1.                                                                                                                                                                Att. 2
  2. High School Improvement Plan
  3. 2007-2008
  4. Presented by:
  5. Mr. Siracuse
  6. Mrs. Armitage
  7. Mr. Derse
  8. Mr. Blankenberg
  9. GoaI l: 95% Passing rate on Algebra I Exam and ELA
  10. Stage 1
  11.        English regents passing rate of 95% 
  12. c. What enduring understandings/principles are desired?
  13. Literacy and numeracy are the foundations for future success in any endeavor
  14. All students will be successful
  15. d. What essential questions will guide the actions to meet this goal?
  16. What are the essential skills and concepts in ELA and Math?
  17. How do we ensure that all students are successful?
  18. Stage 2
  19. Assessment evidence
  20. AIS attendance rates
  21. Projections and plans discussed and reviewed in five week increments
  22. Stage 3
  23. Goal 2: Increase the Regents Diploma Rate.
  24. I. Students, parents and staff believe post secondary education is absolutely necessary.
  25. III. Students, parents, and staff believe the student can succeed in post secondary education.
  26. IV. The high school has a post secondary education school culture.
  27.                                                                                                                                                      Att. 3
  28. To: Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
  31. Fall 2007 – Season Length (8-13-07 to 11-2-07)
  32. *Note: replaces Adam Luke (resigned).
  33. Additional Event Staff


October 11 , 2007 7:00 p.m. Ontario Primary Cafetorium
6:30  Tour of Facilities
7:00  Call to Order
 Pledge of Allegiance
7:05  Retirement Recognition and Reception                      
 Approval of Agenda/Approval of Minutes                 Att. 1
7:40  Public Comment
7:45  Board Member Comments
7:50  Board President Comments
7:55  Action Item
8:00  Superintendent’s Report                  
1.   National Honor Society Invitation            
2.   Spanish Trip (Honduras) Information          
3.   High School Building Improvement Plan           Att. 2  
4.   Financial Report                   Att. 3
5.   Student Representative
6.   Student Questions                           
8:45  Board Action
1.   Approve Personnel Action               Att. 4
2.   Approve CSE/CPSE Action               Att. 5
3.   Red Ribbon Resolution                 Att. 6
4.   Consensus Agenda:               Att. 7
1. Approve Treasurer’s Reports           
2. Approve Internship
3. Budget Transfers
8:55  Public Comment
9:00  Board Member Comments
9:05  Adjournment

Next Meeting Date: October 25, 2007  7:00 p.m. High School Cafeteria – Three Boards Meeting

District Mission Statement

District Mission Statement

Based on the belief that all students can learn, the staff of the Wayne Central School District accepts the responsibility to teach all students, regardless of differences, the fundamental skills. We further accept the responsibility to challenge all students to attain higher levels of achievement. Wayne Central will provide the opportunity, environment, and encouragement to meet this goal
while developing the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and culturally.


