1. December 14, 2007
    2. Board Letter:
    3. Athletic Events:
    4. 10. Attachments
  1. Wayne Central School District
    1. Office of the Superintendent
    2. PO Box 155
    3. 6076 Ontario Center Road
    4. Ontario Center, NY 14520
    5. 315-524-1001
  2. Wayne Central School District
    1. Office of the Superintendent
    2. PO Box 155
    3. 6076 Ontario Center Road
    4. Ontario Center, NY 14520
    5. 315-524-1001
    7. Department Head Reports -


Letter to the Board



December 14, 2007
One of the hardest tasks of leadership is understanding that you are not what you are, but what you're perceived to be by others." --Edward L. Flom, CEO of Florida Steel

Board Letter:

1. Optiwind:     On Wednesday, Greg and I met with the Optiwind company out of Connecticut. They have developed a new type of windmill. Rather than one large turbine on a pole they have designed something that looks like a large barn silo with a number of smaller turbines. Supposedly it is more efficient at lower wind speeds such as are found in this area. They proposed that they construct wind silos at our site and at Red Creek. We could pay them for their costs over time through the money we save in energy bills. It was a very interesting proposal. We will be continuing those discussions with SED in January. There are a few issues with this particular proposal which will have to be carefully considered. First the financing only works if we receive State aid on the project. That may be problematic if the company is upfronting the costs. Secondly this is a brand new company that will not build their alpha version of this technology until this summer. They propose that we be the Beta version in the summer of 2009. Wind technology is scary to begin with. Brand new never tried wind energy could be a disaster.
2.    Overnight Music Trip:     I have approved the music trip to Hershey, PA in May, 2008. They have taken this trip for several years for a Choral Competition where the choir is graded on their performance in several areas (difficulty of music performed, the quality of their performance, the behavior of the students, the appearance of the students and other attributes. A trip to Hershey Park is also included. They travel by motor coach, and the drivers are cleared Fred Prince prior to travel. The appropriate number of chaperones are secured.
3. Connect Ed:     On Wednesday December 19th, at 6:00 PM we will be testing our telephone messaging service through Connect Ed. With this system in place we will be able to contact all parents and staff about school emergencies such as snow days. I expect that it will take some time to work out the bugs. Once operational we should dramatically improve our communications to parents.
4.    Technology Coordinator:      After some difficult heart to heart discussions technology coordinator Kathy Green has agreed that next year will be her last. She had expressed hope that she could stay five more years, but has agreed that would not be in her or the district’s best interest. I have agreed to provide some part time secretarial support to her during her time remaining.


5. B uilding Project: Our next meeting with CPA for the building project will occur next week. We are focusing on creating an acceptable number of aidable classrooms for the new building.
6. District Office Construction: If you come into the district office you will notice that it is being repainted by our ladies. I know you will like the new brown color because it is much warmer (whatever that means). The carpet will be replaced over February break. Also Mark Callahan has filled the HR position approved last year. Nan Coro will be the new receptionist and take care of the staff portion of HR. It is my expectations that HR will operate much more efficiently with change
7.  Parent Letter: I received a wonderful letter from the parent of middle school students, commending the efforts of the teachers and Mr. Armocida. It is a nice change of pace to hear the good stuff that we know is actually occurring every day.
8. Victor Moves to Monroe County League: I alerted you to this possibility last year. Earlier this week Monroe County approved Victor's entrance into MCPHSAA. Victor's Board approved it Wednesday night. That is a blow to our portion of the Finger Lakes league as only Canandaigua and Pal-Mac are left as larger schools comparable to Wayne. Rumor has it that Canandaigua would like to make a similar move to Monroe. Rumor also has it that while they would accept Victor they were not interested in Canandaigua. At my request, Mr. Blankenberg has a small committee assembled to study the pros and cons of Wayne with the Finger Lakes League and Monroe County.

