3. Consensus Agenda #5
  4. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
    1. JANUARY
  6. Consensus Agenda #9
  7. Presented by Policy Committee to the Board of Education for Single Reading
    1. (1) Conduct annual committee review of 50% of policy handbook
    2. (2) Conduct annual review of policies, regulations & exhibits that require same
    3. (3) Review and develop new and emerging policies and regulations as they arise and present for review and consideration by the Board of Education


December 11, 2008 6:00 p.m. District Office Conference Room

6:00 Tour of High School
6:30 Executive Session

7:00    Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

7:05    Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes           Att. 1  
7:10    Public Comment
7:15    Board Member Comments
7:20    Board President Comments
7:25    Superintendent’s Report                  

1. Liquid Propane Bus Report – Mr. Prince
2. High School Improvement Plan
3. Board Goals
Att. 2
4. Budget Calendar Discussion
5. Financial Report
6. State Audit
7. Student Representative
8. Student Questions

8:15    Board Action
   1. Personnel Action                 Att. 3      2. Consent Agenda Items:                
Att. 4
  1. Accept Treasurer’s Report
     2. Accept Single Audit Report
     3. Accept Extra Classroom Audit Report
     4. Accept General Fund Audit
     5. Approve Reserve Account Transfers
     6. Adopt Budget Calendar
     7. Declare Surplus Buses
     8. Adopt Wayne County Study Resolution
     9. Adopt Policy Committee Charge
8:20    Four County Report
8:25    Policy Report                    
8:30    Public Comment
8:40    Board Member Comments
8:45    Adjournment


Next Meeting Date: January 8, 2008   7:00 p.m. Wayne Middle School
District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.  

                    (left @ 8:44 p.m),   
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Thursday, November 13, 2008 TIME: 7:15 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: Freewill Elementary School
PRESENT: Board Members Brunner Griswold, Lyke, Newman, Nicholson, Paz, Robusto & Schultz; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Siracuse, Shaffer, Wright, Schiek, Atseff, Cox, Callahan, Miller
ABSENT: Mr. Triou
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:15p.m. by Frank Robusto, Jr., School Board President
Prior to start of the business meeting, trustees and school personnel conducted a tour of the building to fulfill the requirement of §1705 of the Education Law for annual building visits.
Mr. Havens presented funding of a feasibility study for a proposed wind turbine as an additional consensus agenda item. Mr. Nicholson offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Paz, to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting, as revised, and the minutes of the meeting of October 23, 2008, as presented. 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent (Mr. Triou), Carried.