W HEREAS, Thomas Gentile has retired effective June 30, 2007, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 32 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Thomas Gentile served the students and families of Wayne Central High School, and the residents of the community as a physical education teacher, and
W HEREAS, Thomas Gentile developed a positive attitude for physical fitness where students learned to understand and appreciate the importance of maintaining a healthy body and was someone who recognized that students respond well to high expectations through a consistent message and support from parents, and
W HEREAS, Thomas Gentile demonstrated his passion for soccer by initiating the Little Guys community soccer program and by coaching at all levels of scholastic soccer where he oversaw many successful teams, and
W HEREAS, Thomas Gentile also coached tennis where he emphasized to students the importance of continuing this lifetime sport as a way of maintaining good health, and
W HEREAS, Thomas Gentile understood the importance of teamwork and nature as a part of good health and took groups of students on ropes courses and hiking in the peaks of the Adirondack Mountains, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District, that the service of Thomas Gentile is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Thomas Gentile and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Diane Cameron has retired effective June 30, 2007, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 31 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Diane Cameron served the students and families of Ontario Primary School, Ontario Elementary School, and the residents of the community, as a reading teacher, and
W HEREAS, Diane Cameron contributed long hours to her classroom each day with careful attention to individual student needs and encouraged elementary level children to take responsibility for their learning, and
W HEREAS, Diane Cameron participated in leadership and supportive roles through programs such as Great Books and the district spelling bee, and
W HEREAS, Diane Cameron shared her reading expertise with teachers spending many hours conferencing with them and finding appropriate materials to aid in their teaching, and further served the school district through membership on various committees including principal’s advisory council, basal adoption committee, pupil personnel service committee, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Diane Cameron is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Diane Cameron and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Janice Baxter has retired effective September 18, 2007, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 10 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Janice Baxter served the students and families of Wayne Central High School, and the residents of the community as a typist in the student services office and as a teacher aide at Ontario Primary school, and
W HEREAS, Janice Baxter was respected for her expertise in helping the student services office as it implemented the SASI student information system used to track district students, and
W HEREAS, Janice Baxter was known as someone who always had a ready smile or amusing story and someone who cheered up the student services office with her homegrown flowers, and
W HEREAS, Janice Baxter was loved by her children at Ontario Primary and skilled in working with children in small groups, and
W HEREAS, Janice Baxter was always willing to learn new strategies and new computer software to help her children become better learners, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Janice Baxter is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Janice Baxter and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Joanne Huff has retired effective June 30, 2007, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 11 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Joanne Huff served the students and families of T. C. Armstrong Middle school, and the residents of the community as a teacher aide and a teaching assistant, and
W HEREAS, Joanne Huff was respected for her work in the area of reading, in particular helping students who struggled in learning to read, and
W HEREAS, Joanne Huff organized middle school events such as the Ed Currier Luncheon and Award Ceremony, Academic Awards Night, Commended Breakfast and open house, and
W HEREAS, Joanne Huff was known as a motivated, efficient and professional staff member in all she did and someone who was perceived as a leader by all the middle school staff and someone who the middle school administration relied upon, and
W HEREAS, Joanne Huff was willing to share her leadership skills, serving on a number of committees including, Building Planning Team, Home School Partnership Committee, Ice Cream Social Planning Committee and Memorial Day assembly, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Joanne Huff is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Joanne Huff and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Fran McCarthy has retired effective June 30, 2007, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 23 years of service at Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Fran McCarthy served as a special education teacher to the students and families of Ontario Elementary and T. C. Armstrong Middle School as a special education teacher, and
W HEREAS, Fran McCarthy has extensive knowledge of the special education program and the developmental needs of the children she taught, and is respected for her ability to motivate and encourage the district’s most fragile learners, and
W HEREAS, every day, for many years, Fran McCarthy sent all staff members a Hopeworks Asset Building message to inspire their work with children, and modeled those messages about students by starting a service club for them, and
W HEREAS, Fran McCarthy continued her work with special education children each summer through a summer skills program developed by her to prepare children to be successful during the regular school year, and
W HEREAS, Fran McCarthy shared her knowledge and skills with the district through her work with such programs as Math-a-thon, Read to Feed, Operation Christmas Child and safety patrol, and
W HEREAS, Fran McCarthy worked in leadership roles within the district serving as the building CSE representative and a member of the Hopeworks management team, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Francene McCarthy is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Fran McCarthy and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Paula VanderBrook has retired effective June 30, 2007, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 10 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Paula VanderBrook served the students and families of Ontario Elementary school, and the residents of the community as the building secretary, and
W HEREAS, Paula VanderBrook created a warm and inviting environment for all who entered the Ontario Elementary office and developed a reputation for demonstrating care and respect for individual students and promoting respectful interactions among students, and
W HEREAS, Paula VanderBrook served as a role model for students and adults, setting high standards for herself and demonstrating a strong work ethic that was contagious to those who worked with her, and
W HEREAS, Paula VanderBrook was a highly confidential person who treated information regarding students, family and staff with the greatest care and discretion, and
W HEREAS, Paula VanderBrook was highly regarded for her work in managing the schedules, activities and styles of the four different principals that worked with her, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Paula VanderBrook is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Paula VanderBrook and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Gail Flatt has retired effective June 30, 2007, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 26 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Gail Flatt served the students and families of Wayne Central School, and the residents of the community as a school bus driver, and
W HEREAS, Gail Flatt was someone who was kind and considerate towards her students and in turn earned their trust and respect, and
W HEREAS, Gail Flatt was someone who was known to take pride in her bus and always kept it neat and tidy, and
W HEREAS, Gail Flatt was known as a careful driver who safely transported students during many winter snow storms, and
W HEREAS, Gail Flatt was held in the highest esteem by her transportation supervisor who viewed her as one of his most professional drivers, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Gail Flatt is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Gail Flatt and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Gail Johnsen has retired effective January 26, 2007 and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 16 ½ years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Gail Johnsen served the students and families of T C Armstrong Middle School and the residents of the community as a Spanish and French teacher, and
W HEREAS, it has been noted that Gail Johnsen’s planning and instructional practices reflected a thorough understanding of the foreign language curriculum and the strategies needed to ensure student success, and
W HEREAS, Gail Johnsen has earned the respect of her students by establishing clear standards of conduct and responding to students in a way that was appropriate and respectful of their dignity, and
W HEREAS, Gail Johnsen continued her professional learning by attending such programs as Strengthening Your Foreign Language Instruction, Reading and Writing in the LOTE Classroom and Practical Strategies for working Successfully with Struggling Students, and
W HEREAS, Gail Johnsen shared her skills and leadership through her work in planning Foreign Language Dessert Night, and serving on the Instructional Excellence committee, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Gail Johnsen is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Gail Johnsen and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.


W HEREAS, Rosemary Sgabellone has retired effective December 22, 2006, and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 18 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Rosemary Sgabellone served the students and families of Wayne Central high school, and the residents of the community as a school nurse, and
W HEREAS, Rosemary Sgabellone was respected for her work in the area of nursing by her peers and provided mentoring to newer employees, and
W HEREAS, Rosemary Sgabellone was known as someone cared about her students and provided time and counsel to them during their time of need, and
W HEREAS, Rosemary Sgabellone demonstrated professionalism and confidentiality when dealing with students facing difficult issues, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Rosemary Sgabellone is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Rosemary Sgabellone and that the school district clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October12, 2006.