9.   Upcoming Events:
 12/16 – HS Band & Chorus Concert @ PAC – 2:30 p.m.
 12/18 – OE Band & Chorus Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.
 12/19 – MS Band Concert @ PAC – 7:00 p.m.

Athletic Events:
 12/14 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Victor – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
 12/18 – Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Midlakes – 4:15 p.m.
 12/19 – Girls JV & V Basketball vs. Midlakes – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.
 12/20 – JV & V Wrestling vs. Geneva – 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.
 12/21 – Boys JV & V Basketball vs. Geneva – 6:00 & 7:30 p.m.

10. Attachments
        A) Tom Alexander Letter
        B)   Connect Ed Letter to Parents
        C) Connect Ed Letter to Staff
        D)   Ontario Town Board Meeting Minutes – 12/10

Dear Mr. Havens,
 I received a letter today from Robert C. Armocida congratulating my oldest son Dalton for his achievement of making honor roll. It’s impossible for me in writing to express my elation upon reading this letter. I must take a few moments to compliment the entire staff of the Ontario education system.
 As I continue to meet the educators involved with both my boy’s education, I am constantly impressed with not only their abilities as teachers but also their skills at developing my children into fine young adults. The teachers are providing the 3r’s. The counselors have helped both my boy’s through difficult times. The cafeteria staff consistently provides a pleasant socialization experience. The music department somehow gets all those kids to play in unison (I can’t get them to clean their rooms). The list goes on.
You sir, have assembled and orchestrated a tremendous staff of top-notch professionals. As a result of the compassion and leniency you have extended to me, my boy’s are receiving the best possible education available, for this I am truly grateful. The members of your staff have chosen a profession that I hold to the highest regard and we are determined to take full advantage of their efforts.
 Please find the time to commend your staff on their outstanding performance.
Thomas J. Alexander

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Wayne Central School District

Office of the Superintendent

PO Box 155

6076 Ontario Center Road

Ontario Center, NY 14520


             December 14, 2007
Dear Parents,
This month we are implementing a new telephone messaging service throughout the Wayne Central school district.
This program is part of our safety management program and will enable us to personally communicate with parents about emergency situations such as weather closings, after school and evening cancellations, radiological emergencies, school event updates and important issues impacting your child. It will allow us to send voice messages to your family’s home, work or cell phones. Essentially, the district can make one phone call that reaches all of our students’ families within minutes. Furthermore, this allows me the ability to make one phone call to reach everyone in the entire district within minutes.
I plan to conduct a test of the district-wide message system on Wednesday, December 19th. It is important that your school has all of your current telephone numbers so that you will not miss out on any important communications. If you do not receive a telephone call from me on the 19th please contact your child’s school office so that we can correct our contact information.

             Michael Havens
             Superintendent of Schools    

“Students First - Excellence For All”  

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Wayne Central School District

Office of the Superintendent

PO Box 155

6076 Ontario Center Road

Ontario Center, NY 14520


                December 13, 2007
Dear Staff,
This month we are implementing a new telephone messaging service throughout the Wayne Central school district. This program is part of our safety management program and will enable us to personally communicate with parents and staff about emergency situations such as weather closings, after school or evening cancellations, radiological emergencies, school event updates and other important issues.
It will allow us to send voice messages to our families’ home, work or cell phones. Essentially, the district can make one phone call that reaches all of our students’ families within minutes. Furthermore, this allows me the ability to make one phone call to reach everyone in the entire district within minutes (including snow day announcements).
A letter is being sent to parents informing them of this new program and announcing the test of the district-wide message system being conducted on Wednesday, December 19th. It is important that the district has all of our students’ and staff’s current telephone numbers so that you will not miss out on any important communications. If you do not receive a call from me on the 19th please contact your building secretary so we can correct our information.

