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Name of Group: District Improvement Team Objective: To improve student academic achievement, communications and culture.
Date: 11/6/06    
Agenda Items
Action Required
Responsibility (Who)
1.  Meeting began at 6:05 p.m. Julie Beckens – Facilitator, Rita Lesniak -Time Keeper      
2.  Agenda Approved as submitted      
3.  Minutes Approval – October 2, 2006 The minutes were approved as written. Roy Hyland would like a “heads up” when skateboard policy goes for Board review and approval. Susan  
4.  Primary School PBIS Update Julie shared techniques used in the Primary’s implementation of PBIS. This is a continuation, and further development, of Edna the Bee’s “Bee Your Best.” The Primary has taken an already good program and further developed it with PBIS to make it better. Edna’s bee hives now have Respect, Responsibility and Kindness messages on them. They are also using displays speaking to expectations. An example is hallway posters speak to hallway expectations. Announcements incorporate an RRK message. Bright hand loops are given to students exhibiting RRK and staff reinforces acknowledgement of their good behavior by asking how the student received the loop and congratulating them for it. Good news postcards will be used shortly to send home to parents. Training of staff in PBIS is ongoing. The K-12 program will be evaluated by making comparisons of the data being collected. A formal audit will be conducted the NYS PBIS Regional Coordinator. They will be providing us with feedback. The High School and Primary School will be conducted on November 7, 2006. The Middle School and Intermediate School will be audited on November 8, 2006. Another formal audit will be done again in May. Coaches,
5.  Intermediate School PBIS Update Al Autovino shared a slide show of posters used in the Intermediate building. Their Student Handbook Code of Conduct was revised to include a matrix (page 31) of expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness. Announcements have a theme for the week. BOB (Bottoms On Bench) is one of the tools used with examples of “good BOB and bad BOB.” “Light bucks” are given as rewards redeemable for prizes or activities. Same as #4 above.    
6.  Middle School PBIS Update Deb Brown shared posters that are placed throughout the building. The Middle School has converted Kindness, Respect and Responsibility into an equation of “S=Kr3” with the S standing for success. The Middle School has found that referrals have dropped 64% in September and 57% in October. Spartan bucks are given out for rewards. These can be turned in for prizes. Same as #4 above.    
7.  High School PBIS Update Gene Hoskins shared an informational packet that explains the “torch tickets” that are given as rewards and reinforcement to the “cool tools” being used. High School core values = Respect, Responsibility, Kindness and Celebrating Success. Cool Tools are videos used to model what is expected of behavior is certain areas of the High School. The “Lunch Line” cool tool was played for the team. Each cool tool segment is created so that the video and lesson together do not exceed 15 minutes. Same as #4 above.    
8.  Set Agenda for Next Meeting - 12/4/06   DIT Member Attendance
  Leadership Class Project in Progress
  Budget Process – S Moore
  Student Views – PBIS, 40 Minutes Schedule
Penny Shockley - Facilitator, Rita Lesniak - Timekeeper
Susan will invite the Leadership Class to the December meeting.    
9.  Adjournment   7:32 p.m.      
Members Present: Julie Beckens, Deb Brown, Roy Hyland, Priscilla Lawrence, Rita Lesniak, John Robbins, Susan Salvaggio, Donald Woodard; Representatives: Julie Gelina – PS, Al Autovino – IS, Gene Hoskins – HS; Advisory: none; Guests: Donald Brown
Members Absent: Kathy Bliek, Lynda Faulks, Stephen Humbert, Tim Padden, Penny Shockley, Jeff Tuma, Nelson Kise – MS,

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