W HEREAS, Barbara Pelligrino has retired effective February 1, 2007 and
W HEREAS, said retirement concludes a career of 26 years of service at the Wayne Central School District, and

W HEREAS, Barbara Pelligrino served the students and families of Wayne Central, and the residents of the community as a school bus driver, and
W HEREAS, Barbara Pelligrino was respected by her students and parents as a caring person, and
W HEREAS, Barbara Pelligrino was someone who always kept her bus neat and tidy, and
W HEREAS, Barbara Pelligrino was known as someone who was always willing to lend a hand assisting others and subsequently contributing to a smooth running department, and
W HEREAS, Barbara Pelligrino was known as a tolerant, cooperative person who always considered others first, and
W HEREAS, the Board of Education recognizes that the contributions of each employee are essential to student achievement and success.
N OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Wayne Central School District that the service of Barbara Pelligrino is recognized and commended, with grateful appreciation, and
B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be presented to Barbara Pelligrino and that the School District Clerk is hereby directed to cause the text of this resolution to appear in the minutes of the Board of Education meeting of October 11, 2007.

                                                                                                                                                 Att. 1

Ontario Center, New York 14520

DATE: Thursday, September 27, 2007                   TIME: 6:30 p.m.
TYPE: Regular Business Meeting          PLACE: District Office

PRESENT: Trustees Griswold, Johnson, Lyke, Newman, Nicholson, Robusto, Schultz, Triou & Wyse; District Clerk Switzer; Administrators Havens, Siracuse, Shaffer, Pullen, Schiek, Atseff, Cox, Callahan & Green

GUESTS: Visitor’s Roster filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting
I.  CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. by Frank Robusto, Jr., School Board President
II.  EXECUTIVE SESSION (Pending Legal Matters)

 Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION, seconded by Mrs. Lyke, to adjourn the meeting, at 6:31 p.m., for an executive session on pending legal matters. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.

III.   RECONVENE: 7:00 p.m.
V.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA & MINUTES (September 13, 2007)

 Mr. Schultz presented the following revisions to the minutes of September 13, 2007:
  Page 9477 – §VIII – A ¶2 Line 1: Replace “independent” with “external” after “meet with the ..”
 Page 9477 – §VIII – A ¶2 Line 3: Replace “examination” with “Internal audit”
 Mr. Triou offered a MOTION seconded by Mr. Wyse, to approve the agenda for this evening’s meeting, as presented, and the minutes of the meeting of September 13, 2007, as revised. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.




Mr. Robusto stated that the Board of Education values public comment and that, under NYS Open Meetings Law, school board meetings are open to the public, not public meetings. Two opportunities are provided for public comment and time limits are placed on each speaker. While immediate responses are not always possible, follow-up will occur if needed. He asked speakers to identify themselves, their address, any organization they may represent and to provide copies of any documentation to the school district clerk.
A.   Zach Tyma, 5780 Arbor Road, Ontario, stated that air conditioning in the library-media center at the high school might interest more students in use of the facility. Mr. Havens will meet with Zach to discuss the issue in more detail.
B.   Deborah Germain, 4314 Cream Ridge Road, Macedon, thanked the Board of Education for the funding and appointment of a substance abuse counselor in the 2007-2008 budget.
A.   Mrs. Newman stated that she was pleased to attend the high school’s open house and was impressed with the bright and inviting atmosphere which meets district goals for clean and inviting school facilities. She is proud that her children spend their school day in such a facility.
B.   Mr. Wyse asked for additional information on the safety and security of the region for proposed student travel to the Honduras. 
C.   Mrs. Lyke reminded trustees of the general membership meeting of the Four County School Boards Association on October 18th at Geneva.
D.   Mr. Schultz stated that he, too, was pleased to attend the high school’s open house and was impressed with the school-wide broadcast of the volleyball game and the informational materials throughout the building on the international baccalaureate program (IB).
E.   Mrs. Lyke reported on a speech by international news correspondent Lisa Ling at Finger Lakes Community College which underscored the value of IB programs for students to learn about foreign countries and their cultures.
F.   Mr. Triou reported on attending the middle school’s open house and participating in a sample block schedule with his daughter and meeting staff members. While time to speak to staff was limited, he was impressed with the program and extended compliments to the middle school.


 A. Mr. Robusto stated that he attended the high school’s open house to assist the Interact Club present materials about student participation and host families for the student exchange program sponsored by the Ontario-Walworth Rotary Club. He was also pleased to see the large amount of informational materials on the IB at the event.