A. Mrs. Newman stated she was very impressed with the facilities at Freewill Elementary School and thanked Mrs. Wright for the tour prior to the meeting.
B. Mr. Paz heard many positive comments on the recent Rachel’s Challenge project at the high school.
A. Mr. Robusto extended compliments to high school musicians on their recent Cabaret Night. He noted the invitations to retired school board members as a new tradition along with the tour of new features at the high school.
Student musicians taught by Michael Walker at Freewill Elementary School were represented in performances by two fifth grade quartets. Melissa Wilson, Emily Scofield, Karleen DelleFave and Maria Pinto on flute and Sabrina Bosch, Angie Champagne, Morgan Panepento and Katie Sergeant on clarinet comprised the quartets.
Mr. Havens reported that the auditors from the Office of the NYS Comptroller have started their detailed audit of school finances and operations. They anticipate completion of their field visits by the end of December, 2008, and presentation of the preliminary findings and draft reports in February or March of 2009. They are following the same format as the pre-audit conducted by Freed, Maxick, etal, our internal auditing firm.
008-2009 & BUDGET PLANNING ● 2009-2010
Mr. Havens noted that the proposed mid-year reduction of $850,818 in operating aid for our district as part of efforts by Governor Patterson to address an estimated $2 billion shortfall in state revenues.
Meetings are underway with local state legislators and among school boards and school superintendents to address this topic. The legislators stated that the upstate delegation would oppose the Governor’s proposed reductions and advised school boards not expect any aid increase for the 2009-2010 school year. There is also the possibility that the Governor could withhold funds, already appropriated by legislators, as part of state budget constraints.
He added that the administrative council will meet to review options if mid-year reductions occur and consider long-term reductions if state aid is frozen or reduced in future years. The objective is to protect the core goals of the school district; some different ways to do things may need to occur.
The issue is further complicated with 50% of planned expenditures for wags already depleted. He will present a contingency plan at the December 11th school board meeting.
Mr. Paz stated that he is totally opposed to any increased cost to taxpayers.
Mrs. Lyke concurred with Mr. Paz, noting that many local residents are also faced with job losses.
Mr. Robusto noted the recent media reports on the Governor’s proposed reductions in state spending, in general, and the varied feedback from citizens’ in blogs on the topic. He suggested review of those blogs to learn other options to address current fiscal issues.
Mr. Havens presented an update on school improvement goals for 2008-2009 for facilities and finance for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
He introduced Mr. Atseff, assistant superintendent for business, Mr. Miller, director of facilities, and Mr. Callahan, director of human resources, to present the report. They reviewed a Power Point presentation on specific goals in the areas of facilities and finance. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Highlights of their presentation are generally summarized as follows:
►develop final scope for proposed capital project for public consideration in 2009
►maintain quality facilities that support and enhance quality instruction
► create community pride in school buildings and grounds
► balance goals with the community’s ability to finance them
► develop a long-range energy conservation plan; seek cost-effective alternatives
► reduce energy uses and dependence on outside energy sources by 20%
►focus on the customer service aspect of clean and inviting facilities
►provide a perfect customer experience to visitors, staff & students
►provide training in delivery of customer service for designated staff that have public contact
(e.g. cleaners, bus drivers, office personnel, buildings & grounds staff)
►create positive interactions by our “front line” staff members with visitors and the community
►provide excellence in customer service for internal and external “customers”
►respond to needs and interests of external and internal customers; seek local resources
►search for best practices in customer service; learn from successful business settings
(e.g. Wegman’s Food & Pharmacy, Marriott Hotels, Disney Parks, Dale Carnegie Institute)
► present a final report to the Board of Education on progress in these areas in May
Mr. Griswold asked if energy savings or cost effective steps would start as soon as they are developed rather than await formal presentation to the Board of Education in May on results of goals. Mr. Miller stated that steps would begin as they arise; he cited examples of repairs to steam traps and increased weather-stripping on doors which are already underway.
Mr. Griswold asked if all efforts to reduce energy uses would count toward the goal of a 20% reduction; the answer was yes.
Mr. Paz noted that the proposed 2009-2010 school budget is presented to the public for consideration in May and asked if results of goals for efficiencies or conservation would appear in the proposed budget before the formal presentation of results to the Board of Education in May. Mr. Atseff stated that some items would appear in the proposed budget and some in subsequent years.
Mrs. Brunner stated she drove by large wind turbine farms in the southern tier of New York State en route to and from Virginia and noted that some turbines were idle and some were not. She asked if the power committee working on energy savings expects to reach the 20% reduction entirely from wind turbines or from collective energy efficiencies throughout the school district. Mr. Miller stated that savings from wind turbines would represent a portion of total savings. Mr. Havens noted that the annual savings from wind turbines is unknown at this time.
Mr. Nicholson commented that more than 250 wind turbines are located in the tug hill area of central New York State and it is common for some to stand idle at times.
Mr. Nicholson asked if a wind turbine would reduce dependence on commercial energy sources or if the reduction would also consider other conservation steps. Mr. Havens stated that the goal is to reduce energy use and dependence from all sources.
Mrs. Brunner asked if the intent is to develop customer service plans and training in-house or purchase programs from outside sources. Mr. Callahan noted that local firms offer options for this training as well as local assessments. Mrs. Brunner noted her personal experience with training in these areas by outside sources and suggested not changing approaches mid-stream.
Mrs. Newman asked if the intent is to include customer service training for instructional staff. Mr. Callahan stated that the initial emphasis is planned on supportive staff with expansion to instructional staff in future years.
Mrs. Brunner stated she would expect some “trickle down” effect.
Mr. Havens congratulated the staff involved on their diligent efforts on these goal areas.
Mr. Havens presented a progress report on the senior project requirement for graduation for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
He introduced Mr. Joseph Siracuse, high school principal, and Ms. Tracy Don Vito, graduation requirements’ coordinator, to present the report on senior project activities for the Class 2009.
Mr. Siracuse and Ms. Don Vito shared a Power Point presentation which outlined the scope of the senior project and cited sample topics chosen by seniors for the senior research project. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Topics range from wind power and sports’ injuries to early childhood education and animal abuse. They also noted expectations set for students and involvement of present and future community participation as mentors who assist seniors with their projects.
