1. JANUARY
  5. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
  6. By-Laws
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003 REVISED : January 26, 2006 REVISED : January .., 2008
  7. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: January ..,. 2008
  8. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: January…, 2008
  9. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
  10. By-Laws
      1. B. Job Description
          1. Education Law, §306, 902, 2121, 2122, 2130
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003  REVISED: December .., 2007
  11. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Job Description
    2. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003  REVISED: January …, 2008
  12. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
  14. By-Laws
          1. Management of Student Activities Funds
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003                    REVISED: January …, 2008
  16. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
    1. Adopted: September 10, 2003  REVISED: January …, 2008
  17. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
  18. BY-LAWS
  19. Education Law §902 and §913
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: January …, 2008
  20. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
  21. BY-LAWS
    1. ADOPTED: September 10, 2003               REVISED: January …, 2008
  22. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
  24. Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520
  26. Policy Regulations Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520


December 6 , 2007 6:30 p.m. Ontario Elementary South Gym
6:30  Tour of Ontario Elementary School  
7:00  Call to Order
 Pledge of Allegiance
7:05  Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes                 Att. 1
7:10  Public Comment
7:15  Board Member Comments
7:20  Board President Comments
7:25  Action Item
7:30  Superintendent’s Report                  
1.   Elementary School Improvement Plan Presentation        
2.   First Quarter Academic Report               Att. 2
3.   Review Budget Calendar                 Att. 3
4.   Background Check              
5.   Financial Update
6.   Student Representative            
7.   Student Questions  
9:00  Board Action
1.   Approve Personnel Action               Att. 4
2.   Approve CSE/CPSE Action               Att. 5
3.   Consensus Agenda:               Att. 6
1. Approve Treasurer’s Reports           
2. Approve Surplus Property Designation
3. Accept Gift to the District
4. Award BOCES Coop Bid
5. Accept Audit Report
9:15  Policy                       Att. 7
9:30  Public Comment
8:10  Board Member Comments
8:15  Adjournment

Next Meeting Date: January 10, 2007   7:00 p.m. Freewill Elementary School
District Mission Statement
Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal
while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.

                    Att. 1
Ontario Center, New York 14520

DATE: Thursday, November 15 2007         TIME: 6:00 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting          PLACE: Middle School Library

PRESENT: Trustees Johnson, Lyke, Newman, Nicholson, Robusto, Schultz (arrived @ 6;32 p.m.), Triou (arrived @ 6:30 p.m.) ; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Armitage, Armocida,, Pullen, Schiek, Atseff, Cox, Callahan, Miller, Prince, Green

ABSENT: Trustees Griswold & Wyse
GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I.  CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by Frank Robusto, Jr., School Board President
II.  EXECUTIVE SESSION (Student Matters)

 Mrs. Newman offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to adjourn the meeting, at 6:05 p.m., for an executive session on matters pertaining to specific students. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 4 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Schultz, Mr. Triou, Mr. Wyse), Carried.
 (Mr. Triou entered the meeting @ 6:30 p.m.)
 (Mr. Schultz entered the meeting @ 6:32 p.m.)

III.   RECONVENE: 7:02 p.m.

Prior to start of the business meeting, trustees and school personnel conducted a tour of the building to fulfill the requirement of §1705 of the Education Law for annual building visits.

V.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (October 25 & November 1, 2007)

 Mr. Robusto presented consideration of an appeal of the decision of the superintendent of schools on a student matter as an additional agenda item. Mr. Triou offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Lyke, to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting, as revised, and the minutes of the meetings of October 25 & November 1, 2007, both as presented. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Wyse) Carried.




A.   Mr. Triou complimented the high school for the awesome career day and noted that he was pleased to have a chance to serve as a resource person on computers in the workplace.
B.   Mr. Triou stated that he enjoyed speaking to the first grade classes at Freewill Elementary School about the role of a school board members; the most frequent question from students was why school board members have no role in deciding when to declare snow days.


A.   Mr. Robusto added his compliments to the high school on career day, including the visit by Lou Gramm, and noted the participation of volunteers and service groups, including the Interact Club.
B.   Mr. Robusto extended condolences to the family of Lawrence Wojcik, a vocational math teacher at the high school in the 1960’s, who was recently featured in Gannett Rochester Newspapers for his numerous contributions to areas schools, including Edison Technical & Industrial High School in the Rochester City School District, and his sacrifices during 14 months in a German P.O.W. camp during World War II.


 A. Mr. Havens noted he had provided written reply to a resident’s question at the prior meeting to advise that international baccalaureate training will include special education teachers.


Mr. Havens presented a certificate from the NYS School Boards Association to Mrs. Newman in recognition of 40 credits in school board training.


Mr. Havens presented a proclamation in observance of American Education Week, TO WIT:
(November 11-17)
WHEREAS, public schools are the backbone of our democracy, providing young people with the tools they need to maintain our nation's precious values of freedom, civility and equality; and
WHEREAS, by equipping young Americans with both practical skills and broader intellectual abilities, schools give them hope for, and access to, a productive future; and
WHEREAS, education employees - be they custodians or teachers, bus drivers or librarians – work tirelessly to serve our children and communities with care and professionalism; and
WHEREAS, schools are community linchpins, bringing together adults and children, educators and volunteers, business leaders, and elected officials in a common enterprise;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Michael L. Havens, superintendent of schools of the Wayne Central School District, do hereby proclaim November 11-17, 2007 as the 86th annual observance of American Education Week
Mr. Havens added his personal thanks and appreciation to each of the some 450 persons who make local schools a special place for children to learn and educators to work each day.