Mr. Havens introduced senior Mike Miles, a member of the executive committee of the Class of 2008, who was present as student representative for this meeting.
Mr. Havens presented a proposed internship for review and consideration by Board of Education. He asked Mr. Siracuse, high school principal, to provide additional details
Mr. Siracuse shared information about the intern, Mrs. Kristin Miller, a health teacher, and the topics and activities in the proposed internship for the 2007-2008 school year (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting). Mrs. Miller would work in areas including model school’s programs, coordination of the senior project, academic intervention services, new graduation requirements (Class of 2010), staff supervision, K-12 HIV/AIDS & abduction curricula and the wellness & nutrition program.
Mrs. Lyke asked what credentials the internship provides to Mrs. Miller. Mr. Siracuse stated that she will earn administrative certification.
Mrs. Newman asked if Mr. Siracuse serves as the field supervisor; he does. Mrs. Newman added that she worked with Mrs. Miller on the model school’s program and national training workshops, which Mrs. Miller coordinated for the local delegation, and she is pleased to support the internship proposal.
Mr. Havens stated that the proposal will appear on the next meeting agenda for consideration and action by the Board of Education.
Mr. Schultz asked about the commitment by Mrs. Miller to the University of Rochester for the internship; Mr. Siracuse stated that it is the culmination of her requirements for the administrative program Warner Graduate School of Education. Mrs. Lyke noted that it represents 60 credit hours. Mr. Siracuse added that professors in the program were impressed with the leadership experiences Mrs. Miller has already completed.
Mr. Johnson is unable to attend the next meeting and wished to express his support for the proposed internship by Mrs. Miller. He worked with her on the wellness & nutrition committee and she was very diligent.
Mr. Griswold asked how many internships occur in a school year. Mr. Havens stated one or two. He noted the district goal 6 or 7 years ago to encourage our staff members to pursue leadership training and administrative certification.
Mrs. Lyke noted that a dozen or so staff members have participated in these internships.
Mr. Triou asked have many of those persons have remained in the district. Mr. Havens stated about 50%.
Mr. Havens thanked Mr. Siracuse for his presentation.
Mr. Havens noted that the Board of Education has the option to name a delegate and alternate for the annual resolutions’ session at the state-wide meeting of the NYS School Boards’ Association.
Mr. Wyse offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Triou, to designate Mrs. Lyke as voting delegate. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried. Mrs. Lyke encouraged trustees to share feedback on the proposed resolutions.
Mr. Havens provided an updated on the initial meeting to explore capital facilities by the committee (Mrs. Lyke, Mr. Wyse, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Atseff & himself) with the architect and project management firm. He reviewed the areas the committee will explore (e.g. enrollment data alternative energy sources, state energy conservation initiatives) for its report and recommendations to the Board of Education by February 8, 2008.
Senior Mike Miles reviewed current and future student achievements and events at the high school and activities planned by the Class of 2008. Mr. Havens noted that Mike is an Eagle Scout and won the regional oratorical contest last year.
Mr. Havens reviewed building-level events and activities that trustees may wish to attend
(1)   Zach Tyma, 5780 Arbor Road, Ontario, amended his prior question to ask what steps are possible to address the excessive heat in the library media-center at the high school during the school day. Mr. Havens stated he would explore the topic with Zach and the high school principal, Mr. Siracuse.
(2)   Mike Brooks, 5832 Lanson Road, Ontario, asked about alternate fund-raising opportunities in addition to the annual magazine sale for students to finance their senior trip. Mr. Havens suggested that Mike discuss his ideas with the senior class advisor.
Mr. Robusto shared worksheets for creation of protocols for school board operations and asked trustees to provide feedback on them not later than the next business meeting (copy filed in clerk’s agenda file, this meeting).
A.   Mr. Griswold noted that the Ontario Fire Company will unveil a memorial for deceased members and walkway bricks at an open house on Saturday, September 29th in recognition of their 100th anniversary and observance of Fire Prevention Week.
B.   Mr. Wyse suggested review of existing capacity of air handling units in the performing arts center as part of the library ventilation issue, supra, and offered to assist in that effort.
C.   Mr. Schultz noted the positive feedback at the recent meeting of the high school parent group on the presentation about the IB program by Mr. Siracuse and Mr. MacMillan.
D.   Mrs. Lyke invited trustees to participate in IB activities on October 10th (parent night) and October 18-19 (national IB team visit) at the high school.
E.   Mrs. Lyke noted invitations received by trustees to attend the dedication ceremonies for the new soccer shelters on Saturday, October 6th @ 6:45 p.m.
F.   Mr. Triou complimented Freewill Elementary School on the annual ice cream social event and noted that he heard several compliments from parents and visitors during the event.
G.   Mr. Robusto will share a copy of the board policy on attendance at conferences and workshops for review by trustees in light of discussion at a prior meeting.
H.   Mr. Nicholson asked if there is a concern about travel for conference and workshop attendance. Mr. Havens noted that the issue was raised by the internal claims auditor with regard to non-refundable payments for travel and events. Mr. Robusto stated that he has provided clarification on the matter to the citizen who commented on the matter at the prior meeting.
I.   Mr. Triou noted that the topic of workshop and conference attendance by school board members and/or staff members is a frequent item in state comptroller audits cited on the weekly news clips prepared by the state school board’s association.
J.   Mr. Triou asked how many years annual meeting and workshops in for the state school boards’ association with occur in New York City; the response was 2007 & 2008.


 Mr. Triou offered a MOTION, seconded by Mr. Wyse to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. 9 Ayes, 0 Nays, Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
School District Clerk


Back to top

                                                                                                                                                                Att. 2

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High School Improvement Plan

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Presented by:

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Mr. Siracuse

Back to top

Mrs. Armitage

Back to top

Mr. Derse

Back to top

Mr. Blankenberg

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GoaI l: 95% Passing rate on Algebra I Exam and ELA

Back to top

Stage 1
a. Identify results: (Where are we now)  Math A regents passing rate of 95%
           English regents passing rate of 90%
b. Desired results: (Where will we plan to be) Math Algebra regents passing rate of95%

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            English regents passing rate of 95%  

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c. What enduring understandings/principles are desired?

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Literacy and numeracy are the foundations for future success in any endeavor

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All students will be successful

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d. What essential questions will guide the actions to meet this goal?

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What are the essential skills and concepts in ELA and Math?

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How do we ensure that all students are successful?

