Under staff that are bonded, we now have a listing that notes “all staff - $100,000”, where the prior agenda noted specific persons. This change is due to updated appropriate coverage levels by our insurance carrier, at no additional cost.
The annual fees for building use, PAC use, mileage reimbursement (rate set by Triple A), substitute teacher rates (set by teacher contract) have been increased.
We added one more authorized signature on the extra classroom accounts. This was because of instances when we were unable to obtain signatures this past year due to people out of the district.
We eliminated the Petty Cash funds for every building except District Office because the buildings were not using them and the district office still kept theirs if the need arises.
Board Liaison Positions: You will note that board liaison appointments remain vacant. Board members should be discussing these appointments amongst your selves and deciding who is willing to serve in what positions.
BOCES Cooperative Bid Resolution & Revenue Anticipation Note: These are annual resolutions that we make to participate in the yearly bidding through BOCES and the revenue anticipation note allows us to borrow money on short notice if the need should ever arise.
The annual board meeting schedule is attached for your adoption. You have reviewed this in prior board letters.
Under Superintendents Report are two items: I will provide an overview of the summer programs that will be occurring at the various levels at Wayne; and I would like to discuss sick leave.
We will have a very large personnel action for your review and approval. Mark Callahan and building administrators have been working diligently to fill openings.
We have a very large Consent Agenda including the May Treasurer’s Report, one last health contract from Rochester City School District, a gift of $1,200 from Sandy Stramonine School of Dance for use in the Performing Arts Center, a gift of $2,000 from the Wayne Basketball Booster Club for the purchase of a shooting machine, and a gift of $10,200 from the Merry-Go-Round Theatre for the Arts In Education Programming. There are several bids that are being awarded. Also on the consent agenda is the Annual Fire Safety Report and approval of budget transfers. We need to approve a Monroe BOCES bid for computer equipment as well.
I recommend approval of all business items as submitted