Mr. Havens presented the facilities and finance sections of the school improvement plan for 2007 for facilities and finance for review and information of trustees.
Mr. Atseff, assistant superintendent for business, Mr. Miller, director of facilities, and Mr. Prince, director of transportation, reviewed a Power Point presentation on items as follows:
• Maintain superior, clean and inviting facilities,
• final scope for capital project for additional classroom space adjacent to Ontario Primary School
• voter approval of the proposed 2008-2009 budget by a favorable margin of 65% or greater
(copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
In the area of superior, clean and inviting facilities for our students, Mr. Atseff noted that maintenance and updates to facilities provide the foundation to meet instructional goals and keep costs down. He added that top-notch facilities insure a safe environment which produces high quality learning to prepare students to compete in the global economy and the community takes pride in school facilities as evidenced by support of capital improvements.
Mr. Atseff shared photos of areas for repairs and improvements, then and now, from 2001 to 2007, in the following areas;
HIGH SCHOOL: dining room, outdoor signage, TV production and broadcasting, fitness and weight training, science and technology classrooms & corridor floor surfaces
MIDDLE SCHOOL: curbs & sidewalks, outdoor signage, cafetorium/dining area, corridor floor surfaces, security and entry areas, access by persons with disabilities
ONTARIO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Entry steps and railings, corridor floor surfaces, lift to gym
ONTARIO PRIMARY SCHOOL: Renovation of classroom bathrooms, passive restraint security and entry foyer, music classroom, staff room & cafetorium floor surfaces and ceiling painting
FREEWILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: security and entry areas, corridor floor and ceiling surfaces, common tile areas in classroom areas
Mr. Schultz noted compliments by visiting team athletes and parents about the excellent weight training and fitness centers.

With regard to the scope for capital project, Mr. Miller noted that the architect is developing concept drawings and cost estimates for construction of new classroom pace adjacent to Ontario Primary School which would allow use of Ontario Elementary School as a district education center.

Mr. Atseff noted that preliminary discussions by the architect with the NYS Education Department indicate strict interpretation of guidelines for classroom capacity of twenty-seven (27) students which translates to six (6) new classrooms to meet the student enrollment in grades K to 5 at Ontario Primary School and Ontario Elementary School. He stated that school personnel, the architect and the construction management firm are reviewing alternative space uses related to classroom capacity.

Mr. Schultz asked for clarification of the state regulations on classroom capacity. Mr. Havens noted that the initial review by the architect highlighted state guidelines on standard classroom space. He explained that uses such as universal pre-kindergarten programs are not included in those guidelines and provide options to increase the number of approved classrooms.

Mr. Johnson asked if this interpretation indicates that the NYS Education Department wishes school districts to build new space rather than make renovations.

Mr. Nicholson asked if the 27-student guideline is the same for new and renovated space; the answer was yes.

Mr. Triou noted that construction of new space with less capacity is possible but would not yield state aid.

Mr. Schultz noted substantial variance between local and state class sizes guidelines.

Mrs. Lyke noted that recent discussions at the Four County School Boards Association by Geneva City School District on state and local class size variances. Efforts are underway with state school boards’ association staff members to illustrate local needs versus state guidelines to state officials and legislators.

Mr. Triou asked when trustees might see preliminary sketches: Mr. Atseff stated January, 2008.

Mr. Prince, director of transportation, reviewed the goal for passage of the proposed budget by a favorable margin of 65% or greater and no more than 35% with a no vote.. He noted that budget approval is an indicator of the community’s support of the direction and leadership of the school district and provides the resources and environment necessary to create successful programs.

Mr. Triou asked if the traditional budget presentations to civic and community groups and staff members are planned again; Mr. Havens stated they were.

Mrs. Newman suggested incorporating the “then and now” photos presented this evening in community presentations, at community locations, on the web site and cable TV to share the progress and improvements which have occurred in the past 5 to 7 yearMrs. Newman suggested incorporating the “then and now” photos presented this evening in community presentations, at community locations, on the web site and cable TV to share the progress and improvements which have occurred in the past 5 to 7 years. She added that the photos of former and present equipment and vehicles included at the visits prior to the last meeting would also provide insight.

Mr. Johnson suggested including photos of the track and athletic field updates as well.

