1. October 24, 2008
    2. Board Letter
    3. 6. Upcoming Dates:
    4. Athletics:
    5. 7. Attachments:

Letter to the Board



October 24, 2008
"To me, success means effectiveness in the world, that I am able to carry my ideas and values into the world, that I am able to change it in positive ways." --Maxine Hong Kingston, American novelist

Board Letter

1. Wind Turbine Study: It appears that the study would include the following;
a. Site analysis
b. Impact study
c. Geotechnical analysis and foundation
d. Permitting analysis
e. Budget
f. Timeline
g. Total capital costs
h. Economic analysis
The total capital cost will vary based on the size of the turbine. It is estimated that a 600 kilowatt windmill would cost $1,979,067, a 750 kilowatt $2,150,020 and a 900 kilowatt would be $2,423,883. These are current estimated prices which would have to be adjusted slightly upward. Using these figures and adjusting for inflation, I would estimate that a 1.1 megawatt windmill would cost about 3 million dollars. Our local cost would be about $750,000. If we used our $835,000 excel money it would be completely state funded. But…..before we go too far remember these are just my rough estimates. The purpose of the study will be to get a complete and accurate picture of this from the experts.
2. Football: Recently a Board member asked a question about the Football team. The team has not won many games this year. In fact their record is 1-6. This has been frustrating to many people, including our AD, the coaches and the athletes. There was an incident at the September 27th game when powerhouse Canandaigua crushed Wayne. One of our players got very upset and made a scene at the game. I have attached a copy of his apology letter which appeared in this week’s paper. We have had three different coaches during the past seven years. Even with those changes, we have not been able to put together a consistent program. On a brighter note, our JV football team has been doing well this season. It is our expectation that when these freshman and sophomores are juniors and seniors, playing the exact same students, that the team should shine. That expectation has been made quite clear.
3. Budget: Though it is early in our budget cycle, others are completing their process. The Town of Ontario anticipates raising their tax rate 1 cent. The County is trying to hold their rate at no increase, but is struggling to do so. The Town of Walworth proposed an 8% increase. According to the paper it was a very heated public meeting and the Town Board is taking a second look at it. We will begin our budget process in December. I know you haven’t had time to even begin thinking about our next year’s budget, but I’d like you to consider keeping the tax rate as close as possible to where it is. With the difficult economic times and home foreclosures, we are going to need to be very mindful of our citizenry. This morning’s headline of 3,000 job cuts at Xerox doesn’t help things.
4. JV Hockey?: Contrary to some rumors circulating, we have no hockey program at Wayne Central. Hockey is very expensive and few schools our size field teams. There is a community based hockey program that is not affiliated with the school which is beginning. They are having try outs shortly. I have been receiving questions about why we would be starting lacrosse and a hockey team at the same time. I have assured them we are not. If you get questions, would you also provide that assurance.


5. Rachel’s Challenge: The students were given a presentation this morning on the life of Rachel Joy Scott, a victim of the Columbine school shooting. It is a moving story; tragic, horrific, sad, incomprehensible, and powerful. I believe our students can take quite a message from this presentation and from the life of this young lady and her family.


6. Upcoming Dates:

10/24 – Red Ribbon Activity Night MS
10/24 – Rachel’s Challenge
10/25 – Red Ribbon – Leave your lights on Night
10/25 – National Community Service Day
10/31 – Happy Halloween!

10/24 – Girls V Soccer vs. Pittsford Sutherland – 6:00 p.m. (Sectionals – Round 2)
10/24 – Girls V Tennis @ Midtown Tennis Club – 5:30 p.m. (Sectionals – Emma Baker)
10/25 - Boys V Volleyball vs Pavillion @ Pavillion - 3:00 (Sectionals – Round 1)
10/25 – Cross Country WFL League Championship @ Clyde Savannah – 10:00

7. Attachments:

   A) Football player letter

                     Att. A)

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