1. Operation
  2. Maintenance
  3. Employee Benefits
  6.        REVISED:   February 7, 2008
  7. Policy Regulations Handbook · Wayne Central School District
  8.                                           REVISED: February 7, 2008
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: March …., 2008
    2. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March …., 2008
  9. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March…., 2007
    2. Adopted: September 10, 2003 Revised: January 26, 2006 Revised: March .., 2008
  10. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
          1. Public Information Program
          2. News Media Relations
  11. Official District Newspaper(s)
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003     Revised: March …, 2008
  12. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003     Revised: March …, 2008
  13. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March …, 2008
  14. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003     Revised: March …, 2008
  15. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March …., 2008
  16. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March ….., 2008
  17. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003  Revised: February 9, 2006 Revised: March .., 2008
    2. Adopted: September 10, 2003     Revised: March …., 2008
  18. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Therefore, staff members and parents are encouraged to join the parent group and to participate actively in its programs.
    2. Adopted: September 10, 2003     Revised: March …, 2008
  19. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March …., 2008
  20. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  21. Permitted Uses
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003  Revised: March …, 2008
  22. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
        1. Community Relations
          1. Other Permitted Uses
      1. B. Uses by Political Organizations Permitted Only With Voter Approval
      2. C. Prohibited Uses
    1. Fees
    2. Adopted: September 10, 2003  Revised: March …., 2008
  23. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  24. Community Relations
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March …., 2008
  25. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  26. Community Relations
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003    Revised: March …., 2008
  27. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  28. Course Requirements     
    1. Testing Requirements
  29. Course Requirements     
      1. E. CLASS OF 2010 AND THEREAFTER (continued)
    1. Career and Citizen Requirements
    2. Testing Requirements
  30. By-Laws
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003 REVISED : January 26, 2006 REVISED : March.., 2008
  31. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003     REVISED: March ..,. 2008
  32. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: March…, 2008
  33. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  34. By-Laws
      1. G. Job Description
          1. Education Law, §306, 902, 2121, 2122, 2130
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003  REVISED: March .., 2008
  35. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Administration of Oath of Office
  36. Election of Officers
  37. Appointment of Officers
      1. H.  District Clerk     District Treasurer School Tax Collector 
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: March …, 2008
  38. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  39. Additional Appointments
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: March …, 2008
  40. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
        1. By-Laws
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003 REVISED: January 26, 2006 REVISED: March…, 2008
  41. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
      1. J. By-Laws
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: March…, 2008
  42. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Job Description
    2. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003  REVISED: March …, 2008
  43. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  44. By-Laws
          1. Management of Student Activities Funds
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003                    REVISED: March …, 2008
  46. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003  REVISED: March …, 2008
  47. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  48. BY-LAWS
  49. Education Law §902 and §913
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: March …, 2008
  50. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
  51. BY-LAWS
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003               REVISED: March …, 2008
  52. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
          2. Notice of Meetings
  53. Agenda Preparation and Dissemination
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: March …, 2008
  54. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: March …, 2008
  57. Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520


February 7, 20 08 6:00 p.m. District Office Conference Room


6:00  Executive Session
7:00  Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

7:05  Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes                 Att. 1
7:10  Public Comment
7:15  Board Member Comments
7:20  Board President Comments
7:25  Action Item
7:30  Superintendent’s Report                

1. High School Internship Program
2. 2008-09 Budget Discussion – Program Portion
Att. 2  
3. Financial Update and Bus Purchases
4. Student Representative Report
5. Student Questions

8:30  Board Action
 1. Personnel Action                   Att. 3
 2. CSE/CPSE Action                   Att. 4
 3. Consent Agenda Items:                   Att. 5
   1. Accept Treasurer’s Report
   2. Approve Administrative Internship
   3. Award Surplus Bus Bid
   4. Approve Extra Classroom Audit Report
   5. Bus Purchase Recommendation
   6. Approve Freewill “O Ambassador” Club
8:45  Policy                       Att. 6
8:35  Public Comment
8:45  Board Member Comments
8:55  Adjournment


Next Meeting Date: March 6, 2007   7:00 p.m. District Office
District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.

            (arrived @ 6:10 p.m.)   
Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520
DATE: Thursday, January 24, 2008 TIME: 6:00p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting PLACE: District Office
PRESENT: Trustees Griswold, Johnson Lyke, Newman, Nicholson, Robusto (arrived @ 6:25 p.m.), Schultz, Triou, Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Siracuse, Shaffer, Pullen, Schiek, Atseff, Cox, Callahan, Green & Blankenberg
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by Joyce A. Lyke, School Board Vice-President
Prior to start of the business meeting, trustees and school personnel conducted a tour of the high school to fulfill the requirement of §1705 of the Education Law for annual building visits. Members of the National Honor Society were present in various areas to provide information about their school.

(Mr. Johnson entered the meeting @ 6:10 p.m.)
(Mr. Robusto entered the meeting @ 6:25 p.m.)

Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Griswold, to adjourn the meeting,at 6:45 p.m., for an executive session on personnel matters pertaining to specific persons. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
III. RECONVENE: 7:05 p.m.
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (January 10, 2008)
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Griswold, to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting and the minutes of the meeting of January 10, 2008, each as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Abstentions (Mr. Wyse, Mr. Johnson), Carried,
Mr. Robusto recognized retired school board member Jacqueline Brunner who was present in the audience.



Mr. Robusto stated that the Board of Education values public comment and that, under NYS Open Meetings Law, school board meetings are open to the public, not public meetings. Two opportunities are provided for public comment and time limits are placed on each speaker. While immediate responses are not always possible, follow-up will occur if needed. He asked speakers to identify themselves, their address, any organization they may represent and to provide copies of any documentation to the school district clerk.

A. Susan Uhl, 1087 Ridge Road, Ontario, spoke as a middle school parent and as training director for the Ontario Volunteer Emergency Squad (OVES) to request more emphasis on possible student injuries following altercations at school, including immediate medical assistance, contact with parents and efforts by the school resource officer to detain or arrest students involved. She also complimented Mr. Shaffer at the middle school for his efforts in this matter. Mr. Robusto thanked Mrs. Uhl for her input and suggested she discuss the matter with the superintendent of schools.
A. Mrs. Lyke noted the program meeting of the Four County School Boards Association on February 7th at Geneva on the Centers of Excellence in Math and Science of the Rochester Area Colleges’ Consortium. She plans to attend if a quorum is present for our Board of Education meeting scheduled for that date.
B. Mrs. Lyke noted that the Four County School Boards Association is developing a program meeting for April 24th on value-added assessments.
C. Mrs. Newman extended thanks to the “very impressive young adults” from the National Honor Society who served as tour guides at the high school this evening.
D. Mr. Wyse stated that he had the pleasure to accompany directors of the high school musical ”Brigadoon” to preview staging and sets in Buffalo and is looking forward to working with student sound and lighting crews and incorporating some new technical details.
E. Mr. Johnson announced that he does not plan to seek re-election when his term expires on June 30, 2008 and will retire after nine (9) years, 1.5 months of service.
F. Mr. Wyse stated that he is Governor Nominee (2009-2010) for Rotary International District 7120 and announced that he does not plan to seek re-election when his term expires on June 30, 2008. He will retire after ten (10) years of service.
A. Mr. Robusto stated that the retirement of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wyse will leave large shoes to fill.
B. Mr. Robusto extended condolences to the family of retired school board member F. William Geihs who served on the Board of Education from July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1982 while a resident of the Town of Walworth.
A. Mr. Havens reported that he is pursuing the suggestion of a resident at the prior meeting to post the school board meeting agenda on the district web site.

Mr. Havens presented an update on the proposed capital improvement project for the Board of Education .
He reported that efforts continue to work with officials at the NYS Education Department to determine capacity for primary/elementary classrooms in order to maximize state construction aid. The school district’s current aid ratio is 77%.
In addition, the planning committee and the architect are reviewing conceptual plans for new classroom space and future uses of Ontario Elementary School for district-wide programs and services. Mrs. Lyke, Mr. Wyse, Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Atseff are members of the planning committee.
He anticipates presentation of final information and concept plans for review and consideration by the Board of Education in time for a public referendum in fall of 2008.
Mrs. Lyke stated that her goal for any new construction is to maximize energy savings and “green” options and to incorporate state-of-the-art technology.
Mr. Wyse emphasized the importance of planning new construction to meet present as well as future needs.
Mr. Schultz noted that the return on investment for energy savings is also an important factor.
Mr. Robusto noted that “green” options could result in savings of up to 25% in energy costs.
Mr. Nicholson reviewed in detail the impact of energy credits and payback on investment.
Mr. Schultz asked about the role of NYSERDA; Mr. Havens & Mr. Nicholson reviewed details.
Mrs. Lyke stated that she believes that school boards and citizens will pressure the NYS Education Department to maximize energy efficiency in school construction and renovations.
Mr. Griswold emphasized the importance of maximizing both capacity and construction aid.
Mr. Nicholson noted the value and importance of high performance, energy saving facilities.