Trustees thanked Mr. Atseff, Mr. Miller and FP for their presentations.
Mr. Havens presented a progress report on the district’s teacher center for review and information of trustees.
Mrs. Cox, assistant superintendent for instruction, introduced Mrs. Barbara Heald, teacher center director, who reviewed a Power Point presentation and video tour on the origins and status of the teacher resource center (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
Mrs. Heald outlined staff training efforts and classroom resources provided by the district’s teacher resource center which is now located on the first floor, near the main entrance, at the middle school. She shared examples of activities, resources and materials provided by and at the teacher center.
Mrs. Lyke noted the wonderful services illustrated by the presentation and compared them to the years when she served as the district teacher’s representative to the regional teacher center which provided resources on a converted school bus that visited component districts.
Mr. Havens thanked Mrs. Heald for her presentation which was acknowledged by a round of applause.
Mr. Havens presented a status report on the location of commencement exercises for the Class of 2008 for review and information of trustees.
Mrs. Holly Armitage, an assistant principal at the high school, noted that the Constellation Performing Arts Center @ Finger Lakes Community College was confirmed for the event as soon as commencement for the Class of 2007 was completed. When she sought verification of the date in September, she learned that the Rochester Broadway Theatre League (RBTL) was not longer managing the facility and tht the reservation for Friday, June 27, 2008 was cancelled.
Mrs. Armitage reported that efforts to confirm an alternate location were pursued and the event is now set for Thursday, June 26, 2008 at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. She is working with Mrs. Lisa Marlowe, senior class advisor, and senior class officers on plans for the new venue. She has had personal experience with the site for commencement for another district.
Mrs. Lyke asked how many persons traditionally attend commencement exercises and how the change in venue might impact attendance. Mrs. Armitage stated more than 1,000 persons usually attend commencement exercises and efforts will occur to provide opportunities for as many persons to attend as may wish. She added that efforts to confirm the FLCC site for the Class of 2009 were attempted but reservations are not accepted for events beyond 18 months.
Mr. Johnson asked when notification to parents will occur. Mrs. Armitage stated the high school will sent letters to parents in the next week.
Mr. Robusto stated that he has attended events at the convention center which included free parking. Mrs. Armitage stated that she will explore that option.
Mrs. Lyke suggested consideration of school busses as shuttle busses as well.
Mr. Havens noted that many parents and residents have attended events at the convention center in the past and are acquainted with the location and parking.
Mr. Havens extended thanks to Mrs. Armitage for her efforts to confirm the alternative site with so many schools unexpectedly seeking alternative sites when their plans were cancelled.
Mr. Havens introduced Mr. Atseff to present monthly financial reports for review and consideration by the Board of Education.
Mr. Atseff presented reports and information through October 31st as follows: (copies filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting)
(1)   Revenue Status Report– General Fund: Reflects revenues compared to revenue appropriations for 64% of budgeted revenues have arrived.
(2)   Expense Status Report – General Fund: 25% of the general fund allocations spent to date; appropriations in good shape.
Mr. Havens asked the pleasure of trustees to continue with the paperless agenda materials for school board meetings. By consensus, the decision was to continue the paperless approach with note of the paper and postage which it has and will save.
In addition, trustees endorsed use of electronic means to transmit supplemental materials from the superintendent of schools with provisions that document security is protected.
Dyan VerSchage, sophomore class president, reviewed current and future student achievements and events at the high school and activities of the sophomore class.


(1)   Jeff Korff, 7603 Roder Parkway, Ontario, asked how far in advance planning starts for capital projects. Mr. Havens provided details.

XI.   RECESS:    8:05 p.m.
XII. RECONVENE:      8:20 p.m.

 Mrs. Lyke offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to uphold the decision of the superintendent of schools on the long-term suspension of a specific student. 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Schultz), 1 Abstention (Mr. Triou), Carried.
A.   Mr. Johnson complimented speakers for their informational and visual presentations this evening, noting the dramatic improvements in facilities in the 2001 to 2007 photo comparisons.
B.   Mrs. Newman suggested that the Board of Education commend staff members for their many contributions as part of American Education Week observance. By consensus, Mrs. Newman was authorized to work with district office staff to develop a message for distribution and display in all schools and the transportation and maintenance centers.
C.   Mr. Schultz noted the successful guitar hero event sponsored by the key club at the high school and that he enjoyed helping the high school parent group provide refreshments


 Mr. Triou offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Newman to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Absent (Mr. Griswold, Mr. Schultz), Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk
The foregoing minutes of the Board of
Education were submitted for review
& (approved as presented)(corrected
as noted) at the meeting of
December 6, 2007
School District Clerk


                Att. 2
Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools

TO:     Board of Education, Michael Havens, Superintendent  
FROM:   Kim Cox, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
RE:     1st Quarter Report  
DATE:   Nov. 29, 2007
Attached please find   the Quarterly Report for the first quarter of the 2007-2008 school year. This PowerPoint includes report card data for ELA and Math in grades K-5, as well as the results for the four core areas; English, Math, Science and History, in grades 6-12. This information will be presented to you at the Dec. 6th Board of Education meeting.
If you have any questions about any of the information prior to this presentation, please feel free to contact me.
















                                                                                          Att. 3


Back to top

November 27, 2007, Tuesday     Administrative Meeting:
   Budget development calendar reviewed.
   Budget development process reviewed.
   Budget guidelines, instructions, and decision package forms distributed to building principals, central office administrators, and support staff supervisors.
   Student enrollment projections for 2008-2009 reviewed.
   Set Instructional Priorities.

Back to top

December 6, 2007, Thursday    Board Meeting: 
     …………..Budget development calendar presented to Board of Education.
      …………….. 2008-2009 enrollment projections to Board of Education.



January 3, 2008, Thursday    Administrative Meeting:
      ……..   Staffing recommendations presented to Ass't Superintendents  
by administrators.
January 10, 2008, Thursday    Board Meeting
   Discussion of Instructional priorities based on School Improvement Plan.
   Board of Education Budget Discussion.
January 15, 2008, Tuesday    Administrative Meeting:
   Budget requests to be submitted by building principals, central office administrators, and support staff supervisors to Assistant Superintendent for Business.
   Review first draft of 2008-2009 Capital portion of budget.

January 24, 2008, Thursday.  .…………Board Meeting:
     ………….. Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first       draft of Capital portion of 2008-2009 budget

January 29, 2008, Tuesday    Administrative Meeting:
        Review first draft of 2008-2009 Program Budget.

February 7, 2008, Thursday    Board Meeting: 
   Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first draft of Program portion of 2008-2009 budget.
February 26. 2008, Tuesday    Administrative Meeting:
   Review first draft of 2008-2009 Administrative Budget.
March 6, 2008, Thursday    Board Meeting:  
   Administrative presentation to Board of Education of the first draft of Administrative portion of 2008-2009 budget.
   Board of Education to identify propositions for May 13   Budget Vote and adopt Legal Notice of School Election and Budget Vote.
   Board of Education review of first draft of complete 2008-2009 budget.
   Administrative presentation of projected 2008-2009 revenues.
March 20, 2008, Thursday    Board Meeting:
   Board of Education discussion of draft of 2008-2009 Proposed Budget.
April 3, 2008, Thursday    Board Meeting:  
     ………….. Adopt proposed 2008-2009 Wayne Central Budget.
April 14, 2008, Monday    Petitions for School Trustee candidates to be filed with District Clerk on or before 5:00 p.m. at the District Office.

