1. July 27, 2007
    2. Board Letter:
    3. 6. Upcoming Events:

Letter to the Board



July 27, 2007

Board Letter:

1. High School Assistant Principal: The high school has completed the interview process for a new assistant principal. There was a good response to the opening and they had many fine candidates from which to choose. They are recommending Pete Derse to me. I will be meeting with him early next week and bring him to you at the August meeting. As most of you know, Pete is our current high school vocal teacher. He filled in for Holly on her recent maternity leave. I know for some of you this is exciting news as one of our own moves into an administrative position. I know for others, this move is controversial as Pete does have a history of controversy. I will say that I have seen Pete grow tremendously under Joe’s tutelage. Five years ago I would have told him a flat no to an administrative job. Today I believe he has the potential to be quite successful and I am willing to put my efforts towards making that happen.
2. Day Care Center: Wayne has given the okay on the contract for the day care center. Wendy and I will be signing it early next week. Letters to staff also go out next week. We have already had three people sign up for it. Personally I have to say that I think its pretty cool that we will open school this year with the center in place.
3. Vacations: I have asked administrators to try to get some vacation time in during the next two weeks so there may not be many people around. I will be here next week but will be gone the first week of August. Right now we are only planning a trip to Williamson so you’ll be able to get a hold of me if you need to.
4. Soccer Dugouts: We viewed the plexiglass dugouts being built by Dennis Landry. They look quite nice. They should be finished and in place for our opening game. These were paid for as a joint project between the soccer boosters and Wayne Wings.
5. Board Member Lunch: I had lunch this week with former Board member Don Davis. We agreed that we both want what is best for the district and while we may not always agree on approaches, we should try to be friends.

6. Upcoming Events:
7/23-8/10 – Administrative Block Out time (no scheduling meetings)
8/16 – Board Meeting  
8/20-22 – New Teacher Orientation
9/4 – First day for Staff

9/5 – First day for students

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