ay 22, 2007
    MAY 22, 2007 7:00PM HIGH SCHOOL ROOM #210
    Board President Bob Cahoon welcomed all to a dessert reception in honor of Administrators,
    Teachers and Teaching Assistants receiving their tenure appointments. Cindy Miner introduced the
    Board Members and building Principals. The Principals introduced each person receiving tenure and
    their guest(s).
    PRESENT Robert Cahoon, Melinda DeBadts, Nickoline He nner, Mark Humbert
    Edward Magin, Clifford Parton, David Smith
    Lucinda Miner, Gary Alger, Kathy DeAngelis, Ora Ro thfuss, Jan
    McDorman and approximately 35 guests.
    ABSENT/EXCUSED Sandra Boerman, Terri Smith
    1. CALL TO ORDER Robert Cahoon called the meeting t o order immediately following the
    tenured teacher reception at 7:40 pm and led the pl edge of allegiance.
    APPT. NOTE TAKER Ed Magin moved and Mindy DeBadt
    s seconded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. H enner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    appoints Jan McDorman as the note taker for this me eting.
    1a. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Cliff Parton moved and Mark H umbert seconded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. H enner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the agenda of May 22, 2007.
    1b. TENURE APPOINTMENT Ed Magin moved and Mark Humbe rt seconded the following motion.
    Nancy Aesch The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoo
    n, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Nancy Aesch, on tenure to the special
    subject tenure area of Speech effective May 17, 200 7.
    1c. TENURE APPOINTMENT Cliff Parton moved and Mindy D eBadts seconded the following motion.
    Brian Balash The vote was unanimous. R. Caho
    on, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Brian Balash on tenure to the Elementary
    tenure area effective September 2, 2007.

    ay 22, 2007
    1d. TENURE APPOINTMENT Mark Humbert moved and Dave S
    mith seconded the following motion.
    Wendy Beers The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoo
    n, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Wendy Beers on tenure t o the academic
    tenure area of English effective September 2, 2007.
    1e. TENURE APPOINTMENT Cliff Parton moved and Ed Magi n seconded the following motion.
    Robyn Bridson The vote was unanimous. R. Cah
    oon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Robyn Bridson on tenure to Elementary
    tenure area effective September 2, 2007.
    1f. TENURE APPOINTMENT Mindy DeBadts moved and Mark Humbert seconded the following
    Jennifer Marriott motion. The vote was unani
    mous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Jennifer Marriott on te nure to Elementary
    tenure area effective September 2, 2007.
    1g. TENURE APPOINTMENT Cliff Parton moved and Dave Sm ith seconded the following
    June Muto motion. The vote was unanimous.
    R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of June Muto on tenure to administrative
    tenure area of Assistant Principal effective Septemb er 1, 2007.
    1h. TENURE APPOINTMENT Mark Humbert moved and Ed Mag in seconded the following
    William Rotenberg motion. The vote was una
    nimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of William Rotenberg on te nure to
    administrative tenure area of Principal effective Ju ly 15, 2007.
    1i. TENURE APPOINTMENT Cliff Parton moved and Mindy D eBadts seconded the following
    Nancy Snyder motion. The vote was unanimou
    s. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Nancy Snyder on tenure to the Teaching
    Assistant tenure area effective September 2, 2007.
    1j. TENURE APPOINTMENT Mark Humbert moved and Dave S mith seconded the following

    ay 22, 2007
    Christine Stevens motion. The vote was unani
    mous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Christine Stevens on te nure to the special
    subject tenure area of Music effective September 2, 2007.
    1k. TENURE APPOINTMENT Ed Magin moved and Dave Smith seconded the following
    Laurie Stevens motion. The vote was unanim
    ous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Laurie Stevens on tenur e to the special
    subject tenure area of Special Education effective September 2, 2007.
    1l. TENURE APPOINTMENT Mindy DeBadts moved and Mark Humbert seconded the following
    Kathleen Scaglione-Theimer motion. The vote
    was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Kathleen Scaglione-Thei mer on tenure to
    the special subject tenure area of Foreign Language effective September
    6, 2007.
    1m. TENURE APPOINTMENT Dave Smith moved and Nicki He nner seconded the following
    Brienne Tuck motion. The vote was unanimou
    s. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Brienne Tuck on tenure to the academic
    tenure area of Science effective September 2, 2007.
    1n. TENURE APPOINTMENT Cliff Parton moved and Ed Magi n seconded the following
    Benjamin Wilson motion. The vote was unani
    mous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Benjamin Wilson on tenu re to the
    Elementary tenure area effective September 2, 2007 .
    2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Paul Statskey reported on t he wonderful success of the Geography Bee
    that was recently held at the Middle School. It wa s a combined effort
    between the school district, PTSA, and the Wolcott B icentennial
    Committee. Approximately 90 students successfully passed the pre-
    test and were invited to join in the bee. 31 parti cipants ventured into
    the event. The champion of the Geography Bee was M iddle School
    student Michael Chapin, who as the grand prize winn er, took home an
    electric guitar. Mr. Statskey thanked Middle Sch ool Principal John
    Boogaard, the PTSA, and all those involved in this e xciting event.

