April 7, 2009 Page 123
    APRIL 7, 2009 7:00 PM HIGH SCHOOL RM. #210
    PRESENT: Nickoline Henner, Larissa Bodine, Judi Buckalew, Robert Cahoon,
    Katharine DeAngelis, Melinda DeBadts, Kari Durham, Edward Magin
    (7:15), Clifford Parton, Ora Rothfuss III
    Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin, Jacinda Lisanto , Jan McDorman
    and 18 guests
    CALL TO ORDER: Board President Nickoline Henne r called the meeting to order at
    7:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
    Before approval of the agenda, item #3c. was corr ected to include
    additional names of individuals involved in the presentation.
    1a. APPROVAL OF Clifford Parton moved and Melinda DeBadts seconded the following
    AGENDA: motion. The vote was unanimou s. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K Durham, C. Parto n, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    agenda of April 7, 2009.
    2. PUBLIC ACCESS No one addressed the Board at th
    is time.
    3a. STUDENT Mrs. Miner began the Student Achieve ment Status presentation by
    ACHIEVEMENT STATUS: summarizing why the Le
    avenworth Middle School is listed as a
    eed of
    mprovement (SINI). She spoke about the
    lan that is being developed and the personnel in pl ace that will
    help obtain the goal of proficiency for all student s. The school
    improvement timeline was explained to Board members.
    3b. NR-W CURRICULUM Mrs. Lisanto presented an ov erview of curriculum initiatives for
    INITIATIVES: student achievement in our D istrict. The Vision, Mission and Belief
    JACINDA LISANTO statements were reviewed. She spoke about the Curriculum and Staff
    Development Council, reviewed curriculum mapping, and spoke about
    staff development that has taken place. The Response to Intervention and
    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports programs currently in
    place were discussed. The Annual Professional Performance Review, a
    method of teacher evaluation, and the Comprehensive District Educational
    Plan were explained. The Quality Improvement Process for students with
    disabilities and the Comprehensive Education Plan (f

    8) were discussed in depth. Mrs. Lisanto mentioned that curriculum
    mapping in ELA will occur on Superintendent’s Conference Day, June 26
    3c. VALUE ADDED Michele Sullivan, Jacinda Lisan to, Neil Thompson, Jennifer Hayden
    GROWTH MODEL: and Angela Kirkey presented the
    ystem (EVAAS). This program provides a way to meas ure
    MICHELE SULLIVAN the school’s impact on s tudent growth, and provides an in depth way to
    NEIL THOMPSON track student achievement. It measures student growth over time
    JENNIFER HAYDEN using multiple data point s, rather than viewing test results in isolation.
    ANGELA KIRKEY The program is useful for s tudents in grades 5-8. The results of
    three state tests (3
    grade ELA, 3
    grade math, and 4
    grade ELA) are
    required before tracking can occur. The program all ows the comparison of
    a student to other students with the same profile, and could be useful in
    creating AIS groups, after school target skills gro ups, summer school lists,
    and class lists for the next school year. Schools can also compare results
    from a pool of schools with the same testing histor y. The value of looking
    at data using this method was explained. Other pro grams such as Cognos,
    RIC, and Data Warehouse, which track other types of information, were
    reviewed. There was discussion about the state of New York being in a
    data reporting transition time.
    3d. PRESENTATION OF Declining enrollment in the Di strict, less sections of general music, and
    K-12 MUSIC staffing to enrollment were disc ussed. The Administrative team prepared
    SCHEDULE: three scheduling scenarios for th e music department to consider for the
    ADMINISTRATIVE 2009-10 school year. Each sc enario was reviewed and the pros and cons
    TEAM of each were discussed. It was
    noted that the scenarios permit the teachers
    to stay in one school building all day without trav eling.
    3e. FINAL DRAFT 2009-10 Mr. Robert Magin presente d the final draft of the 2009-10
    SCHOOL BUDGET: school budget, which was ver y similar to the previous draft. With this
    budget, it is estimated that there will be a 0% tax rate increase.
    There was discussion among the Board members on va rious topics relating
    to the Budget.
    4a1. TECHNOLOGY Mr. Edward Magin reported on the recent Technology committee meeting
    COMMITTEE REPORT: he attended where Frank Sobierajski was presenting and Jeff Lisanto,
    EDWARD MAGIN newly hired Technology Coord inator beginning in July 2009, was present.
    Smart Boards and unique software were the main top ics discussed. There
    will be new computers installed in the computer lab , new laptops for
    computer carts, and printer replacements for the ne xt school year. The
    pros and cons of every student having a laptop were discussed.
    4b. STUDENT BOE Larissa Bodine mentioned that ther e is a small group of students who will
    MEMBER REPORT: be going to Red Creek Central School to help prepare for the DWI Crash
    LARISSA BODINE Scene scenario.
    4c. OTHER GOOD NEWS Congratulations on a fine perfo rmance to all those who participated in the
    OF THE DISTRICT: Middle School musical, the “Phantom Tollbooth.” There have been many
    enjoyable concerts at all grade levels.

