1. August 8, 2008
    2. Board Agenda
    3. Board Letter
  1. Wayne Central School District
  2. Office of the Superintendent of Schools
  3. Memorandum
    1. TO: Board of Education 
    2. FROM: Lori Eaton-Smith 
    3. RE: Workshops & Conferences  
    4. DATE: July 29, 2008

Letter to the Board



August 8, 2008
"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone."

--Audrey Hepburn,
actress, philanthropist


Board Agenda

Fuel committee Report: Mr. Atseff has been studying the fuel price issues with a group of administrators. If prices stay where they are or increase, there will be a budget shortfall in the area. He will be reporting on the measures that will be taken to address the issue.


2007-08 Annual Goals: At our Board retreat you learned how our students did on our long term goals. This report will focus on the short term goals established at the 2007 Board/administrative retreat.


WCEC: Joyce and I attended the most recent meeting of the Wayne County Educational Coalition to learn about the sales tax issue. There are strong rumblings that they want to once again take it back. Joyce will report what we learned.


September Board Workshop: We need to set a date for our next Board workshop so that we can continue our July progress.


Audit Committee Report: Jeff will be presenting information to you on behalf of the audit committee.


Four County Report: This is a new item we are adding to our agenda so that you keep abreast of what is happening at Four Counties. This month Joyce will fill you in on upcoming events.


Board Action: There aren’t nearly the number of August appointments that there have been in the past. We are requesting an increase in lunch prices as noted in item 3.1. This will be our first increase in seven years. You will be approving the tax rate we discussed at budget time and also the sick day language Mark discussed in July.


Board Letter

1. Summer School: elementary and middle school summer programs have ended. High school and special education programs will end next week. Things appear to have gone very well. I am particularly pleased with Scott Freischlag’s work as the high school summer school principal.
2. Lawsuit depositions: I know many of you had to give depositions. I will be giving mine today. I recognize this can be a stressful thing for your to have to do.
Building Project: SED has finally given us a date when we can meet with them. The architects, Greg and I will be traveling to Albany on September 10th. Remember that we asked for this meeting in April.
Workshops: Lori has asked that if board members are planning on attending any of the many workshops or conferences that have been sent out recently to let her know so that she can process paperwork. Also, a reminder about the annual convention in NYC. Please let Lori know your plans.
Upcoming Events:  
a) Workshop Memo
b) Athletic Summer Activities

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Wayne Central School District

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Office of the Superintendent of Schools

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TO:  Board of Education  

FROM:  Lori Eaton-Smith  

RE:  Workshops & Conferences    

DATE:  July 29, 2008
August 9    NYSSBA    Board Officers Academy @ Woodcliff
9:00 – 4:30
August 22    NYSSBA    New School Board Member Academy @
9:00 – 4:00          Rochester Marriott – Ridge Rd. West
August 23    NYSSBA    Fiscal Oversight Fundamentals for School Board
8:30 – 4:00          Members@ Rochester Marriott
September 5-7  NYSSBA    Summer Institute @ Desmond Hotel, Albany
September 25  MCSBA-MCBASLC  School Law Conference @ Holiday Inn Airport
8:00 – 12:30        (Rochester)
October 16-19  NYSSBA    Annual Convention @ Sheraton NY Towers- New York City
November 1    MCSBA-MCASBO  Seminar on The Fiscal Responsibilities of School Boards
7:30 – 3:15          @ Holiday Inn Airport
November 15  NYSSBA    Fiscal Oversight Fundamentals for School Board
8:30 – 4:00          Members @ Woodcliff



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