    ay 22, 2007
    The PTSA is pleased to see increased parental invo
    lvement in many
    events that have happened recently in our district.
    3a. PRESENTATIONS Three Senior class officers and c lass advisors Mike Grasso and Michelle
    Bartholomew presented the Board with a handout show ing the
    proposed gift that the Class of 2007 would like to present to our school
    district. The class gift, a weather resistant out door sign, was designed
    by class members and will be placed in the school y ard in front of the
    Music wing. All expenses will be paid for by the S enior Class, and
    upkeep will be the school district’s responsibility . There is the
    possibility of landscaping, and in future years if wanted, a scrolling
    marque could be added. Underclassmen could provide upkeep and
    additions to the sign as community service projects . There was
    discussion about running electricity now - it would be easier than later.
    A spot light could be used now. Mr. Grasso and Mrs . Bartholomew
    mentioned how proud they are of the Senior Class an d their
    accomplishments throughout their years in High Scho ol.
    4a. ADMINISTRATIVE No one had questions about the reports provided to the Board by
    REPORTS Administrators.
    4b. FOUR COUNTY SBA Board members were asked to co nsider attending the Annual Meeting
    at Belhurst Castle. Details for the meeting were p rovided to Board
    members, and reservations will be made for those wh o requested it.
    4c. OTHER GOOD NEWS A thank you was given by Nicki Henner and other Board members for
    the Cougar coffee mugs that were received. A Couga r coffee mug
    previously was presented to all staff during Staff Appreciation Week.
    Mrs. Henner complimented the North Rose Elementary students on the
    nicely designed T-shirts from the Yearbook Club fun draiser. Mr.
    Thompson will relay this compliment to the kids and advisors of the
    Yearbook Club.
    5a. POLICY READING The Board has reviewed the Exten ded School Year (July/August)
    Services and/or Programs policy.
    5b. SUPERINTENDENT’S No report was given.
    5c. BUSINESS ADMIN.’S No report was given.
    5d. NORTH ROSE-WOLCOTT Mrs. Miner reported that the district’s school attorney reviewed the
    TEACHER’S ASSOCIATION contract and found th
    e language of the contract to be acceptable.
    Nicki Henner moved and Mindy DeBadts seconded the f ollowing
    motion. The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBa dts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law, hereby
    ratifies and approves the terms of the Agreement be tween the
    Superintendent of Schools of the North Rose - Wolco

    ay 22, 2007
    District and the North Rose - Wolcott Teachers' Ass ociation for the

    ay 22, 2007
    Agenda item l11 Coaching Appointments was amended
    prior to
    approval: Mike Virts will be Assistant Coach for b oth Boys & Girls
    Agenda item l11 Coaching Appointments was pulled f or discussion in
    Executive Session.
    Dave Smith moved and Mark Humbert seconded the foll owing motion.
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    7a. WARRANTS Be it resolved that the Board of Educ ation, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of School and pursuant to Educat ion Law, approves
    the following Warrants:
    Warrant #61: $133,264.06 Warrant #62: $50.00
    7b. RECOMMENDATIONS Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the recommendations from the Committee on Special
    Education dated April 19, 2007 and May 3, 2007, and the Committee
    on PreSchool Special Education dated May 1, 2007 and instruct the
    Superintendent to implement the recommendations on behalf of the
    following individuals identified by student number:
    09148 11349 10871 11177 11184
    11040 11423 09946 08287 11130
    11714 11752 11064 11666 11189
    11818 11432 11320
    7c. SUBSTITUTES Be it resolved that the Board of E ducation, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the individuals named on the substitute li sts, which are on file
    with the District Clerk.
    7d. VOLUNTEER Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the individual named on the volunteer list which is on file
    with the District Clerk.
    7e. TREASURER’S REPORTS Be it resolved that the Bo ard of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the Treasurer’s Report for February, 2007 .
    7f. 2007-2008 BOE Be it resolved that the Board o f Education, upon recommendation of
    MEETING CALENDAR the Superintendent of School s and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the 2007-08 Board of Education Meeting Cal endar.
    7g. 2007-2008 ACADEMIC Be it resolved that the Boa rd of Education, upon recommendation of
    SCHOOL CALENDAR the Superintendent of
    Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the 2007-08 Academic School Calendar.
    7h. STATE AID REVIEW Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    authorizes the Interim Superintendent and/or Interi m Business
    Administrator to execute a contract with management