April 23, 2008, Wednesday    Board Meeting:  
     ………….. Vote on BOCES Administrative Budget.
April 29, 2008, Tuesday    2008-2009 proposed budget must be available for public inspection in each school building.
   Last date for newsletter to be printed.
      …………..Election of BOCES Board Members.
May 6, 2008, Tuesday    Distribution of special edition of District newsletter with proposed 2008-2009 budget information.

May 8, 2008, Thursday    Board Meeting:
Budget Hearing.
   Board meeting to follow hearing.

      …………..Appoint election officials for May 15   budget vote.

May 13, 2008, Tuesday    Budget Vote at Wayne Central High School Gymnasium lobby from 9: 00 a. m. to 9: 00 p. m.


NOTICES PUBLISHED:                                                   

Must publish four (4) times within the seven (7) weeks preceding the Budget Vote.

The first notice must be 45 days prior to the Budget Vote week of ( March 24, 2008 )



        Enrollment - October 1      
    2007 (Actual)       2008 (Projected)  

P 7.7 K 110 6 18.3 7.3 1 126 7 18.0 6.7 2 106 6 17.7 m 7 Consortium 7 2 49 E 0.0 3 118 6 19.7 9.3 4 120 6 20.0 6 21.7 5 6 19.8 m 8 Consortium 8 4 5 E .0 K 70 4 17.5 .5 1 47 3 15.7 .3 2 58 3 19.3 .0 3 58 3 19.3 .0 4 56 3 18.7 .3 5 66 3 22.0 m 5 Consortium 5 0 0 S 6 192 7 202 8 201 m 25 Consortium 25 23 20 S 9 200 10 198 11 215 12 230 m 31 Consortium 31 23 74 12 Total 2622 568
                        Att. 4


To:  Board of Education
From:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
 (Prepared by Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources)
Re:  Personnel Action
Date:  December 6, 2007
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

Back to top

John Cotsonas, Physical Education Teacher, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a tenure appointment effective January 3, 2008.
Megan Mahaney, Reading Teacher (LTS), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a paid FMLA leave of absence to commence on or about April 21, 2008 and expire on or about
May 30, 2008. For the purpose of child rearing. 
Angela Wasserman, Art Education Teacher, NYS Control No. 81395071 (Initial valid through 9/1/2012) assigned to the Ontario Primary School, a three year probationary appointment effective December 10, 2007 through December 9, 2010 at $36,600 (base) credited with no service. Replacement for Patrice Ott (resignation). 

Back to top

Heidi Ward, Teacher Aide (1:1), assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, effective November 16, 2007. For personal reasons.
Frank Carlesimo, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a 6 month probationary Civil Service appointment effective October 24, 2007 through April 23, 2008 at $13.14 per hour. To replace Delbert Rohring (resigned).
Dawn Brogan, Cleaner, assigned to the Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School, having successfully completed a six month probationary review, a permanent Civil Service appointment effective November 15, 2007 at her current rate of pay.
Megan Enright, Teaching Assistant (1:1), assigned to the Ontario Elementary School, a seven month temporary appointment effective November 26, 2007 through June 30, 2008 at $12.02 per hour. New position.
James Long, Maintenance Worker, assigned to the Facilities and Maintenance Department, having successfully completed a six month probationary review, a permanent Civil Service appointment effective November 3, 2007 at his current rate of pay.
v   Club Advisors -      
  Name   Activity
  Julie Schwartz   Peer Mediation
v      Advisors: rate – varies per activity  
Name   Activity
James Herendeen   Musical Accompanist
v      Team Leaders: rate - $1,959 plus $100 per supervised teacher (amended)
Name   Grade Level
Deb Bussard   Grade 6 Pluto
Gale McAndrew   Grade 6 Venus

Winter 2007-08 Season Length (11-5-07 to 3-7-08)
WCS Years
Christina Grey JV Cheerleading
Jeff Ugine Boys JV Basketball
- replaces Rich Miles (resigned 10/20/07)
Ron Gross Asst. Varsity Wrestling
Russ Watson G & B Asst. Indoor Track

Athletic Event Staff:
Tiffany Cotsonas
Dave Leone
Tom Gentile
Post-Season play -Sectionals:
Craig Wert – Boys Varsity Volleyball
The following Varsity Coaches should receive $388.00 for Post-Season play -Sectionals:
Carl Johnston –Girls & Boys Varsity X-C
David Marean – Varsity Football
Tim Mattle – Boys Varsity Soccer
Bill Jordan – Girls Varsity Soccer
David Hosenfeld – Girls Varsity Volleyball
Dolores Fox – Girls Varsity Tennis
The following JV/Assistant Coaches should receive $155.00 for Post-Season play -Sectionals:
Alan Balcaen - Asst. Varsity Football
Mike Grasta – Asst. Varsity Football
Gissela Bueso – JV Girls Volleyball
Riley Wheaton- JV Boys Soccer
Bob Taylor – JV Girls Soccer
Betsy Cavallaro- Varsity Cheerleading
Sandy Bueso – JV Boys Volleyball  

