these times of expensive energy costs.


Winter Cold Snap – If you have been watching the news, the weathermen are calling for the coldest temperatures in years. As you may recall 2 years ago, very cold weather caused some real issues for some school districts, where buses would not start (not Wayne). Head Mechanic, Doug Adriaansen will be putting fuel additives in all diesel engine district vehicles today, before the cold weather hits, to prevent the fuel from “gumming up.” This has worked for us in the past, and should keep us safeguarded for this cold weather as well.


Upcoming Events:

1/12 – HS PTSO @ HS Faculty room – 7:00 p.m.
1/13 & 15 – Driver Improvement Class @ HS (13D) – 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
1/13-16 – NYS ELA Testing – Grade 3
1/13 – MS PTO @ Media Center – 6:30 p.m.
1/13 – OP/OE PTA @ OE Cafeteria – 7:00 p.m.
1/19 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – Schools Closed
1/21 & 23 – NYS ELA Testing – Grades 6-8
1/22 – Board of Education Meeting @ District Office – 7:00 p.m.
1/23 – Freewill Family Night

Athletic Events:
1/9 – Girls V BB Vs. Marcus Whitman – 6:00 p.m.
1/9 – Boys V BB vs. Marcus Whitman – 7:30 p.m.
1/13 – Boys Freshman BB vs. Pal-Mac – 4:15 p.m.
1/13 – Boys JV & V Wrestling vs. Brockport – 6 & 7 p.m.
1/16 – Boys JV & V BB vs. Midlakes – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/20 – Boys Freshman BB vs. Geneva – 4:15 p.m.
1/21 – Girls JV & V BB vs. Geneva – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/22 – Boys JV & V Wrestling vs. Newark – 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.
1/23 – Boys Freshman BB vs. Penn Yan – 4:15 p.m.
1/23 – Girls JV & V BB vs. Penn Yan – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.


A) Legislative letter
B) Ontario Town Board Meeting Minutes – 12/22
C)     Walworth Town Board Meeting Minutes – 12/8

Att. A)

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Wayne Finger Lakes Superintendent Association

“Students First ~ Excellence For All”

131 Drumlin Court

Newark, NY 14513



       December 19, 2008

This letter sent to:
Senator Michael Nozzolio
Senator George Winner
Senator Dale Volker
Assemblyman Brian Kolb
Assemblyman Robert Oaks
Assemblyman Joseph Errigo
Assemblyman James Bacalles
Dear Senator Nozzolio:
The Superintendents of Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES request your assistance in helping to reduce the burgeoning costs of providing a quality education for the children of New York.
As educators we understand the difficult economic situation in which our State finds itself. Our local communities and families are part of the recession that is affecting the entire nation. Our request of you and your fellow legislators is to help us streamline the endless requirements of education law and state education regulations, so that we might provide a quality education at a price the state can afford. We have indentified more than eighty requirements that add to the cost burden of educating New York’s children. Because we know that legislative repeal takes time, we have narrowed that list to five areas of New York State Law for which we ask your help and two federal areas to which we hope you’ll add your chorus of support.
Our priority areas are as follows:

§ Institute a moratorium on all new unfunded legislative and state education department mandates: Let’s begin by agreeing not to add to our costs. The Suozzi report says it well, “No new legislative or regulatory mandates without a complete accounting of the fiscal impact on local governments, which must include full documentation, local government input and proposed revenue sources to fund the new mandates”. This is critical as we receive new mandates every year. Last year it was additional sick days for cancer screening. This year it was providing special education services to home schooled children. The Governor’s proposal for next year is to pay for 15% of preschool costs. That will cost an average $75-$80,000 for each of our districts. We need to take a break to allow the funding streams to catch up with the ideas.


§ Revise the ERS and TRS retirement system to provide relief for school districts: This year the Wayne Finger Lakes school districts will spend a combined total of $30,100,971 for ERS and TRS. That is more money than the entire budget of most school districts. The current system requires only a 3% employee contribution for their first ten years, after which time the retirement system is completely funded by the school districts and investment returns. That is an unheard of benefit in today’s economy. Employees must be made a greater partner in funding their retirement years. In his December 16th budget speech, Governor Paterson called for the creation of a tier V retirement component for new employees. We ask that you lend your support to that important cost savings initiative.