    ay 22, 2007
    of N.Y., Inc to review state aid at a fee equal to
    15% of the additional
    monies claimed by the state aid re-filings and gran t amendments, and
    approved by SED.
    7i. APPROVAL OF POLICIES Be it resolved that t
    he Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the following policies:
    5732 – Childcare Transportation
    7422 – Spectator Attendance and Behavior at Athlet ic Events
    8480 – Summer School
    7j. ABOLISHMENT OF .5 Be it resolved that the Boa rd of Education, upon recommendation of
    FTE CLERK/TYPIST the Superintendt of Schools a
    nd pursuant to Education Law, abolish
    POSITION .5 FTE Clerk/Typist position, effect
    ive July 1, 2007.
    7k. CREATION OF TEACHING Be it resolved that the B oard of Education, upon recommendation of
    & SERVICE EMPLOYEE the Superintendent of Scho
    ols and pursuant to Education Law,
    POSITIONS approves the creation of the follo
    wing positions to start in the 2007-
    2008 school year.
    1 - 1.0 FTE Senior Clerk/Typist 4 - 1.0 FTE Teac
    hing Assistants
    1 - 1.0 FTE Elementary Teacher 1 - 1.0 FTE grad
    e 7-12 EnglishTeacher
    1- 1.0 FTE Clerk/Typist 1 - 1.0 FTE Psychologist
    1 - K-12 Home School Liaison
    7l1. RESIGNATION: Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    SUZANNE DELANEY the Superintendent of Schoo
    ls and pursuant to Education Law, accepts
    with thanks of years of service, the resignation of Suzanne Delaney as a
    Foreign Language teacher, effective no later than J anuary 31, 2008.
    7l2. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Be it resolved that the Boar d of Education, upon recommendation of
    JOLENE CASELLI the Superintendent of Scho
    ols and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the maternity leave of Jolene Caselli from approximately
    September 6, 2007-October 26, 2007 followed by an unpaid child
    rearing leave through January 29, 2008.
    7l3. APPOINT LONG TERM Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    SUB: STACY DENISI the Superintendent of
    Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the appointment of Stacy Denisi as a long term substitute
    teacher, conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as fol lows:
    Certification: Provisional, N. K, 1-6 Control #: 13 5290021
    Start Date: May 14, 2007-June 25, 2007 to serve at the pleasure of the
    Salary: Step 1A, $34,629 prorated for time worked
    7l4. APPOINT LONG TERM Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    SUB: SANDY BELLONE the Superintendent of
    Schools and pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the appointment of Sandy Bellone as a long term substitute
    teacher, conditional upon a criminal history record check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as fol lows:
    Certification: Provisional, Childhood Ed. 1-6
    Start Date: June 1-June 22, 2007 to serve at the pl easure of the Board