    April 7, 2009 Page 125
    4d. OTHER: The next spring chorus and band concert is at NRE on April 8
    5a. SUPERINTENDENT’S No additional report was given.
    5b. BUSINESS Mr. Robert Magin addressed a questio n from the previous Board
    ADMINISTRATOR’S meeting regarding donations to the BackPack program. He mentioned
    UPDATE: tha
    t generally an individual is not able to donate ite ms to this program,
    although a corporation or small group could. He me ntioned that cement
    work is occurring at the Adaptive PE Center, and dry wall will be started
    soon. He reminded the Board that this area is cons idered a hard hat area,
    and badges should be worn for identification. Mr. Robert Magin attended
    an annual conference by Utica National Insurance Company on school
    safety, and he is pleased to announce that we recei ved a School Safety
    Excellence award. There was a brief discussion abo ut our school safety
    5c. DISCUSSION AND There was discussion that took p lace by various Board members before
    ADOPTION OF voting on the Adoption of the 200 9-2010 Budget.
    2009-10 BUDGET:
    Robert Cahoon moved and Clifford Parto n seconded the following motion.
    N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, M. DeB adts, K Durham, E. Magin,
    C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III voted yes, K. DeAngelis voted no.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    proposed 2009-10 Budget in the amount of $26,956,786.00.
    Before approval of the Meeting Minutes of March 24, 2009, a correction
    was made to the motion to enter into executive sec tion, and #4e. the
    means of communication used in contacting Board Presidents from Sodus,
    Red Creek, and Clyde-Savannah to discuss sharing of services between
    districts. The Board Presidents were emailed, not t elephoned.
    6a. MEETING MINUTES Robert Cahoon moved and Cliff ord Parton seconded the following
    MARCH 24, 2009 motion. The vote was una nimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K Durham, E. Magi n, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    corrected Meeting Minutes of March 24, 2009.
    7. CONSENT AGENDA Clifford Parton moved and
    Edward Magin seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner , J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K Durham, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    7a. WARRANTS: Be it resolved that the Board of Edu
    cation, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and purs uant to Education Law, approves the

    April 7, 2009 Page 126
    following Warrants:
    1. #0049 $743,183.54
    2. #0047 $281,918.58
    7b. DISTRICT FINANCIAL Be it resolved that the Boar d of Education, upon recommendation of the
    REPORTS: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Treasurer’s Report for February, 2009.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Extra Classroom Activity Report for February, 2009.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
    NEW POLICIES: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    following new and revised policies:
    1. Policy #7240 - Student Records: Access and Challenge
    2. Policy #7540 - Student Directory Information
    3. Policy #5673 -
    Employee Personal Identifying Information
    4. Policy #6120 - Equal Employment Opportunity
    5. Policy #6551 - Family and Medical Leave Act
    6. Policy #3160
    - School District Standards and Guidelines for
    Web Page Publishing
    7d. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    FROM CSE AND CPSE: Superintendent of Schools an d pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    recommendations from the Committee on Special Educa
    tion dated March
    19, 2009, March 20, 2009 and March 25, 2009 and the Committee on Pre
    School Special Education dated March 30, 2009
    and instructs the
    Superintendent to implement the recommendations on behalf of the
    following individuals identified by student number:
    12199 12078 11283 11179 11721 11325 11 336 12001 11913
    11740 10402 11088 11177 11184 1013 3 12228 11419 10565
    7e. SUBSTITUTES: Be it resolv
    ed that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educati on Law, approves the
    individuals named on the substitute list s, which are on file with the
    District Clerk.