Thank you,
Michael Havens


         DECEMBER 10, 2007



A regular meeting of the Ontario Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Molino at 7:00 PM in the Ontario Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Joseph Molino, Council members: Jason Ruffell, Lori Eaton-Smith, James Switzer and Stephen Tobin, Superintendent of Water Utilities Robert Wykle, Superintendent of Highways William Slocum, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer Edward Collins (entered 7:05 p.m.), Director of Recreation & Parks William Riddell, Accounting Supervisor Lois Buckalew, Sole Assessor Christine Luteyn, Library Director Sandra Hylen, Dog Control Officer Mark Plyter, Attorney for the Town Alan Knauf and Town Clerk Cathy Herzog.
Thirty-one residents and visitors were present at portions of the meeting.
Mrs. Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Agenda – Mr. Switzer presented a list of revisions to the agenda: add justice court monthly report, under new business delete (#2) appointment and resignation, amend health insurance “provider” to “advisor”, add adjustment for health officer stipend and accept revised budget adjustment as presented. Mr. Ruffell added an appointment for the Zoning Board of Appeals.
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the agenda as amended.
Comments from the Public – None
Approval of Minutes - Mr. Molino asked for approval of the minutes of the November 19th and November 26, 2007, Town Board meetings. A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to approve the minutes as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
CorrespondenceThe Town Clerk received correspondence from the New York State Association of Towns relative to training for new town officials.
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to accept and file the correspondence.
Attorney for the Town ReportMr. Knauf reported that the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation has not responded to the town’s alternate closure proposal for the Landfill. A meeting is still being planned by Trevan Houser from Land Solutions.
Mr. Knauf stated he has prepared the information requested by Mr. Ruffell for amendments to Town Code Chapter 80 and Chapter 150. He noted the proposed amendments would not require approval by the County Planning Department. A public hearing to amend the local laws would need to be scheduled.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the verbal report of the Attorney for the Town. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED

Department Head Reports -
Superintendent of Water UtilitiesA motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Mr. Collins entered the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Superintendent of HighwaysA motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement OfficerA motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Director of Recreation & Parks – A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Sole AssessorA motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Ontario Public Library - A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to accept the November 2007 Library report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Ontario Town CourtA motion was made by Mr. Tobin, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to receive the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Dog Control OfficerA motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Watershed Management Advisory CouncilA motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Economic Development Department - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin,
to accept the November 2007 report as presented. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Old Business - None
New Business – A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to authorize the building inspector to purchase a 2008 Ford F-150 pickup truck on State Bid Contract # PC 62882 for a total price not to exceed $20,000. from Fairport Ford, to replace the 2001 Chevy pickup truck in the Recreation Department, as requested by the Building Inspector in a memo dated 12/4/07. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to authorize the Town Clerk-elect to enter into a contract for services with Cathy Herzog to assist with the collection of taxes on a part-time, temporary basis for an hourly rate of $15.00 per hour, until March 31, 2008, as budgeted and requested in a memo dated 11/29/07. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to authorize closing Capital Project H-73-06 – Administration Building, for the Water Utilities Department, and to approve all remaining funds and interest be returned to the sewer fund, as requested by the Superintendent of Water Utilities in memorandum #41-2007. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to authorize the Supervisor to execute the annual Nutrition Services Contract for 2008 between the Wayne County Department of Aging and Youth and the Town of Ontario, contingent upon approval of the Attorney for the Town. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
There was a brief discussion on the Nutrition Services Contract. Mr. Riddell stated that there is no financial gain for the town. The county pays a standard pay rate to reimburse the town for an employee to oversee the program and the contract outlines the number of meals the town will get and what the rate will be for the meals to the town. Mr. Knauf stated he would like to review the contract.
A request from the Superintendent of Water Utilities was held for discussion in executive session.
Mr. Riddell introduced Mr. Jeffrey Smith, President of Municipal Solutions, Inc. to present the municipal lease results for the two tension fabric structures and ancillary equipment for the Community Center project.
Mr. Smith stated his firm solicited lease proposals in the amount of $585,000. He presented the bid results and stated the lowest bid interest rate was 3.710% for a ten year term from Municipal Leasing Consultants (MLC). He noted they are a well respected long term municipal leasing company. He presented a lease versus bond comparison spread sheet that showed a municipal lease will result in a cost savings to the town over a conventional serial bond issue. Mr. Smith stated he has worked with MLC in the past; they are experienced and have an excellent reputation. He recommended the bid be awarded to them.
There was a discussion on the annual payment, the effective date, use of bond counsel versus the Attorney for the Town, market changes in interest rates, awarding the bid contract, and the savings to the town over what was approved by the voters in the permissive referendum.
Mr. Ruffell thanked Mr. Smith and Mr. Riddell and stated he is pleased to see that the interest rate and bids awarded for the structures were both lower than expected.
Mr. Knauf reviewed the steps the town has taken. He has prepared and presented resolutions to amend the conditional acceptance of the bid and a resolution to accept the lease. He reviewed the figures and determined that the bid to lease and financing are both lower than the amounts approved by the voters in a special election. He noted the town has already declared a negative impact and he stated it is in the best interest of the town to select the lease bid presented.
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to adopt a


