November 27, 2007 Page 60
NOVEMBER 27, 2007 7:00 PM North Rose Elem
entary School Media Center
PRESENT: Edward Magin, Judi Buckalew, Robert Cahoon, Kathy DeAngelis, Mindy
DeBadts, Kelly Ferrente, Cliff Parton, Ora Rothfuss, III
Lucinda Miner, Robert Magin (7:10), Jan McDorman and 20 guests
1. CALL TO ORDER: Ed Magin called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and led the Pledge of
1b. APPROVAL OF C. Parton moved and B. Cahoon seconded the following motion.
AGENDA: The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
M. DeBadts, K. Ferrente, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
agenda of November 27, 2007.
3a. PRESENTATION: Mr. Ted Woods presented the Board with an overview of plans for the North
NORTH ROSE PARK Rose Park. The park will be named in honor of Gilman and Ina Marshall.
(MARSHALL FARMS) The need for the park arose when the Jets 35+ soccer team needed a full size
field to play on, and the Stewart Field at NRE was too wet. The park will be
located on a 27 acre lot on 5
Road between Clinton Street and 104. The main
goal of the park is to provide a recreation program for the community in the
summer time. The park will offer two full size soccer fields, two softball
fields and a baseball field. The softball and baseball fields will be available for
use by the Wolcott Area Youth Baseball League. There will be a partially
paved walking/exercise trail which will attract skateboarders and inline
skaters, and eventually an outdoor basketball court may be added. The park
will provide a locker/shower area as well as a refreshment stand. There will be
playground areas, and pavilions with fireplaces. The park will have two
parking areas and will be fenced in on the road side, with an entrance to the
park on the South end. The fence will not interrupt the snowmobile trail. The
school sports teams will be able to use the facility.
The Committee is working on plans for irrigation. It is hopeful that some of
the fields may be available as early as the fall of 2008. Maintenance of the
facility will be provided by volunteers.
3b. PRESENTATION: Vic Tomaselli from SEI Design Group, and Kevin Clark from Christa
SEI CAPITAL PROJECT Construction presented the Board with an update on the Capital Project. Final
UPDATE forms are ready for signatures and will be submitted to the State later this
week. The State needs a five month window for appro
fifteen weeks for approving drawings. After the documents are reviewed and
approved, building permits will be issued and the bidding and construction
phase will begin mid April/May 2008. Construction is scheduled to begin by
the end of June or first of July 2008 lasting through December 2009.
A slide show detailed the facility upgrades scheduled in all four schools. Floor
plans and drawings were viewed.
Kevin Clark, Project Manager of Christa Construction, told the Board that
estimates are continually being revised with each change or update revision.
He mentioned that alternates for bidders will be looked at as a form of budget
protection in case of price changes next spring. Using alternate bidders allows
the project to move forward without losing time. Mr. Clark mentioned that the
design phase had gone a little over budget, but there was no need for concern.
Construction will happen throughout the year, keeping to the schedule without
affecting school activities. An operative heating system will be in place by
October 15
. The Site Safety and Logistics Plan will be in place and the
construction team will be working together with the School Safety Committee
to ensure a safe environment while students are in the buildings.
The Board commended SEI and Christa Construction for being on schedule
with the project.
EHAVIORAL Paul Shiener gave a presentation on Positive Behavioral Interventions &
Support. PBIS is a systems approach to preventing and responding to
UPPORT (PBIS): school and classroom discipline problems. A schoolwide method is used to
promote positive behavior in all students. PBIS addresses: high rates of
problem behavior that interfere with learning, ineffective and inefficient
disciplinary practices, lack of supports for staff to address problem behavior,
lack of general and specialized behavior interventions, negative school
climates, and reliance on crisis/reactive management. PBIS is preventative in
nature and its intent is to increase student achievement. The development
framework for PBIS is to be respectful, responsible, safe, and to be productive
in class.
80% of students respond to expectations, 15% of students need more support
and consequences, and the remaining 5% of students don’t respond to
consequence, supervision, detention, etc. The main focus will be on teaching
all students what is expected of them, while concentrating on the 20% of
students needing more supportive measures.
