1. December 6, 2007
    1. Ø Security, Jeff Ginsberg
    2. Miscellaneous

EduTech Steering Committee

December 6, 2007

RIT Inn and Conference Center

Members Present:
Bruce Amey, Avon        Bob Leiby, Red Jacket        
Joe Backer, Letchworth      Jim McNeil, WFL BOCES
Joan Cole, Elba        Camille Sorenson, EduTech
Members Absent:
Joe Marinelli, WFL BOCES      Mike Crowley, GV BOCES
Mike Glover, GV BOCES      Maria Ehresman, Williamson
Tom Manko, York        Terry MacNabb, Waterloo
Jeff Ginsberg, EduTech      Chris Saxby, EduTech
Keith Henry, EduTech
Camille started the meeting by mentioning that with all the audits going around, there is an emphasis on security. Jeff Ginsberg will be presenting on the various security levels that we have in the organization. Would also be a good topic to present at a joint technology meeting.

Ø Security, Jeff Ginsberg

Ø   Security, Jeff Ginsberg
- Need to know what is permissible and what is allowable within the policy.
- How do we outline.
- Policy is the first line of defense.
- Acknowledgement of the policy through signing off on it.

Physical Security
- One of the first things the auditors look at.
- Once you have physical access, anything is possible.
- How are your campuses locked? Is that documented?
- Cameras, tapes stored, how long do you keep for.
- Logical layer, access points [how do they get in and how do they get out]

- Multiple layers, the more layers you have the better chance of catching someone.
Firewall, SPAM and content filter
Fake and real address
Password life and complexity
Software protection
- Window updates
- WSUS automatically updates the newer version of the software.

Virus protection
     Question was asked if the district tech coordinators have the expertise to put in the required
password change. If they do not, EduTech can do it remotely for the district.
- We do all backups
- UPS – battery backup – more important to keep the power clean without any surges
- Air Conditioning – making sure equipment is kept at 62 degrees.
- Fire suppression – if it’s water, you will destroy everything in the room
- Physical check – how often does someone check the room
Incident response:
When something does go wrong, EduTech can help with:
- Log analysis: who came in, how long, and when; who accessed email (limited to a 2 week
     time frame)

- Email/data recovery
- Digital forensic – gathering hard data from equipment
- Emergency Network Support
Joe Backer asked if a presentation could be done at a superintendent’s meeting. This would be something good for all of the superintendents to hear.
Genesee Valley superintendents are having a retreat February 28-29 in Canandaigua. Canandaigua. Joan Cole will call Camille to set up.
Will also present at the January tech coordinators meeting and letting them know the information will be shared in February with the superintendents.
Also suggested EduTech providing a technology audit service. Camille mentioned this suggestion constantly comes up when brainstorming.
Joe Backer asked that if we go into a district and do an audit, we treat it like a state audit with a formal report at the end. No buddy-buddy audit.
Bob Leiby commented that districts are at all different levels. Do the investigation and then help them work through the process.
Concerned with the superintendent turn over rate and the dependency on tech coordinators. Need to disperse the responsibility.
Ø   Budget, Camille Sorenson
o   Expenditure Budget – Review, Input by EduTech Steering Committee – November 7, 2007
o   Review, Input by EduTech Steering Committee, Specific District Pricing, Recommendation to Proceed December 6, 2007
o   CSO Information GV and W-FL December 2007
o   Review by Wayne-FL BOCES Board December 2007
When last we talked presented a 4.1% increase.
What we are looking for today is presenting you with the pricing. The average of the increases for the districts in the steering committee is 3.28%
What can we put out there that everyone can live with. Reason for increase in student area is because that is where the work is.
Individual district info is based on November 1st.
Driving the budget:
o   Increases in salary, retirement, health, O&M
o   Continued but stable demand for workstations
o   Demand for high level of network availability
o   Increasing demand for administrative services
o   Continued demand for emerging instructional technology
Increases in all service areas, both in numbers and variety and associated training
Changing skill set required of replacement staff, complexity of support
Assessment processing, reporting analysis
Student Systems impact (SMS, IEP, DW, Assessment processing and reporting and increase in SED support demand)
Additional 6 FTE’s middle level management?
Instructional Technology: Bob Leiby – need two different levels of engaging the curriculum secondary and elementary
o   Budget – determine expenditures for the year
o   Cost study – determine direct and indirect (overhead) costs. Allocate by billable cost centers
o   Match proposed Costs (combined Direct and Indirect) against Revenue using existing prices
o   Estimate Miscellaneous Revenue based on historical trends for revenue and services
o   Adjust services pricing
o   Analyze impact to districts
Other miscellaneous increases
o   Cross contract fee from $500 to $750
o   MYPA Processing Fee $239 to $500
o   Administrative and Instruction Maintenance +3.91%
o   Shared Support +3.91%


Ø   Focus more on instructional side of technology at our next meeting. If you have other ideas, shoot Camille an email.
Ø   Joe Baker asked about student management systems and transitioning districts by 09-10. Are any other systems getting old? Camille stated that Win2000 has audit security issues and we are looking to have everyone on Finance Manager by this summer.
Ø   Like to bring to the group we have about 17 districts that use Fastlane or Horizon for cafeteria management. Have had a lot of interest in us taking on Nutrikids.
Ø   Transportation is another area that 98% of our districts are using one of two software applications. Would like to look at supporting these systems.
Ø   Bob Leiby brought up that the position of data administrator seems to be a huge responsibility. Any foreseen changes in who should be the data administrator. Camille said it varies between all 47 districts. Don’t believe it should solely be the tech person, should be someone knowledgeable with curriculum.
Ø   Bob Leiby also brought up the topic of security camera feeds with instruction. Use cameras for classroom instruction to send feed to student’s home computer and have the home student receive direct instruction. Save with the cost of tutors. Joe Backer mentioned that then you have a teacher who feels they are being monitored.
Next Meeting:
April 30, 2008
RIT Inn and Conference Center

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