WHEREAS, on August 30, 2007, the Town of Ontario (the “Town”) issued a Request for Proposals for purchase, construction and erection of two (2) tensioned membrane structures and accessories (one approximately 80 ft. x 160 ft and one approximately 70 ft. x 120 ft.), including engineering of structures, foundations and footers for a Community Center in Casey Park (the “Portable Structures”); and
WHEREAS, Summit Structures US submitted a bid (the “Bid”) of $557,100. for the Portable Structures, which the Town Board finds is the lowest responsible bid; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has previously approved an installment purchase contract in the form of a lease (the “Lease”) of this apparatus and equipment for the current principal amount of $585,000, paid over a ten-year period by payments not to exceed $77,500 per year; and
WHEREAS, this Lease was approved by the voters of the Town in a permissive referendum; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has previously made a Negative Declaration for this project under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board needs to make arrangements for such a Lease; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board conditionally accepted the Bid by a Resolution adopted at its October 22, 2007 meeting (the “October 22 Resolution”); and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to amend that Resolution;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the October 22 Resolution is amended as set forth in this Resolution; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board finds that it is in the best interests of the Town to select the Bid, exclusive of the cost of financing; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Bid of $557,100 from Summit Structures US is accepted, contingent upon the Town entering into such a Lease providing nonvendor financing for the Portable Structures and associated items in form and substance acceptable to both the Town Board and the Attorney for the Town in their sole discretion, and if this Lease is not procured in such an acceptable form and substance, this conditional acceptance shall be null and void; and it is further
RESOLVED, that nonvendor financing through such a Lease be obtained pursuant to 2 N.Y.C.R.R. §39.8, and the Town may enter into the Lease with any party selected to provide the financing; and it is further
RESOLVED, that execution of the Lease will not cause the Town to exceed the limits prescribed by General Municipal Law §109-b (6) (c); and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to accept the Bid on that condition.