                        Att. 5
Alt. ID# Age Committee Grade Reason Decision Disability Rec.
hool 11/13/2007834212:8Section 50407Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Section 504Limited Major Life Activity Wayne Central Middle School7 98241 8:4 Section 504 03 Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Section 504 Limited Major Life Activity Ontario Elementary 7 98974 9:11 Section 504 04 Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Section 504 Limited Major Life Activity Ontario Elementary 7 98868 8:0 Section 504 03 Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Section 504 Limited Major Life Activity Ontario Elementary Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (December 6, 2007)
Alt. ID# Age Committee Grade Reason Decision Disability Rec.
chool Rec.
ogram 8/23/079750610:11Sub CSE06Initial
Mtg.lassified Other Health ImpairmentWayne Central Middle SchoolConsultant Teacher
9/20/07991167:3CSE02Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg.Classified Learning DisabilityOntario PrimaryConsultant Teacher
Speech/Language Consultation
Speech/Language Therapy7595 10:7 CSE 05 Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Speech or Language Impairment Ontario Elementary Consultant Teacher
Consultant Teacher
Speech/Language Therapy
peech/Language Therapy 7 9300 12:10 CSE 07 Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Learning Disabilityyne Central Middle School Consultant Teacher 96224 13:3 CSE 08 Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Other Health Impairment Wayne Central Middle School Consultant Teacher
onsultant Teacher Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (December 6, 2007)

                  Att. 6
Consensus Agenda



TO:  Board of Education
FROM:  Michael Havens
RE:  Consensus Agenda
DATE:  December 6, 2007  
The following items are being recommended for approval in a consensus agenda:
     Item #1 Approve October Treasurer’s Report
Item #2 Approve Surplus Property Designation
Item #3 Accept Gift to the District
Item #4  Award Boces Co-Op Bid for Computers, Software, Technology Engineering and
   Supplies for Project Lead the Way
Item #5  Accept Audit Report

                    Consensus Agenda Item #1

                  Consensus Agenda Item #2
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 6, 2007
RE:  Declare School Vehicles as Surplus Property
Recommend that the Board of Education at their regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 6, 2007, declare school buses #205, #209, #210, #211, #227, and #229 as surplus property. This procedure is in accordance with Policy #5250.
Bus # 205 – 1997 International, 66-passenger bus
Bus # 209 – 1997 International, 66-passenger bus
Bus # 210 – 1997 International, 66-passenger bus
Bus # 211 – 1997 International, 66-passenger bus
Bus # 227 – 2000 Chevy, 20-passenger bus
Bus # 229 – 2000 Chevy, 20-passenger bus
Once the vehicles have become surplus property, they will be traded, sold through the bid process, or sold at public auction. Proceeds from the sale will be deposited in the Bus Purchase Reserve Fund.
c: Fred Prince, Transportation Manager
Lee Stramonine, Treasurer
Helen Jensen, Business Office

                    Consensus Agenda Item #3
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 6, 2007
RE:  Gifts to the District
Recommend that the Board of Education, at their meeting to be held on December 6, 2007, accept the following gifts:
  a gift of $4,000 from the Freewill Parent Group to be used toward the purchase of SMART board systems
  a gift of $3,500 from the Wayne High School Music Boosters to be used towards the funding of the April band trip
c:  Lee Stramonine
   Jona Wright
   Joe Siracuse
   Helen Jensen

                 Consensus Agenda Item #4
TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  December 6, 2007
RE:  BOCES Cooperative Bid for Computers, software, technology engineering and supplies (Project Lead the Way)
At the August 16, 2007, regular board meeting, the Board of Education approved a resolution for participation in Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES cooperative bid for purchases of Computers, Software, and Technology Engineering Equipment and Supplies. Monroe BOCES 2 Bid RFB-1308-07 was opened on September 6, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. and Bid RFB-1347-07 was opened on October 31, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES recommends each district approve awards to the following organizations. The amount of the award is based on cost per unit, not total pricing. Detailed prices for each item will be found on the Project Lead the Way web site at time of purchase.
I recommend that we accept the recommendation of Monroe 2 Orleans BOCES to award the bids to the lowest responsible bidders as stated below.
 Vendor    Estimated Award
AC Supply
1746 Winding Glen Dr., PO Box 1523
St. Charles, MO 63302
B&H Photo Video pro-Audio
420 Ninth Ave.
New York, NY 10001
Breadboard Companion
9078 Dover St.
Westminster, CO 70021
Brite Computers, Inc.
7647 Main St. Fishers
Victor, NY 14564
Dimension 3D Printing
7665 Commerce Way
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Electronix Express RSR Electronics, Inc.
365 Blair Rd.
Avenel, NJ 07001
Elenco Electronics
150 W. Carpenter Ave.
Wheeling, IL 60090
Global Gov’t/Education Solutions Inc.
6990 US Route 36 East
Fletcher, OH 45326
Govconnection, Inc.
706 Milford Rd.
Merrimack, NH 03054-4633
Great Lakes Electronic Distributing
22 James E. Casey Dr.
Buffalo, NY 14206
Kelvin LP
280 Adams Blvd.
Farmingdale, NY 11735
Metco Supply
81 Kiski Ave.
Leechburg, PA 15656
Mouser Electronic
1000 N. Main St.
Mansfield, TX 76063
20153 Paseo Del Prado
Walnut, CA 91789
10101 Foothills Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95747-7100
7523 S. Sayre Ave.
Chicago, IL 60638
PO Box 1708
Pittsburg, KS 66762
School World
375 Woodcliff Dr.
Fairport, NY 14450
Shortess-Rawson & Associates
PO Box 5
Green village, NJ 07935-005
Synergy Global Solutions
1100 Pittsford-Victor Rd.
Pittsford, NY 14534
Teacher Geek
68 Lacy Lane
Brockport, NY 14420
Tech Depot
6 Cambridge Dr.
Trumbull CT 06611
PO Box 5000
Highway 65 South
Conway, AR 72032

                 Consensus Agenda Item #5

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To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  November 30, 2007
Re:  Independent Auditor’s Report and Management Letter
At the November 1, 2007 board meeting, the Board of Education received a copy of the General Purpose Financial Statements and the Management Letter for the school fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. At that time, the audit committee recommended that the Board of Education adopt a resolution at the December 6, 2007 meeting accepting the audit report and management letter.
Please present the following resolution to the Board of Education at their meeting on December 6, 2007:
Resolved; that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District hereby accepts the Independent Auditor’s Report and the Management Letter for the fiscal year 2006-2007.