Two to three coaches are being trained in each school building and teams are
being developed which consist of an administrator, counselor, psychologist,
parent committee members and teachers. Data will be gathered from each
school building and a plan of action will be put in place. The first year with
PBIS is used to identify expectations. The second year will be used to develop
support systems in the school buildings, develop teams for atrisk students, and
focus on the 20% of students targeted as needing support.
November 27, 2007 Page 62
1a. BUILDING TOUR: Neil Thompson, Kathy DeAngelis
and Ed Magin led the Board of Education
on a tour through the North Rose Elementary School. The tour progressed
through the 4
grade wing, the newest part of the building. New
were seen in the classrooms, and a new computer lab was visited where
elementary students learn keyboarding skills. There is a special education
room in each grade level. The records storage room was discussed which is at
the end of the 3
grade wing. The Boiler Room was visited and the B
oard was
able to view a boiler which has fire brick deterioration, and is scheduled for
replacement as part of the Capital Project.
2. PUBLIC ACCESS: No one spoke to the Board at this time.
4a. OTHER GOOD NEWS OF Everyone is encouraged to attend the High School Play, “
The Long Red
” this coming weekend. Future events to mark on your calendars are
the High School musical, “
Beauty and the Beast
” on March 7
& 8
, and the
Middle School musical, “
The Lady Pirates of Captain Bree”
on March 28
& 29
4d. OTHER:
5a. SUPERINTENDENT’S Mrs. Miner introduced and welcomed Mr. John Addyman to the Board and the
UPDATE guests present. Mr. Addyman is a newspaper reporter from the
Finger Lakes
and has been assigned by his employer to cover the District’s Board of
Education meetings.
Mrs. Miner has requested approval to attend the National Conference on
Education in Tampa. This request will be voted on at the next meeting.
5b. BUSINESS Bob Magin reported on a brief meeting that he participated in recently with the
ADMINISTRATOR’S auditors from the State Comptrollers Office, Board members, and the
UPDATE: Superintendent . The auditors will be focusing on the following areas during
their last two weeks in our District: IT, Payroll, and Cash Receipts and
Bob Magin also mentioned that Raymond Wager, the District’s internal
auditor, will be here to meet with Board Members, the Superintendent and
himself on Thursday to review the internal audit.
Mr. Magin is working diligently on the Budget project.
6a. MEETING MINUTES The meeting minutes of November 13, 2007 were approved with corrections
November 13, 2007 made to the Board members present for voting in entering Executive Session
and Adjournment of the meeting.
C. Parton moved and J. Buckalew seconded the following motion.
The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
M. DeBadts, K. Ferrente, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2007.
November 27, 2007 Page 63
7. CONSENT AGENDA C. Parton moved and M. De
Badts seconded the following motion.
The vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis,
M. DeBadts, K. Ferrente, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
7a. WARRANTS: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
the Superintendent of School and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
following Warrant:
Warrant #20 $81,629.97
7b. SUBSTITUTES: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
individuals named on the substitute lists, which are on file with the District
7c. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
FROM CSE AND CPSE: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
recommendations from the Committee on Special Education dated November
5, 2007, November 7, 2007, November 13, 2007, and November 15, 2007 and
the Committee on Pre School Special Education dated November 5, 2007 and
instructs the Superintendent to implement the recommendations on behalf of
the following individuals identified by student number:
11998 06830 06970 11297 07776 06153
09737 06434 07287 07564 11963 11961
11740 11652 11156
7d. APPROVAL OF Be it resolved that the Board of
Education, upon recommendation of
POLICIES: the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
following policies:
Policy #6231
– Professional Certification: 175 Hours of Profess
Development Requirement
Policy #8340 – (Revised) Textbooks/Workbooks/Calculators/Instructional
Computer Hardware
7e. APPROVAL OF BUDGET Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the
CALENDAR: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves to adopt
the Budget Calendar for the 20082009 school year.
7f1. LETTER OF Be it resolved, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education
Law, accepts with
AMANDA LEFFLER: thanks for years of service, the resignation of Amanda Leffler, effective
December 19, 2007.
