1. February 29, 2008
    2. Board Agenda:
    3. Board Letter:
    4. 7. Attachments
    5. Attachment A
    6. Salaries for Wayne Directors


Letter to the Board



February 29, 2008
"It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well."
--Rene Descartes (I think, therefore I am)

Board Agenda:

1. Executive Session: Mrs. Cox and Mr. Atseff will present a contract for your consideration. We talked about this two meetings ago and they are now ready to share it with you. I have reviewed the proposal. It basically just puts in contract form everything that is done as practice now. The only addition is that they have asked for a one year’s notice before abolishing their position. This may sound like an unusual request but is not uncommon in Assistant Superintendent contracts. In the past (never here) Boards of Education have abolished the assistant positions as a way of forcing the superintendent to leave. They know that isn’t something this Board would ever do to them but they want some protection for the future. They recognize that we have an excellent relationship (at least today....I think), that could change with new Board members coming on board. Also some day I won’t be here. They do not want to be caught in the crossfire between a future Board/Superintendent battle. While I don’t think it is necessary, I think you would show a great deal of support for them by agreeing to the provision. I think both of these people want to serve our Wayne children for the rest of their career.

The second item I would like to discuss is Nique Wilson’s salary. I talked about this last month. I have enclosed some graphs that show her salary to be considerably lower than any of the other administrators and below the average of districts around us. We all know what a great job she has been doing (see attachment 1). She hasn’t asked for a change, but I think this is a time when we do what is right before they have to ask. It is a great way to build loyalty between the Board and her. A $4,000 increase before any annual changes would still keep her below the average salaries but would be a great step in the right direction.

2. Second Quarter Results: Mrs. Cox will present the midterm report card results. She has attached the report which shows generally increased passing results. This is particularly true at the high school which continues to make outstanding progress. We are concerned with a couple grades including second which we are going to need to monitor.


3. Building Project: Our Architects, construction manager and financial consultant will be here to talk about our building project. Our intention is to build a high performing elementary building as proposed earlier, include a windmill to offset some energy costs and make those changes to the other buildings as outlined earlier. As you know maximizing State aid for the project has been our biggest stumbling block. We will be presenting a plan to you that does not qualify 100% for state aid. Ben Maslona from Fiscal Advisors will run through all the numbers with you so you will be able to see what the estimated annual cost of the project will be. There will be plenty of time for questions both at the meeting and afterwards. At our next meeting we will be asking the Board to make a decision about the project.


4. Budget: Well here is next year’s proposed budget for your review and consideration. Overall the budget is up about 3.5%. That is just below the rate of inflation yet it is a generous budget. We are maintaining all current program and adding modified boys and girl’s Lacrosse, elementary and middle school summer enrichment program, high school summer school and enrichment, adding a second internship coordinator for model schools, implementing the IB diploma program, adding ½ typist for technology, adding a staffing coordinator for HR and buying a new dump truck.

Mr. Atseff will be recommending that the tax rate drop from its current $21.35 to $21.01. This would be our first tax rate decrease since I have been here. I know this will trouble some of you because we have always believed tax rates should not drop. We should have small steady increases with no surprises. But the truth is that we don’t need the extra money. We are in good financial shape and Mr. Atseff has been conservative in his estimates.

5. Consent Agenda: There are a number of consent agenda items including our annual voting resolution. The Wayne Educational Foundation has donated $2,000 for expenses for two of our psychologists to receive specialized training.


6. Student Representative: The student representative for this meeting is Dyan VerSchage. Dyan is a high school Sophomore.


Board Letter:

1. IB SCHOOL!: As of 4:30 yesterday, it was official. IB International has designated Wayne Central as an IB school. We didn’t think we would hear until April so this was a pleasant surprise. The Board should be very proud of this accomplishment. You have been a strong supporter of this from the beginning. Another part of the Model School initiative has fallen into place. Congratulations!


2.   Superintendent’s Hearing Appeal: We have received an appeal to a recent superintendent’s hearing decision. The student was involved in an incident in the cafeteria. You will have the information for our next Board meeting.


3. District Office Renovations: We are just about finished with the district office renovations. The staff has worked very hard to get things ready for the Senator’s visit on Saturday. Lori and Cathy and many of the ladies gave up evenings to paint and clean. It really has been a wonderful group effort.
4. Monroe County Sales Tax: Our attorneys have completed oral arguments in the Appellate court on the sales tax issue. We got to argue our case first followed by NYSUT’s supporting arguments. Our attorney felt that the 5 judges were well prepared for the case and asked good questions. He said that while he would not make a prediction, he felt that the nature of the questions “felt good”. It is possible that we could have a decision in two weeks or so, but it is also possible it could take 6-8 weeks. Of course even after this decision is rendered, there is one more level to which it could
5. High School Honor Roll: We have the 2nd Quarter numbers on the honor rolls. Overall, 48% of our high school students have a 2nd quarter average of 85% or higher. This is down slightly from the first quarter, which is not a surprise with second quarter midterms. We had 6 % of our students on the high honor roll; 21% on the honor roll; and 20% on the merit roll. I have attached the print out from the HS.

6.   Upcoming Events:

March 4 – MS PTO – Media Center – 6:30 p.m.
March 6 & 7 – NYS Math Assessments – Grades 6-8
March 7 & 8 – HS Musical “Brigadoon” – Friday, 7:00 p.m.; Saturday – 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. – PAC
March 9 – Daylight Savings Time – Turn Clocks Ahead One Hour
March 10-12 – NYS Math Assessments – Grades 3-5
March 11 – OP-OE PTA Mtg – OE Cafeteria – 3:45 p.m.
March 11 – Music In Our Schools District Band Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
March 12 – OE Open House – 6:30 p.m.


7. Attachments
A) Salary Comparisons for Directors of Food Service
B) HS Student Newsletter “Written On Our Walls”

Attachment A

       Salary Comparison for Directors of Food Service Comparison


District Salary Years of Experience Notes
Bloomfield $50,231 10  
Brighton $59,329 14.25  
Brockport $66,499 12  
Churchville-Chili $53,683 11  
Dundee $39,000 5  
East Rochester (cook manager 1 building district) $41,850 26  
Fairport $68,599 19  
Gates Chili $64,700 7  
Geneva $60,000 28  
Greece $88,991 6  
Hilton $69,888 26  
Honeoye Falls $61,577 7  
Kendall $17,262 13  
Lyons $36,318 5  
Marion/Gananda $65,000 ? Does both districts
Monroe 1 $53,813 7  
North Rose-Wolcott $44,613 ?  
Phelps-Clifton Springs $38,500   10 month employee
Penfield $50,905 6  
Pittsford (school lunch manager) $68,698 19  
Rush-Henrietta $75,738 new  
Spencerport $91,742 28  
Victor $65,000 21  
Wayne $49,732 18  
Waterloo $52,070 ?  
Webster $88,524 14  
West Irondequoit $48,764 17  
Wheatland-Chili $32,756 11



Salaries for Wayne Directors

Position Salary Years Experience Notes
Director of Human Resources $83,964 8  
Director of Special Ed $95,181 3  
Director of Transportation $70,612 10  
Director of Bldgs. and Grounds $66,363 3  
Director of Technology $73,197 13  
Director of Food Service $49,732 18  



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