Year Math ELA
2001-02 12% 81%
2002-03 67% 76%
2003-04 89% 92%
2004-05 81% 89%
2005-06 86% 89%
2006-07 95% 90%


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Stage 2

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Assessment evidence

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AIS attendance rates

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Projections and plans discussed and reviewed in five week increments

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Stage 3
A. Closely Monitor AIS  
Task Responsible Person(s) Completion
1. Identify all test takers and monitor them closely Counselors January and June
2. Distribute 5 week failure reports to department chairs and discuss Administrators Five and Ten Week marks
3. Distribute Lists to Teachers Department Chairs Five and Ten Week Marks
4. Passes filled out for all at risk students on five week basis Department Chairs Five and Ten Week Marks
5. Share names and results with counselors and administrators Department Chair Five and Ten Week Marks
6. Update Grade book on Weekly Basis Teachers Fridays
7. Attendance Taken and monitored, truant students reported to the AIS coordinator Teachers Daily

Back to top

Goal 2: Increase the Regents Diploma Rate.
Stage 1
a. Identify results: (Where are we now) 81% of graduates earned a regents diploma
b. Desired results: (Where will we plan to be) 98% of graduates will earn a regents diploma
c. Sub goal:  85%  of students will pass the global regents exam
   90%  of students will pass their science exam  
d. What enduring understandings/principles are desired?
Students who pass their global and science regents generally have little difficulty graduating with a Regents diploma
All students need a Regents diploma as of 2009
e. What essential question (s) will guide the actions to meet this goal?
How do we scaffold the learning (common assessments, aligned assessments)?
How do we identify and support struggling students?

Year Regents Diploma Rate
1999-00 59%
2000-01 53%
2001-02 70%
2002-03 74%
2003-04 72%
2004-05 81%
2005-06 84%
2006-07 81%


Stage 2
Assessment evidence Regents Diploma Rate
Stage 3
A. Increase the passing rate of the Global 2 regents exam to 85%
Task Responsible Person(s) Completion
1. Develop Common Unit Assessments and an assessment calendar Department Chair, Global Teachers Ongoing
2. Increase Writing Opportunities Teachers Ongoing
3. Create a section for Students who need to Pass Test
Counselors Sept 2007
4. Create a section for Students who were not successful in Global I
Counselors Sept 2007
5. Create a section for Students who were not successful in Global II Counselors Sept 2007
6. Conduct August Review classes for targeted students Principal Aug 2007
7. Conduct January Review classes for targeted students Principal January 2008
8. Plan a pilot for the 2008/2009 school year for at risk freshman to take US history in 9th grade (this is better aligned with their experiences in 7th and 8th grade social studies) Principal/ Counselors Sept 2007

B. Increase passing rate of the science regents exam to 90%
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Pilot Biology in 9th Grade
Principal/Counselors Sept 2007
2. Identify Students
Counselors Sept 2007
3. Identify Teachers
Principal/Counselors Sept 2007
4. Create Sections Counselors Sept 2007

C. Continue to focus on students not on track to earn a Regents Diploma (2-3-5 plans)
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Identify the students Counseling Ongoing
2. Develop the plans Counseling Ongoing
3. Assign AIS and intervention Teachers/


Goal 3: Maintain the Going to College Rate of 90%
Stage 1
a. Identify results: (Where are we now) 90% of our graduates are pursuing higher education
b. Desired results: (where will we plan to be) 90% of our graduates will continue pursuing higher education
c. Enduring understandings
Post secondary education is a key to a happy and productive life
HS education is not enough
d. Essential Questions
Why college?
How do you get to college?

Year Going to College
1999-2000 86%
2000-2001 75%
2001-2002 88%
2002-2003 80%
2003-04 78%
2004-05 86%
2005-06 90%
2006-07 90%


Stage 2  

Maintain a 90% college bound rate
Stage 3

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I.   Students, parents and staff believe post secondary education is absolutely necessary.
A.  Principal’s monthly newsletter will explain the importance of college
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Create articles which would focus on why students should attend college including earning power, future job market, how to pay for college, etc. Pose and answer question about college and financial aide.
Principal Oct.- June

B.  Calendar of college visitations will be sent to parents
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Include visitations in newsletter
Mrs. Gallup 10/07
2. Send a separate mailing to parents
Mrs. Gallup 10/07

II.  Students are academically successful in high school.
A.  Celebrate student success
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Share student successes with faculty Principal Ongoing
2. Place high honor, honor, and merit Posters in foyer Administrators Ongoing
3. Have teachers place posters of their merit, honor, and high honor outside their door Administrators Ongoing


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III.   Students, parents, and staff believe the student can succeed in post secondary education.
A.  Each student will earn at least one college credit
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Increase AP and Gemini Course Offerings
Administrators Counselors ongoing

B.  A panel of former graduates will talk about four year colleges “if I can do it, you can do it”
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Select students going to college Mrs. Gallup 1/08
2. Select some students who were not as successful in high school Mrs. Gallup 1/08
3. Scheduled during college break Mrs. Gallup 1/08

C.  Provide information to parents regarding the application process
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Hold an informational panel session for parents in regards to financial aide and the application process BPT Spring 2008

D.  SAT prep course will continue to be offered at high school
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Make students aware of course Principal 6/08

E.  PSAT test will continued to be offered at Wayne high school
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Coordinate Test Mrs. Gallup
2. Counselors visit advisory/test prep activities Mrs. Gallup 10/07
3. Letter home to parents Mrs. Gallup 9/07


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IV.   The high school has a post secondary education school culture.
A. The High School will hold a career day to expose students to careers and college requirements
Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Identify career interests through use of students surveys Mrs.VanAcker, Ms. DonVito
2. Set up speakers/coordinate day Mrs.VanAcker, Ms. DonVito,