7f2. APPOINT FOOD Be it resolved, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
SERVICE HELPER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the 26
BONNIE FAHRER: week probationary appointment of Bonnie Fahrer as a Food Service Helper,
conditional upon a criminal history record check, according to Commissioners
Regulations §801.11 and Part 87, for $8.25/hour, 3 hours/day, 10
November 27, 2007 Page 64
$4,653.00 annual salary prorated to $3,267.00, effe
November 28, 2007.
7f3. APPOINT BUS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
DRIVER Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the 26
LOUIS MINACAPELLI: week probationary appointment of Louis Minacapelli as a Bus Driver,
conditional upon a criminal history record check, according to Commissioners
Regulations §801.11 and Part 87, for $13.00/hour, 5 hours/day, 10
months/year, $12,350.00 annual salary prorated to $8,450.00, effective
December 3, 2007.
7f4. APPOINT CLERK/TYPIST Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
BRANDY STARCZEWSKI: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves
the 26 week probationary appointment of Brandy Starczewski to the position
of Clerk/Typist, conditional upon a criminal history record check, according to
Commissioners Regulations §801.11 and Part 87, for $9.00 /hour, 7.5
hours/day, 12 months/year, $17,550.00 annual salary, prorated to $10,328.00,
effective November 28, 2007.
7f5. RESIGNATION OF CURR. Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
COUNCIL LEAD TEACHER the Superintendent of School and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
AMY PLOWE: resignation of Amy Plowe as Curriculum Council Lead Teacher for the 2007
08 school year. Amy’s stipend of $1,500 will be prorated to $195.00 for the
time of service she provided through October 9, 2007.
7f6. APPOINT CURR. COUNCIL Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
LEAD TEACHER: the Superintendent of School and pursuant to Education Law, appoints the
following individual to serve on Curriculum Council and as Lead Teacher at
the North Rose Elementary school, effective November 1, 2007June 30, 2008.
Dawn Zegers Grade 3 $1,500 prorated to $1,200
7h7. COACHING Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
APPOINTMENTS: Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the winter
coaching appointments for the 200708 school year, conditional upon a
criminal history record check according to Commissioners Regulation §80
1.11 and Part 87, and successful completion of all required First Aid/CPR and
Child Abuse courses as follows:
Brian Cole Boys Varsity Swimming $3,8441 1
Toran Gordinier Wrestling Volunteer
8a. The North RoseWolcott Teachers’ Association Contract of Agreement 7/1/2007 – 6/30/2011 was shared with
the Board.
November 27, 2007 Page 65
8b. Rachel’s Challenge items were shared with the
8c. Policy #6231 Regulation information was shared with the Board.
8d. Policy #8340 Regulation information was shared with the Board.
8e. The North RoseWolcott Central School District Directory was shared with the Board.
9. PUBLIC Sally Smith voiced her concern regarding the procedure to be followed for
PARTICIPATION: employees picking up their pay checks from the auditors located at the District
Office this pay period.
Michele Sullivan reported that the first report cards of the school year have
been mailed home. Middle School Honor roll is determined by a student
obtaining a grade point average of 85 or above, high honor is obtained by a
grade point average of 90 or above, and this year, Middle School has a
Principal’s honor roll, which is a grade point average of 95 or above. Mrs.
Sullivan announced that 55% of Middle School students received an 85% or
higher in their overall grade point average. Mrs. Sullivan also reported on
eligibility rules pertaining to students who are not passing classes.
Mrs. Sullivan answered questions from the Board related to the ARMOR
program. ARMOR is a recently approved program for referred Middle School
males, aimed at reducing incidents of aggression and violent behaviors.
The next PTSA Meeting and Community Forum will be held on Monday,
December 3, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the High School. The topic is Student
EXECUTIVE SESSION: B. Cahoon moved and O. Rothfuss, III seconded the following motion. The
vote was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, M.
DeBadts, K. Ferrente, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves Executive
Session at 9:10 pm for the purpose of discussing a specific personnel matter.
OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 9:53 pm.
ADJOURNMENT K. DeAngelis moved and C. Parton seconded the following motion. The vote
was unanimous. E. Magin, J. Buckalew, R. Cahoon, K. DeAngelis, M.
DeBadts, K. Ferrente, C. Parton, O. Rothfuss, III voted yes.
Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Education Law, approves the
adjournment of the meeting at 9:53 pm.
Clerk, Board of Education
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