They noted that the senior project concept is a national program used in many school districts. The model school’s team at the high school adapted the national plan to local goals to create life-long learners and as an authentic assessment of the skills, knowledge and attributes which our students obtain from their 13 years in our school district. The final assessment is an 8 to 12 minute presentation of the research to a panel of teachers representing grades K to 12 and community representatives.
Mrs. Brunner stated that the process for the senior project appears to advance quickly at the start of the senior year when students also have many other obligations and asked if consideration were given to a letter of intent for their topics by students at the end of their junior year or during summer recess. Mr. Siracuse and Ms. Don Vito outlined options provided.
Mrs. Brunner asked if mentors who are community volunteers are the same persons for a student’s entire project; the response was yes.
Mr. Nicholson asked for clarification on the MLA format required of the senior project; Ms. Don Vito provided details.
Mrs. Ann Barnes spoke from the audience that the senior project requirement for graduates is a wonderful program and asked if there is any resistance to it from students. Mr. Siracuse noted efforts made to assist students who are reluctant about the projects.
Mrs. Lyke asked what provisions are made for students who are not scheduled to present their projects. Mr. Siracuse stated that the panels will occur on Friday, May 22nd when schools are closed staff development day.
Mrs. Brunner asked if a senior can fail the senior project. Mr. Siracuse stated that numerous checkpoints are in place to help them succeed.
Mr. Nicholson asked if the senior project is assigned a numeric grade. Mr. Siracuse explained that a pass or fail grade is used and students must also pass English 4.
Mr. Havens thanked Mr. Siracuse and Ms. Don Vito for their presentation.
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Atseff to present monthly financial reports for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff presented reports and information through October 31, 2008, as follows (copies filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(1) Revenue Status Report – General Fund: 63% of budgeted revenues have arrived; on track to meet budget.
(2) Expense Status Report – General Fund:: 22% of allocations were spent to date.
Mr. Griswold asked what the state aid amount and budget share is for the current fiscal year; Mr. Atseff stated about $14 million, or 31% of budgeted revenues.
Mr. Griswold asked what portion of state aid revenues are represented by the proposed mid-year reduction; Mr. Atseff stated appx. 6% based on current proposals.
Mr. Nicholson asked about investment of funds, nature of collateral, interest rates and allocation of any interest and earnings in excess of budgeted estimates. Mr. Atseff noted that available funds are invested in guaranteed accounts, with collateral, at a present interest rate of 4.0% and any unexpected earnings are allocated to reserve accounts in the annual resolution for same presented to the Board of Education in September.
Mrs. Brunner asked if the school district still participates in the health insurance consortium and what the projected rates are for the next year. Mr. Atseff stated that we continue to participate in the consortium and he serves on the Board of Directors as the representative for school districts in northwestern Wayne County. As one of the three (3) top customers of Excellus Health Plans, the consortium is in a highly favorable position and is planning a 4.0% rate reduction for 2009-2010.
(1) Michael Hamel Simmons, 6094 Hollybush Lane, Ontario, asked if consideration was made of the impact of the anxiety among seniors to meet senior project deadlines on their other course requirements. Mr. Siracuse stated that his review of first quarter data over the past four (4) years showed the lowest failure rates and increases in the passing rates to 97% among freshmen and 95% among seniors in the first quarter of the 2008-2009 school year. Mr. Havens stated he was impressed with the data analysis conducted by Mr. Siracuse.
(2) Timothy Van Kowenburg, 2173 Evergreen Lane, Ontario, asked what uses would occur at Ontario Elementary School if classroom space were added to Ontario Primary School for grades 3, 4 & 5. Mr. Havens reviewed options that could occur if Ontario Elementary School were converted to district-wide uses.
IX. RECESS:    8:40 p.m.
(Mrs. Brunner left the meeting at 8:44 p.m.)
X. RECONVENE: 8:50 p.m.
Mr. Havens presented the following personnel changes for review and consideration by the Board of Education:
Nicole Favreau, health teacher, increase from .50 FTE to 1.0 FTE, assigned to the high school, a six (6) month temporary appointment effective October 21, 2008 though April 4, 2009 at current rate.  (replacement for Jessica Kleindienst while on leave of absence).
Joy K. Hagerman, health teacher, .50 FTE, NYS Control No. 604704051 (Permanent, effective 9/1/05), assigned to the high school, a   six (6) month temporary appointment effective October 21, 2008 through April 17, 2009 at $19,325., prorated (replacement for Nicole Favreau while serviing as long term substitute for Jessica Kleindienst while on leave of absence)
Amended Coaching Appointments ● Winter Season • 2008-2009 School Year
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Additional Per Diem Substitute Teachers • 2008-2009 School Year
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Additional Extra-Duty Appointments/Designations • 2008-2009 School Year
See Listing, Clerk’s Agenda File, This Meeting
Margaret Leone, food service helper, assigned to the high school, effective September 29, 2008 (personal reasons)
Joelle Flatt, food service worker, assigned to the high school, a six (6) month   probationary appointment effective September 29, 2008 through March 28, 2009, at $8.22 per hour (replacement for Margaret Leone, resigned)
Patricia Griswold, TIES Coordinator (grant-funded position), assigned to the high school, an eight (8) month temporary appointment effective November 1, 2008   through June 30, 2009 at $11.00 per hour, not to exceed $7,000 per year.
Lorraine Polzin, bus dDriver, a temporary appointment anticipated to begin November 3 through December 12, 2008 at $13.47 per hour (Replacement for David Knorr while on FMLA leave of absence)
David Knorr, bus driver, a paid FMLA leave of absence to begin November 3, 2008 through December 12, 2008.
Kara Magin, teacher aide, assigned to Freewill Elementary School, an unpaid FMLA leave of absence anticipated to begin September 2, 2008 through February 26, 2009.
Mrs. Newman offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Paz, to approve the personnel changesas recommended by the superintendent of schools. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Triou), Carried.
Mr. Havens presented the pupil placement recommendations of the Committees on Special Education and Pre-School Special Education for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mrs. Newman offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Lyke, to adopt the following RESOLUTIONS for pupil placements by the CSE/CPSE, TO WIT:
(1) to approve the recommendation for pupil placements by the Committee on Special Education:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
(2) to approve the recommendation for pupil placements by the Committee on Pre-School Special Education:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the recommendations of the Committee on Pre-School Special Education and authorizes the Director of Student Services to arrange the recommended special programs and services.
On the question, the RESOLUTIONS were adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Triou), Carried.