§ Provide health insurance reform: Increases to health insurance costs generally continue at a double digit pace. Providing any relief, whether in the form of a public employees’ health insurance program or tort reform would help school districts and all public employers. Spending more for health insurance does not better educate a single New York State student.


§ Eliminate Academic Intervention Services (AIS) as the required prescription for student improvement: The State Education Department needs to set academic goals for our children and hold districts accountable for achieving those goals. It should not prescribe exactly how each district will meet those goals. The same guidelines should not apply to districts in good standing as well as those whose students are not meeting academic goals. That is what mandating AIS does. If the district is a school in good standing, remove the SED hoops such as AIS. Let the district decide how best to educate their children then hold them accountable for those results.


§ Reconfigure special education to align with federal mandates: Last year when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the burden of proof in special education hearings rested with the party bringing the challenge, the New York State legislature quickly circumvented the decision by passing legislation placing the burden back on the schools. In doing so they imply the schools’ program decisions are wrong unless the district can prove they are right. This is just one example of the 30 pages of policies and laws not required by the federal government for special education but enacted by New York State. As with AIS, New York State needs to focus its energy on holding school districts accountable for achieving academic success not for an ever enlarging mountain of regulations.

Federal relief

§ Fully fund IDEA: When IDEA was authorized by Congress in 1975 it required the Federal Government to contribute 40% of the cost of implementation. More than thirty years later Congress has still not lived up to its promise. It is estimated that this past year the federal government contributed only 17.73% of its legal obligation under IDEA. We ask your help in requesting that our Senators and Congressman live up to the law just as they expect us.


§ Fully fund NCLB: President Bush staked out a goal of raising student achievement nation wide. The goal was appropriate if we are to remain a strong and vibrant country. Accompanying his plan needs to be the funding necessary to pay for those assessments and programs. We ask your help in encouraging our Senators and Congressmen to either unburden New York with NCLB or provide the funding to make it workable.

The superintendents of the Wayne-Finger Lakes region are committed to working with our legislature to provide a quality and fiscally responsible education program for the children of New York State. We respectfully request that you consider the New York State mandate relief suggested above along with supporting our call for Washington to provide the funding promised with NCLB and IDEA. We appreciate your attention to our concerns and look forward to your thoughts about these proposals.
The Wayne Finger Lakes Superintendents Association:
Joe Marinelli    Susan Salvaggio    Michael Midey
Don Raw    Marilyn Barr      Nancy Zimar
David Bills    Robert Young    Shawn Van Scoy
Mike Ford    Kathy Wegman    Richard Amundson
Robert Ike    Gerald Macaluso    Henry Hann
Cindy Miner     Michael Chirco    Robert McKeveny
David Sholes  Michael Hoose    Robert Leiby
Ann Orman    Timothy McElheran    Terry MacNabb
Michael Havens  Maria Ehresman

Att. B)


DECEMBER 22, 2008

A regular meeting of the Ontario Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Robert Kelsch at 7:00 PM in the Ontario Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Robert Kelsch, Council members: Jason Ruffell, Lori Eaton-Smith, James Switzer, Stephen Tobin, Water Utilities Distribution Crew Chief Rodney Peets, Attorney for the Town Alan Knauf and Town Clerk Debra DeMinck.
10 residents and visitors were present at portions of the meeting.
Mrs. Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Revisions to the Agenda - A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to approve the agenda with the following revisions: move advisory board interviews to the end of the meeting, add a motion to purchase Kenyon Road property from county and a motion to convert vacation time for William Riddell.
The Legal Notice of Public Hearing to consider amending Chapter 13 of the Town Code entitled “Code of Ethics” was posted on the Town Clerk’s bulletin board and published in the Wayne County Mail on December 11, 2008.
Mr. Kelsch opened the public hearing at 7:05 to consider proposed Local Law #5 of 2008, an amendment to Chapter 13 of the Town Code entitled “Code of Ethics”.
Mr. Kelsch asked for public questions or comments.
Hearing none, a motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to close the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Comments from the Public – None
Approval of Minutes – Mr. Kelsch asked for approval of the minutes of the December 8, 2008 Town Board meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to approve the minutes as presented.    
Correspondence – None
Attorney for the Town Report – Mr. Knauf reported on the town’s intent to close on the Kenyon Road property by the end of the year.
New Business –A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to accept the November 2008 Water Utilities Department report. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to adopt



