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Name of Group: District Improvement Team Objective: To improve student academic achievement, communications and culture.
Date: 1-8-07    
Agenda Items
Action Required
Responsibility (Who)
1.  Summer School Mary Zecher Patton, Dayna Burlee were present with Maureen Dunning to discuss info on SS. This information is a priority, especially this year, as there is a proposal to restructure the schedule and staffing of the SS program.
Arts and Crafts was incorporated last year. This created a fuller day for students.
Math was added to schedule last year…day ran from 8-1 p.m.
Recommendations of committee to reduce to 5 weeks (from 6) 6 weeks too long to maintain students
A question was raised about enrollment. Students at risk are identified – primarily for reading. A target is 20 students per grade level (K-6).
Most dramatic recommendation, with a focus on Reading First, is a change in the level and number of support staff and certified teachers.
Can we have info at the next meeting on the September and January dibels of our PS students
SS will be held at Sodus IS
Two Administrative Interns have been identified to assist with SS
Provide September and January benchmark info
Julie Gelina
February DIT
2.  Capital Project Work Steve Moore was on hand to discuss opportunities for an Excel Project, a potential wind turbine, and a capital project for the purpose of a transportation facility.
Steve explained Excel Aid.
Following the presentation to DIT, the memo he shared is going out to all employees…asking for input about the Excel Aid project. The timeline is critical. Excel aid can be used for 1 or more of the 5 purposes outlined in the memo (sse memo.)
Steve described the FM system – which evens out the noise in a classroom. This was looked at this past week.
We want to brainstorm the possibilities and get them prioritized.
Timeline is to have a prioritized list for the February Facilities Meeting (first Monday of the Month). This is being shared with the staff and DIT because the district is looking for input.
Jeff Lisanto was present to identify technology needs…currently adding band width Jeff Lisanto was present to identify technology needs…currently adding band width to district to run our system, and we are adding motion sensitive cameras. Jeff would like to upgrade the system from a range of 1-5 giga-bytes.
Check the accuracy of this info with Jeff – last paragraph.
Steve discussed why we would not be recommending that we fold the turbine into an excel aid project…timing, “lightning rod”, etc.
Capital Project Work - Continued Not too far down the road, we would be looking at replacing our transportation facility.
We are exploring the option to share a facility and/or services with the villages and/or Town. The District would own the facility and we would get as much aid as possible.
This would be a third and more traditional project…where we could explore some other items.
Please refer questions to Steve Moore.
3.  DIT Member Attendance DIT Membership – Susan discussed CSEA representation with Martha Adams. Regina communicated to both CSEA and SFA. Principals will work on MS and HS students.
Elect representatives form MS and HS Student Council to represent grades 7-12 for the balance of the year. Run a campaign for next year.
Principals will remind student reps that there are meetings…we need to feed people. Food is an incentive.
4.   Regina will forward minutes from building meetings hard copy to DIT members outside of the school. She will put a message to remind members who are on staff to check ashares.      
5.   Each building representative will be asked to give a brief update on what the building teams are doing/working on. Principals will give those individuals a remeinder.      
6.  Set Agenda Next meeting topic: Mid-year student performance, regents testing, discussion of opportunities for community topic collaboration, feedback for the school… WARE contact      
7.  Facilitator/Timekeeper Roy Hyland will facilitate, Steve Humbert will be timekeeper      
Members Present: Julie Beckens, Deborah Brown, Stephan Humbert, Roy Hyland, Rita Lensian, Susan Salvaggio, Jeff Tuma, Al Autovino, Julie Gelina, Gene Hoskins, Nelson Kise; Visitors: Dayna Burlee, Maureen Dunning, Jeff Lisanto, Steve Moore, Mary Zecher Patton
Members Absent: Kathy Bliek, Lynda Faulks, Priscilla Lawrence, Tim Padden, John Robbins, Penny Shockley, Don Woodard

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