1. Early U.S. History
  2. President Washington’s advisors? (Part of Unwritten Constitution)
  3. Did Washington increase or decrease the power of the Federal Government?
  4. Slide 4
  5. Washington established the precedent of only serving ??? terms
  6. Washington established the precedent of only serving two terms
  7. Washington’s ??????? Address
  8. Washington’s Farewell Address
  9. 1. Domestic concern: beware of ??????? parties
  10. 1. Domestic concern: beware of political parties
  11. 2. Foreign Policy: try to remain ?????
  12. 2. Foreign Policy: try to remain neutral
  13. Washington warned against getting into European ???? and problems.
  14. Washington warned against getting into European wars and problems.
  15. Washington said trade with Europe but do not form military ??????
  16. Washington said trade with Europe but do not form military alliances
  17. Changes in America in the early 1800’s
  18. Changes in America in the early 1800’s
  19. 2. States began establishing ???? ?????? because a democracy requires an intelligent literate society.
  20. 2. States began establishing public schools because a democracy requires an intelligent literate society.
  21. 3. The ???? trade (“importing” ????) became illegal.
  22. 3. The slave trade (“importing” slaves) became illegal.
  23. Foreign Policy in the Early 1800’s
  24. Foreign Policy in the Early 1800’s
  25. We eventually had problems with both Great Britain and France over issues concerning
  26. We eventually had problems with both Great Britain and France over issues concerning
  27. War of 1812
  28. Slide 28
  29. Slide 29
  30. Monroe Doctrine
  31. Monroe Doctrine
  32. Monroe Doctrine
  33. 1. Warned European nations to stay out of ???? ??????? (Western Hemisphere)
  34. 1. Warned European nations to stay out of Latin America (Western Hemisphere)
  35. 2. In turn the U.S. would stay out of
  36. 2. In turn the U.S. would stay out of
  37. Monroe Doctrine influenced U.S. foreign policy for well over 100 years
  38. Also established U.S. dominance over Latin America
  39. Manifest Destiny
  40. This policy eventually led to a war with ???? (country south of U.S).
  41. This policy eventually led to a war with Mexico.
  42. This policy eventually led to a war with Mexico.
  43. The End

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