1. October 5, 2007
    2. Board Agenda:
    3. Board Letter:
    4. 5. Upcoming Events:
    5. Athletics ( Home Games Only):
    6. 6. Attachments
  1. October 5, 2007
  2. Staff Development Middle School/High School;
  3. ~classroom, special education and special area teachers
      1. Location: TBD
      2. Agenda:
      3. 7:30-Coffee
      4. 8:00-9:00- Overview of the Day- Practicing with protocols.
      5. 9:00-11:30-“Looking at Student Work”
      6. 11:30-1:00-Dept/grade level meeting and lunch
      7. 1:00-3:00 “Continue Looking at the Work”
      8. Outcomes:
      9. Plan:
      10. “Looking at Student Work” 9:00-11:30
      11. 1:00-3:00 Looking at Student Work continued…
  4. October 5, 2007
  5. Staff Development Day Elementary School
  6. Classroom, special education and special area teachers
      1. Freewill Elementary
      2. Agenda:
      3. 7:30-Coffee
      4. 8:00-9:00- Overview of the Day- In Freewill cafeteria
      5. 9:00-11:30-“Looking at Student Work” (ELA)
      6. 11:30-1:00-Dept/grade level meeting and lunch
      7. 1:00-3:00 – Looking at Student Work continued (Math)
      8. Outcomes:
      9. Plan:
      10. “Looking at Student Work” 9:00-11:30
      11. 1:00-3:00 Looking at Student work continued (Math)
  7. October 5, 2007
  8. Staff Development Day –Counselors/Psychologists
  9. Location: HS Library
      1. Agenda:
      2. 7:30-Coffee
      3. 8:0010:00-Meet in the Library – Reading and discussion
      4. 10:00-11:30-Dr. Cheryl Repass-“How apply the concept of “Measure”
      5. 11:30-1:00-Dept/grade level meeting and lunch
      6. 1:00-3:00 Creating action plans
      7. Outcomes:
      8. Plan:
  10. October 5, 2007
  11. WCS Staff Development Day
  12. 7:30-8:00 Coffee/Networking
  13. 8:00-10:00- Presentation by Dr. Steve Uebbing-HS Pac
  14. “What Paras Need to Know”
  15. 10:00-11:30- Follow up –Tina Ciplinski
  16. 11:30- Lunch
  17. 12:30-3:00-Working in buildings
  18. Wayne Central School District
  19. Office of the Superintendent of Schools
    1. PO Box 155
    2. 6076 Ontario Center Road
    3. Ontario Center, NY 14520
    4. 315-524-1001

Letter to the Board



October 5, 2007
"Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means."

--Albert Einstein, German-born Swiss-American physicist


Board Agenda:

1. Building Tour: Mr. LaRuche will lead the board on the annual building tour at 6:30 p.m.

2. Retiree Recognition and Reception: We will be recognizing our retiring staff from last year with our usual plaques and resolutions noting their years of service, contributions and accomplishments. The following ten people are being honored;
Tom Gentile
Diane Cameron
Janice Baxter
Joanne Huff

Fran Pucci
Paula VanderBrook
Gayle Flatt
Gail Johnsen
Rosemary Sgabellone
Barbara Pelligrino
Each Board member will be able to read one resolution. One Board member will read two. In order to make sure each Board member has time to practice the resolution a head of time would you email or call Lori with the name(s) you will be reading. First come first serve so call early. The reading of the resolutions will be followed by an extended time for conversation and refreshments.

3. National Honor Society: High School National Honor Society advisor, Mrs. Schwarz has asked to speak to the board to invite them to attend the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony on Monday, October 15 in the performing arts center.
Spanish Trip Information: Mrs. Senecal will be in attendance at the board meeting to discuss the high school Spanish trip to Honduras. Some board members have expressed some concern over safety.
5.   High School Improvement Plan: Mrs. Armitage, Mr. Derse and Mr. Siracuse will be presenting the high school improvement plan. Last year the high school achieved two of the four high school long range goals. This year they are seeking to maintain those achievements while increasing performance tin the two remaining areas. The plan is attached for your review.
6.   Financial Report: Mr. Atseff will provide the district financial report for September.


7.Action Items: The Board has its regular personnel action, CSE and CPSE action for review. The Red Ribbon Resolution is presented for your adoption to support the local anti drug and alcohol campaign in our schools and community. The June and August Treasurer’s reports are attached for your acceptance. You have already accepted the July report. The June report was missed, so we are catching up with that one. The August report is the current one. With the acceptance of these reports we are all up to date and will have accepted June, July and August. Also include in the consensus agenda is the internship for Nikki Miller discussed at the last Board meeting and some budget transfers.


