December 9, 2008 Page 74
    PRESENT: Nickoline Henner, Larissa Bodine, Judi Buckalew, Robert Cahoon,
    Katharine DeAngelis, Melinda DeBadts, Kari Durham, Edward Magin,
    Clifford Parton, Ora Rothfuss III
    Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin, Jacinda Lisanto , Jan McDorman
    and 32 guests
    CALL TO ORDER: Board President Nickoline Henne r called the meeting to order at
    7:04 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
    1a. APPROVAL OF Clifford Parton moved and Kathy De Angelis seconded the following
    AGENDA: motion. The vote was unanimou s. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Ma gin, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss
    III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    agenda of December 9, 2008.
    2. PUBLIC ACCESS: No one spoke to the Board a t this time.
    3a. WOLCOTT VENUS Wolcott Chamber of Commerce Pres
    ident Chuck Palermo spoke to the
    CELEBRATION: Board about an upcoming celebr
    ation which will honor the Venus fountain
    in Wolcott. There will be an educational forum, a display of student art
    work in merchant’s windows, a Middle School sock ho p dance and a
    scholarship presented to a HS art student.
    3b. SUSPENSION Sharlet Palkovic, Tami Dubey, and Jun e Muto presented the Board with
    CENTER: an update on the Suspension Center.
    The MS/HS Suspension Center
    provides a full day program with a very structured environment. The one
    teacher to one student ratio allows the student to get caught up on his/her
    work. Detailed reports were handed out to Board me mbers showing the
    number of students serviced by the Suspension Cente r by grade level and
    the number of repeat student suspensions by grade l evel.
    3c. TRANSPORTATION Mr. Robert Magin, Business Admin istrator, addressed the Board about
    REPORT: combining NRE students with the MS/H
    S bus run. He mentioned that a
    number of students already come on the early runs f or school activities
    that occur before the normal school day begins at N RE. The District would
    be able to eliminate the “buddy bus” situation whic h would reduce the
    time elementary students are on buses. The number o f bus driver hours
    per day would be reduced and less fuel would be nee ded, therefore
    providing a cost savings. During the next two to t

    Magin and Robert Galloway, Transportation Supervisor, will continue to
    investigate this proposal and will report back to t he Board with the
    3d. POSSIBLE DISTRICT Mrs. Miner began her presentation to the Board by stating that
    RECONFIGURATION: there are two sources of in come for our school district: state aid and the
    money generated by our local tax payers. It has be en announced by
    Govenor Patterson that State funding for schools may be cut this year, and
    possibly for a number of years to come. With Distr ict expenses rising by
    almost $1 million dollars this next school year: salaries, Social Security,
    retirement funding, health insurance and HRA’s (Health Reimbursement
    Accounts), etc., cost-saving alternatives have been explored. Mrs. Miner
    mentioned that she has been meeting with District e mployees to explain
    the impact that the reduction of aid and rising exp enses will have on our
    District. She then presented a Power Point presenta tion where the
    following topics were examined: not replacing retiring teachers, the
    closing of FHE, enrollment, proposed class sizes, a Live Birth By School
    District report from the Department of Health, staff reductions, sharing
    the Director of Technology position with another district, decreasing the
    number of field trips, conferences, sports scrimmages and non-league
    games, freezing supply and equipment spending, and scrutinizing staff-
    development. A Focus Group will be held in place of the regular Board of
    Education meeting on January 13, 2008 at the High S chool Auditorium
    from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. for the public to weigh the p ros and cons of closing
    FHE and the pros and cons of switching the grade le vels housed at