Mr. Havens presented the first draft of the capital portion of the proposed 2008-2009 school budget for review and consideration by the Board of Education. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Havens reviewed recent projections on state aid for elementary and secondary education which traditionally change before final decisions by the state legislature.
Mr. Gregory Atseff, assistant superintendent for business, reviewed projected expenses for operation, maintenance, employee benefits and debt service. He noted the following highlights:

Back to top


Ø Increase in custodial salaries reflecting collective bargaining agreements
Ø Increases in telephone allocation to reflect moving costs to this budget code

Back to top

Ø Increase in maintenance salaries reflecting collective bargaining agreements
Ø Increase in vehicle expense to replace the 1997 Ford Dump Truck
Ø Increase in facilities to address building repair & maintenance needs

Back to top

Employee Benefits
Ø Projected 9.5% increase in retirement costs
Ø Projected 8.5% increase in health insurance costs
Debt Service
Ø Schedule Principal and interest payments for school district debt on capital projects


Mr. Schultz noted that energy costs are a large portion of the budget and stressed the importance of continued efforts to seek economies and efficiencies in these areas.
Mr. Triou asked if the vehicle replacement plan is on track; Mr. Atseff stated it is.
Mr. Atseff reviewed the proposed repairs and improvements to school buildings in line with long-range plans for same. Examples cited were replacement of wall mats in the original gym at Freewill Elementary School and of entry door/frame units in varied schools as well as sealing of parking lots.
Mr. Robusto asked about the use of instant communication devices within the school district. Mr. Atseff reviewed the equipment used and savings realized in this area. Mr. Havens noted that use of cellular telephones no longer occurs.
Mr. Schultz asked if repairs to the parking lots and driveways at Freewill Elementary School noted at a prior meeting are included in the proposed budget. Mr. Atseff stated that those improvements and similar work at the middle school are included in the proposed capital improvement project.
Mr. Triou asked about the status of the tennis courts at Freewill Elementary School; Mr. Atseff provided details.
Mr. Robusto asked about long-range maintenance of roofs. Mr. Atseff provided details.
Mr. Schultz asked about the schedule for payments on school debt; Mr. Atseff provided details.




Mr. Havens presented a proposed administrative internship for review and consideration by the Board of Education .
Mrs. Michelle Scheik, director of student services, reviewed details of the proposed internship by Tina L. Smith-Cieplinski as part of her studies and certification in educational administration at the Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development at the University of Rochester. Ms. Cieplinski is a teacher on special assignment as assistant to the director of student services and is an alumna of Wayne Central School District with certification and experience as a special education teacher.
Mrs. Newman asked about the duration of the internship. Mrs. Schiek stated it would extend through August of 2008,
Mr. Robusto asked if the internship is unpaid; the response was yes.
Mr. Griswold stated he is pleased to see these programs for local staff members.
Mr. Havens stated that formal consideration of this proposal will appear on the next meeting’s agenda.



Mr. Havens presented a sample resolution for sustainability, design and construction of high performance school facilities for review and consideration by the Board of Education. (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mr. Nicholson provided details of the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHIPS). He explained that it centers on minimizing energy and operating costs and would provide a benchmark for our energy conservation projects, both now and in new constriction projects. He added that it also aligns with district goals for clean and inviting facilities.
Discussion followed on present and future efforts and options and the opportunities for economies and efficiencies in areas ranging from indoor air quality and lighting to fewer single passenger students driving to and from school and reduced uses of paper (e.g. paperless meeting agenda).  
Suggestions were offered on incorporating the energy conservation efforts into present and future practices in these areas and student participation as well as links to classroom issues such as global thinking and international baccalaureate courses.
Mr. Havens stated that the Interact Club sponsored by local Rotarians has shown strong interest in the recycling and conservation efforts and has programs underway at this time.


Christopher Emery, freshman class president, reviewed current and future student achievements and events at the high school and activities of the freshman class.




(1) Eric Powers, 2098 Bear Creek Drive, Ontario, asked about equity in lighting of athletic fields for male and female teams. Mr. Havens provided details.


(2) Kevin Steinrock, 1612 Hennessey Road, Lot 96,Town of Walworth, asked about the possibility of reinstatement of the senior study area at the high school: Mr. Havens suggested he discuss the matter with the high school principal.


XI. RECESS:    8:35 p.m.
XII. RECONVENE:8:40 p.m.
A. Mrs. Jacqueline Brunner, 1404 Mountain Laurel Lane, Ontario, stated she was surprised and disappointed to learn that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wyse plan to retire and thanked them for their dedicated service to the school district and for their support during her years as a school board member and president.
B. Mrs. Brunner, supra, requested that the Board of Education insure that the plaque on the tennis courts at Freewill Elementary School is preserved to recognize the funds donated by citizens in honor of the late Charles J. Hack, former Walworth Town Supervisor for construction of that facility.
C. Susan Brown, 7518 Knickerbocker Road, Ontario, suggested display of information to the audience during budget discussions.
D. Mrs. Brown, supra, asked if the Board of Education had given any consideration to a private enterprise partnership for wind energy projects to offset the costs of such a facility.
A. Mr. Robusto announced a meeting of the ad hoc committee on school board protocol for Thursday, January 31st at 4:00 p.m. at the district office. Mrs. Newman, Mr. Nicholson & Mr. Schultz serve with him on that committee.
B. Mr. Robusto noted comments at prior meetings on the role of counselors at the high school and suggested a report on the topic at a future school board meeting.
C. Mr. Triou asked if such a report would include counseling services, K-12. Mr. Havens suggested a separate presentation for the high school.
D. Mr. Griswold suggested an update or report at a future school board meeting on use of cellular telephones, I-pods, headphones and text messaging by students during school hours.
E. Mr. Wyse stated he views the topics raised by Mr. Griswold, supra, as an area of concern and one which the policy committee may wish to review. He noted that misuse by students is often made worse by parents sending messages to students..
F. Mrs. Newman noted that listening to music can pose a distraction for students and suggested a review of the overall use of electronic devices by students at school.
G. Mr. Triou recalled the presentation last year on behavior management at the high school and determined that the use of electronic devices is best handled at the building level.
H. Mr. Schultz asked if the concern is at a level where teachers are unable to deal with it; Mr. Siracuse, principal, reviewed rules and procedures in place at the high school. 
Mr. Triou offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
February 7, 2008
School District Clerk
Att. 2
TO: Michael Havens
Superintendent of Schools
FROM: Gregory Atseff
Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE: February 7, 2008
RE: 2008/2009 Budget
Attached is the first draft of the Program portion of the 2008/2009 proposed budget. The following are included:
1. A cover sheet that shows the functions of the budget, broken out into the three-part budget format.
2. A three-part budget comparison, which shows the proposed Program budget in comparison to the existing Program budget.
3. The complete breakdown of the budget, by budget code, for the Program portion of the budget.
Budget highlights for the Program portion include:
Teaching Regular School
Ø Increase in salaries reflecting negotiated salary increases
Ø Addition of Summer Enrichment Institute ($20,000)
Ø Increase of $30,000 for Summer Program to replace FLCC Summer Program
Students with Special Needs
Ø Decrease in teacher aide salaries
Ø Decrease in tuition costs for BOCES placements
Occ Ed
Ø Addition of 1.0 FTE for Internship Coordinator for Model Schools
BOCES Services
Ø An estimated 4% increase in BOCES Costs
Special Schools
Ø Increase in salaries for district provided ESL services and Reading Camp salaries
Ø A decrease in BOCES for district provided ESL services
Interscholastic Athletics
Ø Increase of $18,730 to add boys and girls modified Lacrosse program.
Employee Benefits
Ø 9.5% increase in TRS costs
Ø 8.5% increase in health insurance costs


                   Att. 3


To: Board of Education
From: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
(Prepared by Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources)
Re: Personnel Action
Date: February 7, 2008
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

Back to top


Linda Casey, Elementary Teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, effective
June 30, 2008. For the purpose of retirement.  
Nancy Domm, Reading Teacher, assigned to the Ontario Primary School, effective
June 30, 2008. For the purpose of retirement.  
Kathryn Emison, Math Teacher, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, effective
June 30, 2008. For the purpose of retirement.
Patricia Yates, Physical Education Teacher assigned to the Ontario Primary School, effective June 30, 2008. For the purpose of retirement.  
Gyllian Bell, Special Education Teacher, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a combination paid/unpaid FMLA leave of absence effective on or before March 20, 2008 through June 30, 2008. For the purpose of child rearing.  
Heather Jeffrey, English Teacher, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a paid FMLA leave of absence effective December 10, 2007 through February 15, 2008. FMLA LOA.
Shelly Hopkins, School Counselor, NYS Control No. TBD (Initial valid through 9/1/2012) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a three year probationary appointment effective February 25, 2008 through February 24, 2011 at $37,850 (base + MS) credited with no service. Replacement for Francesca Zucaro (resigned).