WHEREAS, Proposed Local Law No. 5 of 2008 (the “Proposed Local Law”) which would amend Chapter 13 of the Code of the Town of Ontario, entitled “Code of Ethics”; and
WHEREAS, the Proposed Local Law has been on the desks of all Town Board members since November 25, 2008; and
WHEREAS, minor corrections and changes have been made to the Proposed Local Law; and
WHEREAS, Notice of a Public Hearing on the Proposed Local Law was published in the Wayne County Mail on November 27, 2008, and the Town Clerk also caused a copy of that Notice to be posted on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Town Law §30(6) on November 27, 2008; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held on the Proposed Local Law on December 8, 2008 at 7:00 PM before the Town Board at the Ontario Town Hall, and all persons desiring to speak were heard; and
WHEREAS, due to an error in the date set forth in the initial Notice of Public Hearing, a second Notice of a Public Hearing on the Proposed Local Law was published in the Wayne County Mail on December 11, 2008, and the Town Clerk also caused a copy of that Notice to be posted on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to Town Law §30(6) on December 11, 2008; and
WHEREAS, a second public hearing was duly held on the Proposed Local Law on December 22, 2008 at 7:00 PM before the Town Board at the Ontario Town Hall, and all persons desiring to speak were heard; and
IT IS RESOLVED that, pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Law, Proposed Local Law No. 5 of 2008, in the correct form that is annexed, and it shall be filed with the Secretary of State; and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that, as provided in 13-7(A) of the Proposed Local Law, the Town Supervisor shall cause a copy thereof to be distributed to every Town employee of this Town, and to include a copy in every employee handbook distributed by the Town. 5 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED

A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to authorize the supervisor to sign the agreement to spend Town Highway funds for the improvement of highways, at an amount not to exceed $355,500.00, with $110,000.00 set aside for improvements to Willets Road–Culvert Replacement. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to accept the Supervisor’s fiscal report for the month of November 2008 as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to approve the 2009 Town Board meeting schedule. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the lowest responsible bid from Sport Systems Unlimited for the Indoor Soccer Border, at an amount not to exceed $58,374.00 as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation in memo PR49-2008. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to seek bids for the heating systems for the Tension Fabric Buildings and the floor covering for the Turf Arena Concrete and to direct the Town Clerk to post and publish the legal notices to bidders, as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation in memo #PR50-2008. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to approve the purchase of a John Deere Tractor from Keil Equipment Co., 2356 Route 9, Hudson, NY on state contract #PC62728SB at a cost not to exceed $23,744.74. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, for discussion, to adopt the revised Town Office hours under policy 4009AR. A brief discussion followed with a few minor changes made in wording. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to authorize the Supervisor to provide a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) at $1, 200.00 per year for full-time elected, salaried and exempt employees and designate the Town of Ontario sponsored health insurance plan for full time elected, salaried, exempt and eligible retirees as Blue Choice Value and maintain employee contribution levels for the insurance plan at the same value as 2008, effective January 1, 2009. 4 Ayes 1 Nay (Smith) MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to adopt the 2009 wage schedule as presented for non-union, elected, salaried, exempt, full and part-time hourly employees and the 2009 stipends for town officials and advisory board members. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to adopt a 



