1. Personal Narrative Outline   Due: September 10, 2007

Personal Narrative Outline   Due: September 10, 2007

Personal Narrative Outline      Due: September 10, 2007
1. Select a topic. Summarize your story below in less than 100 words.
2. Narrow your focus. Answer each of the following questions:
·   What is the climax of your story?
·   What events led up to this climax? What resulted from it?
·   How did others experience the event?
·   What has time taught you about this experience?
3. Determine your purpose. Below, make an infinitive statement about your purpose.
4. Thesis: write a sentence that contains the focus of your narrative:
Now go write the story….use pages 107-108 as a checklist once you are done. For help on the thesis statement, check pages 107.
(adapted from Vander Mey et al. The College Writer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004)

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