January 25, 2008
“Rule No. 1: Use your own good judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules."
--Bruce, Jim and John Nordstrom, co-presidents of Nordstrom department store, in the employee handbook
Board Letter:
1. Parent Concern at Board Meeting: I spoke to the parents who had the concern about their daughter. I asked if they would consider providing some training to staff since they are EMT trainers. They were very responsive to the idea. We agreed that I would contact them on Monday to talk about it further.
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2. SRO’s: The governor's budget has a provision in it that would pull all of the upstate SRO’s out of schools to free up money for city police patrols. While many of the details remain unclear this would have a negative impact on us. Sergeant Chapman is the best SRO we have had and really works well with the administration, teachers and students. The superintendents are meeting today to decide on a joint approach with the legislature to see if we can apply enough pressure to keep them in our district. From our district's perspective it was probably the only negative part to his budget (except that we don't know how is he can pay for everything).
3. DO Construction: As you could see last night the DO is still under construction. The carpet will be laid over February break and Lori/Amy's offices will be completed after that. All of us are looking forward to being done. We have also filled the HR position with Nan Coro. So far things seem to be operating much smoother there.
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4. Letter: This is a short letter today since we met just last night. I will let you know if anything pressing comes up during the week.
Upcoming Events:
1/28 – FE Parent Group meeting @ Media Center – 6:45 p.m.
1/30-2/4 – Freewill Book Fair
2/2 – Groundhog’s Day….
2/4 – HS PTSO Meeting – HS Faculty Room – 7:00 p.m.
2/8 – Staff Training Day – School’s Closed for Students
Athletic Events:
1/15 – Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Pal-Mac – 4:15 p.m.
1/16 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Pal-Mac – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
1/25 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Mynderse – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/1 – Girls’ JV & V Basketball vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/5 – Boys’ JV & V Basketball vs. Canandaigua – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
2/8 – Girls’ JV & V Basketball vs. Geneva – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
6. Attachments
UPK Information
Safety Committee Meeting Minutes - 1/22
FE Daytona 500 Fun Run
LO Att. A)
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January 2008
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Dear Parent/Guardian,
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The Wayne Central School will once again make Universal prekindergarten (UPK) programs available to district residents.
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In order to qualify for the program children must be four by December 1st 2008 and cannot turn five by September 1st 2008. Children must also reside within the Wayne Central School District.
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Utilizing existing local prekindergarten centers, the district hopes to offer both morning and afternoon programs. The UPK program is free to district residents, however transportation will not be provided.
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There are limited spaces available in the program. In order to be considered for the Fall 2008 program, the district must receive your application by April 1, 2008. Selection for participation in the program will be implemented by a lottery system. Selected participants will be notified by May 1, 2008. At that time participants will be asked to prioritize their center preferences. If your child is not selected, his/her name will be added to a waiting list.
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Each prekindergarten center
will follow a structured curriculum designed to prepare children for kindergarten. Programs which will be monitored and evaluated by the Wayne Central School District.
Wayne Central welcomes all applicants for the UPK program. Please complete the application and return it as soon as possible. We look forward to serving you.
Kim M. Cox
Kim Cox
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Application Form
Universal PreKindergarten Program
Application Deadline: April 1, 2008
Child’s Name:
Last First Middle
Parent(s) Name:
Last First
Child’s Date of Birth (must turn 4 by 12/1/08) __________________________________
(Note: the child cannot turn 5 before 9/1/08)
Telephone Number: (Home) _____________________ (Work) ___________________
Are you a resident of the Wayne Central School District? ______________________
Number of people in the household: __________________________________________
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Do you wish to designate your child as a homeless student?
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| Do you have any concerns about your child’s speech or language skills:
Yes No |
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If yes, please answer the rest of the questions |
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What are your concerns / comments? |
_________________________________________________________ |
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_________________________________________________________ |
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| Is your child able to carry on a conversation with you or others?
Yes No |
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| Can your child’s speech be understood by others?
Yes No |
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| Does your child usually speak in complete sentences?
Yes No |
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| Is your child able to follow 2 or 3 step directions?
Yes No |
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| Is your child currently receiving services from any local/state support service?