WHEREAS, budgetary adjustments are required to provide amounts sufficient in each appropriation account to provide for payment of just claims audited and approved by this Town Board and,
WHEREAS, due to the routine bookkeeping time lag, not all needed transfers will be immediately known as of December 31, 2008 and,
WHEREAS, Section III of the Town Law provides that each appropriation, to the extent that it shall not have been expended or obligated, shall lapse at the close of the fiscal year for which made and become part of the Fund Balance.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and his bookkeeper be authorized to make all appropriated adjustments to the amounts budgeted in each appropriation account such that the budget equals the amount expended there from as soon as may be conveniently possible after the close of the books on December 31, 2008. The Supervisor and his bookkeeper are instructed to make a complete list of the amounts so transferred among the various budget accounts and a copy of that list of transfers shall be appended to and become a part of the minutes of this board meeting dated December 22, 2008. 5 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED
A motion was made by Mr. Kelsch, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to authorize the Supervisor to purchase the property at 1308 and 1348 Kenyon Road from the county for a total cost of $6,878.75 from account code 1940.2. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to convert up to four (4) weeks of vacation for compensation to William Riddell as a one time allowance for extraordinary reasons due to the Capital Project at Casey Park. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Budget Transfers/Adjustments – A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the following budget transfers:
Sewer Fund: transfer $1,500.00 from SS8110.4 to SS1440.4
General Fund: transfer $599.00 from A1990.4 to A1110.2
General Fund: transfer $2,500.00 from A1620.4 to A1620.1
General Fund: transfer $2,000.00 from A1620.4 to A1620.2
General Fund: transfer $1,500.00 from A1620.4 to A1620.2
General Fund: transfer $10,000.00 from A7150.2 to A7110.2
General Fund: transfer $10,000.00 from A7020.2 to A7110.2
General Fund: transfer $4,500.00 from A7140.4 to A7140.2
Budget adjustment: Highway Fund increase 960/expense DA5130.2 from HR-5 (Highway Equipment Reserve)
Appointments/Resignations – A motion was made by Mr. Tobin, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to appoint George M. Pierce, 1748 Macedon Center Road, Macedon to the part-time court bailiff pool at a wage rate of $15.50 per hour at the Justice Court, effective December 22, 2008, as recommended by both Town Justices in a memo dated December 15, 2008. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Tobin, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to appoint Michael D. Balcaen, 6136 LaFrank Dr. to the part-time court bailiff pool at a wage rate of $15.50 per hour at the Justice Court, effective December 22, 2008, as recommended by both Town Justices in a memo dated December 15, 2008. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Reports by Town Board Members –Mr. Switzer extended condolences to the family of Harry Wispelaere, a former court officer/bailiff and auxiliary police officer for the Town of Ontario and a former reserve deputy sheriff in Wayne County on his recent passing.
Approval of Claims – A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to approve the abstract of claims for December 22, 2008 including vouchers #3141 through #3293 with a grand total of $212,350.44 and to authorize the Supervisor to issue payments for same. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Comments from the Public – Mrs. Joan Stark thanked the highway crew for the great job they are doing keeping the roads clear.
Executive Session - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to move into an executive session at 7:50 p.m. for advisory board interviews. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to adjourn at 9:46 p.m. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeMinck
Ontario Town Clerk
The above minutes will become official upon approval of the town board.


Att. C)


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Presiding Supervisor Plant called the scheduled Town Board Special Meeting, held at the Walworth Town Hall, 3600 Lorraine Drive, to order at 7:00 PM.

Present: Frank Maciuska   Councilman
Patricia Marini
Suzi Hawkins-Mance
Susie Jacobs Town Clerk
Absent: Tom YaleCouncilman
Councilwoman Marini offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
Seconded by Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Senior Account Clerk be instructed to amend the 2008 Budget as follows:
$1,317.94 from A1410.12 Deputy Town Clerk to A1620.12 Extra Help.
Roll call vote:
Councilman Maciuska      Aye
Councilwoman Marini  Aye   Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance  Aye

                           Councilman Yale  Absent

Supervisor Plant  Aye

Resolution carried.
Councilwoman Marini offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
Seconded by Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT that the Senior Account Clerk be instructed to amend the 2009 Budget as follows:
$22,776.00 from A1410.12 Deputy Town Clerk to A1620.12 Extra Help.

Roll call vote:
Councilman Maciuska      Aye
Councilwoman Marini  Aye   Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance  Aye

                           Councilman Yale  Absent

Supervisor Plant  Aye

Resolution carried.
Motion by Councilwoman Marini to hire Linda Kleeman as provisional Clerk for MS4 and Recreation as of 12/8/2008. This position will be a full-time position at a rate of $11.13 hourly rate.
Seconded by Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance.
Discussion: Councilman Maciuska stated that he would like a hard look at her employment application: “I think there might be some improprieties or misstatements on her application, especially regarding her education. We need to make sure that everything on her application is true; then if it isn’t, we will deal with that.“
Councilwoman Marini commented that this was a provisional appointment. Councilman Maciuska further stated that there was concern about whether or not the application was factual.

Roll call vote:
Councilman Maciuska      Aye
Councilwoman Marini  Aye   Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance  Aye

                           Councilman Yale  Absent

Supervisor Plant  Aye

Resolution carried.


Motion by Councilwoman Hawkins-Mance to adjourn.
Seconded by Councilwoman Marini and unanimously carried.
Time: 7:09 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susie C. Jacobs

Town Clerk



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