(1) Reports of the School District Treasurer (A/O 9/30/08)
(2) Approve Budget Transfers Per Policy 5330
(3) Award Bid for Natural Gas Transport Contract (W-F.L. B.O.C.E.S. Cooperative Bid)
(4) Award Bids for the Purchase of Computers and Technology Commodities
(Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES cooperative bid)
(5) Approve Revisions to the Professional Development Plan (PDP) & Comprehensive District Education Plan (CDEP - shared decision making)
(6) Adopt Resolution for Funding of a Feasibility Study of a Wind Turbine on the Ontario Center Campus
Mr. Havens presented the consensus agenda for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Nicholson offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Paz, to approve/adopt the consensus agenda, as presented by the superintendent of schools, as follows:
(1) Receive & file reports of the school district treasurer for the period ending September 30, 2008 (copies attached to these minutes in the minute book)


(2) Approve budget transfers pursuant to Board of Education Policy 5330 (copy attached to these minutes in the minute book)
(3) Award the bid for the supply of natural gas for the period of October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009 to Empire Natural Gas, the lowest responsible bidder, with RG&E providing transport of the gas and the price structure at SC-3 $1.207 & balancing (copy filed in clerk’s file)
(4) Award bids for the purchase of computers and technology commodities, multiple bid award, based on cost per unit, not total pricing, through cooperative bid RFB-1375-08 conducted by Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES (copy filed in clerk’s file)
(5) Approve revisions to the Comprehensive District Education Plan  (CDEP) (shared decision making structure) and the Professional Development Plan  (PDP) (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(6) Adopt a RESOLUTION for funding of a feasibility study for a proposed wind turbine, TO WIT:
RESOLVED by the Board of Education to engage Sustainable Energy Development Corporation, 317 Route 104, Ontario, to conduct a feasibility study at a cost not to exceed $20,000 of a wind turbine on the Ontario Center campus to provide alternative energy sources for school facilities
Mr. Schultz asked if the capital reserve fund would cover the cost for the feasibility study. Mr. Havens will provide additional information at the next meeting.
Mr. Schultz noted the opportunity to consider use of reserve funds with the potential for mid-year reductions in operating aid from the State of New York as proposed by the Governor to address state budget concerns.
Mr. Paz asked what timeline is anticipated for the proposed wind turbine project after state approvals are received. Mr. Havens provided details.
Mr. Nicholson asked how pre-referendum architectural services were paid; Mr. Havens stated that budgeted funds were used.
Mr. Schultz asked if architectural and design services were an eligible capital reserve expense. Mr. Havens stated they were but use of reserve funds are discouraged for routine expenses.
Mr. Griswold asked if use of capital reserve funds require voter approval; Mr. Havens stated that was correct.
Mr. Atseff noted that after state project approval is issued, pre-project architectural services are eligible expenses for the project.
Mr. Nicholson suggested directing any budgeted funds not used for the feasibility study toward costs for pre-project architectural services.
On the question, the consensus agenda was approved/adopted by a vote of 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Triou).
A. Four County School Boards Association
Mrs. Lyke noted that Mr. Havens, Mr. Atseff, Mrs. Eaton-Smith and Mr. Harris presented details of our “paperless agenda” at the October program meeting of the Four County School Boards Association. Component districts showed high interest. She thanked board members and Mr. Switzer for their input for the presentation. Mr. Robusto noted the varied impact of the approach for persons involved before, at and after our meetings. Mr. Havens noted receipt of several e-mails after the meeting from superintendents who want to “adopt” our board members which makes him very proud of our school board.
Mrs. Lyke noted that the next program is set for November 24th on the topic “Are You Smarter Than The Average Board Member? ”
Mrs. Lyke noted that among our board, each person has adapted differently to the paperless meeting; some use laptops at meetings, some read electronic information prior to meeting and bring only agenda sheet. She suggested discussion on future formats or modifications to the paperless approach.
Mr. Griswold noted that the increased use of Power Point presentations at meetings also reduces the amount of documents.
Mr. Nicholson stated he favors any approach that consumes less paper. He suggested including the color paper monthly budget status reports as an electronic agenda attachment and posting the staff photo directory as an electronic document. Mrs. Lyke and Mr. Griswold noted that the printed versions of the staff photo directories are very helpful.
B. Mrs. Lyke noted that the state school boards association is absorbing costs for registration and meals to encourage participation in the annual state legislative network visit to legislators and state leaders in Albany and providing sample messages to send to lawmakers on their web site for local school board members which she encouraged board members to use. Mr. Robusto noted that Mrs. Lyke plays a major role in this in the region.
(1) Mr. Griswold stated that he will present information at a future meeting on the training recognition for individual members and full school boards provided by the NYS School Boards’ Association. He noted the value of the program and the stature which our school board would achieve as the first full Board of Education in the state to earn recognition.
(2) Mrs. Lyke encouraged board members to also take advantage of local seminars and programs on pertinent topics presented by the state school boards’ association.
(3) Mrs. Newman noted the increase in expectations from our students as illustrated by the report this evening on the senior project and asked if any progress has occurred on providing our seniors with more privileges or morale builders (e.g. separate study area). She noted that seniors at Red Creek High School have a separate access point in the cafeteria.
(4) Mrs. Lyke noted that we expect more from our students at all levels and extra recognition is a positive acknowledgement by the Board of Education and school officials.
(5) Mr. Robusto recalled the honor pass concept as an incentive during his high school years.
Mr. Paz offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Schultz, to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mrs. Brunner, Mr. Triou), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
December 11, 2008
School District Clerk


Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Thursday, November 20, 2008  TIME: 7:00p.m.
TYPE: Special Meeting – Joint Meeting of the PLACE: Walworth Town Hall
Board of Education & Walworth & Ontario Town Boards
PRESENT:BOARD OF EDUCATION: Mrs. Brunner, Mrs. Lyke, Mr. Robusto, Mr. Schultz (arrived @ 7:10 p.m.) & Mr. Triou; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Cox & Blankenberg ABSENT: Board of Education Members Griswold, Newman, Nicholson & Paz
ONTARIO TOWN BOARD: Robert Kelsch, Jason Ruffell, Jim Switzer & Stephen Tobin
WALWORTH TOWN BOARD: Robert Plant, Suszi Hawkins-Mance, Frank Maciuska & Patricia Marini; Town Clerk Susie Jacobs
GUESTS: Approximately 30 residents, students, town officials and visitors were present for portions of the meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. by Robert Plant, Walworth Town Superv
Mr. Plant welcomed everyone and asked town & school officials to introduce themselves.
Mr. Havens asked Mr. Plant and Mr. Kelsch to join him in recognizing the achievement of sophomore Robert Dierna who earned the designation as 2008 Division I State Wrestling Champion in the 96 pound weight class. He also introduced his parents, Robert & Lori Dierna, of 5711 Lincoln Road, Ontario, and wrestling coach Ted Hargarther, who were also present.
Marc Blankenberg, director of athletics and physical education, noted that Bobby also earned sectional and super-sectional honors and has participated as a member of the varsity wrestling squad since eighth grade. He shares the distinction as state champion with past wrestlers Josh Patterson and Ryan La Magra.
Mr. Havens also presented roadside signs inscribed with “2008 NYS 96 lb. Varsity Wrestling Champion” to Mr. Plant and Mr. Kelsch to include on the school district signboards at the entry points on Route 441 & Route 104 in the Towns of Walworth and Ontario, respectively, and to Bobby and his parents.
Town & school officials and visitors joined in applause to recognized Bobby’s achievements.
(Mr. Schultz entered the meeting at 7:10 p.m.)
Mr. Havens reported that the Board of Education has approved a feasibility study by Sustainable Energy Development, Inc., of Ontario, for a 1 megawatt wind turbine on the Ontario Center campus as an alternative energy source for school facilities.  
He added that while the NYS Education Department has issued verbal endorsement of the project, the feasibility study and project planning will extend for approx. twelve (12) months followed by two (2) months’ for construction.
Mr. Havens suggested that the Town of Walworth might consider a joint venture for a wind turbine on the water tower hill at Canandaigua Road and Atlantic Avenue to serve the town highway garage and Freewill Elementary School.
Mr. Switzer asked if the proposed wind turbine on the Ontario Center campus could extend to the facilities owned by the Town of Ontario (e.g. town hall, public library and Palmer Hall/ courthouse) at 1848 & 1850 Ridge Road and the Ontario Fire District No. 1 ( e.g. fire station) at 6160 Walter Cone Drive. He added that joint projects might earn additional consideration by state agencies for alternative energy projects.
Mr. Havens stated that the feasibility study could include energy usage data of the town and the fire district. Mr. Kelsch stated he would compile and forward pertinent information.
Mr. Plant asked when completion of the proposed wind turbine project is expected; Mr. Havens stated April, 2010.