B. The team will track senior progress in applying for and getting accepted into colleges at monthly guidance meetings
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Hold monthly meetings Counselors
2. Create a chart that will track students as they research colleges, apply for college, send recommendations and transcript, complete FASFA, receive letter of acceptance, commit to go. Administrators

C. Counseling will create a college application process book
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Include check list, financial aid, timeline, visitations, resume Mrs. Gallup completed

D. The team will identify the students with no college plans
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Identify students from monthly meetings and senior meetings Team ongoing
2. Develop plans with students to establish post high school goals Team 1/08
3. Partner students with an adult advocate for college plans Team ongoing
4. Recruit these students for college visitations, meetings with college representatives Team ongoing

E. Counseling will publicize college visitations
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Monthly newsletter Principal ongoing
2. Direct mailings Mrs. Gallup ongoing

F. The high school will post a map of the US with pictures of seniors showing where they are going
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Place in main foyer Mrs. Conner 1/08
2. Change to 2008 students in January
Mrs. Conner Spring 08

G. Principals will talk about college at 8th grade orientation
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Speak at 8th grade parents night Principal 12/07

H. The high school will promote Eastview Mall, Marketplace Mall and Convention Center college nights
Task Responsible Person Completion Date
1. Mail home postcards Mrs. Gallup ongoing
2. Provide transportation to entire Junior class Team 5/07
3. Invite parents to attend college nights Team ongoing
5. Announce at sporting events Principal ongoing



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                                                                                                                                                     Att. 3

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To:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
From:  Gregory Atseff, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Date:  September 28, 2007
Re:  Year End Financial Position
 Below is an analysis of our financial position at year end for 2006/2007.
     Year End Financial Position
Beginning Fund Balance     $2,140,455
Revenues           38,763,825
Expenditures           (35,250,766)
Carryover Encumbrances (510,681)
   TOTAL       $5,142,833
2006/07 Appropriated Fund Balance     (900,000)
2006/07 Unappropriated Fund Balance   (1,187,172)
    Excess Fund Balance $3,055,660
 As the numbers above show, we were able to meet our financial goals established during the 2007/2008 budget process. This is very important because any shortfall in the $900,000 appropriated fund balance, would have added to the tax rate increase of 0% that was projected at budget time. We need to have the Board of Education approve the transfer of the $3,055,660 excess fund balance to reserve funds to bring the district to the 3% legal limit for unappropriated fund balance.
I recommend the following transfers:
Capital Reserve       $2,355,660
Bus Reserve         $ 700,000
  Total           $3,055,660
Once the transfers are done, the balance in the Capital Reserve will be $4,652,518, and the balance in the Bus Reserve will be $2,014,999, as of June 30, 2007.

                                                                                                Att. 4



To:  Board of Education
From:  Michael Havens, Superintendent of Schools
 (Prepared by Mark D. Callahan, Director of Human Resources)
Re:  Personnel Action
Date:  October 11, 2007
The following is submitted for your review and approval.

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Penny Barry, School Psychologist, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, effective September 1, 2007. For personal reasons.
Stephanie Potter, Special Education Teacher, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a combination paid and unpaid FMLA leave of absence anticipated to begin June 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. Amended to extend unpaid FMLA leave.
Donna Rizzo, ESOL Teacher, NYS Control No. 657636061   (Permanent, effective 9/1/05), assigned as needed throughout district, a probationary appointment effective
September 1, 2007 through August 31, 2009 at $53,223 (base + MS) pro-rated, credited with 14 years experience. Amended to change appointment from part time to probationary. Position is still shared with Ganada CSD.
Megan Mahaney, Reading Teacher, NYS Control No. 627933051 (Initial valid through 9/1/2010) assigned to the Freewill Elementary School, a one year temporary appointment effective September 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 at $38,625 (base + MS) credited with one year of service. Replacement for Cathy Crable (re-assigned to new position as Literacy Coach ). 

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Karin Pickard, 1:1 Teacher Aide (0.5 FTE) assigned to Project Show at the James A. Beneway High School, a paid FMLA leave of absence effective September 20, 2007 through
November 2, 2007. FMLA leave.
Delbert Rohring, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a 30 day unpaid leave of absence effective September 24, 2007 through October 23, 2007. For personal reasons.
Karen Turano, Cook Manager, assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a paid FMLA leave of absence effective September 10, 2007 for a duration to be determined. FMLA leave.
Kristen Bauerschmidt, 1:1 Teacher Aide (0.6 FTE) assigned to James A. Beneway High School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 1, 2007 through
June 30, 2008 at $10.00 per hour. Amended to reflect part time status (job share).
Frank Carlesimo, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a 30 day temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 24, 2007 through October 23, 2007 at $13.14 per hour. To replace Delbert Rohring (LOA).
Kim Hynes, 1:1 Teacher Aide (0.5 FTE) assigned to Project Show at the James A. Beneway High School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 20, 2007 through
November 2, 2007 at $8.67 per hour. To replace Karin Pickard (LOA).
Kim Hynes, 1:1 Teacher Aide (0.4 FTE) assigned to the James A. Beneway High School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 5, 2007 through
June 30, 2008 at $8.67 per hour. Job share with Kristen Bauerschmidt.
Laurie Pick, 1:1 Teacher Aide (0.5 FTE) assigned to Project Show at the James A. Beneway High School, a temporary Civil Service appointment effective September 6, 2007 through
June 30, 2008, at $10.75 per hour. To support new student.
Franklin Svatek, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 5, 2007 through March 4, 2008 at $13.14 per hour. To replace Randall Emison (resigned).
Stacy Wright, Bus Driver, assigned to the Transportation Department, a six month probationary Civil Service appointment effective September 5, 2007 through March 4, 2008 at $13.14 per hour. To replace Gayle Flatt (retired).
2007-08 Stipend Position Appointments            
v      Model School Club Advisors -      
  Name   Activity
  Derek DeMass   Technology Student Association
      Kathy Perconti*           Musical Vocal Director     HS     $1,564.00  
 *Note: Replaces James Herendeen (resigned)
2007-08 Coaching Appointments

