ay 27, 2008
MAY 27, 2008 7:00 PM HIGH SCHOOL ROOM #210
Board President Ed Magin welcomed everyone in attendance to a dessert reception in honor of Retiring
Employees, Newly Tenured Teachers and a Newly Tenured Teaching Assistant. He introduced Board
members and each person being honored.
PRESENT Edward Magin, Judi Buckalew, Robert Cahoon, Kathy DeAngelis, Kari
Durham, Nickoline Henner, Cliff Parton, Ora Rothfuss, III
ABSENT Melinda DeBadts
Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin, Jan McDorman and appr oximately 15
1. CALL TO ORDER Ed Magin called the meeting to ord er at 7:15 pm and led the pledge of
Judi Buckalew and Kari Durham were sworn in as Boar
d of Education
Members. The Oaths of Office were signed and are on file with the
District Clerk.
1a. APPROVAL OF Cliff Parton moved and Kathy DeAngelis seconded the following
AGENDA: motion. The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Cahoon,
K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henner, C. Part on, O. Rothfuss, III voted
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the agenda of May 27, 2008.
1b. TENURE APPOINTMENT Judi Buckalew moved and Cliff Parton seconded the following motion.
Michelle Patterson The vote was unani mous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henner, C. Parton , O. Rothfuss, III voted
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the appointment of Michelle Patterson on tenure to the
special subject tenure area of Art effective September 5, 2008.
1c. TENURE APPOINTMENT Kathy DeAngelis moved and Kar i Durham seconded the following
Carol Stevens motion. The vote was unanimou s. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henner, C. Parton , O. Rothfuss, III voted
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the appointment of Carol Stevens on tenure to the Elementary
tenure area effective September 6, 2008.
ay 27, 2008
1d. TENURE APPOINTMENT Kathy DeAngelis moved and Ora
Rothfuss, III seconded the following
Rosa Visconti-Goebel motion. The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henner, C. Parton , O. Rothfuss, III voted
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the appointment of Rosa Visconti-Goebel on tenure to the
special subject tenure area of Special Education effective September 6,
1e. TENURE APPOINTMENT Kathy DeAngelis moved and Kar i Durham seconded the following
Catherine Yokopovich motion. The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henner, C. Parton , O. Rothfuss, III voted
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the appointment of Catherine Yokopovich on tenure to the
Elementary tenure area effective September 6, 2008.
1f. TENURE APPOINTMENT Ora Rothfuss, III moved and B ob Cahoon seconded the following
Julie Yonker motion. The vote was unanimou s. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Cahoon, K.
DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henner, C. Parton , O. Rothfuss, III voted
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the appointment of Julie Yonker on tenure to the Elementary
tenure area effective September 6, 2008.
NRE Memorial Day Celebration
– a lot of fun and participation took
OF THE DISTRICT: place with grades 3-5 and the NRE Elementary Band for the Memorial
Day Ceremony on May 22
. The NRE Band also marched in the
Memorial Day parade in Wolcott.
Annual PTSA/Middle School History Bowl
–This event
welcomed many notable judges from the a rea. Students observed,
learned, and cheered on their fellow cl assmates during nearly two
hours of questioning. Eighth grader Ty ler Trine was the overall
Project Phoenix
– The High School Cafeteria was filled with
enthusiastic spectators who judged Art students, Art Club members and
Theatre Design students modeling their own wearable art creations.
The outfit creations were recycled, red esigned, and re-imagined
Senior Prom
- A very nice and successful Prom was enjoyed by
Seniors and their guests at the WayPoin t Restaurant in North Rose on
May 17
ay 27, 2008
ay 27, 2008
ay 27, 2008
7g1. LETTER OF INTENT Be it resolved that the Boar d of Education, upon recommendation of
TO RETIRE: the Superintendent of Schools a nd pursuant to Education Law, accepts
DORIS BURGER with thanks of years of servi ce, the resignation of Doris Burger as a Bus
Driver, effective June 30,
7g2. PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of
APPOINTMENT: Schools and pursuant to Educati on Law, approves the permanent
MARLENE appointment of Marlena Sells as a Food Service Helper at the High
SELLS School, effective May 27, 2008.
7g2. PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of
APPOINTMENT: Schools and pursuant to Educati on Law, approves the permanent
LOUIS MINACAPELLI appointment of Louis Minaca pelli as a Bus Driver, effective May 27,
8. INFORMATIONAL The following informational items were shared with the Board:
ITEMS: The Advocate, May 2008 and The Spanish Newsletter, May 2008.
9. PUBLIC No one spoke to the Board at this tim e.
10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ora Rothfuss, III mo ved and Cliff Parton seconded the following
motion. The vote was unanimous. E. Magi n, J. Buckalew, B.
Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henne r, C. Parton, O.
Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approved Executive Session at 7:45 p.m. for the pur pose of discussing
personnel issues.
OPEN SESSION: The meeting returne d to open session at 8:35 pm.
A motion was made by Bob Cahoon and seco nded by Cliff Parton to
add an additional item to the agenda of M ay 27, 2008. The vote was
unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Ca hoon, K. DeAngelis, K.
Durham, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re
commendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the addition to the agenda of May 27, 2008 .
APPOINT SUMMER Kari Durham moved and Ora Rothfuss, II I, seconded the following
STUDENT WORKERS: motion. The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B. Cahoon,
K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. R othfuss, III
voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
the superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the following individuals to work from June 2, 2008 through
August 22, 2008 as Student Workers at the rate of $7 .40/hr:
ay 27, 2008
Avery Galek
Julie Lisanto
Hannah Morse
RESUME EXECUTIVE Bob Cahoon moved and Clif f Parton seconded the following
SESSION: motion. The vote was unani mous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, B.
Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henne r, C. Parton, O.
Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approved Executive Session at 8:48 p.m. for the pur pose of discussing
personnel issues.
OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 10:13 pm.
ADJOURNMENT: Bob Cahoon moved a
nd Kari Durham seconded the following
motion. The vote was unanimous. E. Magi n, J. Buckalew, B.
Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, K. Durham, N. Henne r, C. Parton, O.
Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
approves the adjournment of the meeting at 10:15 p m.
Jan McDorman
Clerk, Board of Education
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