1. The Memory Project2007

The Memory
North Rose-Wolcott High School

Twenty-two art students at NRW
participated in the Memory Project this
year. After receiving photographs of
orphans from Egypt, students created
beautiful portraits to send back to them.

Portrait by
Alexandria P.

Portrait by
Ashleigh G.

Portrait by
Brandie C.

Portrait by
Amber L.

Portrait by
Bailey K.

Portrait by
Alyssa B.

Portrait by
Claudia A.

Portrait by
Emma H.

Portrait by
Eric T.

Portrait by
Geoff H.

Portrait by
Jessica L.

Portrait by
Josh C.

Portrait by
Kara C.

Portrait by
Kayla K.

Portrait by
Kelly M.

Portrait by
Lyn G.

Portrait by
Mackenzie G.

Portrait by
Olivia K.

Portrait by
Paul M.

Portrait by
Sara B.

Portrait by
Shana B.

Portrait by
Sarah G.

The finished portraits will be
mailed to Ben Schumacher who
created and facilitates the project
in Wisconsin. He will personally
be flying to Egypt to bring the
portraits to the children.

He hopes to take pictures of each child
receiving their portrait. These will be sent
to the artists. The cost of being part of
the program, $10.00 per student artist, is
being funded by NRW Art Club.
If you would like to contribute to the
cause, we will be selling note cards
featuring the orphan portraits.

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