Board Letter:

1.    Homecoming events: Just a reminder, you are all invited to be “dignitaries” on the soccer field for the dedication of the soccer shelters at 6:45 on Saturday evening between the girls and boys varsity games. The dedication will be very brief, probably 10 minutes. Greg will be there in my absence as I am chairing the Rotary Annual Charities dinner which unfortunately was scheduled for the same time. The dedication is an opportunity to recognize the supporting organizations, and the efforts of Dennis Landry, who constructed the shelters. Also, don’t forget the football game & fireworks on Friday evening. The parade Saturday morning at 11:15 followed by the alumni soccer games and then the JV and varsity soccer games ending at 9:00 p.m. You can have a chicken bbq after 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, sponsored by the soccer boosters.


2.    NYSCOSS Fall Conference: I attended the New York State Council of School Superintendent’s annual fall conference this past week in Albany. Student achievement continues to be on everyone’s mind. While achievement has improved in many sectors, New York City continues to have massive problem. Since close to 1/3 of all students in New York State live in the city, it weighs heavily on the State Education Department.

The commissioner is under the gun to produce results now that funding has increased. If that doesn’t occur there will be rising sentiment that the problem in the city is beyond fixing. Not everything was bad news though. When you compare average need student achievement in New York State with average need achievement of students throughout the rest of the world we actually do very well. It is only when you factor in students living in or near poverty that our achievement declines.
That is because of the twenty-four industrialized countries in the world we rank 23rd in terms of having the greatest percentage of children living in poverty. Only Mexico is worse than us. Economic background remains one of the strongest corollary to student success.

3. Staff Training Day: Friday, October 5 was a staff training day. Attached are agendas of the days events.


4.    Retiree Recognition:   I have attached the invitation letter Frank sent out to retirees. John has requested that we add additional time to the agenda (from past years) following the presentation of the certificates and the resolutions for conversation and personal congratulations. I have set aside 45 minutes. At the time of this mailing, we have had 3 responses (2 attending and 1 declining).


5. Upcoming Events:
10/6 – Soccer Boosters Chicken BBQ – 4:00 till gone
10/8 – Schools Closed – Columbus Day Holiday
10/11 – Board of Education Meeting – Ontario Primary School – 6:30 p.m.
10/16 – OP/OE PTA Meeting @ OP Cafeteria – 7:00 pm.
10/16 – Rotary New Staff Dinner @ Ontario Fireman’s Field – 6:00 p.m.

Athletics ( Home Games Only):
10/5 – Varsity Football vs. Penn Yan – 7:00 p.m.
10/6 – Boys JV Soccer vs. Victor – 3:00 p.m.
10/6 – Girls JV Soccer vs. Pal-Mac – 1:00 p.m.
10/6 – Boys V Soccer vs. Victor – 7:00 p.m.
10/6 – Girls V Soccer vs. Pal-Mac – 5:00 p.m.
10/9 – Girls V Soccer vs. Waterloo – 6:30 p.m.
10/10 – Boys JV & V Volleyball vs. NR Wolcott – 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.
10/11 – Boys JV Football vs. Honeoye Falls – 7:00 p.m.
10/11 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Geneva – 5:00 & 6:30 p.m.
10/12 – Boys JV & V Soccer vs. Canandaigua – 4:30 & 6:30 p.m.
10/12 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Pittsford-Sutherland – 5:00 & 6:30 p.m.
10/13 – Girls JV & V Soccer vs. Hornell– 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
10/16 – Girls JV & V Volleyball vs. Pal-Mac – 5:00 & 6:30 p.m.


6. Attachments
        A) October 5 Conference Day Agendas
        B) Retiree Invitation Letter

                                                                                                                                                     Att A)


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October 5, 2007

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Staff Development Middle School/High School;

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~classroom, special education and special area teachers


Location: TBD



8:00-9:00- Overview of the Day- Practicing with protocols.

9:00-11:30-“Looking at Student Work”

11:30-1:00-Dept/grade level meeting and lunch

1:00-3:00 “Continue Looking at the Work”
Purpose/Enduring understanding: Looking at student work allows for substantive conversations. These conversations lead to changes in practice which impact student achievement. Engaging in collaboration and looking at student work is at the heart of the development of learning communities.
Essential questions: What secret does looking at student work hold? What story does the work tell? How does this practice of looking at student work impact instruction?

