January 22, 2008 Page 80
January 22, 2008 7:00 PM Room #210 of the
High School
PRESENT: Edward Magin, Judi Buckalew, Robert Cahoon, Kathy DeAngelis, Kelly
Ferrente, Nicki Henner, Cliff Parton, Ora Rothfuss, III
Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin, Jan McDorman and 6 guests
1. CALL TO ORDER: Ed Magin called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm and led the Pledge of
1a. APPROVAL OF C. Parton moved and K. DeAngelis seconded the following motion.
AGENDA: The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
K. Ferrente, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
agenda of January 22, 2008.
B. Cahoon moved and O. Rothfuss, III seconded the f
ollowing motion. The
vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, K.
Ferrente, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re
commendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves Executive
Session at 7:05 pm for the specific purpose of reviewing a teacher for tenure
appointment and to discuss the probationary period of agenda item #5a.
appointment of June Muto.
OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 7:20 pm.
1b. TENURE APPOINTMENT: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
JOHN SOCHA the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
the appointment of John Socha on tenure to the special subject tenure area of
Business Education effective January 2, 2008.
2. PUBLIC ACCESS TO No one spoke at this time.
3 . PRESENTATION: Dr. John Boronkay, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, presented
Data Mentor
to the Board of Education.
Data Mentor
is a computer
JOHN BORONKAY program accessible by teachers and administrators which allows tracking of
state testing data, primarily language arts and mat
of test scores with past trends, as well as the ability to compare test scores to
the rest of the BOCES region. Teachers can retrieve the original text of the
test, see which test questions were missed, view the reading passages that were
presented, and see the rubric that was used to score the test. With the
utilization of
Data Mentor
a program
used to
track students’ test
data through the grades, and
a system dedicated to
working with struggling children, our District will be in better shape for
gaining positive results from students.
4a. GOOD NEWS OF Mrs. Miner attended a Wayne County Superintendents’ meeting recently
THE DISTRICT: where a presenter from ASVAB reported on school websites. The websites
were rated on the areas of design, content and ease of use. Mrs. Miner is
pleased to announce that NRW was chosen as a school having an outstanding
website with an overall rating score of 5. Kudos to Tina Goodman, Teaching
Assistant in the Technology Department in charge of our website, for the fine
job she is doing.
4b. OTHER: The Board is pleased to accept four local history books titled “
Strolling Down
Main Street
January 22, 2008 Page 82
5a. APPOINTMENT OF The probationary period of item #5a. was amended before voting.
PRINCIPAL: C. Parton moved and O. Rothfuss, II
I seconded the following motion. The
JUNE MUTO vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, K.
Ferrente, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the three
year probationary appointment of June Muto as High School Principal,
conditional upon a criminal history record check according to Commissioners
Regulation §801.11 and Part 87 as follows:
Certification: School District Administrator, Permanent Control #: on file
Area: Principal
Probationary Period: January 23, 2008
January 22, 2011
January 23, 2008 – August 31, 2009
Salary: $80,000 July 1, 2007June 30, 2008
The terms and conditions of employment are on file with the District Clerk.
5b. SUPERINTENDENT’S Mrs. Miner reported to the Board her desire to start an offsite Middle/High
UPDATE: School Suspension Center. There have been 126 days of suspension from the
High School and 72 days of suspension from the Middle School this school
year. It is the goal of the District to reduce the number of suspensions, and to
keep students in school so that they will graduate. A suitable classroom site
has been found at the Rose Community Center. Access is available to the
gymnasium, kitchen, and handicapped bathroom. A contract will be prepared
with the Rose Community Center for use of their facility through the end of
the school year. The school district will be responsible for the rental fee of one
classroom plus the gas bill for heating the room. Electricity, snow removal and
garbage removal will be taken care of by the Rose Community Center. An
evaluation of the program at the end of the school year will determine its
successfulness, and whether or not continuation of the program will take place.
The MS/HS Suspension Center will require one certified Teacher with Special
Education qualifications and one Teaching Assistant. Mr. Robert Ceccarelli,
Home School Liaison, will work with the families of suspended students. The
Suspension Center will run on a schedule similar to the regular school day,
approximately 8:00 – 3:00. Arrangements will be made for meals and
transportation to and from the Center. Any student suspended for one day or
longer will attend the Center, which will possibly open in one month.
5c. BUSINESS Bob Magin provided the Board with a quote for High School stage curtain
ADMINISTRATOR’S repair. He reported on the progress that he has made with the alarm
UPDATE: system, and reported the monitoring of a gas odor in the Middle School
Kitchen. The District Safety Committee has met and is checking that all safety
plans are in place in the school buildings as we enter into the Capital Project.
The Budget Committee continues to meet with individual school buildings,
and will provide the Board with information from these meetings when
finished. State Aid estimates should be obtainable soon.
6a. MEETING MINUTES B. Cahoon moved and K. DeAngelis seconded the following motion.
January 22, 2008 Page 83
January 8, 2008 E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. C
ahoon, K. DeAngelis, K. Ferrente, N. Henner, C.
Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes. The vote was unanimous.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
Meeting Minutes of January 8, 2008.
