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Name of Group: District Improvement Team Objective: To improve student academic achievement, communications and culture.
Date: 4-2-07    
Agenda Items
Action Required
Responsibility (Who)
1.  Called to order 6:00 p.m.      
2.  Adoption of Meeting Agenda Approved      
3.  Approval of January 8, 2007 minutes Approved as written      
4.  January DIBELS Results K-3 Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Julie Gelina shared multiple measures used to analyze student progress. Data is reviewed at the team level on a weekly basis with an additional meeting per month. Intervention levels include: reading and special educators, behavior intervention team, curriculum intervention team, and support services (Speech, OT). On an instructional level they form common skill groups, flex groups to address specific needs, plan with support from the Reading Coach, and inform differentiation of instruction in small reading groups and independent centers.
DIBELS definitions and cohort data were reviewed.
5.  Regents Exams Results Highlighted were English 11 regents taken in January and then again in June who do not score 65% or above. In regards to Spanish mastery level, should one teacher be allowed to set a level without student input/consent? This inconsistency should be reviewed. Gene 6/07
6.  Levels of Data Analysis Trend data is the data the federal and state governments use to make sure that we are making progress. Disaggregated data is another way to look at group data. It allows us to look at a finer detail of data.
The state is moving to a new system of data gathering: Data Warehouse. Allows us to send our data through BOCES through to the Data Warehouse. It helps improve the accuracy of the data. The results are broken down by District Performance, next by Performance level, then results by student group. Eventually the Data Warehouse System will be accessible by teacher.
A Data Wall was introduced by Marcia Cottrell. A data wall is a visual display that is representative of movement of group data towards benchmark and of achievements.
Two protocols for looking at student work to make decision. The goal is to get past the numbers to make decisions. 1) Border Patrol looks at random work samples of students who are in the border between two levels. The goal is to identify specific skills and strategies to move students to the next level. 2) Follow Your Hunches – Still looks at students work, but looks at the underperforming subgroup category. The goal also is to identify skills and strategies to teach students that will move them to the next level.
7.  District-wide systems for data analysis HS Disaggregated Data – full data can be accessed on AShares      
8.  Building Reports A community member requested that Bus traffic patterns be reviewed      
9.  Set Agenda Next meeting topic: 1) Bus Traffic Patterns at IS/MS/HS; 2) Border Patrol - Disaggregated Data; 3) Summary of evaluations of the Superintendent’s Conference Day; 4) Budget Why did we get the smallest budget e (5%) in the surrounding area.    
10.  Facilitator/Timekeeper John Robbins will facilitate, Deb Brown will be timekeeper      
11.  Adjournment 7:40 p.m.      
Members Present: Deborah Brown, Stephan Humbert, Roy Hyland, Rita Lesniak, John Robbins, Jeff Tuma, Al Autovino, Julie Gelina, Gene Hoskins, Nelson Kise; Visitors: Don Brown, Marcia Cottrell
Members Absent: Julie Beckens, Kathy Bliek, Lynda Faulks, Priscilla Lawrence, Tim Padden, Susan Salvaggio, Penny Shockley, Don Woodard

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