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Fall 2007 – Season Length (8-13-07 to 11-2-07)
WCS Years
Shawn McBride Asst. Modified Football*
Pam Buddendeck Boys Modified Volleyball

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*Note: replaces Adam Luke (resigned).

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Additional Event Staff
Jeff Ugine, Bill Thomson, John Leone, Dave Tinnes
First Name
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Angela Affronti     Denise Friedman     Tim McBride
Hope Albright     Kimberly Friends     Bernice McGovern
Karl Aman     Kim Gabriel     Ellen Miller
Kathryn Aman     Richard Galvin     Brian Miller
Mark Amend     Susan Gaylord     Amanda Miller
Denise Anderson     Erin Genge     Michelle Mitchell
Melissa Anderson     Daniel Giancursio     Daphne Mooney
Amie Arnold     Rebecca Goater-Corrigan     Leigh Murray
Amy Austin     Cynthia Goodwin     Peter Nedermeyer
Nicole Baccanti     David Greene     Nicole O'Dell
Colleen Bach     Tina Griep     Peggy Osterhout
Gordon Bacon     Chelsea Griswold     Jeremy Parsons
Cindy Bailey     Lidia Grzegorek     Michael Patterson
William Baker     Jacklyn Gurnett     Disa Pevear
Pamela Baum     Yvonne Hartley     Shannon Quigley
Andrea Benedict     Albert (AJ) Hauser     Cheryl Rickard
David Benwell     Gail Heimberger     Jeanette Riley
Margaret Birx     Roland Heimberger     Barbara Riviere
Doreen Biviano     Mark Herden     Carrie Roods
Alison Biviano     Cathleen Herman     Amberly Rounds
Melisa Blankenberg     Jileen Herman     Dan Ruetz
Mary Blomgren     Kay Herrmann     Abbey Saxby
Ann Bohonos     Robert Herzog     Marcia Schweder
Doug Bolton     Zachary Hill     Richard Seeley
Jeremy Bozzelli     Margaret M. Hinds     Boris Sherelis
Joseph Bradbury     Mary Ashley Hoch     Charles Smith
Mary Lou Breed     John Hogan     Heather Sponable
Deepmala Bremer     Keith Horan     Roxann Sprague
Kelly Bridson     Dawn Housser     Carol Ann Stafford
Ronald Brust     Kathleen Houston     Marcia Standera
Erin Button     Megan Hyland     Virginia Steven
Marta Butzer     Victor Ingrassia     Kenneth Stoker
Kristina Carlevatti     Kelly Jackson     Margaret Stoner
Whitney Carlevatti     Tiffany Jackson     Kristin Stoops
Lauren Carnevale     Nancy Jordan     Heather Strack
Lisa Cheetham     Kerstin Kapture     Yolanda Supersad
Margaret Clark     Jean M. Katchmar     Andrew Sytsma
Stacey Clark     Robert Kayser     Amber Taylor
Doris Coffman     John Kiever     Randy Thomas
Kelly Congdon     Samantha Kinsman     Faye Thompson
Craig Connelly     Rong Kirkpatrick     Paul Truax
Danielle Conte     Jessica Klee     Linda VanderBrook
John Contino     Mindy Klos     Elric Viau
Wally Cordero     Melanie Knapp     Rosa Visconti-Goebel
Lisa Crable     Rachel Kouwe     Fred Walker
Amy Dana     Karin Kraemer     Jessica Warner
James Davies     Urban Kress     Jodie Warner
Ryan Deichmiller     Julie Kunzer     Andrea Warner
Donna DeVries     Elaine Leasure     Nicholas Washburn
Louis DiFabio     Grace Lee     Susan White
Kathleen Drexler     Nancy LeFevre     Tina Wilfeard
Bryan Duffy     Matthew LeMoyne     Peter Wills
Dorothy Dusza     Elizabeth Ann Liebert     Darryl Wilson
Nicole Favreau     Brian Logan     Kaylie Winkler
Theresa Fernaays     Cori Lubberts     John Wood
Martin J. Finnegan     Karen Lukasik     Greg Wood
Mark Foos     Melissa Macholz     Allison Wood
Rosalie Forzisi     Patric Malone     Valorie Wozniak
Billie Frantz     Leslie Marks     Kathleen Wright
Cheri Frey     Kimberley Martin     Patricia Yoder
Joseph Friedman     Shaun McBride     Mary Ann Young