    ay 22, 2007
    7l5. APPOINT ELEMENTARY Be it resolved that the Boar d of Education, upon the recommendation
    TEACHER: of the Superintendent of School
    s and pursuant to Education Law,
    YVONNE DOYLE approves the appointment of
    Yvonne Doyle as a Probationary Teacher,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check ac cording to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Party 87.
    Certification: Childhood Ed Grades 1-6 Control #: 115647401
    Tenure Area: Elementary
    Probationary Period: September 5, 2006 – September 4 , 2009
    Salary: Step 2F, $36,758 adjusted upon contract set tlement
    7l6. EXTENSION OF Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    PROBATIONARY APT.: the Superintendent of Sch
    ools and pursuant to Education Law,
    JACLYN SHOLLY approves the Agreement betwe
    en the North Rose - Wolcott Central
    School District and Jaclyn Sholly dated May 1, 2007 to extend the
    probationary appointment of Jaclyn Sholly from Sept ember 2, 2004 –
    September 1, 2008.
    7l7. APPOINT MENTOR Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of
    TEACHERS the Superintendent of Schools an
    d pursuant to Education Law,
    approves the appointment of Joseph Rotelli as Mento r Teacher at
    $35.00/hr. up to $12,000 effective July 1, 2007 – Jun e 30, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Diane Mason as Mentor T eacher at
    $35.00/hr. up to $12,000 effective July 1, 2007 – Jun e 30, 2008.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Sandra Manktelow as Men tor Teacher at
    $35.00/hr. up to $12,000 effective July 1, 2007 – Ju ne 30, 2008.
    7l8. ABOLISH NON- Be it resolved that the B
    oard of Education upon recommendation of the
    INSTRUCTIONAL Superintendent of Sc
    hools, hereby abolishes the following classified ci vil
    POSITION: CLERK service position eff
    ective June 30, 2007;

    ay 22, 2007
    Be it further resolved, that the Superintendent of
    Schools is hereby
    authorized and directed to take such additional act ion as is necessary to
    implement this resolution so as to comply with the Civil Service Law,
    Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commissi on of the County of
    Wayne, policies of the Board of Education and terms and conditions of
    existing negotiated agreements.
    The Superintendent or her designee is directed to p rovide written
    notice of our action to Mary Farr regarding her lay -off by certified mail,
    return receipt requested.
    7l9. ESTABLISH NON- Be it resolved, that the Board of Education upon recommendation of
    INSTRUCTIONAL the Superintendent of Schoo
    ls, hereby establishes the competitive
    POSITION: class position of Clerk Typist in
    the classified civil service on this date
    CLERK TYPIST and, it is further resolved t
    hat the Board directs the Superintendent to
    seek to fill such position in accord with the Civil Service Law, Rules and
    Regulations of the Civil Service Commission of the County of Wayne
    and the policies of the Board of Education and any terms and
    conditions of an existing negotiated agreement.
    7l10. PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board of Edu cation, upon recommendation of
    APPOINTMENT: the Superintendent of Schools
    and pursuant to Education Law,
    GAIL GROH approves the permanent appointm
    ent of Gail Groh as a Cook Manager
    at the High School, effective June 11, 2007.
    PERMANENT Be it resolved that the Board
    of Education, upon recommendation of
    APPOINTMENT: the Superintendent of Schools
    and pursuant to Education Law,
    STACEY FOX approves the permanent appoin
    tment of Stacey Fox as a Clerk Typist,
    effective May 30, 2007.
    8. INFORMATION The following items were shar
    ed with the Board: Invitation, Regulation
    ITEMS for Extended School Year Policy, R
    ural Schools Association Conference
    Announcement, The Advocate, May 2007, Use of Facili ties.
    9. PUBLIC No one made comments or voiced conc
    erns about any discussions that
    PARTICIPATION took place at the meeting.
    10a. ADDITIONS TO Cliff Parton moved and Ed
    Magin seconded the following motion. The
    AGENDA vote was unanimous.
    R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M. Hum
    bert, E. Magin, C. Parton,
    D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the additions to the agenda of May 22, 200 7.
    10b. APPOINT LONG Cliff Parton moved and Ed Mag
    in seconded the following motion. The
    TERM SUB: vote was unanimous. R.
    Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M. Humbert,
    EMILY LUDWIG E. Magin, C. Parton, D.
    Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the appointment of Emily Ludwig as a long