    December 9, 2008 Page 76
    Grade”. It was mentioned that the December 2008 is
    sue of
    School Board Journal
    contains an article named “Accountability and
    Evaluation of School Boards” that Board members may want to read.
    5a. INTENT TO RETIRE: Clifford Parton moved and Me linda DeBadts seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Bu ckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
    DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parto n, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Educ ation, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts with
    thanks for over 23
    years of service, the letter of resignation for the
    of retirement from Sally Smith, effective June 30, 2009. Should the
    District increase the retirement incentive or accept a State retirement
    incentive between the time of acceptance of this le tter and the date of
    retirement, the greater incentive will be offered.
    5b. SUPERINTENDENT’S Mrs. Miner explained the conc ept of a Regional High School to the
    UPDATE: Board, and answered questions that arose. She spoke about the
    Comprehensive Education Plan that is currently being completed and will
    be submitted to the State Education Department. Th e Safety committee
    and the District Safety Team have met and all issue s have been addressed.
    Plans for the Skateboard Park have come to a standsti ll with no one
    stepping up to organize it. Mrs. Miner asked for i nput from the Board on
    whether or not they were interested in having the s chool organize the
    Skateboard Park and the consensus was no.
    5c. BUSINESS Mr. Robert Magin announced that the Capital Project is moving along
    ADMINISTRATOR’S very well. He mentioned that o ne new boiler will be installed soon
    UPDATE: at North Rose Elementary. He mentioned that he attended a meeting with
    Mrs. Miner, Robert Galloway and the Highway Superintendents where
    protocol had been discussed for school closings. M r. Robert Magin spoke
    about the OMNI 403(b) retirement option plan for em ployees listed on the
    consent agenda. The budget calendar is included in information items.
    6a. MEETING MINUTES Robert Cahoon moved and Melin da DeBadts seconded the following
    November 18, 2008 motion. The vote was unanim ous. N. Henner, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
    DeAngelis, K. Durham, M. DeBadts, E. Magin, C. Parto n, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    corrected Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2008.
    7. CONSENT AGENDA Clifford Parton moved and Katharine DeAngelis seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner , J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Magin, C. Parton, O.
    Rothfuss III voted yes.
    7a. WARRANTS: Be it resolved that the Board of Edu

    December 9, 2008 Page 77
    Superintendent of Schools and purs
    uant to Education Law, approves the
    following Warrants:
    1. #0027 $421,778.21 a. Auditor’s Report
    2. #0028 $350,234.45 a. Auditor’s Report
    3. #0030 $210.00
    7b. DISTRICT FINANCIAL Be it resolved that the Boa
    rd of Education, upon recommendation of the
    REPORTS Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Treasurer’s Report for October, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re
    commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Extra Classroom Activity Report for October, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re
    commendation of the
    FROM CSE AND CPSE: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    recommendations from the Committee on Special Education dated
    October 30, 2008, November 6, 2008, November 7, 2008, November 12,
    2008, November 13, 2008, November 14, 2008, and November 20, 2008
    and the Committee on PresSchool Special Education dated November 17,
    2008 and instructs the Superintendent to implement the
    recommendations on behalf of the following individuals identified by
    student number:
    09756 07582 12170 11476 10799 09827 08185 10990 072
    88 10327
    11480 07541 11479 11498 07504 11547 12164 11010 11179 11156
    11152 07504 12158 11321 10317 09148 09151 09780
    09086 09543
    11981 11133 11213 11209
    7d. SUBSTITUTES: Be it resolved that the Board of
    Education, upon recommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educati on Law, approves the
    individuals named on the substitute list s, which are on file with the
    District Clerk.
    7e. DONATION TO THE Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    DISTRICT: Superintendent of Sch ools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts
    the donation of saltwater aquarium equip ment, materials and fish
    valued at $2,000.00 received from Mr. Wil liam Devendorf.
    7f. REFUND OF 2008 Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
    SCHOOL TAXES: Superintendent of Schools
    and pursuant to Education Law, approves a
    school tax refund due to an overpayment of school
    taxes in 2008 of
    $529.70 to John A. DeLafranier, tax ID #542600 751 20-17-172111.
    ADOPTION OF THE NORTH The North Rose-Wolcott Central School District acting through an officer
    ROSE-WOLCOTT CENTRAL and pursuant to auth orization of its governing board, hereby adopts the
    SCHOOL DISTRICT’S 403(B) North Rose-Wolcot t Central School District 403(b) Retirement Plan,
    RETIREMENT PLAN subject to its terms and, the terms of any other agreements as deemed
    THE OMNI GROUP, appropriate, attached