~To learn and use at least two protocols for looking at work and/or working in groups
~To set goals for students based on feedback
~To create action steps for classroom instruction


“Looking at Student Work” 9:00-11:30
Teachers will break into Grade/Department level groups. Teachers should bring examples of students work, scoring guidelines and or lessons. Each team, grade level or school will decide on the work samples to be shared. Principals will let you know what to bring by September 28th. When looking at individual work samples, teachers will use a protocol. Protocols will be practiced prior to department/grade level work. Based on these discussions, action plans will be created and next steps will be decided.

11:30-1:00-Grade level meeting/lunch this may include a continued conversation or discussion

1:00-3:00 Looking at Student Work continued…


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October 5, 2007

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Staff Development Day Elementary School

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Classroom, special education and special area teachers

(work location Chairs TBD, Depart. will inform you)

Freewill Elementary



8:00-9:00- Overview of the Day- In Freewill cafeteria

9:00-11:30-“Looking at Student Work” (ELA)

11:30-1:00-Dept/grade level meeting and lunch

1:00-3:00 – Looking at Student Work continued (Math)
Purpose/Enduring understanding: Looking at student work allows for substantive conversations. These conversations lead to changes in practice which impact student achievement. Engaging in collaboration and looking at student work is at the heart of the development of learning communities.
Essential questions: What secret does looking at student work hold? What story does the work tell? How does this practice of looking at student work impact instruction?

~To learn and use at least two protocols for looking at work or working in groups
~To set goals for students based on feedback
~To create action steps for classroom instruction


“Looking at Student Work” 9:00-11:30
Teachers will break into Grade/Department level groups. Teachers should bring examples of students work, scoring guidelines and or lessons. Each team, grade level or school will decide on the work samples to be shared. Principals will let you know what to bring by September 28th. When looking at individual work samples, teachers will use a protocol. Protocols will be practiced prior to department/grade level work. Based on these discussions, action plans will be adjusted and next steps will be decided.

11:30-1:00-Grade level meeting/lunch this may include a continued conversation or discussion

1:00-3:00 Looking at Student work continued (Math)


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October 5, 2007

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Staff Development Day –Counselors/Psychologists

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Location: HS Library




8:0010:00-Meet in the Library – Reading and discussion

10:00-11:30-Dr. Cheryl Repass-“How apply the concept of “Measure”

11:30-1:00-Dept/grade level meeting and lunch

1:00-3:00 Creating action plans
Purpose/Enduring understanding:
Essential questions: How does my instruction/service impact students learning? How do I know? What do I do that influences learning in a positive direction? What are areas of need in our population? Do these needs remain the same as the students progress through school? Why or Why not?

~To gain a common understanding of how our actions and interactions support student learning.
~To design next steps based on the results.

To gain understanding and design action plans to measure the impact our service has on student achievement. Dr. Repass will have some material for you to review prior to her presentation beginning at 10:00.

11:30-1:00-Grade level meeting/lunch (this may include a continued conversation or discussion)
1:00-3:00  Continue morning work.


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October 5, 2007

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WCS Staff Development Day
Paraprofessional Agenda



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7:30-8:00 Coffee/Networking

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8:00-10:00- Presentation by Dr. Steve Uebbing-HS Pac

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“What Paras Need to Know”

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10:00-11:30- Follow up –Tina Ciplinski

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11:30- Lunch

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12:30-3:00-Working in buildings

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Wayne Central School District

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Office of the Superintendent of Schools

PO Box 155

6076 Ontario Center Road

Ontario Center, NY 14520


September 17, 2007
Mrs. Barbara Pellegrino
5369 Ridge Chapel Road
Marion, NY 14505
Dear Barbara,
 The Board of Education would like to invite you to attend the Board meeting on Thursday, October 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ontario Primary School Cafetorium to allow us the opportunity to personally acknowledge your retirement and extend our best wishes.
 Your commitment and caring for the students of Wayne is appreciated and will be missed by all that have passed through our doors. You have made many contributions to the district and have touched many lives in countless ways.
You are welcome to invite friends and family members to join you for this recognition. Please rsvp to Lori Smith in the District Office at 524-1001 by Wednesday, October 10. We look forward to seeing you then.
               Very truly yours,
               Frank Robusto, President
               Board of Education
Xc: Board of Education

“Students First ~ Excellence For All”  

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