Mr. Havens reported that school officials are exploring options for reduction of expenditures based on proposals by Governor Patterson to address an estimated $2 billion shortfall in state revenues.
Meetings have occurred with local legislators and among school boards and school superintendents to address this topic. State legislators did not accept the Governor’s proposals at the special legislative session last week but local legislators have cautioned school boards not to expect more operating aid in future years.
As the largest school district in Wayne County, the proposed mid-year aid reduction for Wayne Central School District was $850,000. Items identified for cost containments were a freeze on conference attendance, curriculum days, field trips, substitutes and non-essential expenses and reductions in areas such as non-league spring season interscholastic events.
The Board of Education has made it clear that an increase in the school tax rate is not an option to replace reduced state funding in light of layoffs and economic hardships faced by local taxpayers.
Mr. Plant asked what percentage of the school budget the proposed state aid cutbacks represent; Mr. Havens stated about 5.0% of state aid revenues.
Mr. Maciuska asked if funding from the NYS Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA) is an option for the proposed wind turbine project. Mr. Havens stated the feasibility study will explore that option.
Mr. Havens complimented Mr. Maciuska on his excellent presentation as a panelist at the recent energy alternatives forum sponsored by the Ontario Public Library.

Mr. Kelsch noted that four (4) members of the Ontario Town Board attended the property tax forum in Newark in which county, village, town and school board members and officials also participated. Over 100 persons were present to consider efforts to share services and reduce spending. Small working groups representing those agencies will continue to meet to address suggestions from the tax forum and the Wayne County Board of Supervisors has created a task force on government services in the 21st century to explore additional economies and efficiencies.
Mr. Kelsch noted that he also attended an economic outlook breakfast Rochester Home Builders’ Association for county and regional officials and area legislators. The Greater Rochester Area is in much better condition than other sections of the United States.
Note was made of past and existing examples of joint and consolidated services among area towns (e.g. three-town joint animal control) and local towns and the school district (e.g. use of facilities, joint fueling center (past), shared use of bucket truck and other equipment).
Mrs. Lyke noted the many advantages of joint and cooperative efforts. She added that the state school boards’ association is serving as a clearinghouse for municipal sharing ideas.

Mr. Kelsch noted that North East Bio Diesel has started operations in the Wayne Industrial Sustainability Park (WISP) owned by the Wayne County Industrial Development Agency at the former 84 Lumber Site at 317 Route 104, east of Dean Parkway.
He added that many people are unaware of the alternative energy and optical firms located in the WISP and the adjacent Beh Industrial Park.
Mr. Switzer noted that the 2009 common tax rate of $2.62 (e.g. combined rate for general, highway and library funds) reflects an increase of one cent per thousand dollars of assessed value for property taxpayers in the Town of Ontario.
Mr. Kelsch noted that the proposed 2009 county budget reflects a decrease of 50 cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation at the present time. Mr. Plant stated that the final rate may reflect a larger decrease. A public hearing on the proposed county budget will occur on December 2 in Lyons.

Mr. Maciuska, town board liaison to the Walworth-Seely Public Library, noted that students at Freewill Elementary School are participating in an after-school program at the library and asked if they could ride the school bus that travels near the town hall/library from school to attend those programs. Their parents/guardians would pick them up at the library at the conclusion of the program.
Mr. Havens stated that the school district could make arrangements for students to ride a bus to the library who have written permission of parents/guardians to do so. He will contact Mr. Maciuska and Mrs. Mary Zingerella, library director, to confirm details.

Mrs. Hawkins-Mance noted that that town officials and volunteers continue efforts to explore a new facilities on the town hall campus within walking distance of the present library/town hall building for library and recreation uses. Concept designs and engineering details will occur in 2009.

Mr. Plant noted recent announcement by the NYS Comptroller of a proposed new requirement starting in 2009 for elected and appointed municipal officials to maintain time records to verify eligibility for state retirement benefits.
Mrs. Brunner asked what prompted this new requirement; Mr. Plant noted recent abuses of the retirement system by attorneys working for municipalities.
Mr. Plant also noted that those towns and villages which maintain a service awards’ program for volunteer firefighters would face additional accounting requirements under these proposed new regulations.