                                       Att. 7
Policy Submitted for First Reading

1230  Policy    Reporting Campaign Expenses
1240  Policy    Resignation, Dismissal & Vacancy – Board of            Education
1300  Policy    Powers & Duties – Board of Education  
1310  Policy    Appointment & Duties – School District Clerk
1313  Policy    Re-Organizational Meeting of the Board of            Education
1320  Policy    Appointment & Duties - School District Treasurer
1340  Policy    Appointment & Duties - External Auditor
1350  Policy    Appointment & Duties - Internal Claims Auditor
1360  Policy    Appointment & Duties - Extra-Classroom            Activities Fund – Treasurer
1370  Policy    Appointment & Duties - School Attorney
1380  Policy    Appointment & Duties - School Physician
1410  Policy    Formulation & Adoption of Board of Education Policy
1520  Policy    Special Emergency Meetings
5321  Policy    Reimbursement for Travel & Conference            Expenses
Policy Submitted for Single Reading
5321  Regulation  Reimbursement for Travel & /Conference            Expenses
12/6/07 Board Meeting

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      1230

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Each candidate for the position of member of the Board of Education whose expenses, or contributions received by him or her, exceed $500.00 must file a sworn, itemized statement accounting for his or her  their campaign expenditures and contributions. These statements are filed with both the school district clerk and the Commissioner of Education, itemizing such expenditures and/or contributions.
In the event the expenses, or contributions received by him or her, do not exceed $500.00, in the aggregate, then a sworn statement to that effect must only be filed only with the school district clerk.
A preliminary statement must be filed no later than thirty (30) days before the election.
The second statement shall be filed no later than five (5) days before the election.
The third and final statement shall be filed within twenty (20) days after the election. Each statement must cover the period up to an  and including the day before the day specified for the filing of the statement.
Any contribution or expense, however, in excess of $1,000 that is received after the closing date for the most recent required statement, but before the election, must be reported, in the same manner as other contributions, within twenty-four (24) hours after its receipt.
Persons who make expenditures of $25.00 or more on the candidate’s behalf, without the candidate’s approval, must also file a sworn statement with the school district clerk that such expenses were not approved by the candidate.
All statements must be sworn before a notary public, a commissioner of deeds, a lawyer or a public official authorized by New York State law to administer oaths.
Each statement is deemed filed when it is deposited in an established post office within the prescribed time, duly stamped, registered and directed to the school district clerk and, if necessary, the Commissioner of Education. Each statement shall be preserved for a period of three (3) years from the date of filing thereof and is considered a public record open to public inspection.

Education Law § 1528 and 1529, As Amended

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003 REVISED : January 26, 2006 REVISED : January .., 2008

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003 REVISED : January 26, 2006 REVISED : January .., 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text is Deleted      1240

Board of Education members may resign at the annual district meeting, by filing a written resignation with the district (B.O.C.E.S.) superintendent of schools or by delivering or filing said written resignation with the school district clerk, who must then notify the Board of Education.  at any Board of Education meeting, at which time The resignation shall be automatically accepted and reflected in the minutes of said the meeting when presented to the Board of Education.
The resignation shall take effect upon the date specified in the letter of resignation; however, if no effective date is specified, it shall take effect on the date of delivery to or filing with the school district clerk. If an effective date is specified in the letter of resignation, such date shall not be more than thirty-(30) days subsequent to the date of its delivery or filing.
It shall be the duty of each member of the Board of Education to attend all meetings of the Board of Education and.  If if any member shall fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board of Education after having been regularly notified and not having shown a satisfactory cause for each non-attendance, the Board of Education will proceed to declare that office vacant.
A board member may be removed from office by the Commissioner of Education for willful violation of any provision of law, neglect of duty, or willfully disobeying any decision, order or regulation of the Commissioner of Education.
In the event of death, resignation, refusal to serve, or any disqualification of a board member, the Board of Education may appoint a new member to fill such a vacancy. If the Board of Education chooses to fill the vacancy, it shall be only for a term ending with the next annual election of the school district at which time such vacancy shall be filled in a regular manner for the balance of the unexpired term. The Board of Education, at its own option, may also elect to call a special election, within ninety-(90) days, to fill the unexpired term.
 The Commissioner of Education may order a special election for filling a vacancy. When such special election is ordered, the vacancy shall not be filled otherwise.
A board member who has been removed from office shall be ineligible to  for appointment or election to any office in the district for a period of one (1) year from the date of such removal.

Education Law §§ 306, 1706, 1709(17)(18),2103(2), 2109, 2111, 2112, and 2113
Public Officers Law §§30, 31 and 35

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: January ..,. 2008

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003      REVISED: January ..,. 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      1300

The Board of Education shall have powers and duties as set forth in New York State Education Law, principally Articles 35 and 37, and other applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
In general, the Board of Education shall have, in all respects, the superintendence, management and control of the educational affairs of the district and shall have all the power and authority as necessary to exercise these those powers expressly granted to it by the laws of New York State and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

Education Law §1604, 1709 and 1804
Policy #6540 – Defense and Indemnification of Board Members and Employees

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: January…, 2008

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003      REVISED: January…, 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on November 15, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      1310


