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  26. The Great Compromise established two houses of Congress.
  27. The __________________ provided for an equal number of representatives from each state. This made the _____________ states happy.
  28. Issue of slavery at the Constitutional Convention
  29. The Southern states wanted the slaves to count in the population count (which is the _____________ which is taken every ten years). This would increase their representatives in which part of Congress?
  30. The Northern states opposed this. The issue was settled by the ________ Compromise, that allowed ___________ of the slaves to be counted as population.
  31. Following the writing of the Constitution, it had to be __________________ (means accepted) by the states.
  32. The people who opposed the Constitution were known as _______________________
  33. ______________________ was an important leader of the Federalists. He helped write the ______________ _____________ that encouraged people into supporting the Constitution.
  34. ___________________________
  35. What did the Bill of Rights do?
  36. First Amendment protected...
  37. The ______ Amendment provides for due process when arrested.
  38. What is the introduction to the Constitution called?
  39. The national government has powers that are stated or ___________________ powers
  40. “Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper…
  41. This term means the federal government is divided into three branches to prevent the government from having too much power.
  42. What are the three branches of our government?
  43. Legislative branch at the Federal level is the _______________
  44. What is the function of the legislative branch?
  45. The function of the executive branch is to
  46. The function of the judicial branch (Supreme Court) is to
  47. the end

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