Mr. Plant reported that the foundation was poured during the first week of November in the new enclosed pavilion at Ginegaw Park. The 40 x 50 foot year-round building was financed by a grant of $180,000 obtained from the State of New York by Senator Mike Nozzolio.
He explained that the pavilion will have a 16-foot porch, kitchen facilities, a gas fireplace and provide access for persons with disabilities. In addition to community uses, the Town of Walworth will use the new facility for numerous programs (e.g., summer day camp, senior citizen events, scouting).  
Mr. Kelsch reported that finishing touches are underway on the center building and that the tension fabric frames and structures are in place for the new community center at Casey Park.
VI. NEXT MEETING DATE & TIME (April 9, 2009)
The Board of Education will host the next joint meeting on April 9, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at James A. Beneway High School in Ontario Center.
Mr. Plant thanked everyone for their attendance and participation and noted the benefits of joint meetings among town and school board members.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of Education
were submitted for review & (approved as presented)
(correctedas noted) at the meeting of
JES/jes:wp December 11, 2008
School District Clerk

Att. 2


Att. 3

To: Board of Education
From: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
(Prepared by Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources)
Re: Personnel Action
Date: December 11, 2008
The following is submitted for your review and approval.
Tenure Recommendation:   
The following administrator is being recommended by the Superintendent for appointment to tenure according to the tenure area and date listed:
Name Tenure Area        Date_____________________
Joseph Siracuse
High School Principal      January 3, 2009

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Tenure Recommendation:   
The following teacher is being recommended by the Superintendent for appointment to tenure according to the tenure area and date listed:
Name Tenure Area        Date_____________________
Tracy DonVito
Business Education      February 1, 2009
Meredith Kulik, English teacher assigned to James A. Beneway High School, effective
December 5, 2008. For personal reasons.
Joanna Johnson, Social Studies teacher assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a combination paid/unpaid FMLA effective February 2, 2009 through June 30, 2009.
Elena Bernard, English Teacher, NYS Control No. 184461081 (Initial valid through 1/31/13) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a seven month temporary appointment effective December 8, 2008 through June 30, 2009 at $39,459 (base + MS) credited with no prior service. Replacement for Meredith Kulik (resigned).

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Beth Petrino, Teacher Aide, assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a temporary appointment effective October 24, 2008 through January 30, 2009, at $8.89   per hour. Replacement for Kara Magin (FMLA LOA).
Name   Sport Stipend
Craig Wert Sectional Boys Varsity Volleyball $404.00
Carl Johnston Sectional B & G Varsity Cross Country $404.00
David Marean Sectional Varsity Football $404.00
Tim Mattle Sectional Boys Varsity Soccer $404.00
Bill Jordan Sectional Girls Varsity Soccer $404.00
David Hosenfeld Sectional Girls Varsity Volleyball $404.00
Dolores Fox Sectional Girls Varsity Tennis $404.00
Alan Balcaen Sectional Asst. Varsity Football $162.00
William Mitchell Sectional Asst. Varsity Football $162.00
Ashley Aman Sectional JV Girls Volleyball $162.00
Bill Thomson Sectional JV Boys Soccer $162.00
Bob Taylor Sectional JV Girls Soccer $162.00
Elena Bernard Sectional Varsity Cheerleading $162.00
Carl Johnston State B & G Varsity Cross Country $162.00


Last Name
First Name
Bulling Susan
Gibbs Harry
Dawson Mercy
McDowell Annette

Att. 4

Consensus Agenda

TO:    Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens
RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:  December 11,2008  
The following items are being recommended for approval in a consensus agenda:
#1  Accept Treasurer’s Report - October
#2  Accept Single Audit Report
#3  Accept Extra-Classroom Report
#4  Accept General Fund Report
#5  Approve Reserve Account Transfers
#6  Adopt Budget Calendar
#7  Declare Surplus Buses
#8  Adopt Resolutions on Wayne County Study
          #9  Adopt Policy Committee Charge  

Consensus Agenda #1




Consensus Agenda #2

TO:  Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 11, 2008
RE:  Acceptance of Single Audit Report
The Single Audit Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008, has been completed by Mr. Raymond F. Wager, CPA, P.C., Corona Executive Commons, 1010 Lehigh Station Road, Rochester, NY 14623. This audit is required by the New York State Education Department and the Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502).
The Board of Education should take action to accept this audit report at the regular board meeting to be held on Thursday, January 8, 2009.
A copy of the Single Audit Report and an excerpt of the Board of Education minutes of the meeting when the audit was accepted must be filed with the New York State Education Department. A copy of the Single Audit Report must also be sent to the New York Office of the Comptroller and the Single Clearinghouse, Jeffersonville, Indiana. In addition, a notice must be published within ten days that such report is available for inspection.
c:  Kim Cox, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
 Michelle Scheik, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
 Nique Wilson, Cafeteria Supervisor
 Lee Stramonine, District Treasurer
 Jim Switzer, District Clerk

Consensus Agenda #3

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 11, 2008
RE:  Acceptance of Extra-Classroom Activities Funds
The Regulations of the Commissioner of Education of the State of New York require that an independent and impartial audit of the extra-classroom activity accounts be made at least annually in conjunction with the audit of district records. A copy of the audit and an excerpt of the Board of Education minutes of the meeting when the audit was accepted by the Board of Education must be filed with the New York State Department of Education. In addition, a notice must be published within ten days that such a report is available for public inspection.
The audit of Extra-Classroom Activity Accounts for the year ended June 30, 2008, as conducted by the C.P.A. firm of Mr. Raymond Wager, Rochester, New York, has been received. A copy of the audit has been forwarded to the building principals for their review.
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their regular meeting to be held on Thursday, January 8, 2009, accept the 2007/2008 audit of Extra-Classroom Activity Accounts as prepared by Mr. Wager, C.P.A.
c:  Joe Siracuse, High School Principal
 Robert Armocida, Wayne Middle School Principal
 Jim Switzer, District Clerk
 Lee Stramonine, District Treasurer


