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Name of Group: District Improvement Team Objective: To improve student academic achievement, communications and culture.
Date: 5-7-07    
Agenda Items
Action Required
Responsibility (Who)
1.  Called to order 6:10 p.m.      
2.  Adoption of Meeting Agenda Move item F “Strategic Visioning Update” before item C.      
3.  Approval of February-March-April 2007 minutes There was a concern articulated about DIT members not receiving school improvement team minutes, and not receiving DIT minutes until the next meeting. School Improvement Teams will take responsibility for emailing minutes to DIT.
DIT minutes will be emailed immediately following the meeting, as a draft, with minutes finalized at the final meeting; Susan will look at a system for this.
July 2007
4.  Strategic Visioning Update – Membership – Dates This year’s Strategic Visioning will be held on the evening of June 28 and all day June 29. Each constituency group is to identify who will be present to represent their group.
Roy Hyland asked what the role of the DIT is.
We expressed concern that constituency groups are not regularly attending DIT. The team discussed how to go about increasing attendance. One suggestion was to identify what the DIT could “sink its teeth into.”
Susan addressed her initial ideas for individuals to invite to Strategic Visioning: Steve LeRoy, Mike Sullivan, Ted Powley, a representative of the Council of Churches (Gail Heimberger); a representative of the Chamber of Commerce - Mary Jane Mumby)
The team discussed who could facilitate the strategic visioning process…David Pratt is an option, Donna Hofsess might be a possibility if David is not available.
These groups will be contacted to request that they identify their representatives for strategic visioning and to address attendance issues: SFA, CSEA, School Teams,
At Strategic Visioning last year it was determined that the DIT is responsible for oversight of the school improvement plans – which represent the goals set by the Board of Education.
Susan will target and invite community members to attend the evening session.
Also invite new Board member, students who have graduated recently, new SFA and CSEA members.
Personal invitations – members to let Susan know who else they would like invited.
Find out David Pratt’s availability.
John Robbins
5.  Border Patrol – Disaggregated Data The DIT reviewed the process used by staff and administration to look at students work and determine what instructional intervention is needed to move students to the next level.
Exemplars from ELA 7 and ELA 8, Course 5, Physics, Math B Accelerated, Global 10.
Department chairs are present, participating, and providing leadership for this work.
Continue to use this process to monitor student achievement all On-going
6.  Summary of Evaluations of the Superintendent’s Conference Day Summary information obtained from the Superintendent’s Conference Day evaluation forms was shared. DIT monitors feedback to identify other staff development needed. All On-going
7.  Budget Staffing process was consistent with what it has been for the past three years. Target class sizes K-5 are 20, 6-12 are 24.
Any changes in staffing (one less section of 4th and 5th grade) are due to lower grade level enrollment.
Superintendent continues to monitor enrollment to adjust staffing as needed. Susan/Registrar On-going
8.  Membership for DIT – 2007-08 School Year SFA and CSEA will be holding elections Identify who new mwmbers are to invite for Strategic Visioning. Martha Adams, Al Granger, School Teams June Meeting and elections
9.  Building Reports HS – Student in-service day will be held on 5/9/07 focusing on “Rachel’s Challenge.” A community presentation will be held at 7:00 p.m.. Come out to the evening Rachel’s Challlenge program. All  
10.  Set Agenda Next meeting topic:
1) Strategic Visioning
2) Code of Conduct Review – look at work of sub-committee, determine next steps…include suggestions from work group (sub-2) Code of Conduct Review – look at work of sub-committee, determine next steps…include suggestions from work group (sub-category Athletic Code of Conduct - procedures/ implementation)
Meeting action sheets and recommendations from Review Team for Code of Conduct
Share information from Athletic procedure review/parent forum
11.  Facilitator/Timekeeper John Robbins will facilitate, Roy Hyland will be timekeeper      
12.  Adjournment 7:28      
Members Present: Julie Beckens, Deborah Brown, Roy Hyland, Rita Lesniak, John Robbins, Susan Salvaggio, Jeff Tuma, Don Woodard, Al Autovino, Julie Gelina, Gene Hoskins, Nelson Kise; Visitors: Don Brown
Members Absent: Kathy Bliek, Lynda Faulks, Stephan Humbert, Priscilla Lawrence, Tim Padden, Penny Shockley

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