| - Great Depression
- F.D.R.’s
- F.D.R.’s plan
- F.D.R.’s Constitutional problems
- Loose Interpretation
- Checks and Balances
- F.D.R. tried to overcome the Supreme Court’s authority by “Packing the
- F.D.R. could not remove judges…
- F.D.R.’s attempt to influence the Supreme Court was Unconstitutional and very unpopular
- Long-term influences of F.D.R. and the New Deal
- 1. Federal Government much larger and more involved in the economy
- 2. 22nd Amendment passed limiting a President to 2 terms
- 3. Some New Deal programs
- Did the New Deal work ? ?
- F.D.R.’s Foreign Policy
- 2. Isolationism
- Just like President Wilson did before WW I, Roosevelt tried to remain neutral at the beginning of
- F.D.R. ….
- F.D.R. gradually changes his policies as the war in Europe progressed
- We began trading with Great Britain BUT on a Cash-n-Carry basis
- Atlantic Charter
- Lend Lease Aid
- December 7, 1941
- Pearl Harbor proved that putting our heads in the sand and not getting involved in foreign affairs was not the answer
- F.D.R. asked Congress to declare war on Japan following Pearl Harbor
- The end