Consensus Agenda #4

TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Jeffrey T. Schultz
 Audit Committee Chairman
DATE:  December 11, 2008
RE:  Independent Auditor's Report and Management Letter
Attached is a copy of the General Purpose Financial Statements and the Management Letter for the school fiscal year ended June 30, 2008, as prepared by Raymond F. Wager, CPA, P.C., 1020 Lehigh Station Road, Rochester, NY 14667. As per section 170.12 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, the district audit committee has reviewed the audit report and management letter with the external auditor.
A copy of the General Purpose Financial Statements and the Management Letter have been forwarded to the New York State Education Department, Office of Audit Services, 524 Education Building, Albany, NY 12234. The General Purpose Financial Statements must be filed by November 30 of the current fiscal year.
The audit committee recommends that the Board of Education adopt a resolution at the January 8, 2009, board meeting accepting the Independent Auditor's Report and the Management Letter for the fiscal year 2007-2008.
It will be necessary for the district clerk to file with the State Education Department a certified excerpt of the minutes of the Board of Education meeting noting the acceptance of the 2007-2008 General Purpose Financial Statements. In addition, the district clerk must publish a notice within ten days that such report is available for public inspection.



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Consensus Agenda #5


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To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  December 5, 2008
Re:  Liability Reserve Transfer
At the October 9, 2008 board meeting, the board approved 2007/2008 year end fund balance transfers. As part of the transfers, the district put $2,000,000 in the Liability Reserve. When Ray Wager met with the audit committee to discuss the audit report, he informed the committee that the Liability Reserve in total cannot exceed 3% of the annual budget. Based on this information, we need to transfer the $2,000,000 that was put into the Liability Reserve to the Insurance Reserve. Once the transfer is done, the Insurance Reserve will have a balance of $2,592,165, and the Liability Reserve will have a balance of $893,560     

Consensus Agenda #6



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December 2, 2008, Tuesday     Administrative Meeting:
   Budget development calendar reviewed.
   Budget development process reviewed.
   Budget guidelines, instructions, and decision package forms distributed to building principals, central office administrators, and support staff supervisors.
   Student enrollment projections for 2009-2010 reviewed.
   Set Instructional Priorities.
December 11, 2008, Thursday    Board Meeting: 
        Budget development calendar presented to Board of       Education.
     …….   2009-2010 enrollment projections to Board of Education.

January 02, 2009, Tuesday  ………….Staffing recommendations presented to Ass't. Superintendents by administrators .


January 08, 2009, Thursday    Board Meeting
   Discussion of Instructional priorities based on School Improvement Plan.
   Board of Education Budget Discussion.

January 13, 2009, Tuesday    Administrative Meeting:
   Budget requests to be submitted by building principals, central office administrators, and support staff supervisors to Assistant Superintendent for Business.
   Review first draft of 2009-2010 Capital portion of budget.
January 22, 2009, Thursday.  .…………Board Meeting:
      …………..Administrative presentation to Board of Education         of the first draft of Capital portion of 2009-2010 budget


February 3, 2009, Tuesday    Administrative Meeting:
        Review first draft of 2009-2010 Program Budget.
February 12, 2009, Thursday    Board Meeting: 
   Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first draft of Program portion of 2009-2010 budget.
March 3,. 2009, Tuesday    Administrative Meeting:
   Review first draft of 2009-2010 Administrative Budget.
March 12, 2009, Thursday    Board Meeting:  
   Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first draft of Administrative portion of 2009-2010 budget.
   Board of Education to identify propositions for May 19   Budget Vote and adopt Legal Notice of School Election and Budget Vote.
   Board of Education review of first draft of complete 2009-2010 budget.
   Administrative presentation of projected 2009-2010 revenues.
March 26, 2009, Thursday    Board Meeting:
        Adopt proposed 2009-2010 Wayne Central Budget.
April 20, 2009, Monday    Petitions for School Trustee candidates to be filed with District Clerk on or before 5:00 p.m. at the District Office.
April 22, 2009, Wednesday    Board Meeting:  
        Vote on BOCES Administrative Budget.
       Election of BOCES Board Members
April 28, 2009, Tuesday    Last date for newsletter to be printed.
May 5, 2009, Tuesday    Distribution of special edition of District newsletter with proposed 2009-2010 budget information.
   2009-2010 proposed budget must be available for public inspection in each school building.

May 7, 2009, Thursday    Board Meeting:
Budget Hearing.
   Board meeting to follow hearing.

        Appoint election officials for May 20   budget vote.

May 19, 2009, Tuesday    Budget Vote at Wayne Central High School Gymnasium lobby from 9: 00 a. m. to 9: 00 p. m.



Must publish four (4) times within the seven (7) weeks preceding the Budget Vote.

The first notice must be 45 days prior to the Budget Vote week of (April 6, 2009 )


Consensus Agenda #7

To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  December 4, 2008
Re:  Designate Vehicles as Surplus Property
I am recommending that the Board of Education at their December11,2008 meeting, declare the vehicles listed below as surplus property. This procedure is in accordance with Policy #5260.
Bus #         Year    Capacity    Mileage
Bus 201  1997  66 passenger  125,335
Bus 202  1997    66 passenger  125,071
Bus 204  1997  66 passenger  103,937
Bus 206  1997  66 passenger  104,464
Bus 207  1997  66 passenger  131,975
Bus 208  1997  66 passenger  136,584
Bus 230  2000  20 passenger  155,235
Bus 232  2000  28 passenger  125,891
The district bus purchase replacement schedule calls for large buses to be replaced after 10 years, and small buses to be replaced after 5 years. Once the vehicles are sold, the funds from the sale will be placed in the Bus Purchase Reserve.