    ay 22, 2007
    teacher, conditional upon a criminal history record
    check according to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87 as fol lows:
    Certification: Provisional, Spanish (7-12)
    Start Date: May 21, 2007-June 21, 2007 to serve at the pleasure of the
    Salary: Step 1A, $34,629 prorated for time worked
    10c. CREATION OF Mark Humbert moved and Ed Magin s econded the following motion.
    FTE CLERK TYPIST The vote was unanimous. R.
    Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the creation of a 12 month per year, 1.0 F TE Clerk/Typist
    EXECUTIVE SESSION Mark Humbert moved and Ed Magin s econded the following motion.
    The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approved Executive Session at 8:05pm for the purpos e of discussing
    Coaching Appointments.
    OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open se
    ssion at 10:00pm.
    7l11. COACHING Ed Magin moved and Mindy DeBadts seconded the following motion.
    APPOINTMENTS: The vote was unanimous. R.
    Cahoon, M. DeBadts, N. Henner, M.
    Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon re commendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educ ation Law,
    approves the coaching appointments for the 2007-08 school year,
    conditional upon a criminal history record check ac cording to
    Commissioners Regulation §80-1.11 and Part 87, and s uccessful
    completion of all required First Aid/CPR and Child A buse courses as
    Step and Years have been listed @ 2007-08 levels.
    Salaries will need to be adjusted once the teacher’ s contract is finalized.
    Gordon Martin Boys V Soccer $4081 4 36
    Jamie Carr Boys JV Soccer $1727 1 2
    Joe Cahoon Boys Modified Soccer $2209 4 11
    Jay Reynolds Boys Modified B Soccer $1808 2 6
    *Amy Bromley Girls V Soccer $3339 2 6
    *Mike Virts Girls V Soccer $20 4 15
    denotes that they will be co-coaching
    Erin Jacobs Girls JV Soccer $1727 1 1
    Patricia Jackson Girls Modified A Soccer $2209 4 1 0
    Scott Baker Girls Modified B Soccer $1339 1 3
    Tim Thomas Boys V Volleyball $3710 3 7

    ay 22, 2007
    Mark Williams Boys Modified Volleyball $1339 1 3
    Kurt Laird Girls V Volleyball $3710 3 7
    Laurie Elliott Girls JV Volleyball $1727 1 3
    Kim Sherwin Girls Modified Volleyball $1339 1 3
    TBD V X-Country $2069 1 1
    TBD Modified X-Country $1339 1 1
    Jeff Drake Girls V Swimming $6128 4 10
    Cynthia Wood Girls Modified Swimming $3316 4 10
    Pete Treasure Girls V Tennis $3104 3 9
    Mike Grasso Girls Modified A Tennis $2332 2 4
    Gary Lockwood Girls V Basketball $5014 2 6
    Brie Tuck Girls JV Basketball $3499 2 4
    Patricia Jackson Girls Modified A Basketball $3040
    4 11
    Laurie Elliott Girls Modified B Basketball $2765
    3 9
    Brian Hoyt Boys V Basketball $5571 3 7
    Scott Baker Boys JV Basketball $2592 1 3
    Paul McIntyre Boys Modified A Basketball $2765 3 7
    Jay Reynolds Boys Modified B Basketball $2488 2 5
    James Prentice V Wrestling $6128 4 23
    Jerry Decausemaker JV Wrestling $4277 4 26
    Mark Williams Modified Wrestling $2765 3 8
    George Wetherall Boys V Swimming $5014 2 6
    Cathy LaValley Boys & Girls V Bowling $3414 3 10
    Kristi King V Basketball Cheerleading $2590 2 6
    TBD JV Basketball Cheerleading $1612 1 1
    George Mitchell V Indoor Track $5571 3 7
    Tim Burns V Softball $3710 3 8
    Julie Norris JV Softball $1727 1 3
    Chris Ackley Modified Softball $2260 2 6
    Kurt Laird V Baseball $3339 2 6
    Paul Maring JV Baseball $1727 1 2
    Jay Reynolds Modified Baseball $1674 1 2
    Duke Mitchell Girls V Track $4081 4 17
    Jolene Caselli Girls Modified Track $2260 2 6
    Nick Wojieck Boys V Track $3710 3 7
    John O’Brien Boys Modified Track $2260 2 6
    Mike Virts Ass’t. Coach Boys /Girls
    Track $1727 1 3
    Pete Treasure Boys V Tennis $3104 3 9
    Tim Thomas Boys Modified A Tennis $2332 2 5
    Scott Baker V Golf $2069 1 1
    ADJOURNMENT Mindy DeBadts moved and Nicki Henner se conded the following
    motion: The vote was unanimous. R. Cahoon, M. DeB adts, N. Henner,
    M. Humbert, E. Magin, C. Parton, D. Smith voted yes.
    Be it resolved that the Board of Education, upon r ecommendation of
    the Superintendent of Schools and pursuant to Educa tion Law,
    approves the adjournment of the meeting at 10:15pm.
    Note Taker, Board of Education

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