Back to top


Kathleen Green, Director of Technology (Civil Service title Technology Coordinator), assigned to the Educational Technology Department, effective July 1, 2009. For the purpose of retirement.
Marcyne Delass, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a paid FMLA leave of absence from January 21, 2008 through March 20, 2008. FMLA LOA
Margaret Fulkerson, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a combination paid/unpaid FMLA leave of absence effective October 29, 2007 through April 1, 2008. FMLA LOA.
Vita Barci, Senior Typist, assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a permanent Civil Service appointment having served a successful probationary period, effective February 26, 2008 at current hourly rate.
Lorraine Polzin, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a five month temporary Civil Service appointment effective October 29, 2007 through April 1, 2008 at $13.14 per hour. Replacement for Margaret Fulkerson (FMLA LOA).
v K-12 Advisors -  

  Name   Activity
  Corrine Robideau*   K-12 Art
  $3,261 pro rated

  *effective January 23, 2008, replaces Patrice Ott

v Model School Club Advisors – RESIGNATION

Jennifer Agnitti
National Junior Honor Society
January 9, 2008


Winter 2007-08 Season Length (11-5-07 to 3-7-08)

WCS Years
Gary Schojan Modified Wrestling


First Name
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Stephen Agnello   April House
Ashley Aman   Shana Jordan
Annette Bailey   Amy Kinley
Allison Beck   Deborah Knox
Elena Bernard   Jessica Knox
Kelly Brandt   Daniel Merkey
Ciaran Brennan   Lorraine Polzin
Diane Davis   Kyle Pucko
Lois Fiegl   Katie Sweet
Nicole Froniear   Sarah Walluk
Shelly Gross   Valerie Weiss
Christian Haacke   Miranda Wylie


                          Att. 4
Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (February 7, 2008)

Alt. ID# Age Committee Grade Reason Decision Disability Rec.

12/20/2007 98239 7.9 Sub CSE 02 Requested Review Classified Autism Ontario Primary Consultant Teacher
Consultant Teacher
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Parent Counseling and Training
Speech/Language Therapy
Speech/Language Therapy
Special Class (ESY)
Occupational Therapy (ESY)
Speech/Language Therapy (ESY)

Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (February 7, 2008)

Meeting Alt. ID# Age Committee Grade Reason Decision Disability Rec.

1/09/2008 101825 4:4 CPSE Preschool Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Preschool Preschool Student with a Disability Preschool Itinerant Services Only Speech/Language Therapy

1/09/2008 101682 3:10 CPSE Preschool Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Preschool Preschool Student with a Disability Stepping Stones Learning Center Special Class Integrated
Speech/Language Therapy
Speech/Language Therapy

1/9/2008 101683 3:0 CPSE Preschool Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Preschool Preschool Student with a Disability Preschool Itinerant Services Only Special Class Integrated
Speech/Language Therapy

1/9/2008 101856 3:1 CPSE Preschool Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Preschool Preschool Student with a Disability Roosevelt Children’s Center Williamson Special Education Itinerant Teacher
Speech/Language Therapy


                 Att. 5

Consensus Agenda



TO:    Board of Education
FROM:    Michael Havens
RE:    Consensus Agenda
DATE:    February 7, 2008  
The following items are being recommended for approval in a consensus agenda:
  Item #1 Approve Treasurer’s Report – November, 2007
Item # 2   Approve Treasurer’s Report – December, 2007
Item #3 Approve Internship for Tina Cieplinski
Item #4 Award Surplus Bus Bid
Item #5   Approve Extra Classroom Audit Report
Item #6 Approve Bus Purchase Recommendation
Item #7 Approve Freewill “O Ambassadors” Extra Classroom Student Activity Club

                   Consensus Agenda Item #1

                 Consensus Agenda Item # 2


LO                  Consensus Agenda Item #3


 To:   Board of Education
 From:   Michael Havens
 Re:   Administrative Internship
 Date:   February 1, 2008
 I recommend the approval of an internship for Tina Cieplinski as discussed at the January 24  board meeting.

                     Consensus Agenda Item #4
TO:  Michael Havens
   Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
   Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  February 7, 2008
RE:  Surplus Bus Bid
At the regular board meeting held December 6, 2008, the Board of Education declared school buses #205, #209, #210, $211, #227, and #229 as surplus vehicles. A legal notice was advertised in the local newspapers inviting the submission of sealed bids for these vehicles. The bids were publicly opened on Thursday, January 24, 2008, at 1:00 p.m. at the district administrative offices.
The highest bidders are:

Recommend that the Board of Education award these surplus buses to the highest bidders as outlined above.
c: Helen Jensen
 Lee Stramonine

                 Consensus Agenda Item #5
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  February 7, 2008
RE:  Acceptance of Extra-Classroom Activities Funds
The Regulations of the Commissioner of Education of the State of New York require that an independent and impartial audit of the extra-classroom activity accounts be made at least annually in conjunction with the audit of district records. A copy of the audit and an excerpt of the Board of Education minutes of the meeting when the audit was accepted by the Board of Education must be filed with the New York State Department of Education. In addition, a notice must be published within ten days that such a report is available for public inspection.
The audit of Extra-Classroom Activity Accounts for the year ended June 30, 2007, as conducted by the C.P.A. firm of Mr. Raymond Wager, Rochester, New York, has been received. A copy of the audit has been forwarded to the building principals for their review.
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their regular meeting to be held on Thursday, February 7, 2008, accept the 2006/2007 audit of Extra-Classroom Activity Accounts as prepared by Mr. Wager, C.P.A.
c:  Joe Siracuse, High School Principal
 Robert Armocida, Wayne Middle School Principal
 Jim Switzer, District Clerk
 Lee Stramonine, District Treasurer


         Consensus Agenda Item #6

Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
PO Box 155
6076 Ontario Center Road
Ontario Center, NY 14520

To:    Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  January 30, 2008
Re:    Bus Purchase Recommendation
The following is the bus purchase recommendation for the 2008/2009 school year:
Three (3) 66 passenger buses @ $101,436.86 = $304,310.58
Two (2) 66 passenger buses @ $99,341.45 = $198,682.90
Two (2) 30 passenger buses @ $45,865.43 = $91,730.86
One (1) Chevrolet Impala @ $17,000.00 = $17,000.00
TOTAL $611,724.34
The replacement schedule is based on large buses being replaced after ten (10) years, and the mini buses to be replaced after five (5) years. All the buses will be purchased from New York State contracts. We anticipate delivery to be at the beginning of the 2008/2009 school year. This allows the district to utilize the new buses for the entire school year. All bus purchases require voter approval (which will be presented to the voters at the annual school budget vote in May), and are paid for from the district’s Bus Purchase Reserve Fund.

“Students First ~ Excellence For All”  

LO                  Consensus Agenda Item #7

   To:  Board of Education
 From:  Michael Havens
 Re:  Freewill Extra-Classroom Club
 Date:  February 1, 2008
 I recommend approval of the Freewill “O Ambassadors” Extra-Classroom Club which was
 presented by Alex Balta at the January 24 board.

                              Att. 6
    Policy Submitted for Single Reading

7210 Reg Graduation Requirements
Policy Submitted for First Reading
2110 Policy New Board Member Orientation
2210 Policy Committees of the Board of Education
2310 Policy Membership in Associations
2320 Policy Attendance by Board Members @ Conferences,
      Conventions & Workshops
3110 Policy School Sponsored Media & Official District Newspapers
3120 Policy Community & Business Partnerships
3130 Policy Programs for Senior Citizens
3140 Policy Display of the American Flag
3150 Policy School Volunteers
3210 Policy Visitors to the Schools
3220 Policy Public Participation at Meetings of the Board of Education
3230 Policy Public Complaints
3240 Policy Parent Groups
3260 Policy Solicitation of Charitable Donations From School
3270 Policy Community Use of School Facilities & Community
3430 Policy Statewide Uniform Violent Incident Report (VADIR)
3510 Policy Emergency Closing or Early Dismissal of Students
7320 Policy Graduation Requirements
Policy Submitted for Second Reading


1230 Policy Reporting Campaign Expenses
1240 Policy Resignation, Dismissal & Vacancy – Board of Education
1300 Policy Powers & Duties – Board of Education
1310 Policy Appointment & Duties – School District Clerk
1313 Policy Re-Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education
1320 Policy Appointment & Duties - School District Treasurer
1340 Policy Appointment & Duties - External Auditor
1350 Policy Appointment & Duties - Internal Claims Auditor
1360 Policy Appointment & Duties - Extra-Classroom Activities
      Fund – Treasurer
1370 Policy Appointment & Duties - School Attorney
1380 Policy Appointment & Duties - School Physician
1410 Policy Formulation & Adoption of Board of Education Policy
1500 Policy Notice of & Agenda for Board of Education Meetings
1520 Policy Special or Emergency Meetings of the Board of Education
5321 Policy Reimbursement for Travel & Conference Expenses
2/7/08 Board Meeting

Presented for Single Reading on February 7, 2008    7210-R
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1.   Community Service- As part of meeting the competencies in Commencement Outcome #1: Citizen , all students will participate in a meaningful, community based, learning experience before graduation. Twenty (20) hours of community service will be completed by the end of their senior year. A minimum of five (5) hours will be completed each year; however, students may finish the requirement early.
Students will choose from a list, approved by the building principal, of places to volunteer, work as a class or, with approval of the building principal, they may choose their own sites. Each school year, the high school administration will provide a list of approved sites to the superintendent of schools. The approved list will also appear on the district website and in the community service booklet  course handbook.
Content:   Content will vary depending on the site. The community service goal is to have students making meaningful connections and enrich the lives of others through unpaid service. The service should benefit individuals, public organizations or the community.
Certification: The advisory teacher  building principal or a designee will certify completion of community service hours with final sign off from the building principal.
2.   Parenting & Personal Finance Courses As part of New York State requirements, all students must complete a course in parenting and personal finance. This two-part program meets that requirement as well as providing students skills in Commencement Outcome #5: Consumer and Commencement Outcome #7: Parent & Family Member . 
Content:   The parenting course will minimally include roles and responsibilities of parenting, growth and development, and healthy family systems. The personal finance/managing your money course will include banking, budgeting, insurance and retirement, saving and investing, credit, taxes, the job process and consumer rights and protection
Certification: A passing grade of 65% will signify that this requirement has been met.
3.   Co-Curricular Participation- All students will participate in at least one (1) semester of a club or one (1) sport by the conclusion of their senior year. This component will help students achieve the competencies in Commencement Outcome #4: Leader . The high school administration will certify that the student has met his or her co-curricular participation requirement.
Content:   Sports team content will vary. Clubs will be student run, teach leadership skills and Robert’s Rules of Order, and will have a community service component.
Certification:   The building principal will certify that students have satisfied the requirement through club participation. The director of athletics will certify student participation in a sport.