Consensus Agenda #8 (a)


The Wayne Central School District Board acting by and through its Board of Education President duly authorized and do herein declare:
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of State has released an application for the Local Government Efficiency Program, High Priority Planning Grant which allows municipalities to include School Districts to apply for funding that provide funds for plans and studies that will include an examination of the potential savings and management improvements for two or more municipalities to study shared services or transfer of functions to be performed on a countywide basis.
WHEREAS, Wayne Central School District is a Co-Applicant to Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Education application to the Local Government Efficiency Program Grant, High Priority Planning Grant.
WHEREAS, the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services (WFL BOCES) is the Lead Applicant and all Co-Applicants shall submit with the application a formal resolution of the governing body showing support of this grant application. The purpose of this resolution is to provide official support of this governing body of this co-applicant for the application and the proposed project and to state the following:
I.  Authorization to Apply for the Grant: The Wayne Central School District designates that the WFL BOCES as the lead applicant with Dr. Joseph J. Marinelli, District Superintendent, WFL BOCES as the Lead Applicant Contact Person. We hereby authorize Dr. Marinelli to submit an application to the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, High Priority Planning Grant for the 2008-2009 program year. The Wayne Central School District also authorizes WFL BOCES and Dr. Marinelli to execute all financial and/or administrative processes relating to the grant program.
II.  Project Title and Description: The project will be known as the “Wayne County Regional High School Study and Planning Project.” The study and planning will examine the potential savings, management improvements, and benefits to the community in developing regional high schools. A regional high school is defined as two or more school districts combining their high school programs and retaining separate elementary, and middle school programs, or K-8 programs.
III.  Funding Request: We authorize WFL BOCES to apply for up to $50,000 of funding from the Local Government Efficiency Program, High Priority Planning Grant.
IV.  Local Share Information: WFL BOCES and each of the eleven co-applicants will be responsible for an equal 1/12th portion, $417, of the total 10% matching share of $5,000 from local shares.
V.  Co-Applicant Information: Wayne Central School District is an authorized co-applicant to WFL BOCES application to the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, High Priority Planning Grant for the Wayne County Regional High School Study and Planning Project. We agree to work with WFL BOCES and each of the Component School Districts in Wayne County which are also co-applicants to this grant.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a school board meeting was held on Wayne Central, 2008, wherein a quorum was present and a majority of the quorum voted to provide authorization for WFL BOCES to apply for the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, High Priority Planning Grant with the Wayne Central School District as a Co-Applicant. Therefore, this document is to serve as the formal resolution of the Wayne Central School District Board of Education, pursuant to the laws of New York.
         Wayne Central School District
Signed: _____________________
Title:  President, Board of Education  Date: _____________________

            Consensus Agenda #8 (b)

Wayne Central School District

The Wayne Central School District Board acting by and through its Board of Education President duly authorized and do herein declare:
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of State has released an application for the Local Government Efficiency Program, General Efficiency Planning Grant which allows municipalities to include School Districts to apply for funding that provide funds for plans and studies that will include an examination of the potential savings and management improvements for two or more municipalities to study shared services or transfer of functions.
WHEREAS, Wayne Central School District is a Co-Applicant to Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Education application to the Local Government Efficiency Program Grant, General Efficiency Planning Grant.
WHEREAS, the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational Services (WFL BOCES) is the Lead Applicant and all Co-Applicants shall submit with the application a formal resolution of the governing body showing support of this grant application. The purpose of this resolution is to provide official support of this governing body of this co-applicant for the application and the proposed project and to state the following:
I.  Authorization to Apply for the Grant: The Wayne Central School District designates that the WFL BOCES as the lead applicant with Dr. Joseph J. Marinelli, District Superintendent, WFL BOCES as the Lead Applicant Contact Person. We hereby authorize Dr. Marinelli to submit an application to the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, General Efficiency Planning Grant for the 2008-2009 program year. The Wayne Central School District also authorizes WFL BOCES and Dr. Marinelli to execute all financial and/or administrative processes relating to the grant program.
II.  Project Title and Description: The project will be known as the “Wayne County Regional High School Study and Planning Project.” The study and planning will examine the potential savings, management improvements, and benefits to the community in developing regional high schools. A regional high school is defined as two or more school districts combining their high school programs and retaining separate elementary, and middle school programs, or K-8 programs.
III.  Funding Request: We authorize WFL BOCES to apply for up to $32,000 of funding from the Local Government Efficiency Program, General Efficiency Planning Grant.
IV.  Local Share Information: WFL BOCES and each of the co-applicants will be responsible for an equal share of the total 10% matching share of $3,200 from local shares.
V.  Co-Applicant Information: Wayne Central School District is an authorized co-applicant to WFL BOCES application to the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, General Efficiency Planning Grant for the Wayne County Regional High School Study and Planning Project. We agree to work with WFL BOCES and each of the Component School Districts in Wayne County which are also co-applicants to this grant.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a school board meeting was held on December 11, 2008, wherein a quorum was present and a majority of the quorum voted to provide authorization for WFL BOCES to apply for the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, High Priority Planning Grant with the Wayne Central School District as a Co-Applicant. Therefore, this document is to serve as the formal resolution of the Wayne Central School District Board of Education, pursuant to the laws of New York.
         Wayne Central School District
Signed: _____________________
Title:  President, Board of Education  Date: _____________________


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Consensus Agenda #9


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Presented by Policy Committee to the Board of Education for Single Reading
Board of Education Meeting of December 11, 2008





(1)   Conduct annual committee review of 50% of policy handbook


(2)   Conduct annual review of policies, regulations & exhibits that require same


(3)   Review and develop new and emerging policies and regulations as they arise and present for review and consideration by the Board of Education


(4)   Research and develop policy issues as referred by the Board of Education

Adopted by the Board of Education On ……………………….


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