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B. Job Description

B.   Job Description

 The Board of Education shall annually appoint the school district clerk. The school district clerk is appointed each year by the Board of Education at the re-organizational meeting. This  Such appointment shall continue until the next re-organizational meeting. The salary of the school district clerk shall also be fixed annually at the re-organizational meeting.
 The school district clerk shall:
a)   Have working knowledge of State Education Law concerning the office of school district clerk such as procedures for annual and special school elections, candidate petitions and qualifications, & tenured teacher tenure  disciplinar y hearings;
b)   Hold commission as a notary public;
c)   Verify and sign official documents;
d)   Conduct annual and special elections and special district referenda & oversee  coordinate absentee balloting;
e)   Notify the town clerk in each component town of the results of all elections and school district votes;
f)   Officially notify persons duly elected or appointed to office within twenty-four (24) hours;
g)   Notify the county treasurer of persons appointed as district treasurer and school tax collector;
h)   Administer the oath of office to new trustees members of the Board of Education;
i)   Maintain all official records of the school district;
j)   Call all meetings to order in the absence of the President and Vice President;
k)   Keep the policy manual of the Board of Education and add and distribute material to the Board of Education and administrators after school board action;
l)   File all correspondence and records relating to matters of the school district involving the Board of Education;
m)   Keep and file all information regarding special committees of the Board of Education;
n)   Prepare and arrange for publication of legal notices;
o)   Attend and prepare minutes of all public meetings of the Board of Education, both regular and special, as well as public hearings of the Board of Education, and, when requested, handle follow-up correspondence
p)   Prepare minutes of executive sessions as established by law
q)   Prepare the expenses of school elections, the district clerk and records management for the annual budget;
r)   Participate in logistics of bond sales to ensure successful completion;
s)   Receive subpoenas and claims against the school district as well as process appeals to the Commissioner of Education;
t)   Perform any other duties requested by the Board of Education or superintendent of schools or required by law
 If a vacancy occurs, the Board of Education may appoint a successor. Only the Commissioner of Education, in accordance with State Education Law, may remove the school district clerk.

Education Law, §306, 902, 2121, 2122, 2130

Education Law, §306, 902, 2121, 2122, 2130

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003  REVISED: December .., 2007

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: December .., 2007

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted      1350



Job Description

Job Description

The Board of Education will designate and appoint a/an internal claims auditor(s) for the school district at the re-organizational meeting. The internal claims auditor(s) shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Education. The internal claims auditor (s) is/are responsible for formally examining allowing or rejecting all accounts, charges, claims or demands against the school district. The internal claims auditor will provide reports and recommendations to the audit committee as provided by law, regulation and policy of the Board of Education.
The internal auditing process should determine that the:
a)   proposed payment is for a valid and legal purpose.
b)   obligation was incurred by an authorized school district official,
c)   items for which payment is claimed were in fact received or, in the case of services, were actually rendered,
d)   submitted claim voucher is in the proper form, mathematically correct, does not include previously paid charges, and is in agreement with the purchase order or contract upon which it is based
e )   submitted claims  voucher meet s such other requirements as may be established by the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and/or the Comptroller of the State of New York.
The internal claims auditor(s) shall have access to all documents regarding financial transactions to ensure that such documents are in compliance with the law, district policy and regulations. Questions or unresolved issues will be directed to the President of the Board of Education.
The school district treasurer shall need the signature of approval of the internal claims auditor for payment of a warrant, invoice or payroll. It shall constitute the same authorization for payment as a resolution of the Board of Education.
No person shall be eligible for appointment to the office of internal claims auditor who shall be:
a)   A member of the Board of Education
b)   The district clerk or district treasurer of the Board of Education
c)   The school district official responsible for business management
d)   The purchasing agent
e)   Clerical personnel directly involved in accounting and purchasing functions

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003  REVISED: January …, 2008

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003   REVISED: January …, 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted             1360

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 The Board of Education has the responsibility for the protection and supervision of the financial affairs of student clubs and extracurricular activities. An extra-classroom activity is defined as an organization whose activities are conducted by students and whose financial support is generated other than by taxation or through charges of the Board of Education.
 On an annual basis at the re-organizational meeting, the Board of Education shall approve the appointment of a competent and qualified person to serve as a faculty advisor for each club or organization.

Management of Student Activities Funds

Management of Student Activities Funds

 The Board of Education directs that the monies received from the conduct, operation or maintenance of any extra-classroom activity are deposited with  transmitted to the person(s) designated as the treasurer (s) of such extra-classroom activity fund who shall deposit them in one of the official depositories designated by the Board of Education.. The signatures of at least two (2) authorized individuals, including the student activity treasurer, are required for disbursement from an account.
  The central treasurer(s) of extra-classroom activity funds will submit quarterly reports to the Board of Education. The school district’s independent external auditor shall make conduct an audit of all extra-classroom activity funds on an annual basis
 Generally, all moneys collected in a school building, whether by personnel or by vending machines, are to be deposited in and processed through the extracurricular activity fund except where otherwise required designated or upon separate approval by the building principal or superintendent of schools, or designee.
 Records of receipts and expenditures are to be maintained, including:  This includes:
 a)  Monies collected by students and expended by them for extra-classroom activities;
 b)  Monies collected by school personnel for field trips or similar activities; and
 c)  Other non-property tax monies collected in a school building for school purposes.
 Authority to expend moneys shall be distinct and separate from the custody of those monies. Funds of an inactive organization shall become part of the general fund of the school district.
 Regulations for the establishment, conduct, operation and maintenance of extra-classroom activities and for the safeguarding, accounting and audit of all monies received will be developed by the superintendent of schools for review and approval by the Board of Education.

Education Law §207, 8 NYCRR Part 172

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003                    REVISED: January …, 2008

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003                     REVISED: January …, 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted

The Board of Education shall employ a school attorney who shall be responsible to the Board of Education for guidance on all affairs that are of a legal nature. including, but not limited to:
a )     Negotiation of all legal charges and processes for each bond issue and construction and/or reconstruction of new buildings;
b)   Legal counsel on matters referred to him or her to determine legality of procedure;
c)   Matters related to "due process" hearings or procedures.


