1. Great Depression
  2. F.D.R.’s
  3. F.D.R.’s plan
  4. F.D.R.’s Constitutional problems
  5. Loose Interpretation
  6. Checks and Balances
  7. F.D.R. tried to overcome the Supreme Court’s authority by “Packing the
  8. F.D.R. could not remove judges…
  9. F.D.R.’s attempt to influence the Supreme Court was Unconstitutional and very unpopular
  10. Long-term influences of F.D.R. and the New Deal
  11. 1. Federal Government much larger and more involved in the economy
  12. 2. 22nd Amendment passed limiting a President to 2 terms
  13. 3. Some New Deal programs
  14. Did the New Deal work ? ?
  15. F.D.R.’s Foreign Policy
  16. 2. Isolationism
  17. Just like President Wilson did before WW I, Roosevelt tried to remain neutral at the beginning of
  18. F.D.R. ….
  19. F.D.R. gradually changes his policies as the war in Europe progressed
  20. We began trading with Great Britain BUT on a Cash-n-Carry basis
  21. Atlantic Charter
  22. Lend Lease Aid
  23. December 7, 1941
  24. Pearl Harbor proved that putting our heads in the sand and not getting involved in foreign affairs was not the answer
  25. F.D.R. asked Congress to declare war on Japan following Pearl Harbor
  26. The end

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