1. American Imperialism
  2. U.S. Foreign Policy
  3. Imperialism
  4. Reasons for wanting territories
  5. 1. New sources of raw materials and new markets for goods
  6. 2. Coaling stations
  7. 3. Annexation of Hawaii
  8. War War War War War War War War War War War War War War War
  9. 1. Quick U.S. victory
  10. 2. Jingoism led to the war
  11. Jingoism
  12. 3. Yellow
  13. Danger: newspapers and press presenting an unbiased account is essential for a democratic society
  14. 4. Congress declared war on Spain after the Maine blew up
  15. Slide 15
  16. 5. U.S. won the war and gained the territories of Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam.
  17. President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy
  18. Slide 18
  19. Roosevelt’s “Big Stick Policy”
  20. U.S. interest in Latin America:
  21. Latin Americans resented the U.S. foreign policy
  22. Panama Canal
  23. U.S. interfered in Latin American politics to build the canal
  24. Teddy Roosevelt was accused of ignoring democratic and diplomatic principles to build the canal
  25. T.R.’s domestic policies:
  26. T.R.’s domestic policies:
  27. The End
  28. Slide 28

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