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Name of Group: District Improvement Team Objective: To improve student academic achievement, communications and culture.
Date: 10/2/06    
Agenda Items
Action Required
Responsibility (Who)
1.  Meeting began at 6:05 p.m. John Robbins – Facilitator, Penny Shockley -Time Keeper      
2.  Agenda Move “Skateboard Policy” to end of the agenda. Adopted with stated change.    
3.  Minutes Approval – September 11, 2006 The minutes were approved as written.      
4.  Primary School Building Plan Targets were increased by 5% for 2007 goals.
The Primary School Team chose to use the description “Scientifically based reading research” to describe the reading practice to be sustained at the Primary School. Reading First is the name of the grant that funds the reading initiative. The team added: “By-weekly staff meetings with instruction focus” under Professional Development; “Extended block planning and data meetings” (as evidence); “Instructional Staff Trained to use Intervention, Supplemental and Core Programs” (p. 4); “Explicit instruction, based on Five Components of Reading…” under Strategies (p. 5); PBIS under Academic Culture (p. 9); WOW Dates and Topics; and included the 2005-06 disaggregated data
  WOW topics – a teacher can attend any building’s WOW sessions. These will be published district-wide shortly.
  10 Hour requirement (contract) will be primarily achieved by attending the WOW sessions.
Julie Gelina/Team 11/14/06
5.  Intermediate School Building Plan Significant new aspect of the plan is Cohort Data Goals (p5) Cohort follows the student from year to year. Prior comparisons were only made on the each grade to last year’s grade.
Under #4. Focused Student Development Opportunities “Targeted” students (p8) was added. In addition, added were: Annual “Curriculum” night, “PBIS”; WOW dates and topics; and disaggregated data.
Definition: A cohort group is a group of students who start at a specific point in school together… for example, the K cohort of 2006-07
  Al Autovino/ Team 11/14/06
6.  Middle School Building Plan The Middle School is targeting Math 7 and ELA 7 scores. Last year is the first year these exams were given. Middle School has also incorporated Cohort Data into their plan.
All new students are being assessed by staff in addition to reviewing records received from prior schools. Also new to the plan was a Curriculum Night held in conjunction with Open House.
The TIPS initiative and teaming for 9th grade and comparative data should be added to illustrate success/challenges. Nelson Kise/Team 11/14/06
7.  High School Building Plan Added to the High School plan were: Systemic review of student progress and assessment data; use of cohort data; Mid-year honors ceremony moved to the school day for increased student attendance so that they can be recognized by their peers; Peer tutoring service (student volunteers from NHS); parent forum about what a partnership looks like to help develop a better relationship; and promote communication through teacher web sites (a WOW session for teachers to learn how to set up their web site is available); and PBIS.   Gene Hoskins/ Team 11/14/06
8.  Skateboard Policy Recommendation from MS/HS The District recognizes that skateboarding, stunt bicycling, etc. is an important activity to groups of students. Unfortunately, damage to the school property is resulting from these activities. In addition, we are not covered for that level of liability against injury for this activity. School property is considered an “attractive nuisance.” Current policy states that students can access school property as long as they are garbed appropriately. The High School Improvement Team, with support from the Middle School Improvement Team, has provided a recommendation to the Board of Education (recommendation attached) Meet with Town representatives to explore possibilities similar to facility developed in Webster. (Involved the kids in planning the facility.) The school is willing to work with the town.
The DIT approves presenting these recommendations to the Board of Education as stated.
Gene/Susan 10/10/06
9.  Set Agenda for Next Meeting   PBIS Updates
Penny Shockley - Facilitator, Rita Lesniak - Timekeeper for 11/06/06
10.  Adjournment   7:35 p.m.      
Members Present: Rita Lesniak, John Robbins, Susan Salvaggio, Penny Shockley, Jeff Tuma; Representatives: Julie Gelina – PS, Al Autovino – IS, Nelson Kise – MS, Gene Hoskins – HS; Advisory: none; Guests: Brook Heidenreich, Dylan Thiel
Members Absent: Julie Beckens, Kathy Bliek, Deb Brown, Lynda Faulks, Stephen Humbert, Roy Hyland, Tim Padden, Elizabeth Terry, Donald Woodard

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