2007-08 SUBSTITUTE SUPPORT STAFF APPOINTMENTS (to be paid per approved substitutes rate schedule)
Joelle Flatt, Substitute Bus Driver    Jill LaCroix, Teacher Aide
Ruth Beck, Teacher Aide      Veronica Leone, Food Service Helper
Deepmala Bremer, Teacher Aide    Elizabeth Liebert, Teacher Aide
Janet Biuso, Clerical        Patricia Massett, Teacher Aide
Susan Brewer, Teacher Aide      Heather Matz, Teacher Aide
Sharon Brown, Teacher Aide      Pamela Smith, Teacher Aide
Kathy Guinta, Teacher Aide      Helene Upson, Teacher Aide
Kelly Hagelin, Teacher Aide Laurie Vidro, Teacher Aide, Clerical  
Daughn Higgins, Clerical Randy Jo Warner, Teacher Aide/Asst.  
Christine Huff, Teacher Aide Christine LoDestro, Teaching Aide/Asst.  
Kimberly Hynes, Teacher Aide Deanna Ventura, Nurse  
Kelly Jackson, Teacher Aide    

Att. 5

Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (October 11, 2007)
Meeting Alt. ID#AgeCommitteeGradeReasonDecisionDisabilityRec.
7/25/2007 9766214:10Section 50410Initial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Section 504Limited Major Life Activity Wayne Central High School


Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (October 11, 2007)

Meeting Alt. ID#AgeCommitteeGradeReasonDecisionDisabilityRec.
9/9/2007 1016203:3 CPSEPreschoolInitial Eligibility Determination Mtg. Classified Preschool Preschool Student with a DisabilityHome/Day Care/Pre-K SettingSpeech/Language Therapy

Meeting Alt. ID#AgeCommitteeGradeReasonDecisionDisabilityRec.
8/30/07 788318:3Sub CSE12Initial
Mtg.ClassifiedLearning DisabilityWayne Central High SchoolResource Room
Special Class
Special Class (ESY)
8/09/07 9736312.2Sub CSE07Initial
Mtg.Classified Learning DisabilityWayne Central Middle SchoolConsultant Teacher
8/30/2007 10175712:3Sub CSE 07Requested Review Transfer StudentClassifiedOther Health ImpairmentWayne Central Middle SchoolConsultant Teacher
Consultant Teacher
Consultant Teacher
9/29/2007 1017596:9Sub CSE 01Requested Review Transfer StudentClassifiedOther Health ImpairmentFreewill ElementaryConsultant Teacher
Consultant Teacher
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech/Language Consultation
Speech/Language Therapy
Special Class (ESY)
Occupational Therapy (ESY)
Speech Language Therapy (ESY)
8/29/2007 1017589:3Sub CSE 03Requested Review Transfer StudentClassifiedSpeech or Language ImpairmentOntario ElementaryConsultant Teacher
Consultant Teacher
Speech/Language Therapy
Speech/Language Therapy
Speech/Language Therapy
Special Class (ESY)
Speech/Language Therapy (ESY)
Committee Recommendations for Board of Education Review (October 11, 2007)


                   Att. 6

WHEREAS, alcohol and other drug abuse in this nation has reached epidemic stages; and
WHEREAS, the three leading causes of death for teenagers are homicide, suicide and accidental fatalities, and alcohol and drugs are primary causative factors in each category of death; and
WHEREAS, every day over 1,600 Americans die from alcohol, tobacco and street drugs and thousands more find themselves admitted to jails and prisons, hospitals, and psychiatric institutions; and
WHEREAS, the economic cost to businesses and taxpayers from alcohol and drug abuse exceeds $112 million in Wayne County each year, and $5.6 million could be saved by reducing drug abuse by just 5%; and
WHEREAS, a survey by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse finds that 28% of middle-school students say that drugs are available in their schools, up 47% since 2002; and 62% of high-school students surveyed say that drugs are used, kept, or sold in their schools, up 47%; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that visible, unified preventative education efforts by community members be launched to reduce the demands for drugs & alcohol; and
WHEREAS, the greater community and its representatives, both public and private, groups and individuals, will demonstrate their commitment to drug-free, healthy lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during a week-long campaign;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Wayne Central School District Board of Education hereby proclaims October 23 – 30, 2007 “Red Ribbon Week” and encourages our citizens to participate in drug and alcohol prevention education activities, making a visible statement that we are strongly committed t a drug-free community.

Att. 7
Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools

TO:     Board of Education
FROM:   Michael Havens
RE:     Consensus Agenda
DATE:   October 11, 2007
The following items are being recommended for approval in a consensus agenda:
Item #1 Accept Treasurer’s Report for June 2007
Item #2  Accept Treasurer’s Report for August 2007
  Item #3  Approve Budget Transfer
  Item #4  Approve Internship


                                                                                                                                                Consensus Agenda #1


Consensus Agenda #2


                    Consensus Agenda #3


TO:  Michael Havens
 Superintendent of Schools
FROM:  Gregory J. Atseff
 Assistant Superintendent for Business
DATE:  October 11, 2007
RE:  Budget Transfers
In accordance with Policy #5330, please present the attached list of budget transfers to the Board of Education for their approval at their meeting on October 11, 2007.
c: Helen Jensen, Clerk

                                                                    Consensus Agenda #4
Wayne Central School District
Office of the Superintendent of Schools

TO:   Board of Education
FROM:   Michael Havens
RE:   Internship
DATE:   October 5, 2007
Last month you heard a presentation from Mr. Siracuse regarding an administrative internship for Nikki Miller. Nikki has been a driving force in the Model Schools program. She will be leading the implementation of the program as part of her internship. I heartily recommend the approval of her internship.
Although Mr. Johnson can not be here, you will recall that he enthusiastically expressed support for her position.

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