    THIRD PARTY Agreement and the selecti ons made therein.
    7h. MEMORANDUM OF Be it resolved that the B oard of Education, upon recommendation of the
    AGREEMENT: Superintendent of Schools and p ursuant to Education Law, approves the
    Memorandum of Agreement with the Service Employees Association to
    change the rate of pay for the title “Senior Bus Dr iver” to the same rate of
    pay as the title “Bus Driver”.
    7i. EFFICIENCY GRANT The North Rose-Wolcott Central School District Board acting by and
    APPROVAL: through its Board of Education Presi dent duly authorized and do herein
    , the New York State Department of State has releas ed an
    application for the Local Government Efficiency Program, General
    Efficiency Planning Grant which allows municipalities to include School
    Districts to apply for funding that provide funds for plans and studies that
    will include an examination of the potential savings and management
    improvements for two or more municipalities to study shared services or
    transfer of functions.
    , North Rose-Wolcott Central School District is a C o-
    Applicant to Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Education
    application to the Local Government Efficiency Program Grant, General
    Efficiency Planning Grant.
    , the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational
    Services (WFL BOCES) is the Lead Applicant and all Co-Applicants shall
    submit with the application a formal resolution of the governing body
    showing support of this grant application. The pur pose of this resolution
    is to provide official support of this governing bo dy of this co-applicant for
    the application and the proposed project and to sta te the following:
    I. Authorization to Apply for the Grant: The Nort h Rose-Wolcott Central
    School District designates that the WFL BOCES as th e lead applicant with
    Dr. Joseph J. Marinelli, District Superintendent, WFL BOCES as the Lead
    Applicant Contact Person. We hereby authorize Dr. Marinelli to submit an
    application to the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, General
    Efficiency Planning Grant for the 2008-2009 program year. The North
    Rose-Wolcott Central School District also authorizes WFL BOCES and Dr.
    Marinelli to execute all financial and/or administrative processes relating
    to the grant program.
    II. Project Title and Description: The project will be known as the
    “Wayne County Regional High School Study and Planning Project.” The
    study and planning will examine the potential savings, management
    improvements, and benefits to the community in developing regional high
    schools. A regional high school is defined as two or more school districts
    combining their high school programs and retaining separate elementary,
    and middle school programs, or K-8 programs.
    III. Funding Request: We authorize WFL BOCES to ap ply for up to
    $32,000 of funding from the Local Government Efficiency Program,

    IV. Local Share Information: WFL BOCES and each of the co-applicants
    will be responsible for an equal share of the total 10% matching share of
    $3,200 from local shares.
    V. Co-Applicant Information: North Rose-Wolcott Central School District
    is an authorized co-applicant to WFL BOCES application to the Local
    Government Efficiency Grant Program, General Efficiency Planning Grant
    for the Wayne County Regional High School Study and Planning Project.
    We agree to work with WFL BOCES and each of the Com ponent School
    Districts in Wayne County which are also co-applicants to this grant.
    that a school board meeting was
    held on December 9, 2008, wherein a quorum was pres ent and a majority
    of the quorum voted to provide authorization for WF L BOCES to apply for
    the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, High Priority Planning
    Grant with the North Rose-Wolcott Central School D istrict as a Co-
    Applicant. Therefore, this document is to serve as the formal resolution of
    the North Rose-Wolcott Central School District Board of Education,
    pursuant to the laws of New York.
    The North Rose-Wolcott Central School District Board acting by and
    through its Board of Education President duly authorized and do herein
    , the New York State Department of State has releas ed an
    application for the Local Government Efficiency Program, High Priority
    Planning Grant which allows municipalities to include School Districts to
    apply for funding that provide funds for plans and studies that will include
    an examination of the potential savings and management improvements
    for two or more municipalities to study shared serv ices or transfer of
    functions to be performed on a countywide basis.
    , North Rose-Wolcott Central School District is a C o-
    Applicant to Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Education
    application to the Local Government Efficiency Program Grant, High
    Priority Planning Grant.
    , the Wayne-Finger Lakes Board of Cooperative Educational
    Services (WFL BOCES) is the Lead Applicant and all Co-Applicants shall
    submit with the application a formal resolution of the governing body
    showing support of this grant application. The pur pose of this resolution
    is to provide official support of this governing bo dy of this co-applicant for
    the application and the proposed project and to sta te the following:
    I. Authorization to Apply for the Grant: The Nort h Rose-Wolcott Central
    School District designates that the WFL BOCES as th e lead applicant with
    Dr. Joseph J. Marinelli, District Superintendent, WFL BOCES as the Lead
    Applicant Contact Person. We hereby authorize Dr. Marinelli to submit an
    application to the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, High
    Priority Planning Grant for the 2008-2009 program year. The North
    Rose-Wolcott Central School District also authorizes WFL BOCES and Dr.
    Marinelli to execute all financial and/or administrative processes relating