REGULATION APPROVED: January 29, 1997    RE-NUMBERED: September 15, 2005

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        REVISED:   February 7, 2008

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Policy Regulations Handbook · Wayne Central School District

Presented for Single Reading on February 7, 2008    7210-R
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4.   Internship - All students will complete a forty (40) hour internship between the end of their sophomore year and January of their senior year. The internship is a culminating activity providing students more in-depth experience in an area in which they may wish to pursue a career. This helps achieve the skills needed for Commencement Outcome #2: Worker/Wage Earner/Business Owner . Students enrolled in the technical career center or the new visions programs may count those programs as their internship experience.
Content: The assistant superintendent for instruction  building principal will approve specific competencies for the internship.
Certification: The building principal  internship coordinator will certify that the internship has been successfully completed.
5.   Technology Application Each student will master skills in the Microsoft Office Suite or similar business standard products. Students who can demonstrate competency in the skills may take an opt-out exam in place of the course. This program is designed to meet the competencies in Commencement Outcome #2: Worker/Wage Earner/Business Owner . 
Content:   Word processing, spreadsheet, publishing, presentation, web page design
Certification:   A passing grade of 65% will signify that this requirement has been met.
6.   Commencement Portfolio Senior Project - As the culminating activity, all students will complete a commencement portfolio  senior project during their senior year.
Content: The portfolio will include a research paper on a topic of the student’s choice, a presentation and a portfolio with specific standards approved by the building principal in alignment with national senior project protocols.
at least :
(a)  Transcript
(b)  Resume
(c)  Cover Letter
(d)  Interest Inventory
(e)  Record Of Community Service And/Or Leadership
(f)  Participation In Co-Curricular Activity
(g)  Examples Of Quality Work Representing All Commencement Outcomes
& Demonstrating Adult Roles And Skills
(h)  Oral Presentation Of Portfolio Contents
(i)  Oral Presentation Of Student’s Interest Area
(j)  Explanation Of Student’s Self Reflection Paper
(k)  Career Plan
For each student’s exhibition, he or she must select a person from the business community or someone knowledgeable in their interest field and another person of their choice, not a parent or guardian, to be part of the assessment panel.
Certification:   The student’s advisory teacher   English department will certify   assess the commencement portfolio has been successfully completed   research paper.    The student’s mentor will assess the senior project  research paper will be included in the English 12 course and graded by the English 12 teacher.    The senior project steering committee will assess the portfolio.   A panel of judges will assess the presentation. The senior project coordinator will complete the   first   final certification of the senior project t he advisory teacher will certify the project is completed   at a distinction, mastery or no mastery level. A distinction or mastery level is required for graduation.

REGULATION APPROVED: January 29, 1997    RE-NUMBERED: September 15, 2005

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                                          REVISED: February 7, 2008

Policy Regulations Handbook · Wayne Central School District

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Internal Operations

Before taking office , the Board of Education and the administrative staff shall assist each new board member-elect to become familiar with and to understand the school board’s functions, policies and procedures, and the school district's operation, before taking office. Each board member-elect shall, as soon as possible, be:
1.   given selected materials covering the function of the Board of Education and the school district, including:
(a)   policy manual
(b)   copies of key reports prepared during the previous year by school board committees and/or the administration
(c)   the School Law Handbook prepared by the New York State School Boards Association,
(d)   access to minutes of school board meetings of the previous year
(e)   latest financial report of the district,
(f)   copies of pertinent materials developed by the New York State School Boards Association, and
(g)   any other materials which may be deemed helpful and informative
2.  invited to attend school board meetings and functions and to participate in discussion. 
3.  invited to meet with the superintendent of schools and other administrative personnel to discuss the services that they perform for the school board and the school district; and

4.  invited and encouraged to attend the New York State School Boards Association's workshop for new school board members.

The Board of Education may wish to provide new school board members with varied publications related to the NYS Education Department, NYS Comptroller , Open Meetings Law, the Freedom of Information Law, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding access to student records (a/k/a Buckley Amendment)


ADOPTED: September 10, 2003      REVISED: March …., 2008


Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      2210
Internal Operations

The Board of Education may, from time to time, establish committees whose membership will consist of school board members. The school board president shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees to which s/he  he or she is not appointed.
Committees of the Board of Education shall undertake studies and make reports as charged by the Board of Education but shall not act on behalf of the Board of Education.
  Committees of the Board of Education shall create minutes of each meeting and file same with the school district clerk where they are available as a public record.
The Board of Education may establish standing or ad hoc committees and reserves the right to terminate any committees at any time.
Any official policy-level action is the sole discretion of the Board of Education. The Board of Education has the right to accept, reject, or modify all or any part of a committee recommendation.


Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March …., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      2310
Internal Operations

The Board of Education may maintain memberships in the Four County School Boards Association, the Genesee Valley School Boards Institute, the New York State School Boards Association, and other state, national, regional or local organizations established for Boards of Education.
Board of Education members should take the responsibility to attend association meetings for the purpose of school board development and gathering new information.

Education Law §1618
General Municipal Law §77b

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March…., 2007


Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted       2320
Internal Operations

In recognition of the need for continuing in-service training and development for its members, the Board of Education encourages the participation of all members in meetings and activities of area and state school boards associations as well as in the optional and required training opportunities provided by state agencies and  activities of other educational groups.
Board of Education members are encouraged to study and examine materials received from these organizations as well as publications and tapes available in the district office.
In order to control both the investment of time and funds necessary to implement this policy, the Board of Education establishes these principles and procedures for its guidance  the following procedures are established :
(1)   The superintendent of schools will compile, maintain, and distribute to each school board member a calendar listing school board conferences, conventions, and workshops to help them decide which meetings appear to be most promising in terms of producing direct and indirect benefits to the school district
(2)   School board members may seek reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses not paid for directly by the district (e.g. travel, hotel, meals, and registration) upon submission of receipts
(3)   When any Board of Education member attends a conference, convention, or workshop, the member  he or she will be requested to share information, recommendations, and materials acquired at the event


Adopted: September 10, 2003  Revised: January 26, 2006 Revised: March .., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations

Public Information Program

 The Board of Education shall maintain a continuing public information program in order to promote widespread understanding of the school program  district and to gain the support and participation of the community in the activities of the school district.
 In addition to encouraging members of the community to attend and participate in public Board of Education meetings, the superintendent of schools shall develop a program aimed at disseminating information about school board policies, procedures, actions and district educational programs to the public.
 The superintendent of schools, or his or her designee, should coordinate the activities of district administrators to ensure their direct involvement in the public information program. Each school, through its faculty and staff, should participate not only in the dissemination of information to the public but also in the planning of events and social programs aimed at getting the community involved in school district activities.
 Administrators, faculty, and staff shall forward newsworthy items and announcements to the superintendent of schools or his or her designee. Building and departmental newsletters, as well as those specific to grade levels, are encouraged.

News Media Relations

 The Board of Education invites and welcomes the participation of the media in promoting the educational activities of the district.
 All staff desiring to release information to the media should first notify the building principal. The superintendent of schools, or his or her designee, shall serve as the liaison between the school district and the media, and he or she shall establish all necessary procedures to govern day-to-day interactions between the schools and the news media.

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Official District Newspaper(s)

 Annually at the re-organizational meeting, the Board of Education will designate the newspaper(s) that will carry official notices.

Adopted: September 10, 2003          Revised: March …, 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      3120
Community Relations

 The Board of Education recognizes the potential benefits of community and business partnerships with school districts.
  The Board of Education and district staff shall therefore cooperate with those organizations that may provide support in improving the educational, vocational, counseling, and/or extra-curricular opportunities in the district. School board members shall seek to maintain regular interaction with community, governmental and business leadership, both on a formal and informal basis.
 Partnerships with these organizations may include mentor ing and/or apprenticeship programs, internships, pilot projects, grants, off-campus counseling services, and volunteer services in addition to or as part of the district curricula.

Adopted: September 10, 2003          Revised: March …, 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      3130
Community Relations

The Board of Education will consider school related programs for senior citizens in accordance with Education Law and/or Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. Such programs may include special use of school buses, school lunches and partial tax exemptions.

