1. Cold War Era
  2. Superpowers
  3. Reasons for Opposition:
  4. Slide 4
  5. Cold War
  6. Major evidence of new foreign policy = involvement
  7. N.A.T.O.
  8. Collective Security
  9. U.S. Military during the Cold War
  10. United Nations takes action:
  11. General Douglas MacArthur
  12. Problems with MacArthur
  13. MacArthur wanted to drive the communists clear back to China and then nuke China if they interfered.
  14. Americans and U.N. forces drove communists back, then the Chinese attacked. Eventually settled a cease-fire line establishing a North and South Korea again.
  15. Cold War Espionage
  16. General Eisenhower
  17. Slide 17
  18. McCarthyism
  19. THE END

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