    II. Project Title and Description: The project will be known as the
    “Wayne County Regional High School Study and Planning Project.” The
    study and planning will examine the potential savings, management
    improvements, and benefits to the community in developing regional high
    schools. A regional high school is defined as two or more school districts
    combining their high school programs and retaining separate elementary,
    and middle school programs, or K-8 programs.
    III. Funding Request: We authorize WFL BOCES to ap ply for up to
    $50,000 of funding from the Local Government Efficiency Program, High
    Priority Planning Grant.
    IV. Local Share Information: WFL BOCES and each of the eleven co-
    applicants will be responsible for an equal 1/12
    portion, $417, of the total
    10% matching share of $5,000 from local shares.
    V. Co-Applicant Information: North Rose-Wolcott Central School District
    is an authorized co-applicant to WFL BOCES applicat ion to the Local
    Government Efficiency Grant Program, High Priority Planning Grant for
    the Wayne County Regional High School Study and Plan ning Project. We
    agree to work with WFL BOCES and each of the Compon ent School
    Districts in Wayne County which are also co-applica nts to this grant.
    that a school board meeting was
    held on December 9, 2008, wherein a quorum was pres ent and a majority
    of the quorum voted to provide authorization for WF L BOCES to apply for
    the Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, High Priority Planning
    Grant with the North Rose-Wolcott Central School D istrict as a Co-
    Applicant. Therefore, this document is to serve as the formal resolution of
    the North Rose-Wolcott Central School District Board of Education,
    pursuant to the laws of New York.
    7j1. CO-CURRICULAR APT. Be it resolved that the Boa rd of Education, upon recommendation of the

    December 9, 2008 Page 81
    8a. INFORMATION The following items were shared wit
    h the Board:
    Enrollment - December
    ITEMS: 2008, Use of Facilities, Finger Lakes Times article “NR-W facing long-
    term deficits”, Wayne County Star article “Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack
    Program celebrated at NR-W”, FHE Newsletter - December 2008, NRE
    News - December 2008, Los Pumas DeNorth Rose-Wolcott - December
    2008, Capital Project Meeting Minutes of: September 29, 2008, October
    22, 2008, November 5, 2008, and November 19, 2008, Budget Calendar
    9. PUBLIC No
    one spoke to the Board at this time.
    10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Robert Cahoon moved and Cli
    fford Parton seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Bu ckalew, R. Cahoon, K.
    DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Magin, C. Parto n, O. Rothfuss III
    voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re
    commendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
    Executive Session at 8:38 pm for the specific purpose of discussing the
    evaluation of an employee.
    OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 9:43 pm.
    ADJOURNMENT Clifforf Parton moved and Robert Cahoon seconded the following
    motion. The vote was unanimous. N. Henner, J. Buck alew, R. Cahoon,
    K. DeAngelis, M. DeBadts, K. Durham, E. Magin, C. Pa rton, O. Rothfuss
    III voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of the
    Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
    adjournment of the meeting at 9:44 pm.
    Jan McDorman, Clerk
    Board of Education

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