Education Law §§ 1502 and 1709(22)
Real Property Tax Law §467

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March …, 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      3140
Community Relations

The Board of Education believes that the flag of the United States is a symbol of the values of our nation, the ideals embedded in our Constitution and the spirit that should animate  inspire our district.
 The school district shall purchase a United States flag, flag staff and the necessary appliances accessories for its display upon or near every school building. There shall be a flag on display in Every assembly room of every school building shall have a flag on display.
 The flag shall be flown at full- or half-staff pursuant to law.
 Consistent with national  federal and state law and regulations, and this policy, the superintendent of schools shall develop rules and regulations for the proper custody, care and display of the flag.

Education Law §§418; 419; 420; 802
Executive Law, Article 19, 8 NYCRR Part 108
Lapolla v Dullaghan, 63 Misc 2d 157 (1970)

Adopted: September 10, 2003          Revised: March …, 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      3150
Community Relations

The Board of Education recognizes the need to develop a volunteer program to support instructional programs and extracurricular activities of the school district.
The purpose of the volunteer program will be to:
a)   Assist employees in providing more individualization and enrichment of instruction;
b)   Build an understanding of school programs among interested citizens, thus stimulating widespread involvement in a total educational process;
c)   Strengthen school/community relations through positive participation.
Volunteers are persons who are willing to donate their time and energies to assist principals, teachers, and other school personnel in implementing various phases of school programs. Volunteers shall serve in that capacity without compensation or employee benefits except for liability protection under the school district's insurance program.
An application shall be filled out by each prospective volunteer and forwarded to the district office for evaluation. The building principal will forward his/her decisions concerning selection, placement and replacement of volunteers to the superintendent of schools, or his or her designee, for final evaluation. Following approval from the superintendent of schools, volunteers selected for work in the school district shall be placed on the list of approved volunteers. However, the superintendent of schools retains the right to approve or reject any volunteer applications submitted for consideration.
Administrative regulations will be developed by the superintendent of schools to implement the terms of this policy.

Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 14501 et seq.
Education Law §§ 3023 and 3028
Public Officers Law §18
Policy 6540 - Defense and Indemnification of Board Members and Employees.

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March …., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations



   To promote effective communication between the citizens of the community and the school district, the Board of Education encourages parents and other citizens to visit their schools periodically during the course of the school year.
   Except for scheduled appointments or school functions open to the public, all visitors must report to the school office upon entering school buildings. Except on special occasions, parents are requested to refrain from bringing pre-school children into classrooms.
 Students from other schools may visit if they have a specific reason and have the prior approval of the building principal.
 Visits to school buildings are conducted  to be in accordance with the Board of Education regulations posted in conspicuous places. A violation of the visitation policy shall be prosecuted pursuant to New York State law.
 Compliments, suggestions, and criticisms should be directed to the superintendent of schools through the appropriate administrative personnel.

Education Law §§ 1708; 2801

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March ….., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations
 The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to hear and respond to public comment and therefore encourages public participation at school board meetings. There will be specific items on S chool board meeting agendas to  will provide an opportunity opportunities for the public to address the Board of Education.
   Generally, the Board of Education does not take action on items presented by speakers. Items noted by speakers will be referred to appropriate school personnel for response.

   A reasonable period of time, not to exceed 30 minutes (which may be waived by a majority vote of the Board of Education), may be set aside at school board meetings for public comment.
   Each speaker will limit his or her comments to five (5) minutes. If needed, an additional two-(2) minutes may be allowed to a maximum of five (5) minutes.
   People  Persons wishing to speak should first be recognized by the school board president, then identify themselves, any organization they may be representing at the meeting, and the agenda topic they wish to discuss. Comments should be kept as brief as possible and relate to school matters.

   The school board president is responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting. He or she has the discretion to allow speakers to yield their time to another speaker provided such action does not exceed the thirty (30) minute maximum stated above and does not restrict the time for comments by other speakers.

Adopted: September 10, 2003   Revised: February 9, 2006 Revised: March .., 2008


Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations

 The Board of Education acknowledges that community members may have concerns regarding district operations, instruction, programs, materials, and/or staff members. The main goal of the school district is to resolve such concerns with only the parties involved, whenever possible. Public complaints about the school district will be directed to the proper administrative personnel. Complaints about specific classroom practices shall be directed to the teacher concerned.
 If the matter is not settled satisfactorily, the complainant shall then contact the building principal and submit a written statement to him/her explaining the nature of the complaint and of the initial meeting with the administrator or teacher.  
 If there is no resolution on this level, the superintendent of schools shall be contacted. Prior to meeting with the superintendent of schools, the complainant shall submit to him/her all written documentation (including responses from district personnel) pertaining to the complaint. The superintendent of schools shall review the complaint and all related material and hold a discussion with the parties involved. His or her subsequent decision will then be forwarded to those parties.
 If resolution is still not achieved, the party making the complaint may refer the issue to the Board of Education for final resolution. The Board of Education will decide whether or not to grant a hearing after receiving all written materials pertaining to the complaint.
 All matters referred to the superintendent of schools and/or the Board of Education must be in writing. Concerns registered directly to the Board of Education as a whole or to an individual school board member shall be referred as soon as is reasonably possible to the superintendent of schools for investigation, report, and/or resolution.
 All parties involved in the process should follow a reasonable time frame.


Adopted: September 10, 2003          Revised: March …., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations
The Board of Education recognizes that the goal of parent groups is to develop a united effort between with educators and the general public to secure for every child the highest achievement in physical, academic and social education for every child .

Therefore, staff members and parents are encouraged to join the parent group and to participate actively in its programs.


Adopted: September 10, 2003          Revised: March …, 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations

As a general rule , direct solicitation of charitable donations from children in the school district schools or on school property during regular school hours shall not be permitted.
It will be a violation of school district policy to directly ask children in the school district to contribute money or goods for the benefit of a charity during the hours in which district students are compelled to be on school premises.
However, this policy does not prevent the following types of activities:
a)   Fund raising activities which take place off school premises, or outside of regular school hours during before-school or after-school extracurricular periods;
b)   Arms-length transactions, where the purchaser receives a consideration for his/her donation. For example, the sale of goods or tickets for concerts or social events, where the proceeds go to charity, shall not be prohibited as the purchaser will receive consideration - the concert or social event - for the funds expended;
c)   Indirect forms of charitable solicitation on school premises that do not involve coercion, such as placing a collection container in a corridor or other common area for the donation of food, clothing, other goods or money.
The superintendent of schools, with authorization of the Board of Education, shall ultimately decide which organizations and groups can solicit charitable donations and for what purposes, as long as the activities comply with the terms of this policy and the Rules of the Board of Regents.
Regulations shall be developed by the administration  superintendent of schools to implement this policy.

8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) §19.6
New York State Constitution Article VIII, § 1
Education Law §414

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March …., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008  3270    
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Community Relations

 As a service to the community, the Board of Education encourages the greatest possible use of school buildings for community-wide activities. The Board of Education authorizes the use of school facilities by recognized civic, social, fraternal and religious organizations based in the Wayne Central School District in accordance with law.
 The superintendent of schools or his/her designee is authorized to approve requests for and establish regulations for use of school facilities. All rules and regulations established for smoking and use of illegal substances in school facilities or on  use of school property will apply to community uses of school facilities.
 School activities shall take precedence over all other uses. The school district reserves the right to revoke authorization for use of facilities at any time. Coordination among school activities and municipal recreation programs is encouraged. Application forms for use of school facilities and procedures for such use are specified in this policy handbook.

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Permitted Uses

 School district facilities may be used for the purposes listed below subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in this policy or law:
a)   Instruction in a branch of education, learning or the arts,
b)   Social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainments and other uses pertaining to the welfare of the community so long as such uses are non-exclusive and open to the general public,
c)   Meetings, entertainments and occasions where admission fees are charged when the proceeds thereof are to be spent for an educational or charitable purpose. The Board of Education reserves the right to require an accounting of proceeds from any approved activity,
d)   Polling places for primary elections, general election, for registration of voters and for holding political meetings, [duplication of item on page 2]
e)   Civic forums and community centers,
f)   Recreation, physical training and athletics,
g)   Child care programs when school is not in session,
h)   Graduation exercises for non-public pre-schools, elementary and secondary schools provided no religious service is performed

Adopted: September 10, 2003   Revised: March …, 2008



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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008               3270    
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Community Relations


Other Permitted Uses


 Uses noted below are allowed only when certain conditions are met. Use of school buildings and facilities by an organization operated for private gain or any purpose involving private gain will be permitted only when all of the following conditions are met:
(a)   Use in  is  sponsored by some organization not operated for private gain
(b)   Use will benefit principally the sponsoring organization
(c)   Use will serve a worthy educational, civic, charitable or recreational purpose

B.   Uses by Political Organizations Permitted Only With Voter Approval

 Meetings sponsored by political organizations are permitted only when authorized by the voters of the school district.


C.   Prohibited Uses

 Use of school buildings and facilities are specifically prohibited by any outside organization or group restricted for such use by federal or state law or regulation.



