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Name of Group: District Improvement Team Objective: To improve student academic achievement, communications and culture.
Date: 6-4-07    
Agenda Items
Action Required
Responsibility (Who)
1.  Called to order 6:05 p.m.      
2.  Adoption of Meeting Agenda Move item D “Code of Conduct” before item C. Add “MS Principal Search.”      
3.  Approval of May 7, 2007 minutes Beginning in July in 2007 Susan requested that members take turns taking minutes at the meetings. The minutes would be read at the end of the meeting and emailed out as a draft. Select a Note Taker for the next meeting.    
4.  Code of Conduct Review A review was conducted on May 3 and May 10 (minutes of that review are attached).
Our current Code is based on a State-wide template and was reviewed by the school attorney. The committee felt that the code does not need to be rewritten with the exception of updates to IDEA language (discipline of special needs students. How the code is enforced and communicated is what the District needs to work on.
The Code of Conduct is a Board policy; the Athletic Code is a school procedure.
Parents have given us feedback that they are not aware of, have not anticipated, the consequences of breaking the Code of Conduct (extremes).
The HSIT and District office teams are obtaining information from other districts around us. The information would be forwarded to DIT.
Topics returned to the DIT include: Introductory Statement “preamble”; procedures for athletes, and application of code to all students, not targeting athletes; and communication including bilingual translation.
DIT to begin discussion at July 9, 2007 meeting. The team can then map out what the timeline will look like.
5.  Strategic Visioning   The June 28 evening will be conducted from 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.; and the June 29 meeting will be held from 8:00 am-3:00 p.m.
  The Visioning will be held in the Staff Development Room 103.
  Davit Pratt has been secured for those dates.
  A planning meeting
  Susan will be sending personalized invitations to community members.
A planning meeting needs to be set with Susan, John and David Pratt.
Facilities Request
Invite post graduates.
6.  Middle School Principal Search   The goal is to find someone with current experience as a building principal or assistant principal.
  John will be meeting with the MS IT tomorrow and review the process and identify the interview teams.
  Interviews to be held on 6/14/07 at the MS level.
  Interviews to be held on 6/15/07 at the District level.
  Day visit to the MS for finalists with interviews with the Superintendent – 6/18/07
  Plan B – Install an interim principal if candidates do not move forward.
Applications will be screened at the District Office with SFA (Bill Tingue) and CSEA (Jan Bailey) representatives.
7.  Building Reports HS – Rachel’s Challenge (the first victim of Columbine) was a success! The premise of the program: If you could do one act of kindness towards someone, it would have a chain reaction that would potentially effect the world. The program kept students attention from the beginning all the way through. Response from students was favorable.      
8.  Set Agenda Next meeting (July 9, 2007) topic:
1) Code of Conduct – Goal/Outcome, Timeline
2) Strategic Planning update
3) MS Principal Search Update
SFA New Members – Al Granger
CSEA New Members – Martha Adams
9.  Facilitator/Timekeeper/ Note Taker Rita Lesniak will facilitate, Jeff Tuma will be time keeper, Deb Brown will be note taker.      
10.  Adjournment 7:30 p.m.      
Members Present: Julie Beckens, Deborah Brown, Stephan Humbert, Roy Hyland, Rita Lesniak, John Robbins, Susan Salvaggio, Jeff Tuma, Al Autovino; Visitors: Jen Davin
Members Absent: Kathy Bliek, Lynda Faulks, Priscilla Lawrence, Tim Padden, Penny Shockley, Don Woodard, Julie Gelina, Gene Hoskins, Nelson Kise

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