    April 7, 2009 Page 127
    7f. LANGUAGE
    APPROVAL: Be it resolved that the budget fo r the North Rose-Wolcott Central School
    FOR MAY 19, 2009 District (the “District” ) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2009 an
    BUDGET VOTE: ending June 30, 2010, as pre sented by the Board of Education in the
    amount of $26,956,786.00 is approved and adopted and the required
    funds are appropriated and the necessary real property taxes required
    shall be raised by a tax on the taxable property in the District to be levied
    and collected as required by law.
    7g. CORRECTION OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recomme
    ndation of the
    REFUND OF 2008 Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves a
    TAXES: school tax refund due to an overpayme nt of school taxes in 2008 of
    $530.02 to William H. Dean, Tax ID #542600 72119
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves a
    school tax refund due to an overpayment of school taxes in 2008 of
    $529.70 to William H. Dean, Tax ID #542600 72119-19 -501092.
    7h. APPROVAL OF Be it resolved that the Board of Ed ucation, upon recommendation of the
    VOLUNTEER: Superintendent of Schools and pur suant to Education Law, approves Mrs.
    Arlene Middleton, as a volunteer at North Rose Elem entary school.
    7i1. COACHING Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of the
    APPOINTMENT: Superintendent of Schools and pu rsuant to Education Law, approves the
    following coaching appointment for the 2008-2009 school year,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87, and successful
    completion of all required First Aid/CPR and Child A buse courses as
    Patty Jackson Modified Baseball “B” team 1 1 $1,793.00
    8. INFORMATIONAL The following informational items
    were shared with the Board:
    ITEMS: Enrollment - April, 2009, Newspaper ar ticle – “2 dozen+ cuts help NR-W
    keep tax hike to .5 percent”, Adult Education lette r, Capital Project
    Meeting Minutes #00012 - March 11, 2009, Policy #316 0 - School District
    Standards and Guidelines for Web Page Publishing Regu lation and Form,
    Policy #5673 Employee Personal Identifying Information Regulation,
    Policy # 6551 Family and Medical Leave Act
    Regulation and Forms, Policy
    #7240: Student Records: Access and Challenge Regu lation and Forms,
    Use of Facilities, MS Newsletter - March 2009, Los Pumas De North Rose-
    Wolcott - March 31, 2009, NRE News - April 2009, FH E Newsletter - April
    9. PUBLIC Mrs. Nancy Kasper requested the music tea chers who were present to
    PARTICIPATION: relate what affect the instrum ental music staff cut will have on music
    education in our District. The music instructors related their concerns to
    the Board.

    April 7, 2009 Page 128
    Mr. Mike Virts commended Board members on the time
    and effort taken
    to formulate the 2009-2010 budget. He spoke about the information
    shared in the Value Added Growth Model presentation, and feels that the
    program is a good tool for evaluation services. He shared thoughts on
    going out early to bond for bus purchases, due to t he economic situation.
    He feels that it is wise to look at long term plann ing and projections in
    regards to the 2010-11 budget.
    Mr. Mike Witkiewitz spoke about the increase of en rollment in the music
    program, mentioning that although District enrollment has declined,
    enrollment in the music program has increased through the years. He
    mentioned that he is willing to help during this tr ansitional period. Mr.
    Witkiewitz asked the Board to consider investigating reinstatement of the
    instrumental teaching position at a later time.
    EXECUTIVE SESSION: Robert Cahoon moved and Kari Durham seconded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
    DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    Executive Session at 9:50 pm for the specific purpose of discussing
    OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 10:27 pm.
    ADJOURNMENT Robert Cahoon moved and Clifford Parton seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss
    III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    adjournment of the meeting at 10:27 pm.
    Jan McDorman, Clerk
    Board of Education

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