 Fees, payable to the school district, are charged when it becomes necessary to assign school personnel to an event.
    Uses by the recreation and parks departments of the Town of Ontario and Town of Walworth may be authorized without a fee.


Adopted: September 10, 2003   Revised: March …., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations

 In compliance with the Violent & Disruptive Incident Report (VADIR)  Uniform Violent Incident Reporting System (UVIRS)     the school district will record each violent or disruptive incident that occurs on school property or at a school function. On or before September 30th of each year, the superintendent of schools will submit an annual report of violent or disruptive incidents to the Commissioner of Education in the manner prescribed.
 The district will establish local procedures for the reporting of violent or disruptive incidents by each building and/or program under its jurisdiction. Copies of such incident reports will be retained for the time period prescribed by the Commissioner of Education in the applicable records retention schedule. These reports will be available for inspection by the State Education Department upon request.
 All personally identifiable information included in a violent or disruptive incident report will be confidential and will not be disclosed to any person for any purpose other than that specified in Section 2802 of the NYS Education Law, except as otherwise authorized by law.
 The school district will include a summary of the its annual violent or disruptive incident report in its School District Report Card in the format prescribed by the Commissioner of Education.

Education Law §2802
8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) § 100.2 (gg)

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March …., 2008


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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Community Relations

 The superintendent of schools may close the schools or dismiss students/staff early when hazardous weather or other emergencies threaten the health or safety of students and personnel. The superintendent of schools may delegate this authority to another staff member in the event of his/her absence.


 While it may be prudent, under certain circumstances, to excuse all students from attending school, to delay the opening time, or to dismiss students early, the superintendent of schools has the responsibility to ensure that administrative, supervisory, and operational activity is continued to the extent possible.
 School closing and delayed starting times will be announced through local media. If no report is heard, it can be assumed the schools are in session, and are opening on time. Only the superintendent of schools or his/her designee is authorized to contact the media.


 In making the decision to close schools, the superintendent of schools may consider many factors, including the following, which relate to the health and safety of children:


 a)  Weather conditions, both existing and predicted
 b)    Driving, traffic, and parking conditions affecting public and private transportation facilities
 c)    Actual occurrence or imminent possibility of any emergency condition that would make the operation of schools difficult or dangerous, and
 d)    Inability of school personnel to report for duty that might result in inadequate supervision of students


 Among the other factors the superintendent of schools may consider is advice from traffic and weather authorities, law enforcement or municipal highway personnel, building principals, and other school officials.


 Students, parents, and staff will be informed early in each school year of the procedures that will be used to notify them in case of emergency closing or early dismissal of schools.


Education Law §3604(7)

Adopted: September 10, 2003        Revised: March …., 2008


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In order to graduate from Wayne Central School District, a student must complete or may exceed the requirements set forth in Part 100 of the Commissioner's Regulations.
The Board of Education reserves the right to establish requirements for graduation that exceed the minimum standards as defined by the New York State Board of Regents.
In order to graduate and receive a diploma from the Wayne Central School District, a student must complete the following requirements:


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Course Requirements          
English    4 credits  Fine Arts         1 credit
Social Studies  4 credits  Language Other Than English  1 credit
Math      3 credits  Health          0.5 credit
Science    3 credits  Electives                3.5 credits
Physical Education  2 credits        Total Credits Required: 22.0

Students Will Take A Minimum Of Six (6) Classes Annually


Testing Requirements

Earn a minimum of 65% on the following Regents examinations:
English     Math A
Global History   US History    One (1) Science Exam


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Course Requirements          
English    4 credits   Parenting Technology /Personal Finance   0.5 credit
Social Studies  4 credits  Technology Application    0.5 credit
Math      3 credits  Language Other Than English  1.0 credit
Science    3 credits  Health/ Parenting       0.5 credit
Physical Education  2 credits  Electives                        4.5  5.0 credits   
Fine Arts    1 credit                       Total Credits Required: 24.0

Students Will Take A Minimum Of Six (6) Classes Annually

    REVISED: March …, 2008      Ontario Center, New York 14520

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E.   CLASS OF 2010 AND THEREAFTER (continued)

Career and Citizen Requirements

Community Service 20 hours
Co-curricular Program 0.5 school year or One (1) Sport Season
Internship 40 hours
Senior Portfolio Project
Senior Paper

Testing Requirements

Earn a minimum of 65% on the following Regents’ examinations:
English    Math A
Global History  US History    One (1) Science Exam

The superintendent of schools is directed to develop regulations and procedures to identify the content of local requirements and certify that the graduation competencies have been met.

    REVISED: March …, 2008      Ontario Center, New York 14520

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Presented for Second Reading on February 7, 2008    
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Each candidate for the position of member of the Board of Education whose expenses, or contributions received by him or her, exceed $500.00 must file a sworn, itemized statement accounting for his or her  their campaign expenditures and contributions. These statements are filed with both the school district clerk and the Commissioner of Education, itemizing such expenditures and/or contributions.
In the event the expenses, or contributions received by him or her, do not exceed $500.00, in the aggregate, then a sworn statement to that effect must only be filed only with the school district clerk.
A preliminary statement must be filed no later than thirty (30) days before the election.
The second statement shall be filed no later than five (5) days before the election.
The third and final statement shall be filed within twenty (20) days after the election. Each statement must cover the period up to an  and including the day before the day specified for the filing of the statement.
Any contribution or expense, however, in excess of $1,000 that is received after the closing date for the most recent required statement, but before the election, must be reported, in the same manner as other contributions, within twenty-four (24) hours after its receipt.
Persons who make expenditures of $25.00 or more on the candidate’s behalf, without the candidate’s approval, must also file a sworn statement with the school district clerk that such expenses were not approved by the candidate.
All statements must be sworn before a notary public, a commissioner of deeds, a lawyer or a public official authorized by New York State law to administer oaths.
Each statement is deemed filed when it is deposited in an established post office within the prescribed time, duly stamped, registered and directed to the school district clerk and, if necessary, the Commissioner of Education. Each statement shall be preserved for a period of three (3) years from the date of filing thereof and is considered a public record open to public inspection.

Education Law § 1528 and 1529, As Amended

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003 REVISED : January 26, 2006 REVISED : March.., 2008


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Presented for Second Reading on February 7, 2008
Includes Revisions from Board of Education Discussion December 6, 2007  
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Board of Education members may resign at the annual district meeting by filing a written resignation. with the district (B.O.C.E.S.) superintendent of schools or by delivering or filing said written resignation with the school district clerk, who must then notify the Board of Education. at any Board of Education meeting, at which time The resignation shall be automatically accepted and reflected in the minutes of said the meeting  when presented to the Board of Education by the school district clerk.
The resignation shall take effect upon the date specified in the letter of resignation; however, if no effective date is specified, it shall take effect on the date of delivery to or filing with the school district clerk. If an effective date is specified in the letter of resignation, such date shall not be more than thirty-(30) days subsequent to the date of its delivery or filing.
It shall be the duty of each member of the Board of Education to attend all meetings of the Board of Education and.  If if any member shall fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board of Education after having been regularly notified and not having shown a satisfactory cause for each non-attendance, the Board of Education will proceed to declare that office vacant.
A board member may be removed from office by the Commissioner of Education for willful violation of any provision of law, neglect of duty, or willfully disobeying any decision, order or regulation of the Commissioner of Education.
In the event of death, resignation, refusal to serve, or any disqualification of a board member, the Board of Education may appoint a new member to fill such a vacancy. If the Board of Education chooses to fill the vacancy, it shall be only for a term ending with the next annual election of the school district at which time such vacancy shall be filled in a regular manner for the balance of the unexpired term. The Board of Education, at its own option, may also elect to call a special election, within ninety-(90) days, to fill the unexpired term.
 The Commissioner of Education may order a special election for filling a vacancy. When such special election is ordered, the vacancy shall not be filled otherwise.
A board member who has been removed from office shall be ineligible to  for appointment or election to any office in the district for a period of one (1) year from the date of such removal.