Adopted: September 10, 2003  REVISED: January …, 2008

Adopted: September 10, 2003    REVISED: January …, 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Underlined Text Is Deleted

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The school physician(s) shall be appointed by the Board of Education. The duties of the school physician(s) shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
a)   Performs professional medical services in the examination and care of school children;
b)   Supervises routine examinations of school children by the school nurse practitioner to detect the presence of contagious diseases and physical defects;
c)   Serves as an on-call member on the Committee on Special Education;
d)   Reports to the Board of Education on school health services;
e)   Coordinates scheduling of physical examinations for all students participating in interscholastic athletics;
f)   Develops the program of health service in accordance with policies approved by the Board of Education and as directed by the superintendent of schools or his/her designee;
g)   Conducts physical exams, on an annual basis, for all bus drivers and, prior to employment, food service workers
h)   Conducts a medical evaluation of any employee at the request of the Board of Education
i )   Provide advice and support for school nurses and school staff members on school health issues and concerns


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Education Law §902 and §913

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003    REVISED: January …, 2008

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003        REVISED: January …, 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type, Deleted Text Underlined      1410

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The Board of Education shall reserve to itself the function of providing guidelines for the discretionary action of those to whom it delegates authority. The superintendent of schools shall act as an advisor to the Board of Education in the adoption and approval of written policies. The Board of Education shall seek input from the staff and community where appropriate. These guides  guidelines for discretionary action shall constitute the policies governing the operation of the school district.

The formulation and adoption of these written policies shall constitute the basic method by which the Board of Education shall exercise its leadership in the operation of the school district. The study and evaluation of reports concerning the execution of its written policies shall constitute the basic method by which the Board of Education shall exercise its control over the operation of the school district.
The adoption of a written policy shall occur only after the proposal has been presented, discussed and received an affirmative vote at two (2) separate meetings of the Board of Education (i.e., the "first reading" and the "second reading"). The policy draft may be amended at the second meeting. By a majority vote, the Board of Education may waive the "second reading" of the proposed policy at its "first reading."
The formal adoption of written school district policy shall be recorded in the official minutes of the Board of Education. Such written school board policy shall govern the conduct and affairs of the school district and shall be binding upon the members of the educational community in the school district.
It shall be responsibility of the Board of Education to keep its written policies up-to-date so that they may be used consistently as a basis for school board action and administrative decision.
The superintendent of schools is given the continuing commission of calling to the attention of the Board of Education policies that are outdated or for other reasons appear to need revision.
 The Board of Education directs the policy committee to conduct a thorough review of the policy handbook on an annual basis, including any policies or regulations that require annual review by law or regulation.

Education Law §1604(9) and 1709 (1) and (2)

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003               REVISED: January …, 2008

ADOPTED: September 10, 2003                 REVISED: January …, 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

Presented By Policy Committee From Referral from Board of Education      
Presented for First Reading on December 6, 2007    5321
New Text in Blue Type, Deleted Text Underlined
Non-Instructional/Business Operations

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The Board of Education recognizes that it is necessary for its members and school district employees to travel in conducting the normal course of school business and operations. The Board of Education also recognizes the need for continuing in-service training and development for staff members.
The superintendent of schools will develop regulations regarding travel and reimbursement for school business purposes and conferences.

POLICY ADOPTED:  February 9, 2006      REVISED: January .., 2008

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Policy Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520


Presented By Policy Committee From Referral from Board of Education        
Presented for Single Reading on December 6, 2007    
New Text in Blue Type; Deleted Text is Underlined

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The Board of Education recognizes that it is necessary for its members and school district employees to travel in conducting the normal course of school business and operations. The Board of Education also recognizes the need for continuing in-service training and development for staff members. The following guidelines will apply to travel and conference reimbursement:
Mileage Reimbursement – Travel Outside of the School District
School vehicles must be used if available. When an employee travels on school business using their personal automobile, the district will reimburse mileage at the mileage rate established by the Board of Education. Prior approval from an employee’s immediate supervisor is required to receive mileage reimbursement. The employee will fill out a mileage reimbursement claim form which must be approved by their immediate supervisor. The administrator will forward the completed mileage claim form to the business office for processing
Meal Reimbursement
If school business travel occurs during a meal period, the school district will reimburse the employee for such meals up to $60.00 per diem with no single meal cost to exceed $35.00. Original receipts are required for meal reimbursement. Sales tax is not reimbursable. Gratuity is limited to 15% unless a larger gratuity is automatically charged.
Conference Attendance
Prior approval for all conference expenses including hotel, air travel, registration costs, meals, and miscellaneous costs, is required for an employee to receive reimbursement.
Reimbursements are authorized for the following items:
(a)   Lodging: The school district will reimburse costs for a standard hotel room in the immediate proximity of the conference site.
(b)   Air Travel: The school district will reimburse the cost for coach tickets. Employees must seek the lowest price airline ticket to maximize the use of district funds.
(c)   Out of Pocket Costs: The school district will reimburse for out-of-pocket expenses up to a limit of 10% of the initially submitted and approved expense
(d)   Personal Expenses: The school district will not reimburse personal expenses (e.g. room service, entertainment, use of in-room bar & snacks, alcohol, personal phone calls)
(e)   Receipts: Original receipts are required for conference travel reimbursement.
If it is necessary to cancel a conference due to unforeseen professional or personal circumstances, the employee will not be liable for any unrecoverable costs.
A copy of these regulations will be placed in employee handbooks.

REGULATION APPROVED:  February 9, 2006      REVISED: December 6, 2007

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Policy Regulations Handbook Wayne Central School District Ontario Center, New York 14520

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