Yes No |
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Additional Comments:
Please return to:
Wayne Central School District
Attn: Office of Instruction
6200 Ontario Center Rd. Box 155
Ontario Center NY, 14520
Mrs. Kim Cox
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Application Due: April 1, 2008
Att. B)
TO: Safety Committee Members:
Chris Shaffer - Committee Co-Chairperson (MS Asst. Principal)
Fred Prince - Transportation
Maureen Doyle – MS PE
Tom Lucieer – OE Maintenance
Mark Callahan - DO Administration
Lori Sensenbach – OP SCRIP
Pamela Buddendeck– FE Instructional
Rob Chapman – SRO
Mark Wyse - School Board Rep.
Pat Griswold – OE Nurse
Anna McGrath– HS Science
FROM: Bob Miller – Committee Co-Chairperson (Dir. of Facilities)
RE: Meeting Minutes
DATE: January 22, 2008
Old Business
The draft of the weapon threat section for the Homeland Security booklet is almost complete. Mark Callahan will be presenting it at the next safety committee meeting.
I found two more boxes of chemicals in the Middle School basement. Apparently someone took the chemicals down there and left them on some boxes. I will contact the science departments and have them notify me in the future when they have any chemicals that need to be disposed of.
New Business
There was an odor at the high school last week. After investigating, we found that it was caused by a science experiment from several years ago. Onions had been used in the experiment and then they were flushed down a drain that had been cut by contractors during the auditorium project. The spill had been cleaned up at the time that it had occurred but some of the liquid had already soaked into the K Crete floor of the crawl space. Recently, a sump pump had stopped working and that same area had become flooded, causing the odor to resurface. The maintenance staff replaced the sump pump and deodorized the floor. The smell subsided within a few days.
A fire alarm was pulled by a Head Start student at Ontario Elementary School on Friday, January 18th. This was during the fifth grade lunch period and it caused some panic among the students. The entire building evacuated to the primary building because of the extreme cold.
One of the elementary students is diabetic and, because of the excitement, her blood sugar became low. Pat Griswold, the OE nurse, explained that the student had just received her insulin injection before the incident occurred and that all of the excitement caused her body to use up the blood sugar. Pat made the suggestion that nurses take diabetic supplies with them during fire drills. She will be passing this suggestion and the reason for it, on to district nurses.
Following a windstorm part of the electrical power was out at the Ontario Primary School. The generator was running and two of the three power phases that feed power to the building were still on, so school was able to stay in session. The staff treated the day as an “adventure” day for the students. The power was restored by 8pm that evening.
The next meeting will be Tuesday March 4th @ 8:00… Hope to see you there…
Att. C)
4th Annual Freewill Daytona 500 Fun Run
Dear Teachers and Staff,
The Physical Education department will again be organizing the 4th annual Freewill Daytona 500 Fun Run. This event will coincide with the Daytona 500 car race which takes place on Sunday, February 17th.
The Freewill Daytona 500 Fun Run will be the week of:
Monday, February 11 – Thursday, February 14.
The culminating assembly will be held on Friday, February 15 at 9:00 in the big gym.
Our goal is for students, staff, and members of the community (student’s family) to run/walk 500 + miles.
In 2005 we ran 1,217 miles, in 2006 we ran 1,336 miles, and in 2007 we ran 1,216 miles had 76 spectators come to this event. Each class will participate in the event for two days that week during their P.E. class time. The kids will be on teams of 3–4 per team. The students in grades 1-5 will run only 2 laps per turn and then mark their team lap score sheet. The kindergarten students will run 1 lap per turn and then mark their team lap score sheet.
When your class comes down to the gym for the Daytona 500, we would love to have you stay and run/walk to help us reach our goal of 500 + miles. Staff will record their laps on a staff lap score sheet.
We will also count exercise done before and after school if that is more convenient for you towards staff miles. Any 10 minutes of exercise: playing sports – hockey, basketball, volleyball, swimming or running, walking, weight lifting, aerobics and cycling would be examples of what you could do to count towards staff miles. Each day, email me with the number of minutes or miles (which ever is more) you exercised and I’ll count that towards the staff total miles.
2005 staff ran 346 miles
2006 staff ran 435 miles
2007 staff ran 225 miles
2008 can we beat 225 miles this year?
Thanks, Important Information:
MJ and Ken 28 laps in BIG gym = 1 mile
6 laps inside the school halls = 1 mile
14,000 laps = 500 miles
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