Education Law §§ 306, 1706, 1709(17)(18),2103(2), 2109, 2111, 2112, and 2113
Public Officers Law §§30, 31 and 35

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003       REVISED: March ..,. 2008


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The Board of Education shall have powers and duties as set forth in New York State Education Law, principally Articles 35 and 37, and other applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
In general, the Board of Education shall have, in all respects, the superintendence, management and control of the educational affairs of the district and shall have all the power and authority as necessary to exercise these those powers expressly granted to it by the laws of New York State and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

Education Law §1604, 1709 and 1804
Policy #6540 – Defense and Indemnification of Board Members and Employees

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003      REVISED: March…, 2008


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G.   Job Description

 The Board of Education shall annually appoint the school district clerk. The school district clerk is appointed each year by the Board of Education at the re-organizational meeting. This  Such appointment shall continue until the next re-organizational meeting. The salary of the school district clerk shall also be fixed annually at the re-organizational meeting.
 The school district clerk shall:
a)   Have working knowledge of State Education Law concerning the office of school district clerk such as procedures for annual and special school elections, candidate petitions and qualifications, & tenured teacher tenure  disciplinar y hearings;
b)   Hold commission as a notary public;
c)   Verify and sign official documents;
d)   Conduct annual and special elections and special district referenda & oversee  coordinate absentee balloting;
e)   Notify the town clerk in each component town of the results of all elections and school district votes;
f)   Officially notify persons duly elected or appointed to office within twenty-four (24) hours;
g)   Notify the county treasurer of persons appointed as district treasurer and school tax collector;
h)   Administer the oath of office to new trustees members of the Board of Education;
i)   Maintain all official records of the school district;
j)   Call all meetings to order in the absence of the President and Vice President;
k)   Keep the policy manual of the Board of Education and add and distribute material to the Board of Education and administrators after school board action;
l)   File all correspondence and records relating to matters of the school district involving the Board of Education;
m)   Keep and file all information regarding special committees of the Board of Education;
n)   Prepare and arrange for publication of legal notices;
o)   Attend and prepare minutes of all public meetings of the Board of Education, both regular and special, as well as public hearings of the Board of Education, and, when requested, handle follow-up correspondence
p)   Prepare minutes of executive sessions as established by law
q)   Prepare the expenses of school elections, the district clerk and records management for the annual budget;
r)   Participate in logistics of bond sales to ensure successful completion;
s)   Receive subpoenas and claims against the school district as well as process appeals to the Commissioner of Education;
t)   Perform any other duties requested by the Board of Education or superintendent of schools or required by law
 If a vacancy occurs, the Board of Education may appoint a successor. Only the Commissioner of Education, in accordance with State Education Law, may remove the school district clerk.

Education Law, §306, 902, 2121, 2122, 2130


ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: March .., 2008

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As provided by NYS Education Law, the Board of Education must conduct a re-organizational meeting on the first Wednesday of July, or, if a legal holiday, on the following day. As an alternative, the Board of Education may adopt a resolution to establish the date for said re-organizational meeting during the first fifteen (15) days of July. The Board of Education recognizes its obligation to hold an annual re-organizational meeting. The purpose of the re-organizational meeting shall be to elect officers of the Board of Education and make the necessary appointments and designations of other district employees  officers & officials for the proper management of the school district during the school year. The Board of Education shall also perform such annual functions as are designated by law.
The annual re-organizational meeting of the Board of Education shall be held before July 15th as previously established by resolution of the Board of Education.
 The meeting shall be called to order by the previous school board president or his or her designee, who shall preside until the election of a new president. The order of business to be conducted at the re-organizational meeting shall include the following items required or implied by state law and/or regulation and local option:

Administration of Oath of Office

The school district clerk shall administer the oath of office to newly elected board members. Such oath shall conform to Article XIII-1 of the New York State Constitution, and §10 of the Public Officers Law. The school district clerk shall counter-sign the oath. No new board member shall be permitted to vote until he or she has taken filed the oath of office.

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Election of Officers

 The Board of Education shall elect a president and vice-president for the ensuing year and the school district clerk shall administer the oath of office to them. Such service shall be limited to three (3) consecutive terms. A majority of all members of the Board of Education shall be necessary for a valid election.

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Appointment of Officers

The Board of Education shall appoint and establish the stipend (if any) for the following officers:


H.     District Clerk        District Treasurer School Tax Collector  
 Internal Claims Auditor        Assistant District Treasurer
 Records Management/Access Officer

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003        REVISED: March …, 2008


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Additional Appointments
The Board of Education shall appoint and establish the stipend (if any) for the following positions:
School Physician  School Attorney
Census Enumerator  Attendance Officer
Purchasing Agent  School Architect
District Independent  External Auditor   Internal Auditor  
LEA Asbestos Compliance Designee   Chemical Hygiene Officer
Civil Service Appointing Officer  American Disabilities Act Coordinator
Liaison for Homeless Youth  Section 504 Compliance/Hearing Officer
Title IX Compliance/Hearing Officer & Alternate Compliance/Hearing Officer
Central Treasurer(s), Extra-Classroom Activity Account (s)
    Records Access Officer                        Records Management Officer
Additional Designations
The Board of Education shall make additional designations, including the following:
Official Depositories
Official Newspaper(s)

Bonding of Personnel

Superintendent of Schools to Handle Student Residency Determinations
Adoption of Board of Education Meeting Schedule
Signatory(s) of School District Checks & Authorization to Use Check-Signing Machine
Mileage Reimbursement Rate
Fees for Copies under the Freedom of Information Law
Fees for Use of School Facilities & Staff Compensation for Same (Custodial, Food Service)
Per Diem Rates for Substitute Teaching & Non-Teaching Personnel
Petty Cash Fund Amounts and Signatory(ies)
Additional Required Signatory(ies), Extra-Classroom Activity Funds
School Board Liaisons/Alternates to Four County School Boards Association
School Board Liaison/Alternate to Board of Education of Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
Committees of & Liaisons for the Board of Education
Standing Committees    Ad Hoc Committee    Liaisons to PTA/Parent Groups
Additional Authorizations:
The Board of Education shall approve additional authorizations, including the following
Authorization for the Chief School Officer to Make Budget Transfers
Authorization for the Chief School Officer to Make Invest Funds (e.g. General, School Lunch, Capital)
Authorization for the Chief School Officer to Borrow Funds within Limits Set By Board of Education
Authorization for the Chief School Officer to Approve Attendance At Conferences, Conventions, Workshops
Authorization for the Chief School Officer to Certify Payrolls
Designation of District-Wide and Building Level School Safety Teams
Adopt Continuing Resolutions for School Board Officers to Issuance Revenue/Tax Anticipation Notes
Adopt Continuing Resolutions for Joint Purchasing Programs

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003        REVISED: March …, 2008


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Job Description
 The school district treasurer is appointed each year by the Board of Education at the re- organizational meeting and serves at the pleasure of the Board of Education. The salary of the school district treasurer shall also be fixed annually at the re-organizational meeting. The school district treasurer is the custodian of district monies and will be bonded as required by law.
 Duties and responsibilities will include the following:
(1)   Receiving and disbursing district monies, including:
(a)   Depositing monies in the officially designated depositories  bank(s)
(b)   Disbursing monies upon receipt of a signed warrant or certified payroll
(c)   Issuing pre- numbered receipts for monies received, with the original going to payer and a copy retained by the treasurer
(d)   Signing all checks, using check-signing machine authorized by the Board of Education, and properly safeguarding the signature plate and key when so authorized by the Board of Education
(2) Maintaining detailed accounting records, including:
(a)   Reconciling cash bank balances after obtaining the bank statements each month.
(b)   Rendering a monthly report for each fund (bank account), showing cash balance on hand at beginning of the month, receipts by source during the month and reconciliation with bank statement
(c)   Rendering a report to the Board of Education at least quarterly (monthly, if budget transfers have been made since the last report) for each fund including no less than the revenue and appropriation accounts required in the annual state budget report
(d)   Have responsibility for Preparation of the annual financial report in the format prescribed by law.
(e)   Maintaining Separate bank accounts for each fund: payroll, capital fund, federal aid
(f)   Process transfers   Transferring between or among budget appropriations when authorized by the Board of Education or, within limits set by school board action, the superintendent of schools  
(g)   Auditing accounts and filing such reports annually as required.
 (3) Establishing and maintaining records to show the following information:
(a)   Available balance at the close of a fiscal year and the projected total expenditures
(b)   Amount of insurance premiums coming due
(c)   Amounts of principal and interest on indebtedness that will need to be paid during the coming fiscal year and the amount of retirement deductions
(d)   Expenditure and receipt history of previous years

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: January 26, 2006 REVISED: March…, 2008

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J.   By-Laws



  As required by §170.2(R) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, the Board of Education shall appoint an independent external auditor or a certified public accountant to conduct an annual audit of the financial records of the district as required by §170.2(R) of the regulations of the Commissioner of Education. This appointment shall be made at the annual re- organizational meeting for the district’s current fiscal year.
Each year, the independent  external auditor shall present an audit report to audit committee of the Board of Education and to the Board of Education  an audit report that contains:
a)   A management letter detailing the financial condition of the school district,
b)   A statement of deficiencies noted and subsequent recommendations for correction, and
c)   Other recommendations and/or assistance for implementation of current procedures and policy.
 The Board of Education will adopt a resolution accepting the audit report and the school district clerk shall file a copy of such resolution and report with the Commissioner of Education, by October 1st of each fiscal year, and provide public  legal notice as required by the Regulations of the NYS Comptroller and Department of Audit and Control.
Cf: Policy 5511 – Audit Committee

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003        REVISED: March…, 2008


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Job Description

The Board of Education will designate and appoint a/an internal claims auditor(s) for the school district at the re-organizational meeting. The internal claims auditor(s) shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education. The internal claims auditor (s) is/are responsible for formally examining allowing or rejecting all accounts, charges, claims or demands against the school district. The internal claims auditor will provide reports and recommendations to the audit committee as provided by law, regulation and policy of the Board of Education.
The internal auditing process should determine that the:
a)   proposed payment is for a valid and legal purpose.
b)   obligation was incurred by an authorized school district official,
c)   items for which payment is claimed were in fact received or, in the case of services, were actually rendered,
d)   submitted claim voucher is in the proper form, mathematically correct, does not include previously paid charges, and is in agreement with the purchase order or contract upon which it is based
e)   submitted claims  voucher meet s such other requirements as may be established by the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and/or the Comptroller of the State of New York.
The internal claims auditor(s) shall have access to all documents regarding financial transactions to ensure that such documents are in compliance with the law, district policy and regulations. Questions or unresolved issues will be directed to the President of the Board of Education.
The school district treasurer shall need the signature of approval of the internal claims auditor for payment of a warrant, invoice or payroll. It shall constitute the same authorization for payment as a resolution of the Board of Education.
No person shall be eligible for appointment to the office of internal claims auditor who shall be:
a)   A member of the Board of Education
b)   The district clerk or district treasurer of the Board of Education
c)   The school district official responsible for business management
d)   The purchasing agent
e)   Clerical personnel directly involved in accounting and purchasing functions

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: March …, 2008

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 The Board of Education has the responsibility for the protection and supervision of the financial affairs of student clubs and extracurricular activities. An extra-classroom activity is defined as an organization whose activities are conducted by students and whose financial support is generated other than by taxation or through charges of the Board of Education.
 On an annual basis at the re-organizational meeting, the Board of Education shall approve the appointment of a competent and qualified person to serve as a faculty advisor for each club or organization.