A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to adopt a


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Ontario (the “Town”) has previously approved an installment purchase contract in the form of a lease (the “Lease”) for purchase, construction and erection of two (2) tensioned membrane structures and accessories (one approximately 80 ft. x 160 ft and one approximately 70 ft. x 120 ft.), including engineering of structures, foundations and footers for a Community Center in Casey Park (the “Portable Structures”) for the current principal amount of $585,000, paid over a ten-year period by payments not to exceed $77,500 per year; and
WHEREAS, this Lease was approved by the voters of the Town in a permissive referendum; and
WHEREAS, the Lease for such equipment and apparatus is authorized by General Municipal Law §109-b; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has previously made a Negative Declaration for this project under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; and
WHEREAS, on August 30, 2007, the Town of Ontario issued a Request for Proposals for the Portable Structures; and
WHEREAS, by a Resolution adopted October 22, 2007, and amended on December 10, 2007, in compliance with competitive bidding requirements, the Town Board accepted the lowest responsible bid (the “Apparatus Bid”) for the Portable Structures, which was submitted Summit Structures US in the amount of $557,100, contingent upon entering into an acceptable Lease; and
WHEREAS, on November 20, 2007, with the assistance of Municipal Solutions, Inc., a municipal finance advisor, the Town circulated a Request For Installment Purchase Contract (Municipal Lease/Purchase) Financing to solicit proposals for the Lease in the amount of $585,000 to numerous financial institutions in the business of providing lease financing, setting a deadline of November 30, 2007 for bids, in compliance with requirements for nonvendor financing set forth at 2 N.Y.C.R.R. §39.8; and
WHEREAS, proposals were submitted by the six different bidders, and a summary of those bids has been circulated to the Town Board and is on file with the Town Clerk; and
WHEREAS, the bids for the Lease that were submitted ranged from a low of 3.710% to a high of 5.595%, with the lowest bid (the “Lease Bid”) submitted by Municipal Leasing Consultants (“MLC”), 7 Old Town Lane, Grand Isle, Vermont 05458; and
WHEREAS, Municipal Solutions, Inc. has assured the Town that MLC is a well respected, long term municipal leasing company; and
WHEREAS, the terms of the Lease proposed by the Lease Bid would be within the terms previously approved by the voters at the permissive referendum, since the principal amount would be $585,000 and the annual interest payments would be $70,289.04 over ten years; and
WHEREAS, the funds received through the Lease would finance purchase of the Portable Structure in the amount of $557,100, as well as associated costs, including the services of Municipal Solutions, Inc., bond counsel, and the attorney for the Town related to the Lease transaction, and certain appurtenant equipment and apparatus for the Portable Structures; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed an updated Evaluation of Financing Alternatives on file with the Town Clerk, prepared by William Riddell, Director of Parks and Recreation, with the assistance of the attorney for the Town and Municipal Solutions, Inc., which determined that the cost of financing by installment purchase contract authorized by General Municipal Law §109-b is about $14,080.85 less than by bonding pursuant to the Local Finance Law; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to accept the Lease Bid, pursuant to 2 N.Y.C.R.R. §39.4, provided it is acceptable in form and substance to its advisors;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby determines, based upon its consideration of the updated Evaluation of Financing Alternatives, that it is in the best interests of the Town to enter into an installment contract through a Lease for the purchase of the Portable Buildings from Summit Structures US as part of the Community Center, and to pay for associated costs pursuant to General Municipal Law §109-b, because such an agreement will provide financing at a lower interest rate than bonding, and a quicker and simpler process; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board finds that it is in the best interests of the Town to select the Lease Bid; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Lease Bid submitted by Municipal Leasing Consultants $585,000 at the interest rate of 3.710%, with annual interest payments in the amount of $70,289.04 over ten years is accepted, contingent upon the approval, in form and substance, of the Lease by the Attorney for the Town and Municipal Solutions, Inc., and if both such approvals do not occur, this conditional acceptance shall be null and void; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the funds received through the Lease may be used to pay for the Portable Structures pursuant to the accepted Apparatus Bid, as well as associated costs, including the services of Municipal Solutions, Inc., bond counsel, and the attorney for the Town related to the Lease transaction, and certain appurtenant equipment and apparatus for the Portable Structures; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to accept the Bid on such condition; and it is further
RESOLVED, that execution of the Lease will not cause the Town to exceed the limits prescribed by General Municipal Law §109-b (6) (c). 5 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED

A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to authorize the Supervisor to execute the offer of an additional health insurance plan, Blue Choice Value, for the Town of Ontario employees, as recommended by the town’s advisor, Eric Bond from Bond Financial Services.
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to adopt the 2008 wage schedule as presented for non-union, elected, salaried, exempt, full and part time hourly employees and the 2008 stipends for town officials and advisory board members, see attached. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
The legal notice to bidders for the purchase of a 15’ mower for the Recreation and Parks Department was posted on the Town Clerk’s bulletin board and published in the Wayne County Mail on 11/29/07. Two bids were received and opened on 12/6/07 from Grassland Equipment and Irrigation and S.V. Moffett Co.
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to award the lowest responsible bid to S.V. Moffett Co., Inc., 33 Thruway Park Drive, West Henrietta, NY, for a 15’ tri-deck rotary finishing mower, at a cost not to exceed $13,385. as requested by the Director of Parks and Recreation in memorandum PR33-2007. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mr. Switzer, to authorize the Town Clerk-elect and the Supervisor-elect, to attend the New York State Association of Towns Training School for newly elected town officials in Rochester, NY on January 15, 16 and 17, 2008 with registration and all actual and necessary expenses to be a town charge, as requested by the Town Clerk-elect in a memo dated 12/5/07. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve an amendment to the annual stipend for the Health Officer in the amount of $2,819.00 for 2008, to be charged to A 4010.1. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
 Budget Transfers/Adjustments - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to approve the following budget transfers and adjustment:
GENERAL FUND transfer of $5,000. from A 1990.4 to A 8020.4
GENERAL FUND transfer of $20,000. from A 1620.4 to A 1620.2
GENERAL FUND adjustment to increase 510/revenue A 1940 $230,512. and increase 960/expense A 1940.4 $230,512. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Appointments/ResignationsA motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to accept the resignation of Jeffrey Raley for the Highway Department effective 11/30/07, as requested by the Superintendent of Highways in a memo dated 12/10/07. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to appoint Scott Brower to the full time position of M.E.O./Laborer for the Highway Department, at a starting hourly rate of $15.24 per hour, effective 12/4/07, as recommended by the Superintendent of Highways in a memo dated 12/10/07. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to appoint Jesse M. Andrews and Chad W. Pitre to fill the two full time positions of M.E.O./Laborers for the Water Utilities Department at a starting hourly rate of $15.24 per hour each, effective 12/13/07, with a twenty-six (26) week probationary period according to town policy and union contract, as requested by the Superintendent of Water Utilities in memorandum # 42-2007. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mrs. Smith, to appoint William Bridson to the vacant position on the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term beginning 1/1/07 and ending 12/31/08. 4 Ayes 1 Nay (Switzer) MOTION CARRIED
Reports by Town Board Members – Mr. Switzer noted local businessman, Darrell Deitrich, will close his business on Route 104 for retirement. He stated he and Mr. Molino attended a presentation by Senator Michael Nozzolio of $1.5 million in state funding for a new youth athletic facility for Webster and Wayne County.
Mr. Switzer stated the Town of Henrietta will sponsor an event that will focus on government consolidation at 7:00 p.m. on January 22, 2008 at the Riverton Community Center, 280 Scottsville-West Henrietta Road. The forum will be open to the public.
Mrs. Smith thanked the following – Mrs. Hylen for her participation in Career Day at Wayne Central High School, Library staff members, Mrs. Anne Tobin and Mrs. Christine La Terra for their assistance with the Christmas tree lighting event held 12/1/07, she also thanked the Highway Department, and town staff members who helped decorate for the holidays.
Mrs. Smith wished everyone a Happy Holidays.
Mr. Tobin thanked Mr. Collins for fixing the seating in the court house. He also wished everyone a happy holiday and he stated he appreciates all the work done throughout the year by the Department heads and employees.
Mr. Ruffell thanked Mr. Collins and staff for the magnetic board installed in the town board meeting room.
Approval of Claims - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to approve the abstract of claims for December 10, 2007, including vouchers # 2712 through # 2837, except voucher # 2833 voided, with a grand total of $346,912.54 and to authorize the Supervisor to issue payments for same. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Comments from the Public – None
Executive Session - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to move into an executive session at 7:43 p.m. for an employment matter for a specific person. 5 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED
Reconvene –8:10 p.m.
Adjourn - A motion was made by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Tobin, to adjourn at 8:11 p.m.
               Respectfully submitted,
               Cathy Herzog
               Ontario Town Clerk
The above minutes will become official upon approval of the town board.

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