7. CONSENT AGENDA C. Parton moved and O. Rothfuss seconded the following motion.
The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
K. Ferrente, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
7a. WARRANTS: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
the Superintendent of School and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
following Warrant:
Warrant #0029 $198,981.38
7b. SUBSTITUTES: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
individuals named on the substitute lists, which are on file with the District
7c. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
FROM CSE AND CPSE: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
recommendations from the Committee on Special Education dated December
20, 2007, January 2, 2008, January 10, 2008, and January 11, 2008, and the
Committee on Pre School Special Education dated January 8, 2008 and
instructs the Superintendent to implement the recommendations on behalf of
the following individuals identified by student number:
11476 10799 07582 08415 08185 07288
10327 11479 11480 10452 11935 09148
11521 09086 09780 10990 09827 11884
09083 10075 09872 10008 09756 09386
11335 11992 11648 11997 11335 11998
7d. 20082009 ACADEMIC Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
SCHOOL CALENDAR Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
20082009 Academic School Calendar.
7e. DISPOSAL OF DISTRICT Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
PROPERTY: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, authorizes the
Business Executive to discard the books listed. The list will be on file with the
District Clerk.
7f . CREATION OF CO Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
CURRICULAR POSITION Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
AT MS: FACILITATOR, creation of a CoCurricular position of Facilitator for the National Junior
NATIONAL JUNIOR Honor Society at the Middle School. The Salary for this position will be
January 22, 2008 Page 84
HONOR SOCIETY negotiated with the North Ros
eWolcott Teachers’ Association.
7g1. LETTER OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
RESIGNATION: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts the
LONG TERM resignation of Mary Gay, effective at the close of business on January 18,
7g2. LETTER OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
RESIGNATION: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, accepts the
COCURRICULAR resignation of Kurt Laird from his CoCurricular appointment as Varsity
APPOINTMENT: Baseball Coach, effective January 10, 2008.
7g3. LEAVE OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
ABSENCE: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
SARAH PATTERSON six week maternity leave of Sarah Patterson to begin on or about February 22,
2008, followed by an unpaid child rearing leave through June 26, 2008.
7g4. APPOINT SPEECH Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
PATHOLOGIST: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
JAIME AKERLEY three year probationary appointment of Jaime Akerley, conditional upon a
Criminal history record check according to Commissioners Regulation §80
1.11 and Part 87 as follows:
Certification: Permanent, Speech and Hearing Handicapped
Control #: on file
Tenure Area: Speech
Probationary Period: February 4, 2008 – February 3, 2011
Salary: $39,808 with an additional $1,500 sign on bonus for Masters degree.
7g5. HIGH SCHOOL CO Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
CURRICULAR Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
APPOINTMENTS: following CoCurricular appointments for the 20072008 school year.
Pam Arend Musical Costume Designer 1 1 $315
Pam Arend Musical Costumer 1 2 $315
Barbara Packard Musical Drama Advisor 1 2 $2,132
Bill Klino Musical Set Construction 1 1 $315
Bill Klino Musical Set Designer 1 2 $315
Bill Klino Musical Stage Manager 1 2 $200
Mike Witkiewitz Musical Pit Band Director 2 4
7g6. NORTH ROSE ELEM. Be it resolved that the Boar
d of Education, upon recommendation of the
COCURRICULAR Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
APPOINTMENT: following CoCurricular appointment for the 20072008 school year:
Alex Richwalder NYSSMA SoloFest Advisor $22/hour up to $176
APPOINT LONG TERM Be it resolved that the Board of
Education, upon recommendation of the
January 22, 2008 Page 85
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER: Superintendent of
Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
SANDY BELLONE appointment of Sandy Bellone as a Long Term Substitute Teacher, conditional
upon a Criminal history record check according to Commissioners Regulation
§801.11 and Part 87 as follows:
Certification: Childhood Education, Grades 16 Initial Control #: on file
Start Date: Beginning on or about February 22, 2008, to serve at the pleasure
of the Board, continuing until approximately June 26, 2008
Salary: $35,000 prorated to time
8. INFORMATION ITEMS: The following informational
items were shared with the Board:
a. Letter from Senator Michael F. Nozzolio
b. In Gaps at School, Weighing Family Life
c. 2008 Rural Schools Association Position Statement
d. January 2008 Enrollment
9. PUBLIC Dr. John Boronkay mentioned that old instructional items in the storage
PARTICIPATION: facility at North Rose Elementary will be reviewed for possible resale.
Ora Rothfuss, III mentioned the incentive program that the Lyons School
District has in place for teachers who purchase a home in their District. There
was discussion on whether this incentive should be investigated here.
Currently under 20% of NRW teachers reside in our District.
11a. ADDITIONS TO B. Cahoon moved and C. Parton seconded the following motion. The
AGENDA: vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
K. Ferrente, N. Henner, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
additions to the agenda of January 22, 2008.
APPROVAL OF B. Cahoon moved and O. Rothfuss, III seconded the following motion.
MS/HS SUSPENSION E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, K. Ferrente, N. Henner,
CENTER: C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes. The vote was unanimous.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
formation of a Middle/High School Suspension Center. The Suspension
Center will be located in a classroom of the Rose Community Center, per
contract being drawn, and will provide education to suspended Middle and
High School students. A Teacher with special education qualifications and
Teaching Assistant will be required, and the Home School Liaison will work
with families of suspended students. The Suspension Center will run from
approximately 8:00 am – 3:00 pm each day. Arrangements for meals and
transportation will be made.
Before beginning Executive Session, the Board toured the stage area of the
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