Management of Student Activities Funds

 The Board of Education directs that the monies received from the conduct, operation or maintenance of any extra-classroom activity are deposited with  transmitted to the person(s) designated as the treasurer (s) of such extra-classroom activity fund who shall deposit them in one of the official depositories designated by the Board of Education.. The signatures of at least two (2) authorized individuals, including the student activity treasurer, are required for disbursement from an account.
  The central treasurer(s) of extra-classroom activity funds will submit quarterly reports to the Board of Education. The school district’s independent external auditor shall make conduct an audit of all extra-classroom activity funds on an annual basis
 Generally, all moneys collected in a school building, whether by personnel or by vending machines, are to be deposited in and processed through the extracurricular activity fund except where otherwise required designated or upon separate approval by the building principal or superintendent of schools, or designee.
 Records of receipts and expenditures are to be maintained, including:  This includes:
 a)  Monies collected by students and expended by them for extra-classroom activities;
 b)  Monies collected by school personnel for field trips or similar activities; and
 c)  Other non-property tax monies collected in a school building for school purposes.
 Authority to expend moneys shall be distinct and separate from the custody of those monies. Funds of an inactive organization shall become part of the general fund of the school district.
 Regulations for the establishment, conduct, operation and maintenance of extra-classroom activities and for the safeguarding, accounting and audit of all monies received will be developed by the superintendent of schools for review and approval by the Board of Education.

Education Law §207, 8 NYCRR Part 172

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003                     REVISED: March …, 2008

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The Board of Education shall employ a school attorney who shall be responsible to the Board of Education for guidance on all affairs that are of a legal nature. including, but not limited to:
a)     Negotiation of all legal charges and processes for each bond issue and construction and/or reconstruction of new buildings;
b)   Legal counsel on matters referred to him or her to determine legality of procedure;
c)   Matters related to "due process" hearings or procedures.


Adopted: September 10, 2003    REVISED: March …, 2008


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The school physician(s) shall be appointed by the Board of Education. The duties of the school physician(s) shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
a)   Performs professional medical services in the examination and care of school children;
b)   Supervises routine examinations of school children by the school nurse practitioner to detect the presence of contagious diseases and physical defects;
c)   Serves as an on-call member on the Committee on Special Education;


d)   Reports to the Board of Education on school health services;
e)   Coordinates scheduling of physical examinations for all students participating in interscholastic athletics;
f)   Develops the program of health service in accordance with policies approved by the Board of Education and as directed by the superintendent of schools or his/her designee;
g)   Conducts physical exams, on an annual basis, for all bus drivers and, prior to employment, food service workers
h)   Conducts a medical evaluation of any employee at the request of the Board of Education
i)   Provide advice and support for school nurses and school staff members on school health issues and concerns


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Education Law §902 and §913

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003        REVISED: March …, 2008


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The Board of Education shall reserve to itself the function of providing guidelines for the discretionary action of those to whom it delegates authority. The superintendent of schools shall act as an advisor to the Board of Education in the adoption and approval of written policies. The Board of Education shall seek input from the staff and community where appropriate. These guides  guidelines for discretionary action shall constitute the policies governing the operation of the school district.

The formulation and adoption of these written policies shall constitute the basic method by which the Board of Education shall exercise its leadership in the operation of the school district. The study and evaluation of reports concerning the execution of its written policies shall constitute the basic method by which the Board of Education shall exercise its control over the operation of the school district.
The adoption of a written policy shall occur only after the proposal has been presented, discussed and received an affirmative vote at two (2) separate meetings of the Board of Education (i.e., the "first reading" and the "second reading"). The policy draft may be amended at the second meeting. By a majority vote, the Board of Education may waive the "second reading" of the proposed policy at its "first reading."
The formal adoption of written school district policy shall be recorded in the official minutes of the Board of Education. Such written school board policy shall govern the conduct and affairs of the school district and shall be binding upon the members of the educational community in the school district.
It shall be responsibility of the Board of Education to keep its written policies up-to-date so that they may be used consistently as a basis for school board action and administrative decision.
The superintendent of schools is given the continuing commission of calling to the attention of the Board of Education policies that are outdated or for other reasons appear to need revision.
 The Board of Education directs the policy committee to conduct a thorough review of the policy handbook on an annual basis, including any policies or regulations that require annual review by law or regulation.

Education Law §1604(9) and 1709 (1) and (2)

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003                 REVISED: March …, 2008


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Presented for Second Reading on February 7, 2007    
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In order to perform its duties in an open and public manner, and in accordance with state law, the Board of Education shall hold regular meetings at least once a month.
The time, dates and place of regular school board meetings shall be established at the annual re-organizational meeting. All regular meetings are open to the public and meeting facilities shall provide access to persons with disabilities.
In addition to the members of the Board of Education, the following individuals will regularly attend the business meetings of the Board of Education: the superintendent of schools, assistant superintendents, and other specified personnel as deemed necessary.

Notice of Meetings

The Board of Education believes that public notice of its activities is essential to ongoing, proactive cooperation between the Board of Education and the community it serves.
In accordance with state law, notice of meetings shall be provided to all members of the Board of Education, superintendent of schools and school district clerk by distribution of advance copies of meeting agenda and attachments. In addition, the school district clerk shall issue public notice of school board meetings to the local news media, the public at large and other outlets as required by the NYS Open Meetings Law. Such notice shall occur not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting. If a meeting is scheduled at least one (1) week in advance, public notice must be given by posting in one (1) or more designated public places. When a meeting is scheduled less than a week in advance, notice shall be made, to the extent practicable  possible , by posting conspicuously in one or more designated public locations.
Open Meetings Law, Public Officers Law §100 et seq.
Education Law §§ 1606; 1708; 2504; 2563

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Agenda Preparation and Dissemination

 The Board of Education agenda will be prepared and distributed by the superintendent of schools after consultation with school board officers. Any board member or staff member may request that certain items be included on the published agenda. Items from the staff must be submitted in writing to the superintendent of schools at least two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting. Supportive documentation may be requested.
 All reports presented to the Board of Education must be scheduled by  through the superintendent of schools.

 Except for an emergency, the Board of Education agenda, which contains items needing school board action, will be in the hands of board members at least three (3) calendar days prior to the meeting.

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003        REVISED: March …, 2008

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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for Second Reading on February 7, 2008    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      1520

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In an effort to anticipate and respond to special circumstances that may arise during district operations, any member of the Board of Education may call special and/or emergency meeting of the Board of Education.
Notice of the date, time and place of such meetings will be given by the board member calling the meeting at least twenty-four (24) hours before the date of the meeting to every school board member the superintendent of schools and the school district clerk.
The school district clerk shall then provide public notice of the special or emergency meeting not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting, if the meeting is scheduled at least one (1) week in advance, or by posting in one or more designated public places. When the meeting is called with less than one (1) week in advance, the school district clerk to the extent practicable will give public notice of the meeting to the extent possible .
 If, in an emergency, a special meeting is held before the twenty-four (24) hour notice can be given, each member must sign a waiver of notice. A statement regarding the time of notice and signature of such forms shall be entered in the minutes of said meeting.


   If a special meeting is established at a regular, special or emergency meeting of the Board of Education, the date, time and place of such meeting will appear in the minutes of such meeting and the school district clerk will provide public notice as provide in Policy 1510.

Education Law §§ 1606; 2504; 2563
Open Meetings Law, Public Officers Law, §100 et seq.

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003        REVISED: March …, 2008


Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented By Policy Committee From Referral from Board of Education      
Presented for Second Reading on February 7, 2008    5321
New Text in Blue Type, Deleted Text Underlined
Non-Instructional/Business Operations

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The Board of Education recognizes that it is necessary for its members and school district employees to travel in conducting the normal course of school business and operations. The Board of Education also recognizes the need for continuing in-service training and development for staff members.
The superintendent of schools will develop regulations regarding travel and reimbursement for school business purposes and conferences.

POLICY ADOPTED:  February 9, 2006      REVISED: March…., 2008

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Policy Handbook · Wayne Central School District · Ontario Center, New York 14520



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